Hrvatsko kulturno vijeće (HKV) (transl.Croatian Cultural Council) is an association stationed in Zagreb with a self-described purpose of actively supporting cultural and general improvements of the Republic of Croatia. It started operating in 2006 and has membership both within Croatia and abroad.[1] It is best known for its controversial pro-Ustaše and antisemitic nature of writing in articles and comments on its web portal, labeled as rightist by numerous newspapers, especially the Jutarnji list.[2][3][4]


HKV has its own website portal in which the readers are exposed to demonization of crimes committed by the Yugoslav communist regime while downplaying or outright denying the Holocaust in the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) and other crimes committed by the fascist Ustaše regime.[5][6] One example is an article about Krešimir Babić who worked for the Ustaše in which he was depicted more as a "hero of the Croatian people".[7]

Another one of their controversial articles was about Croatian Wikipedia. In one article, the editors who corrected the articles about Josip Broz Tito and Ante Pavelić were declared as "dissidents who took over the Croatian Wikipedia".[8]

Most of the comments in these articles are from proustašas and anti-communists. An example of such comment is from an article about Ivo Goldstein's book about the Jasenovac concentration camp in which one of the comments claimed that only "1,360 were killed or have died".[9]

The web portal also showed support for the former president of the United States, Donald Trump, in an article which states how Trump "broke the myth of free trade".[10]


  1. "Statut Hrvatskoga kulturnog vijeća". Portal Hrvatskoga kulturnog vijeća (in Croatian). 2006-10-03. Retrieved 2023-04-25.
  2. "Jutarnji list - Ovakve poruke do prije mjesec dana Milanović nije mogao ni sanjati: 'Kralj, novi Orban, državnik...'". (in Croatian). 2020-10-10. Retrieved 2023-04-25.
  3. "Partizani su spašavali i vlastitu djecu iz ustaškog logora, a Crkva sad to naziva partizanskim napadom na Dječji dom". Antifašistički VJESNIK. Retrieved 2023-04-25.
  4. "Proustaški Hrvatski tjednik objavio monstruozni tekst o 'krvavome maršalu i genocidašu Titu'". (in Croatian). 2022-08-29. Retrieved 2023-04-25.
  5. "2. svjetski rat". Portal Hrvatskoga kulturnog vijeća (in Croatian). 20 September 2022. Retrieved 2023-04-25.
  6. "G. Jandroković: Goldstein relativizira poslijeratne komunističke zloči". Portal Hrvatskoga kulturnog vijeća (in Croatian). 2019-03-19. Retrieved 2023-04-25.
  7. "Ima li to bilo kakve veze s antifašizmom?". Portal Hrvatskoga kulturnog vijeća (in Croatian). 2010-08-18. Retrieved 2023-04-25.
  8. "Hrvatsku Wikipediju preuzela grupa "disidenata"". Portal Hrvatskoga kulturnog vijeća (in Croatian). 2021-01-31. Retrieved 2023-04-25.
  9. "Ivo Goldstein, Jasenovac - kapitalno djelo hrvatske trivijalne histori". Portal Hrvatskoga kulturnog vijeća (in Croatian). 2019-01-27. Retrieved 2023-04-25.
  10. (2020-01-10). "Istaknuti ideolog desnice potvrdio: Hrvatska desnica je Radnička fronta s krunicom". (in Croatian). Retrieved 2023-04-25.
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