Deutsch-Polnische Gesellschaft Bundesverband (DPG, Polish: Federalny Związek Towarzystw Niemiecko-Polskich) is a society of different regional associations which promote reconciliation and cultural exchange of Germany and Poland. It was founded in 1996, succeeding the Bundesverband deutsch-polnischer Gesellschaften, which was founded in 1987. One of the goals is the integration of Poland in die European Union. The organization is based in Berlin.
The association publishes a quarterly bilingual magazine, Dialog.
Beginning in 2005, the association has awarded an annually a prize, also called DIALOG, to persons and organisations that are "a model for the dielogue of nations and cultures in Europe, and the improvement of German-Polish relations" ("... in vorbildlicher Art und Weise für den Dialog der Völker und Kulturen in Europa sowie die Vertiefung der deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen engagieren").
Recipients have included:[1]
- 2005: Tygodnik Powszechny, Kraków weekly
- 2006: Pogranicze, foundation in Sejny
- 2007: Christliche Bildungsinitiative
- 2008: Steffen Möller, writer and cabaretist
- 2009: Ludwig Mehlhorn, Wolfgang Templin
- 2010: Klaus Zernack, historian, and Kowalski trifft Schmidt, TV
- 2011: Institut für angewandte Geschichte, in Frankfurt (Oder)
- 2012: Artur Becker, writer
- 2013: Grażyna Słomka, Adam Krzemiński, publicists
- 2014: Lech Wałęsa and the Interregionaler Gewerkschaftsrat Elbe-Neiße
- 2015: Zofia Posmysz, writer, and Osteuropa, magazine
- 2016: Marek Prawda, diplomat
- 2017: Martin Pollack, journalist and literature translator
- ↑ "DIALOG-Preis". Archived from the original on 2018-10-06. Retrieved 2018-03-16.