Fire Crackers is a British television sitcom that aired from 29 August 1964 to 20 February 1965. Two series were produced, for a total of 13 episodes. The series was produced by Associated Television (ATV), and aired on ITV. Unlike many British series of the 1960s, the series survives intact in the archives.[1]


Series 1

  • "Semi Detached" (aired 29 August 1964)
  • "Wanted: One Fire" (aired 5 September 1964)
  • "Objective Case" (aired 12 September 1964)
  • "Fire Belle for Five" (aired 19 September 1964)
  • "Blue Blooded Buddy" (aired 26 September 1964)
  • "Power Crazy" (aired 3 October 1964)

Series 2

  • "The Business as Usual" (aired 9 January 1965)
  • "Strictly for the Birds" (aired 16 January 1965)
  • "Pie in the Sky" (aired 23 January 1965)
  • "Slap on the Map" (aired 30 January 1965)
  • "The Willie Waghorn Story" (aired 6 February 1965)
  • "Beautiful Dreamer" (aired 13 February 1965)
  • "Saved by the Bell" (aired 20 February 1965)


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