Johannes Heer of Glarus (1489–1553) was a song composer and copyist, and later minister in the Reformed Church. His Liederbuch, or chansonnier, was copied during his study in Paris. Apart from works by Brumel, Josquin and Senfl, the songbook includes anonymous pieces and works by Heer himself.[1] An edition, Das Liederbuch des Johannes Heer von Glarus, was published as part of the series Schweizerische Musikdenkmaler Basel, 1967. Recordings of selections were made by the Huelgas Ensemble (1977) and the Ludwig Senfl Ensemble (1991).[2]


  1. Die Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen: Abt. III/2: p. viii Stiftsbibliothek Sankt Gallen - 2008 "Erotisches Lied im Liederbuch des Kaplans Johannes Heer (um 1489-1553) aus Glarus, geschrieben wohl um 1510 während seines Studiums in Paris, 1768 aus dem Nachlass des Glarner Universalgelehrten Aegidius Tschudi (1505–1572) in den .."
  2. "Johannes Heer von Glarus".

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