Written inC++
Operating systemLinux (32 & 64-bit), Windows (32-bit)
Available inInterface: English
Recognition: Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Devanagari, Kannada, Gujarati, Gurumukhi, Oriya, Malayalam, Meitei, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Tibetan and Urdu
TypeOptical character recognition
Bangla typos

e-Aksharayan is an optical character recognition engine for Indian languages. Some of research work from e-Aksharayan has been published in different conferences and journals.[1][2][3][4]



  1. Greedy Search for Active Learning of OCR Greedy Search for Active Learning of OCR
  2. Text graphic separation in Indian newspapers Text graphic separation in Indian newspapers
  3. An OCR System for the Meetei Mayek Script An OCR System for the Meetei Mayek Script
  4. Experiences of Integration and Performance Testing of Multilingual OCR for Printed Indian Scripts Experiences of Integration and Performance Testing of Multilingual OCR for Printed Indian Scripts

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