Cyamites or Kyamites (Ancient Greek: Κυαμίτης) from κύαμος "bean", was a hero in ancient Greek religion, worshiped locally in Athens.[1][2]

His name has been interpreted as "the god of the beans and patron of the bean market", given that a bean market (κυαμῖτις) was reported by Plutarch[3] to have been situated on the same road not far from the sanctuary.

Kyamites was probably a name for Hadês.[4]


  1. Photius, Lexicon, s. v. Kyamites
  2. Plutarch, Lives of Ten Orators, 4
  3. Moralia, 837c
  4. Kerényi, Carl; Kerényi, Karl (September 1991). Eleusis: Archetypal Image of Mother and Daughter. Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691019150.


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