If You Were the Last is a 2023 American science fiction romantic comedy directed by Kristian Mercado from an original screenplay by Angela Bourassa. The film stars Anthony Mackie and Zoë Chao, and was released to the Peacock streaming service in October 2023. The film centers around two astronauts who, while stranded on a multi-year exploration mission, fall in love with each other.[1][2][3]



  1. Mintzer, Jordan (2023-03-12). "'If You Were the Last' Review: Anthony Mackie and Zoë Chao in an Outer-Space Rom-Com Whose Boosters Fail to Ignite". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved 2024-01-11.
  2. Bergeson, Samantha (2023-03-12). "'If You Were the Last' Review: Zoë Chao and Anthony Mackie Are the Cutest Rom-Com Couple of the Year". IndieWire. Retrieved 2024-01-11.
  3. Nicholson, Amy (2023-03-12). "'If You Were the Last' Review: Cute Couple Anthony Mackie and Zoe Chao Trade Screwball Banter in Space". Variety. Retrieved 2024-01-11.
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