These 183 genera belong to Asilinae, a subfamily of robber flies in the family Asilidae.[1][2][3]

Asilinae genera

  • Abrophila Daniels, 1987
  • Acasilus Londt, 2005
  • Afroepitriptus Lehr, 1992
  • Afromochtherus Lehr, 1996
  • Albibarbefferia Artigas and Papavero, 1997
  • Albicoma Lehr, 1986
  • Alcimus Loew, 1848
  • Amblyonychus Hermann, 1921
  • Anacinaces Enderlein, 1914
  • Anarmostus Loew, 1860
  • Aneomochtherus Lehr, 1996
  • Antipalus Loew, 1849
  • Antiphrisson Loew, 1849
  • Apoclea Macquart, 1838
  • Apotinocerus Hull, 1962
  • Argillemisca Lehr, 1967
  • Aridefferia Artigas and Papavero, 1997
  • Aristofolia Ayala Landa, 1978
  • Artigasus Özdikmen, 2010
  • Asilella Lehr, 1970
  • Asiloephesus Lehr, 1992
  • Asilus Linnaeus, 1758
  • Asiola Daniels, 1977
  • Astochia Becker in Becker and Stein, 1913
  • Atractocoma Artigas, 1970
  • Blepharotes Duncan, 1840
  • Caenoura Londt, 2002
  • Carinefferia Artigas and Papavero, 1997
  • Carreraomyia Cole, 1969
  • Cerdistus Loew, 1849
  • Cerozodus Bigot, 1857
  • Chilesus Bromley, 1932
  • Clephydroneura Becker, 1925
  • Cnodalomyia Hull, 1962
  • Colepia Daniels, 1987
  • Congomochtherus Oldroyd, 1970
  • Conosiphon Becker, 1923
  • Cratolestes Hull, 1962
  • Cratopoda Hull, 1962
  • Ctenodontina Enderlein, 1914
  • Curvirostris Tomasovic, 2015
  • Dasophrys Loew, 1858
  • Dicropaltum Martin, 1975
  • Didysmachus Lehr, 1996
  • Dikowmyia Londt, 2002
  • Diplosynapsis Enderlein, 1914
  • Dolopus Daniels, 1987
  • Dysclytus Loew, 1858
  • Dysmachus Loew, 1860
  • Dystolmus Lehr, 1996
  • Eccoptopus Loew, 1860
  • Eccritosia Schiner, 1866
  • Echthistus Loew, 1849
  • Efferia Coquillett, 1893
  • Eicherax Bigot, 1857
  • Eichoichemus Bigot, 1857
  • Ekkentronomyia Ibáñez-Bernal and Fisher, 2015
  • Engelepogon Lehr, 1992
  • Epiklisis Becker, 1925
  • Epipamponeurus Becker, 1919
  • Erax Scopoli, 1763
  • Eraxasilus Carrera, 1959
  • Erebunus Richter, 1966
  • Eremisca Hull, 1962
  • Eremonotus Theodor, 1980
  • Esatanas Lehr, 1986
  • Etrurus Lehr, 1992
  • Eutolmus Loew, 1848
  • Filiolus Lehr, 1967
  • Gibbasilus Londt, 1986
  • Glaphyropyga Schiner, 1866
  • Gongromyia Londt, 2002
  • Heligmonevra Bigot, 1858
  • Hippomachus Engel, 1927
  • Hoplopheromerus Becker, 1925
  • Irianjaya Koçak & Kemal, 2009
  • Juxtasilus Londt, 2005
  • Ktyr Lehr, 1967
  • Ktyrimisca Lehr, 1967
  • Kurzenkoiellus Lehr, 1995
  • Labarus Londt, 2005
  • Labromyia Hull, 1962
  • Lecania Macquart, 1838
  • Leinendera Carrera, 1945
  • Leleyellus Lehr, 1995
  • Leptoharpacticus Lynch Arribálzaga, 1880
  • Lestophonax Hull, 1962
  • Lochmorhynchus Engel, 1930
  • Lochyrus Artigas, 1970
  • Longivena Vieira and Rafael, 2014
  • Lycomya Bigot, 1857
  • Lycoprosopa Hull, 1962
  • Machimus Loew, 1849
  • Machiremisca Lehr, 1996
  • Mallophora Macquart, lers)
  • Martintella Artigas, 1996
  • Mauropteron Daniels, 1987
  • Megadrillus Bigot, 1857
  • Megalometopon Artigas and Papavero, 1995
  • Megaphorus Bigot, 1857
  • Melouromyia Londt, 2002
  • Mercuriana Lehr, 1988
  • Millenarius Londt, 2005
  • Minicatus Lehr, 1992
  • Myaptex Hull, 1962
  • Myaptexaria Artigas and Papavero, 1995
  • Negasilus Curran, 1934
  • Neoaratus Ricardo, 1913
  • Neocerdistus Hardy, 1926
  • Neoepitriptus Lehr, 1992
  • Neoitamus Osten Sacken, 1878
  • Neolophonotus Engel, 1925
  • Neomochtherus Osten Sacken, 1878
  • Neotes Artigas and Papavero, 1995
  • Nerax Hull, 1962
  • Nevadasilus Artigas & Papavero, 1995
  • Nomomyia Artigas, 1970
  • Notomochtherus Londt, 2002
  • Odus Lehr, 1986
  • Oldroydiana Lehr, 1996
  • Oligoschema Becker, 1925
  • Orophotus Becker, 1925
  • Pamponerus Loew, 1849
  • Papaverellus Artigas and Vieira, 2014
  • Paramochtherus Theodor, 1980
  • Pararatus Ricardo, 1913
  • Pashtshenkoa Lehr, 1995
  • Phileris Tsacas and Weinberg, 1976
  • Philodicus Loew, 1847
  • Philonicus Loew, 1849
  • Pogonioefferia Artigas and Papavero, 1997
  • Polacantha Martin, 1975
  • Polyphonius Loew, 1848
  • Polysarca Schiner, 1866
  • Polysarcodes Paramonov, 1937
  • Porasilus Curran, 1934
  • Premochtherus Lehr, 1996
  • Proctacanthella Bromley, 1934
  • Proctacanthus Macquart, 1838
  • Proctophoroides Artigas and Papavero, 1995
  • Prolatiforceps Martin, 1975
  • Promachella Cole and Pritchard, 1964
  • Promachus Loew, 1848
  • Pseuderemisca Lehr, 1986
  • Pseudophrisson Dürrenfeldt, 1968
  • Pteralbis Ayala Landa, 1981
  • Reburrus Daniels, 1987
  • Regasilus Curran, 1931
  • Reminasus Lehr, 1979
  • Rhadinosoma Artigas, 1970
  • Rhadiurgus Loew, 1849
  • Robertomyia Londt, 1990
  • Satanas Jacobson, 1908
  • Scarbroughia Papavero, 2009
  • Senoprosopis Macquart, 1838
  • Sphagomyia Londt, 2002
  • Stenasilus Carrera, 1960
  • Stilpnogaster Loew, 1849
  • Stizolestes Hull, 1962
  • Strophipogon Hull, 1958
  • Synolcus Loew, 1858
  • Taurhynchus Artigas and Papavero, 1995
  • Templasilus Peris, 1957
  • Theodoriana Lehr, 1987
  • Threnia Schiner, 1868
  • Tolmerus Loew, 1849
  • Torasilus Londt, 2005
  • Trichomachimus Engel, 1934
  • Triorla Parks, 1968
  • Tsacasia Artigas and Papavero, 1995
  • Tsacasiella Lehr, 1996
  • Tuberconspicus Tomasovic, 2013
  • Tuberculefferia Artigas and Papavero, 1997
  • Turka Özdikmen, 2008
  • Ujguricola Lehr, 1970
  • Valiraptor Londt, 2002
  • Wilcoxius Martin, 1975
  • Wygodasilus Artigas and Papavero, 1995
  • Wyliea Martin, 1975
  • Yksdarhus Hradsky and Hüttinger, 1983
  • Zelamyia Londt, 2005
  • Zosteria Daniels, 1987
  • Zoticus Artigas, 1970
  • Asilopsis Cockerell, 1920


  1. Dikow, Torsten (2019). "Asiloid Flies, deciphering their diversity and evolutionary history". National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution. Retrieved 2019-06-03.
  2. "Asilinae Report". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 2019-06-03.
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