Jüri Rätsep (3 July 1935 – 1 August 2018) was an Estonian lawyer, politician and judge.[1]
He graduated in 1956 from the Elva Workers' High School and in 1961 from the law faculty of the University of Tartu. He worked as a researcher and assistant prosecutor in the Viljandi Prosecutor's Office from 1961 to 1966; Since 1966 he was a lawyer in Viljandi's legal counsel and he was a member of the Estonian Bar Association.[2][3]
From 1990 to 1992 he was member of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Estonia, he was a member of the press commission and vice chairman of the Ethics Committee. On 20 August 1991 he voted for the restoration of the Republic of Estonia. He was also a member of the I and II Committees of the Estonian Committee and its board member; as well as from 1991 to 1992 as a member of the Constitutional Assembly. From 1988 he was a member of the Central Committee of the Sakala County Popular Front.[4]
From 11 August 1993 to 14 February 2002 he was a judge of the Supreme Court.[5]
- ↑ Suri Eesti Vabariigi Ülemnõukogu liige Jüri Rätsep (in Estonian)
- ↑ Suri jurist ja poliitik Jüri Rätsep (in Estonian)
- ↑ Suri üks Eesti riikliku iseseisvuse taastajaid Jüri Rätsep (in Estonian)
- ↑ Riigikohtu esimees soovib vabastada ametist riigikohtu liikme Jüri Rätsepa (in Estonian)
- ↑ Endised Riigikohtu liikmed (in Estonian)