The Levstik Award (Slovene: Levstikova nagrada) is a literary award in Slovenia awarded for achievements in children's literature. It has been bestowed since 1949 by the Mladinska Knjiga Publishing House, making it the first literary award established by a Slovene publishing house after the Second World War. It includes a prize for original works of literature, original illustrations, and non-fiction books for children. Up until 1989 it was awarded annually. Since then it has been awarded biannually. In the prize category for books only books published by the Mladinska Knjiga Publishing House are eligible for entry, but since 1999 the award for lifetime achievements in children's literature is the most prestigious award of its kind in Slovenia.[1][2] The award is named after the 19th century Slovene writer, political activist and playwright Fran Levstik who also wrote works for children.
Levstik Award laureates
Year | Award for Lifetime Achievement in writing | Award for Lifetime Achievement in illustration |
2013 | Neža Maurer | Danijel Demšar[3] |
2011 | Svetlana Makarovič | Kostja Gatnik[4] |
2009 | Polonca Kovač | Matjaž Schmidt[5] |
2007 | Niko Grafenauer[6] | Marjan Manček |
2005 | Dane Zajc | Jelka Reichman[7] |
2003 | Tone Pavček | Marjanca Jemec Božič |
2001 | Kajetan Kovič | Ančka Gošnik Godec |
1999 | Kristina Brenk | Marlenka Stupica |
Year | Award for Best Original Work of Literature | Original Title | Title in English |
2013 | Barbara Simoniti | Močvirniki | Marsh Creatures |
2011 | Majda Koren | Mici iz 2. a | Mici from Class 2A |
2009 | Andrej Rozman - Roza | 100 + 1 uganka | 100 + 1 Riddles |
2007 | Anja Štefan | Kotiček na koncu sveta | The Little Corner at the End of the World |
2005 | Desa Muck | Anica | Anica (collection of stories) |
2003 | Mojca Osojnik | Hiša, ki bi rada imela sonce | The House That Wanted to Be in the Sun |
2001 | Anja Štefan | Melje, melje, mlinček | Grind, Grind, Little Mill |
1999 | Andrej Rozman - Roza | Črvive pesmi | Wormy Poems |
1997 | Dim Zupan | Leteči mački | Flying Cats |
1995 | Neli Kodrič | Lov na zvezde | Hunting for Stars |
1993 | Vida Jeraj Hribar | Večerna sonata | Evening Sonata |
1991 | Lojze Krakar | Prišel je lev | The Lion Came |
1989 | Marija Vojskovič | Hiša številka 15 | House No. 15 |
1988 | Miroslav Košuta | Na Krasu je krasno | The Karst is Awesome (poems) |
1987 | Niko Grafenauer | Majhnica | The Diminutive |
1986 | Mate Dolenc | Morska dežela na železniški postaji | The Land of Sea at the Railway Station |
1985 | Kajetan Kovič | Pajacek in punčka | The Clown and the Little Girl |
1984 | Vida Brest | Majhen človek na veliki poti | Little Man on a Long Road |
1983 | Vitomil Zupan | Potovanje v tisočera mesta | Travels to Myriad Towns |
1982 | Tone Partljič | Hotel sem prijeti sonce | I Wanted to Grasp the Sun |
1981 | Branko Hofman | Ringo Star | Ringo Star |
1980 | Niko Grafenauer | Nebotičniki, sedite | Skyscrapers, Be Seated |
1979 | Leopold Suhodolčan | Piko Dinozaver and other books | Piko the Dinosaur |
1979 | Saša Vegri | Mama pravi, da v očkovi glavi | Mum Says that in Dad's Head |
1978 | Slavko Pregl | Geniji v kratkih hlačah | Geniuses in Shorts |
1977 | Dane Zajc | Abecedarija | Alphabetary |
1976 | Jože Snoj[8] | Avtomoto mravlje and Pesmi za punčke | Automotive Ants and Poems for Girls |
1975 | Svetlana Makarovič | Kam, kam, kosovirja?, Kosovirja na leteči žlici and Pekarna Mišmaš | Where to, Kosovirs?, The Kosovirs on the Flying Spoon and The Mishmash Bakery |
1974 | Ferdo Godina | Sezidala si bova hišico | We Shall Build Ourselves a House |
1973 | Svetlana Makarovič | Miška spi | The Little Mouse Sleeps |
1972 | Kristina Brenk | Deklica Delfina in lisica Zvitorepka | The Girl Delphine and the Cunning Fox |
1971 | Lojze Zupanc | Zlato pod Blegošem | Gοld Under Mount Blegoš |
1971 | Janez Bitenc | Ciciban poje | Ciciban Sings |
1970 | France Forstnerič | Srakač | The Magpie |
1970 | Jože Šmit | Kako bomo umirali | How We Shall be Dying |
1969 | Jože Snoj | Barabakos in kosi | Barabablack and the Blackbirds |
1969 | Ivo Zorman | V tem mesecu se osipa mak | The Month the Poppy Blossoms Scatter |
1968 | Smiljan Rozman | Reporter Tejč poroča | Tejč the Reporter Reports |
1967 | Anton Ingolič | Gimnazijka | High-School Girl |
1966 | Jože Ciuha | Potovanje v deseto deželo | Voyage To the Tenth Land |
1966 | Branka Jurca | Vohljači in prepovedane skrivnosti | The Snoopers and the Forbidden Secrets |
1965 | Leopold Suhodolčan | Velikan in Pajac | The Giant and the Clown |
1964 | France Avčin | Kjer tišina šepeta | Where the Silence Whispers |
1963 | Kajetan Kovič | Franca izpod klanca | Franca from Under the Hill |
1963 | Breda Smolnikar | Otročki, življenje teče dalje | Children, Life Goes On |
1962 | Lojze Krakar | Sonce v knjigi | The Sun in a Book |
1961 | Tone Pavček | Velesenzacija | Megasensation |
1961 | Vid Pečjak | Drejček in trije Marsovčki | Andy and the Three Martians |
1960 | Branka Jurca | Okoli in okoli | Round and Round |
1960 | Janez Kajzer | Mimo dnevnega načrta | Beyond the Daily Plan |
1959 | Frane Milčinski - Ježek | Zvezdica Zaspanka | The Sleepy Little Star |
1958 | Anton Ingolič | Tajno društvo PGC | The Secret Society PGC |
1958 | Tone Pavček | Juri-Muri v Afriki | Juri-Muri in Africa |
1957 | Lojze Zupanc | Povodni mož v Savinji | The River Merman of the Savinja |
1956 | Miško Kranjec | Čarni nasmeh | Enchanting Smile |
1956 | Ela Peroci | Tisočkratlepa | Thousandtimeslovely |
1955 | Ela Peroci | Moj dežnik je lahko balon | My Umbrella Can Be a Balloon |
1955 | Josip Ribičič | Rdeča pest | Red Fist |
1955 | Tone Seliškar | Posadka brez ladje | Crew Without a Ship |
1954 | Ivan Bratko | Teleskop | Telescope |
1953 | Fran Saleški Finžgar | Iz mladih dni | From the Days of My Youth |
1953 | Miško Kranjec | Imel sem jih rad | I Liked Them |
1951 | France Bevk | Mali upornik | The Young Rebel |
1950 | Pavel Golia | Sneguljčica | Snow White (play) |
1949 | France Bevk | Tonček | Tony |
1949 | Prežihov Voranc | Solzice | Lillies of the Valley |
1949 | Josip Ribičič | Tinče in Binče | Tinče and Binče |
1949 | Tone Seliškar | Mule | The Mules |
Year | Award for Best Original Illustration | Original Title | Title in English |
2013 | Peter Škerl | Močvirniki | Marsh Creatures |
2011 | Damijan Stepančič | Zgodba o sidru | The Story of the Anchor |
2009 | Svjetlan Junaković | 100 + 1 uganka | 100 + 1 Riddles |
2007 | Alenka Sottler | Pepelka | Cinderella |
2005 | Suzana Bricelj | Mala nočna torta s plameni | A Small Night Cake With Flames |
2003 | Damijan Stepančič | Leteči krožnik na našem vrtu | A Flying Saucer in Our Garden |
2001 | Lila Prap | Male živali and Živalske uspavanke | Small Animals and Animal Lullabies |
1999 | Zvonko Čoh | Enci benci na kamenci | children's folk limericks |
1997 | Jelka Godec Schmidt | Bisernica: slovenske kratke pripovedi za otroke | Bisernica: Traditional Short Stories for Children |
1993 | Wang Huiqin | Brokatna podoba | Image in Brocade |
1991 | Dušan Muc | Kronika ljubezenskih pripetljajev | A Chronicle of Amorous Incidents |
1989 | Miroslav Šuput | Begavka po valovih | She Who Runs on the Waves |
1988 | Zvonko Čoh | Račka Puhačka and Rastoče težave Jadrana Krta | The Fluffy Duckling and The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole |
1987 | Dušan Petričić | Guliver med pritlikavci | Gulliver in Lilliput |
1986 | Andrej Trobentar | Waitapu and Pavji rep in druge kitajske basni | Waitapu and The Peacock's Tail and Other Chinese Fables |
1985 | Marija Lucija Stupica | Pastirica in dimnikar | The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep |
1984 | Danijel Demšar | Kuža Luža and Mama žaba in žabčki and Kužmucke | Puddles the Dog and Mother Frog and Froggies and Puppykittens |
1983 | Marija Lucija Stupica | Leteči kovček and Regica in Skokica | The Flying Trunk and Frog and Toad |
1982 | Kostja Gatnik | Mrzla reka and Nove prigode profesorja Modrinjaka | Cold River and The New Adventures of Professor Branestawm |
1981 | Kamila Volčanšek | Kralj Drozgobrad | King Thrushbeard |
1980 | Marjanca Jemec Božič | Ko Nina spi and Deževen dan je krasen dan and others | When Nina Sleeps and A Rainy Day is a Wonderful Day |
1979 | Jelka Reichman | Cepecepetavček | Cepecepetavček |
1978 | Marjan Amalietti | Netočka Nezvanova and Ulenspiegel | Netochka Nezvanova and Ulenspiegel |
1977 | Marjan Manček | Kozlovska sodba v Višnji gori | The Goat Trial in Višnja Gora |
1976 | Ivan Seljak - Čopič | Afriške pripovedke and Robinson Crusoe | African Tales and Robinson Crusoe |
1975 | Milan Bizovičar | Abecedarija | Alphabetary |
1974 | Milan Bizovičar | Možiček med dimniki | A Man Amidst the Chimneys |
1973 | Marija Lucija Stupica | Kraljična na zrnu graha | The Princess and the Pea |
1972 | Božo Kos | Rodiš se samo enkrat | You Are Only Born Once |
1971 | Ive Šubic | Kos rženega kruha | A Slice of Rye Bread |
1970 | Marlenka Stupica | Krojaček Hlaček and Številke and Babica v cirkusu | Trooser The Tailor and Numbers and Grandma at the Circus |
1969 | Lidija Osterc | Laponske pripovedi and Strašni lovec Bumbum and Očala tete Bajavaje | Tales from Lapland and Bumbum the Terrifying Hunter and Aunt Bajavaja's Specs |
1969 | Ive Šubic | Mladost v džungli | Youth in the Jungle |
1968 | Božo Kos | Veliki in mali kapitan and Kavboj Pipec in Rdeča pesa | Captain Big and Captain Little and Pipec the Cowboy and Red Beat |
1967 | Milan Bizovičar | Solzice and Salomonovi rudniki | Lillies of the Valley and King Solomon's Mines |
1967 | Jože Ciuha and Ive Šubic | Jugoslavija | Yugoslavia |
1966 | Jože Ciuha | Gospod Baroda in druge ljudske pesmi | Mr Baroda and Other Traditional Songs |
1966 | Aco Mavec | Otok zakladov | Treasure Island |
1966 | Lidija Osterc | Lonček, kuhaj! and Sneguljčica | The Magic Porridge Pot and Snow White |
1965 | Jože Ciuha | Pomlad ob Soči and Deček Jarbol and Nina na Ceylonu | Spring by the River Soča and The Boy Jarbol and Nina in Ceylon |
1965 | Melita Vovk | Basni and Puhek v Benetkah and Pustov god | Fables and Puhek in Venice and Pust's Birthday |
1964 | Ančka Gošnik Godec | Za lahko noč and O treh grahih and Zlata ptica | For Goodnight and About Three Peas and The Golden Bird |
1964 | Lidija Osterc | Hišica iz kock | House of Building Blocks |
1964 | Savo Sovre | Nemška vadnica za 5. in 6. razred osnovne šole | German Exercise Book for 5th and 6th Class of Primary School |
1964 | Tone Žnidaršič | Nauk o človeku za 7. razred osnovnih šol | On the Human Body for 7th Class of Primary School |
1963 | Štefan Planinc | Pesmi za otroke | Songs for Children |
1963 | Ivan Seljak - Čopič | Aska in volk | Aska and the Wolf |
1962 | Milan Bizovičar | Zgodbe iz mesta Rič-Rač | Tales from Rič-Rač Town |
1962 | Cita Potokar | Lizike za vse | Lollipops for All |
1961 | Roža Piščanec | Medenjakova hišica | Medenjak's House |
1960 | Ančka Gošnik Godec | Ptičke so odletele and Deček in gozd and Vile | The Birds Have Flown Away and The Boy and the Forrest and Fairies |
1960 | Marlenka Stupica | Ostržek | Pinocchio |
1959 | Štefan Planinc | Sinička nas je obiskala and Prvi ljudje na Mesecu and Karkažu | The Bluetit Visited Us and The First Men in the Moon and Carcajou |
1959 | Marij Pregelj | Starec in morje | The Old Man and the Sea |
1959 | Nikolaj Omersa | Skrivnostni jezdec and Pisani svet and Pogumni kapitani | The Mysterious Rider and Colourful World and Captains Courageous |
1959 | Marlenka Stupica | Pastir | The Shepherd |
1959 | Štefan Planinc | Tajno društvo PGC and Živali v ukrivljenem zrcalu | The PGC Secret Society and Animals in a Curved Mirror |
1958 | Milan Bizovičar | Maghellanovo potovanje okoli sveta | Magellan's Journey Around the World (catoon in journal) |
1957 | Marij Pregelj | Beli očnjak | White Fang |
1957 | Melita Vovk | Zgode in nezgode kraljevskega dvora | Tales and Mishaps of the Royal Court |
1956 | France Mihelič | Štirje letni časi | The Four Seasons |
1956 | Maksim Sedej | Potovanje v tisočera mesta and Pastirček | Travels to a Thousand Towns and The Little Shepheard Boy |
1955 | Nikolaj Omersa | Zajčkov zvonček | Bunny's Bell |
1955 | Ivan Seljak - Čopič | Knjiga o Titu and Posadka brez ladje | The Book About Tito and The Crew Without a Ship |
1954 | Jože Ciuha | Cekin | The Coin |
1954 | Roža Piščanec | Heidi | Heidi |
1954 | Maksim Sedej | Racko in Lija | Racko and Lija |
1954 | Marlenka Stupica | Trnuljčica | Sleeping Beauty |
1953 | Evgen Sajovic | Snežna kraljica in druge pravljice | The Snow Queen and other stories |
1953 | Maksim Sedej | Tisoč in ena noč | One Thousand and One Nights |
1952 | Boris Kobe | Visoška kronika | The Visoko Chronicles |
1952 | Rado Krošelj | Barčica | The Little Boat |
1952 | France Mihelič | Pestrna | The Child Minder |
1952 | Marlenka Stupica | Mehurčki | Bubbles |
1952 | Janez Vidic | Letni časi | The Seasons |
1951 | Gvido Birolla | Trije bratje in trije razbojniki | Three Brothers and Three Robbers |
1951 | France Mihelič | Najdihojca | Najdihojca |
1951 | Slavko Pengov | Pod svobodnim soncem | Under A Free Sun |
1951 | Dušan Petrič | Kaj je videl Mižek Figa | What Mižek Figa Saw |
1951 | Ive Šubic | Kralj Matjaž reši svojo nevesto | King Matjaž Saves his Bride |
1951 | Janez Vidic | Živalske pripovedke | Animal Tales |
1950 | Tone Kralj | Pravljica o carjeviču Jeruslanu | The Story of Prince Jeruslan |
1950 | Nikolaj Omersa | Zgodbe o živalih | Stories about Animals |
1950 | Marlenka Stupica | Na Krasu | On The Carst |
1950 | Janez Vidic | Premagane zverine | Defeated Beasts |
1949 | Maksim Gaspari | Čuri-Muri velikan | The Monster Cockroach |
1949 | France Mihelič | Solzice | Lillies of the Valley |
1949 | Marij Pregelj | Otroška leta | My Childhood Years |
1949 | France Podrekar | Butalci | Dumbville |
1949 | Ive Šubic | Nejček | Nejček |
Year | Award for Best Non-fiction Book for Children | Original Title | Title in English |
1997 | Viljenka Jalovec | Stavnica | Alphabet and Picture Bets |
1993 | Samo Kuščer | Energija | Energy |
1991 | Aleksander Konjajev | Nejc in drobnoživke | Nejc and Tiny Bugs |
1989 | Janez Strnad | Iz take so snovi kot sanje | From the Stuff of Dreams |
1988 | Manca Košir | Mladi novinar | The Young Journalist |
1988 | Alenka Goljevšček | Med bogovi in demoni: liki iz slovenske mitologije | Amongst Gods and Daemons: Figures from Slovene Mythology |
1987 | Samo Kuščer | Logo in računalnik | Logo and Computers |
1986 | Jana Milčinski | Lukec dobi sestrico | Lukec Gets a Sister |
1985 | Tita Kovač Artemis | Kemiki skozi stoletja | Chemists Through the Centuries |
1984 | Aleksander Konjajev | Nevidni živi svet | The Invisible Living World |
1983 | Matjaž Schmidt | Nejčev prvi leksikon | Nejc's First Dictionary |
1982 | Berta Golob | Žive besede | Living Words |
1981 | Pavel Kunaver | Pravljica in resnica o zvezdah | The Story and Truth About the Stars |
1980 | Marijan Prosen | Utrinki iz astronomije | Flashes from Astronomy |
1979 | Marija Makarovič | Kmečka abeceda and Kmečko gospodarstvo na Slovenskem | The Farmer's Alphabet and Farm Management in Slovenia |
1978 | Zoran Jerin | Himalaja, rad te imam | Himalayas, I Love You |
1977 | Jože Pahor | Dogodivščine v atomskem inštitutu | At the Atomic Institute |
1976 | Rajko Pavlovec | Kras | The Karst |
1975 | Kazimir Tarman | Zakaj, zato v ekologiji | Questions and Answers in Ecology |
1974 | Miran Ogrin | Od Kalifornije do Ognjene zemlje | From California to the Land of Fire (travelogue) |
1972 | Slavko Kremenšek | Slovensko študentovsko gibanje 1919–1941 | The Slovene Student Movement 1919 – 1941 |
1971 | Luc Menaše | Evropski umetnostnozgodovinski leksikon | European Art Historical Dictionary |
1970 | Jovan Hadži | Razvojna pota živalstva | The Development of Animals |
1969 | Stanko Kotnik | Po domovih naših pisateljev | In the Homes of Our Writers |
1968 | Janez Stanič | Onkraj Kremlja | The Other Side of the Kremlin |
1968 | Alenka Gerlovič | Likovni pouk otrok | Art Classes for Children |
1967 | France Planina | Jugoslavija | Yugoslavia |
1965 | Joško Battestin | Mikroskop Pionir | The Pioneer Microscope |
1964 | Miroslav Adlešič | Svet zvoka in glasbe | The World of Sound and Music |
1963 | Ciril Cvetko | Opera in njeni mojstri | The Opera and Its Masters |
1962 | Miha Likar | Virusi, Bakterije in Glivice | Viruses, Bacteria and Fungi |
1961 | Anton Ramovš | Zemlja skozi milijone let and Geološki izleti po ljubljanski okolici | Earth Over Millions of Years and Geological Outings Around Ljubljana |
1960 | France Križanič | Križem po matematiki and Elektronski aritmetični računalniki | Across Maths and Electronic Calculators |
1959 | Lavo Čermelj | Z raketo v vesolje | A Rocket for Space |
1958 | Robert Neubauer | Ceylon | Ceylon |
1958 | Dušan Savnik | Svet nasprotij | A World of Opposites |
1957 | Miroslav Adlešič | Svet svetlobe in barv | The World of Light and Colours |
1957 | Miroslav Zei | Iz življenja sesalcev | The Lives of Mammals |
1956 | Janez Matjašič | Iz življenja najmanjših | From the Lives of the Smallest |
1955 | Božo Škerlj | Neznana Amerika | Unknown America |
1954 | Božo Petek | Letalsko modelarstvo | Model Airplanes |
1953 | Lavo Čermelj | Nikola Tesla in razvoj elektrotehnike | Nikola Tesla and the Development of Electrotechins |
1952 | Miroslav Adlešič | Od mehanike do elektronike | From Mechanics to Electronics |
1952 | Anton Polenec | Iz življenja pajkov | The Life of Spiders |
1952 | Miroslav Zei | Iz ribjega sveta | The World of Fish |
1951 | France Križanič | Kratkočasna matematika | Maths for Fun |
1951 | Drago Matanović | Pogled v elektrotehniko | A Look at Electrotechnics |
1951 | Vladimir Naglič | Kratke zanimivosti iz pomorstva | Interesting Facts about Seafaring |
1951 | Jože Pahor | Hodil po zemlji sem naši | I Walked Our Land |
1950 | Anton Polenec | Iz življenja žuželk | The Lives of Insects |
1949 | Katja Špur | for her journalistic work |
- ↑ Levstik Award on Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia site
- ↑ Slovenia's Best for Young Readers, pg.4., Slovenian Book Agency site Archived 3 February 2013 at the Wayback Machine
- ↑ "[[Dnevnik (Slovenia)|Dnevnik]] site 11 June 2013 Levstikova nagrada za življenjsko delo Neži Maurer in Danijelu Demšarju The Levstik Award for Lifetime Achievement for Neža Maurer and Danijel Demšar". Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 23 June 2013.
- ↑ Levstikova nagrada za življenjsko delo Makarovičevi in Gatniku The Levstik Award for Lifetime Achievement for Makarovič and Gatnik, Radiotelevizija Slovenija site 7 June 2011
- ↑ Levstikove nagrade za smetano otroške literature The Levstik Award for the Cream of Children's Literature, Radiotelevizija Slovenija site 9 June 2009
- ↑ web site of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- ↑ Podelitev Levstikovih nagrad The Levstik Award Ceremony, Radiotelevizija Slovenija site 27 June 2005
- ↑ web site of the Slovene Writers' Association site