Comparison of host-based intrusion detection system components and systems.

Free and open-source software

As per the Unix philosophy a good HIDS is composed of multiple packages each focusing on a specific aspect.

Package Updated Ubuntu Official Repositories CentOS Official Repositories File Network Logs Config Sane defaults Notes
OSSEC 2022 No[1] No[2] Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wazuh 2022 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Samhain 2021 Yes[3] No Yes No Partial[4] No
Snort 2018 Yes[5] No[6] No Yes No
chkrootkit 2023 Yes[7] No Yes No Partial[8]
rkhunter 2018 Yes[9] Yes[10] Yes No No Yes Yes
unhide[11] 2012 Yes[12] Yes[13] No No No proc ps compare
Sguil 2017 No No No Yes No
Logwatch[14] 2017 Yes[15] Yes[16] No No Yes No
Logcheck[17] 2017 Yes[18] Yes[19] No No Yes No
Epylog[20] 2014 Yes[21] Yes[22] No No Yes
SWATCH[23] 2015 Yes[24] Yes[25] No No Yes
sagan 2021 Yes[26] No No No Yes
aide 2023 Yes[27] Yes[28] Yes No No No
tripwire 2018 Yes[29] Yes[30] Yes No No
Tiger 2018 Yes[31] No Yes No No Yes No 3/42 modules are Debian specific.

Proprietary software

Package Year[32] Linux Windows File Network Logs Config Notes
Lacework 2018 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Verisys 2018 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Nessus 2017 Yes Yes Yes
Atomicorp 2019 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Commercially enhanced version of OSSEC
Spartan 2021 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Websocket API, IP to Country mapping, DynDNS Integration


  1. "Downloads OSSEC". OSSEC. Retrieved 2017-10-19. OSSEC for Debian Based systems
  2. "Downloads OSSEC". OSSEC. Retrieved 2017-10-29. OSSEC for RHEL/Fedora Based systems
  3. "Samhain". Ubuntu. Retrieved 2017-04-19. Samhain in the Ubuntu Repositories
  4. Last
  5. "Snort". Ubuntu. Retrieved 2017-04-19. Snort in the Ubuntu Repositories
  6. "Snort". Cisco Systems. Retrieved 2017-05-31. Snort in the CentOS Repositories
  7. "ChkRootkit". Ubuntu. Retrieved 2017-04-19. ChkRootkit in the Ubuntu Repositories
  8. lastlog, wtmp, utmp, wtmpx
  9. "RKHunter". Ubuntu. Retrieved 2017-04-19. RKHunter in the Ubuntu Repositories
  10. "RKHunter". Ubuntu. Retrieved 2017-04-19. RKHunter in the CentOS Repositories
  11. "unhide". debian. Retrieved 2017-04-17.unhide is notable because it's part of Debian and Fedora
  12. "UnHide". Ubuntu. Retrieved 2017-04-19. UnHide in the Ubuntu Repositories
  13. "UnHide". Ubuntu. Retrieved 2017-04-19. UnHide in the CentOS Repositories
  14. "Logwatch". debian. Retrieved 2017-04-17. Logwatch is notable because it's part of Debian and Fedora
  15. "LogWatch". Ubuntu. Retrieved 2017-04-19. LogWatch in the Ubuntu Repositories
  16. "LogWatch". Ubuntu. Retrieved 2017-04-19. LogWatch in the CentOS Repositories
  17. "Logcheck". debian. Retrieved 2017-04-17. Logcheck is notable because it's part of Debian and Fedora
  18. "Logcheck". Ubuntu. Retrieved 2017-04-19. Logcheck in the Ubuntu Repositories
  19. "Logcheck". Ubuntu. Retrieved 2017-04-19. Logcheck in the CentOS Repositories
  20. "Epylog". debian. Retrieved 2017-04-17. Epylog is notable because it's part of Debian and Fedora
  21. "Epylog". Ubuntu. Retrieved 2017-04-19. Epylog in the Ubuntu Repositories
  22. "Epylog". Ubuntu. Retrieved 2017-04-19. Epylog in the CentOS Repositories
  23. "SWATCH". debian. Retrieved 2017-04-17. SWATCH is notable because it's part of Debian and Fedora
  24. "SWATCH". Ubuntu. Retrieved 2017-04-19. SWATCH in the Ubuntu Repositories
  25. "SWATCH". Ubuntu. Retrieved 2017-04-19. SWATCH in the CentOS Repositories
  26. "Sagan". Ubuntu. Retrieved 2017-04-19. Sagan in the Ubuntu Repositories
  27. "AIDE". Ubuntu. Retrieved 2017-04-19. AIDE in the Ubuntu Repositories
  28. "AIDE". Ubuntu. Retrieved 2017-04-19. AIDE in the CentOS Repositories
  29. "Tripwire". Ubuntu. Retrieved 2017-04-19. Tripwire in the Ubuntu Repositories
  30. "Tripwire". Ubuntu. Retrieved 2017-04-19. Tripwire in the CentOS Repositories
  31. "Tripwire". Ubuntu. Retrieved 2017-04-19. Tripwire in the Ubuntu Repositories
  32. Last updated
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