The Democratic Center Party (Latvian: Demokrātiskā centra partija) was a small centre political party in Latvia which was founded in September 1992. It took part in the 1993 parliamentary elections, obtaining 5 from 100 seats in the parliament, and in the 1994 local elections, obtaining seats in Riga, Jelgava and Jurmala. Leaders: Ints Cālītis, Aivars Kreituss, Juris Celmiņš, Māris Pūķis. Renamed into Latvian Democratic Party (Latvian: Latvijas Demokrātiskā partija) in August 1993, merged with "Saimnieks" to form Democratic Party "Saimnieks" in April 1995.[1]


  1. Mednis I. Partiju laiki Latvijā (1988-2002). — R.: Drukātava, 2007. ISBN 978-9984-798-20-2. — 256-261. lpp. (in Latvian)

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