Hrvatin Stjepanić (Latin: Horvatinus, Huruatin; fl. 1299–1304), was a Bosnian magnate with the title of Knyaz of Donji Kraji in Bosnia (de inferioribus Bosne confinibus. In historiography, Hrvatin's surname is spelled Stjepanić or Stipanić. Hrvatin is a namesake for the Hrvatinić noble family.


Hrvatin Stjepanić was a Bosnian magnate, who ruled in Donji Kraji, in medieval Bosnia with the title of knyaz (de inferioribus Bosne confinibus).[1] He was a relative and vassal of Paul I Šubić of Bribir, Ban of Bosnia at the time.[2][3] Medievalist Ferdo Šišić believed that Hrvatin have died around the same time as Paul I (1312).[4] He had three sons.[4] Hrvatin is a namesake for the Hrvatinić noble family, made prominent in the Banate of Bosnia and later Kingdom of Bosnia by his son, Vukac Hrvatinić, at first as a knyaz and later vojvoda (transl.duke), and even more so by his grandson, the Grand Duke of Bosnia, Hrvoje Vukčić.


Hrvatin had three sons:

  • Vukoslav Hrvatinić (Latin: Vlkosslaus; fl. 1315–1326), issued a charter in 1315 in Sanica.[5] In ca. 1326, Ban Stjepan II in a land grant mentioned that Vukoslav "had left the Croatian lord".[6] Served as Knyaz of Ključ (fl. 1325).[7] Married Jelena, the daughter of Knyaz Kurjak.[8]
  • Pavao Hrvatinić (fl. 1323–1332)
  • Vukac Hrvatinić (fl. 1357–1366), defended the Soko fortress in the Pliva county in ca. 1363 against the Hungarians, for which he was awarded an entire župa Pliva and a title of vojvoda (transl.duke) by Ban Tvrtko I.[9]



  • Ančić, Mladen (1997). Putanja klatna: Ugarsko-hrvatsko kraljevstvo i Bosna u 14. stoljeću. Acad. Scientiarum et Artium Croatica. ISBN 978-953-154-308-8.
  • Fine, John Van Antwerp (1994). The Late Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest. Michigan: The University of Michigan Press. ISBN 0472100793.
  • Šišić, Ferdo (1902). Vojvoda Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić i njegovo doba. (1350-1416): s jednim tlorisom i zemljovidom te s četiri redoslovne table. Izdanje "Matice hrvatske".
  • Klaić, Vjekoslav (1899). Povjest Hrvata: od najstarijih vremena do svršetka xix. stoljeća. Tisak i naklada knjižare L. Hartmana.

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