Jacobus Van Dijk is a Dutch Egyptologist who is a retired Professor of Archaeology from the University of Groningen.[1][2] In the 2007 and 2008 archaeological excavation season in Egypt, Geoffrey Thorndike Martin and Van Dijk both re-excavated Pharaoh Horemheb's KV57 tomb in the Valley of the Kings in Thebes, Egypt and found 168 new wine dockets. The dockets showed that Horemheb, who was the last Dynasty 18 king and assumed the throne within 4 or 5 years after Tutankhamun's death, ruled not more than 14 or 15 years rather than the 27 years traditionally assigned to him since none of the wine dockets bore a date higher than Year 14 of Horemheb's reign.[3]
In 1986, Geoffrey Thorndike Martin and Van Dijk, the respective heads of a British and Dutch eight person archaeological team working together, rediscovered the tomb of Maya, Tutankhamun's treasurer, after a 10-year search at Saqqara.[4][5] The tomb at Saqqara had been partly excavated in 1843 by Karl Richard Lepsius,[6] and its impressive reliefs were recorded in sketches and many statues and carvings taken to Berlin. Over time, the tomb was covered by sand, and its location had been lost.[7]
In 2001, the New York Times reported that "a limestone relief depicting the head of an Egyptian goddess and dating to the 13th century B.C. was returned to the Egyptian government yesterday by the Metropolitan Museum of Art from New York due to the intervention of Jacobus Van Dijk, "who recognized it as a piece from the chapel of Seti I, at the ancient pharaonic capital of Memphis. Upon returning home, he confirmed his hunch by checking a French publication where the same goddess's head was featured in a photograph of the Seti I chapel, taken around 1948, the year the site was discovered by archaeologists."[8]
In 2011, Van Dijk established that Seti I's highest date was not the Year 11 stela date from the great temple of Amun in the Gebel Barkal. He demonstrated that the date should rather be read as Year 3 of Seti I.[9] Van Dijk argued that Seti I's reign was 8 or a maximum of 9 years. In the 2009 paper "The Death of Meketaten", Van Dijk was commissioned to write an article on the death of Akhenaten's daughter, in honor of the late William J. Murnane in a book which was published by Brill Publishers titled Peter Brand and Louise Cooper (ed.), Causing His Name to Live: Studies in Egyptian Epigraphy and History in Memory of William J. Murnane. Culture & History of the Ancient Near East, 37 (Leiden/Boston, 2009), pp. 83–88.[10]
Various published articles arranged by year
- "Ritual Homicide in Ancient Egypt", in: Karel C. Innemée (ed.), The Value of a Human Life. Ritual Killing and Human Sacrifice in Antiquity. PALMA 26 (Leiden, 2022), pp. 41–52 PDF
- "Four Notes on Tia and Iurudef", in: Ben van den Bercken (ed.), Egyptian Delta Archaeology. Short Studies in Honour of Willem van Haarlem (Leiden/Amsterdam, 2021), pp. 61–70 PDF
- "In Memoriam Prof. Dr. H. te Velde en Dr. Julia Harvey" (with Harco Willems), in: Mehen. Essays over het oude Egypte [8] (2020), 266–273 PDF
- "Not Horemheb, but Meryneith: The Fields of Iaru Relief in the Liebieghaus", in: GM 257 (2019), pp. 41–48. PDF
- "Land van de farao's: Egypte onder Nubisch bestuur", "De Nubische dynastie: nieuwe inzichten in oude farao's", "De tempel van Moet: monumentale bouwprojecten door de Nubische farao's", in: Bastiaan Steffens (ed.), Nubië: Land van de Zwarte Farao's. Internationale Archeologie in het Drents Museum, 10 (Zwolle/Assen, 2018), pp. 64–79 PDF
- "Twee viziers in één graf? Speculaasjes in Saqqara", in: Olaf Kaper, Lara Weiss, Pieter ter Keurs & Vivian Baan (ed.), Liber Amicorum Martino Raven decies mille ob strenuam felicemque antiquitatum aegyptiarum oblatus contentionem (Leiden, 2018), pp. 31–33 PDF
- "Het boek Amdoeat", in: Maarten J. Raven (ed.), Goden van Egypte. Op zoek naar de wetten van de kosmos (Leiden, 2018), pp. 113–118 PDF
- "The Cloaked Man Determinative", in: Camilla Di Biase-Dyson and Leonie Donovan (ed.), The Cultural Manifestations of Religious Experience. Studies in Honour of Boyo G. Ockinga. ÄAT 85 (Münster, 2017), pp. 327–337 PDF
- "The Memphite Harîm Official Tjairy", in: Vincent Verschoor, Arnold Jan Stuart & Cocky Demareé (ed.), Imaging and Imagining the Memphite Necropolis. Liber Amicorum René van Walsem. Egyptologische Uitgaven, 30 (Leiden/Leuven, 2017), pp. 3–7 PDF
- "A Statue of Yupa and his wife Nashaia in the New Kingdom Necropolis at Saqqara", in: J. van Dijk (ed.), Another Mouthful of Dust. Egyptological Studies in Honour of Geoffrey Thorndike Martin. OLA 246 (Leuven, Paris, Bristol CT, 2016), pp. 91–106 PDF
- "Sinoehe & Het Testament van Amenemhat: literatuur rondom een koningsmoord" (with Judith Jurjens) [review article of: Maud & Ping Cleton, Sinuhe & Het Testament van Amenemhat (Leiden, Primavera Pers, 2013)], in: Phœnix 61/2–3 (2015), pp. 121–130 PDF
- Revolutie en contrarevolutie: het begin en het einde van Achnaton's religieuze omwenteling", in: Phœnix 61/1 (2015), pp. 5–24 PDF
- "Vijfennegentig jaar Egyptologie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen", in: Phœnix 60/1 (2014), pp. 35–45 PDF
- "Het tempeldomein van de Egyptische godin Moet in Karnak", in: O.E. Kaper en J.G. Dercksen (ed.), Waar de geschiedenis begon: Nederlandse onderzoekers in de ban van spijkerschrift, hiërogliefen en aardewerk. Uitgave naar aanleiding van het 75-jarig bestaan van het Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 1939–2014 (Leiden, 2014), pp. 301–315 PDF
- "Dieren, mensen en goden in het Oude Egypte", in: Phœnix 59/2 (2013), pp. 79–89 PDF
- "The Date of the Gebel Barkal Stela of Seti I", in: David Aston, Bettina Bader, Carla Gallorini, Paul Nicholson and Sarah Buckingham (ed.), Under the Potter's Tree. Studies on Ancient Egypt Presented to Janine Bourriau on the Occasion of her 70th Birthday. OLA 204 (Leuven/Paris/Walpole MA, 2011), pp. 325–332 PDF
- "New Light on the Amarna Period from North Sinai" (with James K. Hoffmeier), in: JEA 96 (2010), 191–205, Pl. IV. PDF
- "Tussen droom en daad. Het openluchtspel Ichnaton–Horemheb opgevoerd door het Utrechtsch Studenten Corps in 1926", in: Ta-Mery 3 (2010), pp. 68–80 PDF
- "Over de tempel en de cultus van de Egyptische godin Moet", in: Jacobus van Dijk (ed.), Onder Orchideeën. Nieuwe Oogst uit de Tuin der Geesteswetenschappen te Groningen (Groningen, 2010), 63–76. English Translation PDF
- "New Evidence on the Length of the Reign of Horemheb", in: JARCE 44 (2008 [2010]), pp. 193–200 PDF
- "A Cat, a Nurse, and a Standard-Bearer: Notes on Three Late Eighteenth Dynasty Statues", in: Sue H. D'Auria (ed.), Offerings to the Discerning Eye: An Egyptological Medley in Honor of Jack A. Josephson. Culture & History of the Ancient Near East, 38 (Leiden/Boston, 2010 [2009]), pp. 321–332 PDF
- "The Death of Meketaten", in: Peter Brand and Louise Cooper (ed.), Causing His Name to Live: Studies in Egyptian Epigraphy and History in Memory of William J. Murnane. Culture & History of the Ancient Near East, 37 (Leiden/Boston, 2009), pp. 83–88 PDF
- "The Amarna Period and the Later New Kingdom (c.1352–1069 BC)", in: Ian Shaw (ed.), The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt (Oxford, 2000), 272–313, 464–465; Published in paperback 2002; new edition 2003, pp. 265–307, 460–462 PDF
- "The Noble Lady of Mitanni and Other Royal Favourites of the Eighteenth Dynasty", in: J. van Dijk (ed.), Essays on Ancient Egypt in Honour of Herman te Velde. Egyptological Memoirs 1 (Groningen, 1997), pp. 33–46 PDF
- "Maya's Chief Sculptor Userhat-Hatiay. With a Note on the Length of the Reign of Horemheb", in: GM 148 (1995), pp. 29–34 PDF
- "The Nocturnal Wanderings of King Neferkareʿ", in: Hommages à Jean Leclant. Contributions réunies par Catherine Berger, Gisèle Clerc et Nicolas Grimal. Volume 4: Varia. BdE 106/4 (Le Caire, 1994), pp. 387–393 PDF
- "Further Evidence for the Coregency of Amenhotep III and IV? Three Views on a Graffito Found at Dahshur" (with James P. Allen and William J. Murnane), in: Amarna Letters: Essays on Ancient Egypt, ca. 1390-1310 B.C., Vol. 3 (Winter 1994), pp. 26–31 PDF
- "Hieratic Inscriptions from the Tomb of Maya at Saqqâra: A Preliminary Survey", in: GM 127 (1992), pp. 23–32 PDF
- "Two Blocks from the Tomb of Ptahmose, Mayor of Memphis and High Stewart in the Domain of Ptah", in: GM 113 (1989), pp. 47–54 PDF
- "Tutankhamun at Memphis" (with M. Eaton-Krauss), in: MDAIK 42 (1986), pp. 35–41 PDF
- ↑ Academia
- ↑ Homepage
- ↑ Jacobus Van Dijk, New Evidence on the Length of the Reign of Horemheb PDF, in JARCE 44 (2008), pp.193–200
- ↑ TOMB OF TUTANKHAMUN'S TREASURER REPORTED FOUND Special to The New York Times, February 12, 1986,
- ↑ Jeffrey Bartholet, Found: Tut's Treasurer, February 11, 1986, The Washington Post.
- ↑ Martin, Geoffrey T. (1991). The Hidden Tombs of Memphis. Thames & Hudson, ISBN 0-500-39026-6. pp.147-188
- ↑ Martin, Geoffrey T. (1991). The Hidden Tombs of Memphis. Thames & Hudson, ISBN 0-500-39026-6. pp.147-188
- ↑ Calvin Sims, Japanese Agree A Stolen Statue Will Be Sent Back to China April 18, 2001, The New York Times
- ↑ The Date of the Gebel Barkal Stela of Seti I PDF, in D. Aston, B. Bader, C. Gallorini, P. Nicholson & S. Buckingham (eds), Under the Potter's tree. Studies on Ancient Egypt presented to Janine Bourriau on the Occasion of her 70th Birthday (= Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 204), Uitgeverij Peeters en Departement Oosterse Studies, Leuven - Paris - Walpole, MA 2011, pp.325–332
- ↑ 2009 Book in Memory of William J. Murnane by Brill PDF.