The Klapka Induló (Klapka March), also known as Föl, föl, vitézek a csatára, (Rise, Rise Soldiers to the Battle) is a Hungarian military march written on the 19th century. It is named after General György Klapka who served as the Minister of War during the Hungarian Revolution of 1848.[1] It was written in 1849 by composer and translator Béni Egressy to honor Klapka as a great commander and Hungarian patriot.[2] Specifically, it was composed during the defense of the Komárno fortification system in the Fourth Battle of Komárom from Austro-Russian forces. On 4 August 1849, who was in the besieged Komárom at the time he wrote his composition, handed over the piece to revolutionary personnel.[3] The lyrics to the march were later written in 1861 by Kálmán Thaly.[4][5][6]
It is the official marchpast of the Hungarian Defence Forces and the preceding Hungarian People's Army and is played is played often today during the military parades in Budapest.[7]

Föl, föl, vitézek a csatára, |
Föl, föl, látjátok lobogómat, |
Híres Komárom be van véve, |
- ↑ Zsolt Vesztróczy 125 éve hunyt el Klapka György, Komárom hős védője, (2017)
- ↑ Collection, Edwin A. Fleisher Music; Werber, Edith; Geiringer, Karl; Fleisher, Edwin Adler (July 21, 1933). "The Edwin A. Fleisher music collection in the Free library of Philadelphia". Priv. print. – via Google Books.
- ↑ 1892. május 17-én halt meg Klapka György (József Attila könyvtár, Dunaújváros)
- ↑ "Híres Komárom" védője , (2015)
- ↑ Egressy Béni bicentenáriumára emlékeztek Révkomáromban Archived 2014-08-08 at the Wayback Machine (hí
- ↑ Pécsi Géza (2003). Kulcs a muzsikához; Művészeti, zeneelméleti és magyar népzenei alapismeretek. Kulcs a muzsikához kiadó. p. 244. ISBN 963-03-5519-1.
- ↑ "Klapka induló".