Guardiões do Estado
Marking the territory of the criminal faction
Founded1 January 2016
Founding locationConjunto Palmeiras, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil
Years active2016-present
TerritoryCeará, Brazil
ActivitiesMurder, drug trafficking, extortion, assault and rebellion
AlliesTerceiro Comando Puro,[1] Primeiro Comando da Capital[2]
RivalsComando Vermelho, Família do Norte[3]

The Guardiões do Estado (in English: Guardian of the State), or the acronym GDE, is a Brazilian criminal faction. It operates in the state of Ceará.

It is the 4th largest faction in Brazil and is made up mostly of poorly prepared teenagers,[4] pre-teens and young adults.[5] One of the main reasons would be the lack of monthly fees.[6]

The faction was founded on January 1, 2016, in the community of Conjunto Palmeiras.[7][8]

Faction power is decentralized, so there is no overall faction leader. Currently, it is known for burning buses, massacres and homicides in the state,[9] the most notable being the Massacre of Cajazeiras.[10][11]

See also


  1. "GDE na espreita para retomar territórios perdidos". Bemdito (in Brazilian Portuguese). 2021-06-19. Retrieved 2022-02-08.
  2. "PCC não entrou em guerra contra aliada no CE por ser menor, diz MP". (in Brazilian Portuguese). 2018-07-09. Retrieved 2022-02-08.
  3. "Facções criminosas PCC, CV e FDN fazem pacto para acabar com GDE no Ceará". Ubajara Notícias (in Brazilian Portuguese). Retrieved 2022-02-08.
  4. Segundo, iG Último (2021-10-07). "Saiba quais são as principais facções criminosas do Brasil". Portal iG (in Brazilian Portuguese). Retrieved 2022-02-08.
  5. "GDE: a facção que arregimenta adolescentes e adultos jovens - Segurança". Diário do Nordeste (in Brazilian Portuguese). 2017-04-22. Retrieved 2022-02-08.
  6. Povo, O. (2017-04-21). "Inimigos ainda desconhecidos". O Povo - Cotidiano (in Brazilian Portuguese). Retrieved 2022-02-08.
  7. Bedinelli, Talita (2018-03-26). "Fortaleza sitiada". El País Brasil (in Brazilian Portuguese). Retrieved 2022-02-08.
  8. "GDE é facção nova e tem 'crueldade como marca', diz sociólogo". (in Brazilian Portuguese). 2018-01-27. Retrieved 2022-02-08.
  9. Povo, O. (2017-05-30). "Ação de facções extrapola presídios e afeta comunidades". O Povo - Cotidiano (in Brazilian Portuguese). Retrieved 2022-02-08.
  10. "Facção assume autoria de Chacina das Cajazeiras; Facção rival promete revanche". 2018-10-24. Archived from the original on 24 October 2018. Retrieved 2022-02-08.
  11. "Grupo que aterroriza CE tem exército de jovens e poder descentralizado - 05/02/2018 - Cotidiano - Folha". 2021-07-17. Archived from the original on 17 July 2021. Retrieved 2022-02-08.

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