Johannes Gumpp
Rectangular version of the self-portrait, in a private collection
Born(1626-08-14)14 August 1626
Innsbruck, Austria
Known forPainting

Johannes Gumpp (born 14 August 1626 in Innsbruck, lived at least until 1646) was an Austrian painter.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]

He is notable for his 1646 self-portrait showing him looking into a mirror while painting himself. The painting is on display in the Vasari corridor which connects to the Uffizi Gallery, Florence. He created another similar painting and is known for no other works.

Gumpp was born in Innsbruck and was the son of Christoph Gumpp, an architect. He was likely part of the same Gumpp family that produced artists in the 16th and 18th centuries.


  • Rave, Paul Ortwin, Das Selbstbildnis des Johannes Gumpp in den Uffizien, Pantheon, 18, 1960 pages 28–31.
  • Gli Uffizi Catalogo generale, N° A437, page 883, Florence, 1980, Centro Di ISBN 88-7038-021-1.
  • D. T., Saur, Allgemeines Künstler Lexikon, Saur, Munich-Leipzig, 2009, volume 65, p. 48.


  1. Moi! Autoritratti del XX secolo, exposition fin 2004 de la galerie des Offices
  2. La data è deducibile dal ritaglio di carta dipinto nel suo "Doppio autoritratto allo specchio", dove l'artista ha indicato la data di realizzazione dell'opera e la propria età. Ved. anche nota 7
  3. L'iscrizione recita: "Johannes Gumpp im 20 Jare 1646" ("Johannes Gumpp, nei (all'età di) 20 anni, 1646")
  4. Non sono conosciuti il luogo e la data della sua morte: per il primo è stata ipotizzata Firenze, la seconda viene solitamente indicata "dopo il 1646".
  5. "Uffizi, Catalogo generale", N°A437, Centro Di, Firenze, 1980, pag.883
  6. "Mirrors, Masks and Skulls | Pino Blasone". Retrieved 2017-11-20.
  7. "'Schloss Schönburg Galerie', Pöcking: scheda dell'autoritratto di Johannes Gumpp". Archived from the original on 2009-08-18. Retrieved 2017-11-20.
  8. Par exemple, ce tableau illustre la jaquette de couverture du livre de Pascal Bonnafoux, Les peintres et l'autoportrait, Genève, 1984.
  9. Nicole Hegener, "Johannes Gumpp (1626–nach 1646): Selbstbildnis mit Spiegel und Staffelei" in: Ulrick Pfister e Valeska von Rosen (a cura di), "Der Künstler als Kunstwerk. Selbstbildnisse vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart", ed. Reclam, Stoccarda 2005, pp. 84-85
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