Karl Wilhelm Piderit (20 March 1815, in Witzenhausen 27 May 1875, in Hanau) was a German classical philologist and educator.

From 1833 he studied at the University of Marburg, receiving his doctorate with a dissertation on the rhetorician Hermagoras of Temnos, titled Commentatio De Hermagora rhetora. In 1837 he became an apprentice-teacher at the gymnasium in Hersfeld, and two years later began teaching classes at a grammar school in Marburg. In 1844 he returned to Hersfeld as a teacher, and from 1850 performed similar duties at the gymnasium in Kassel. In 1853 he was appointed director of the Hanau gymnasium, a position he maintained up until his death in 1875.[1][2]

Published works

He is best remembered for his scholarly editions of Cicero,[2][3] of which, he published:

Piderit was also the author of:

Following the death of theologian August Friedrich Christian Vilmar in 1868, Piderit released several editions of his works:

  • Ein Weihnachtsspiel aus einer Handschrift des 15. Jahrhunderts, 1869 (edition of Vilmar) A Christmas play from a manuscript of the 15th century.
  • Lebensbilder deutscher Dichter, 1869 (edition of Vilmar) Biography of a German poet.
  • Luther, Melanchthon, Zwingli: nebst einem Anhang: Das evangelische Kirchenlied, 1869 (edition of Vilmar) Martin Luther, Philip Melanchthon, Huldrych Zwingli: with an appendix: An evangelical hymn.
  • Die Augsburgische Confession, 1870 (edition of Vilmar) The Augsburg Confession.
  • Die Lehre vom geistlichen Amt, 1870 (edition of Vilmar) The doctrine of the ministry.
  • Die genieperiode. Ein vortrag von A.F.C. Vilmar. Supplement zu des verfassers Literaturgeschichte, 1872 The genius period: a lecture of August Friedrich Christian Vilmar: Supplement to the author's literary history.
  • Lehrbuch der Pastoraltheologie, 1872 (edition of Vilar) Textbook of pastoral theology.[5][6]


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