Cyanotis somaliensis
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Monocots
Clade: Commelinids
Order: Commelinales
Family: Commelinaceae
Subfamily: Commelinoideae
Tribe: Tradescantieae
Subtribe: Cyanotinae
Genus: Cyanotis
  • Tonningia Neck.
  • Zygomenes Salisb.
  • Siphostigma Raf.
  • Dalzellia Hassk. 1865 not Wight 1852
  • Erythrotis Hook.f.
  • Cyanopogon Welw. ex C.B.Clarke
  • Amischophacelus R.S.Rao & Kammathy

Cyanotis (syn. Tonningia) is a genus of mainly perennial plants in the family Commelinaceae, first described in 1825. It is native to Africa, southern Asia, and northern Australia.[1][2][3][4][5]

  • Cyanotis adscendens Dalzell - India, Sri Lanka
  • Cyanotis ake-assii Brenan - Mali, Ivory Coast
  • Cyanotis angusta C.B.Clarke - West Africa
  • Cyanotis arachnoidea C.B.Clarke - tropical Africa, Indian Subcontinent, southern China, Indochina
  • Cyanotis arcotensis R.S.Rao - southern India
  • Cyanotis axillaris (L.) D.Don ex Sweet - Indian Subcontinent, southern China, Southeast Asia, Northern Australia
  • Cyanotis beddomei (Hook.f.) Erhardt, Götz & Seybold - southern India
  • Cyanotis burmanniana Wight - India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar
  • Cyanotis caespitosa Kotschy & Peyr. - tropical Africa
  • Cyanotis cerifolia R.S.Rao & Kammathy - southern India
  • Cyanotis ceylanica Hassk. - Sri Lanka
  • Cyanotis cristata(L.) D.Don - Indian Subcontinent, southern China, Southeast Asia, Ethiopia, Socotra, Mauritius, Java, Philippines
  • Cyanotis cucullata (Roth) Kunth - southern India, Myanmar, Thailand
  • Cyanotis cupricola J.Duvign. - Zaïre
  • Cyanotis dybowskii Hua - Congo-Brazzaville, Central African Republic
  • Cyanotis fasciculata (B.Heyne ex Roth) Schult. & Schult.f. - Indian Subcontinent
  • Cyanotis flexuosa C.B.Clarke - Huíla region of Angola
  • Cyanotis foecunda DC. ex Hassk - central + eastern Africa, Yemen
  • Cyanotis ganganensis Schnell - Guinea
  • Cyanotis grandidieri H.Perrier - Madagascar
  • Cyanotis hepperi Brenan - Nigeria
  • Cyanotis homblei De Wild. - Zaïre
  • Cyanotis karliana Hassk. - southern India
  • Cyanotis lanata Benth. - tropical + southern Africa, Yemen
  • Cyanotis lapidosa Phil. - South Africa, Eswatini
  • Cyanotis longifolia Benth. - tropical Africa
  • Cyanotis loureiroana (Schult. & Schult.f.) Merr - Guangdong, Hainan, Vietnam
  • Cyanotis lourensis Schnell - Guinea
  • Cyanotis nilagirica Hassk. - southern India
  • Cyanotis nyctitropa Deflers - Yemen, Saudi Arabia
  • Cyanotis obtusa (Trimen) Trimen - southern India, Sri Lanka
  • Cyanotis pachyrrhiza Oberm. - Transvaal
  • Cyanotis paludosa Brenan - Zaïre, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania
  • Cyanotis papilionacea (Burm.f.) Schult. & Schult.f. - southern India
  • Cyanotis pedunculata Merr. - Leyte Island in Philippines
  • Cyanotis pilosa Schult. & Schult.f. - southern India, Sri Lanka
  • Cyanotis polyrrhiza Hochst. ex Hassk. - Ethiopia
  • Cyanotis racemosa B.Heyne ex Hassk. - southern India, Sri Lanka
  • Cyanotis repens Faden & D.M.Cameron - Zaïre, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Gabon
  • Cyanotis reutiana Beauverd - southern India
  • Cyanotis robusta Oberm. - Transvaal, Namibia
  • Cyanotis scaberula Hutch. - Guinea
  • Cyanotis somaliensis C.B.Clarke - Somalia
  • Cyanotis speciosa (L. f.) Hassk. - central + southern Africa, Madagascar
  • Cyanotis thwaitesii Hassk. - India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar
  • Cyanotis tuberosa (Roxb.) Schult. & Schult.f. - western India
  • Cyanotis vaga (Lour.) Schult. & Schult.f. - tropical Africa, Yemen, Himalayas, southern China, Indochina, Java
  • Cyanotis vaginata Wight - southern India
  • Cyanotis villosa (Spreng.) Schult. & Schult.f. - southern India, Sri Lanka


  1. 1 2 3 Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  2. Flora of China Vol. 24 Page 21 蓝耳草属 lan er cao shu Cyanotis D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 45. 1825.
  3. Dyer, R. Allen, “The Genera of Southern African Flowering Plants”. ISBN 0-621-02854-1, 1975
  4. Faden, R. (2012). Commelinaceae. Flora of Tropical East Africa: 1-244.
  5. Arnold T.H., de Wet B.C. (Eds), Plants of Southern Africa: Names & Distribution, MEMOIRS OF THE BOTANICAL SURVEY OF SOUTH AFRICA No. 62, Pub.National Botanical Institute, South Africa.1993 ISBN 1-874907-03-X
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