Communication Faculty of Pontevedra
Facultad de Comunicación de Pontevedra
Faculty façade
Former names
Faculty of Social Sciences
TypePublic Faculty
Parent institution
University of Vigo
AffiliationPontevedra Campus

42°26′24.9″N 8°38′16.3″W / 42.440250°N 8.637861°W / 42.440250; -8.637861
CampusA Xunqueira campus

The Faculty of Communication of Pontevedra is a faculty of the University of Vigo founded in 1993 in Pontevedra, Spain, and based in the A Xunqueira campus.


The Faculty of Social Sciences of Pontevedra, which is the origin of the current Faculty of Communication, was created by Decree 192/1993, of 29 July, in its article 19.[2] The degree in Advertising and Public relations, the only one in the Galician university system, was the first to be implemented in the Faculty. The dean-commissioner who drew up the programme for the new degree was Alejandro Pizarroso Quintero, professor at the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid.[3] The programme was approved on 1 July 1994.[4]

The Faculty of Social Sciences began operating in Pontevedra on 10 October 1994 in a temporary building, the former Provincial Hospice in Sierra Street, where it remained until 2000,[5] when the new large Faculty building built on the A Xunqueira Campus, designed by the Santiago de Compostela architect José Carlos Arrojo Lois, began its activities.[6]

In 1999, by Decree 250/1999 of 9 September, Article 4, management and public administration studies were proposed as a second university degree to be obtained in the college.[7]

In May 2003, the faculty was allowed to offer a degree in audiovisual communication and the name of the faculty was changed from Social Sciences to Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication.[8][9]

On 7 July 2022, by Decree 133/2022, the Faculty of Public Management and Administration was created on the Pontevedra campus, and the bachelor's degree in public management and administration and the Master in Public Management and Institutional Leadership are now offered in this faculty.[10][11][12]

On 29 December 2022, by Decree 230/2022 of the Regional Ministry of Education, the faculty was renamed Faculty of Communication.[13][14]



  • Bachelor's degree in advertising and public relations.[3][15]
  • Bachelor's degree in audiovisual communication.[9][15]


The Faculty offers the following master's degrees:[15]

  • Master's degree in art direction in advertising.[16][17]
  • Master's degree in social media communication and digital content creation.[18][17]

The Faculty also offers a PhD in communication, approved by the University Council.[17][15]


The central library of the Pontevedra campus is located on the first floor of the faculty. The building has two radio studios and two sets (television and cinema). It also has a Pro Tools room, where a professional demo can be shot, twelve Avid editing booths and several computer rooms.[6]

Deanery staff

The Dean of the Faculty is Xosé Manuel Baamonde Silva, and the Vice Deans are José Pita, Xabier Martínez Rolán and Rosa Ricoy Casas. The secretary is Silvia García Mirón.[19][20]


The faculty hosts a week of conferences and training activities focused on advertising and audiovisual creativity, which take place during the month of April. They are grouped under the name of Culturkata, with the participation of leading professionals and former graduates as speakers.[21]


At the end of April, the main festival on the Pontevedra campus, Santa Kata or Santa Catabirra, is dedicated to the patron saint of the Faculty of Communication, Saint Catherine of Siena. Thousands of young people from all over Galicia participate in this festival.[22]


  1. "El Gobierno gallego ratifica el cambio de nombre de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación". Pontevedra Viva (in Spanish). 29 December 2022.
  2. "DECRETO 192/1993, do 29 de xullo, polo que se axustan titulacións impartidas na Comunidade Autónoma, se concede autorización de novos estudios e se crean máis centros no sistema universitario de Galicia". Diario Oficial de Galicia (in Galician). 17 August 1993.
  3. 1 2 "Dos décadas formando a comunicadores". Diario de Pontevedra (in Spanish). 19 October 2014.
  4. "RESOLUCION de 7 de noviembre de 1994, de la Universidad de Vigo, por la que se ordena la publicación de los planes de estudios conducentes a· la obtención de los títulos de Licenciado en Psicopedagogía, Diplomado en Trabajo Social y Diplomado en Educación Social de la Facultad de Humanidades de Orense y Licenciado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de Pontevedra" (PDF). Boletín Oficial del Estado (in Spanish). 23 November 1994.
  5. "Aquellos maravillosos años de vino, rosas y revolución en Ciencias Sociais". La Voz de Galicia (in Spanish). 14 October 2019.
  6. 1 2 "Buenas instalaciones y sinergias para paliar la falta de espacio". La Voz de Galicia (in Spanish). 12 January 2016.
  7. "DECRETO 250/1999, de 9 de septiembre, por el que se crean centros y se concede autorización para implantar estudios conducentes a las titulaciones que se citan en la Universidad de Vigo". Diario Oficial de Galicia (in Spanish). 17 September 1999.
  8. "La Universidad aprueba el plan de estudios de Comunicación Audiovisual". La Voz de Galicia (in Spanish). 22 May 2003.
  9. 1 2 "DECRETO 265/2003, do 15 de maio, polo que se concede autorización para implantar estudios conducentes ás titulacións que se citan no Sistema Universitario de Galicia". Diario de Galicia (in Spanish). 23 May 2003.
  10. "Visto bueno a la creación de las facultades de Deseño y Xestión Pública en Pontevedra". La Voz de Galicia (in Spanish). 8 July 2022.
  11. "Ratifican la creación de las nuevas facultades de Diseño y de Dirección y Gestión Pública en el campus de Pontevedra". Pontevedra Viva (in Spanish). 8 July 2022.
  12. "DECRETO 133/2022, de 7 de julio, por el que se aprueba la creación de la Facultad de Diseño, de la Facultad de Dirección y Gestión Pública, y de la Facultad de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad de Vigo" (PDF). Diario Oficial de Galicia (in Spanish). 2 August 2022.
  13. "Publicado en el DOG el cambio de nombre de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación". Pontevedra Viva (in Spanish). 20 January 2023.
  14. "DECRETO 230/2022, de 29 de diciembre, por el que se modifica la denominación de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación de la Universidad de Vigo". Diario Oficial de Galicia (in Spanish). 20 January 2023.
  15. 1 2 3 4 "Penúltimo paso para el cambio de nombre de Ciencias Sociales a Facultad de Comunicación". Pontevedra Viva (in Spanish). 16 December 2022.
  16. ""Síntome afortunada polo ambiente que atopei"". La Voz de Galicia (in Spanish). 13 June 2020.
  17. 1 2 3 "Ciencias Sociales quiere pasar a ser la Facultad de Comunicación". La Voz de Galicia (in Spanish). 23 March 2022.
  18. "Un máster con emprego seguro". Diario de Pontevedra (in Galician). 7 December 2022.
  19. "Xosé Baamonde elegido decano de la facultad de Ciencias Sociais". La Voz de Galicia (in Spanish). 18 December 2015.
  20. "Xosé Baamonde elegido decano de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales e da Comunicación". Pontevedra Viva (in Spanish). 17 December 2015.
  21. "Culturkata: da publicidade contra as desigualdades á verificación da información". Diario de Pontevedra (in Galician). 18 April 2023.
  22. "Miles de jóvenes de toda Galicia participan en la fiesta Santa Kata 2017". Faro. 28 April 2017.

See also

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