Club 57 is a television series developed by Rainbow SpA and Nickelodeon in collaboration with RAI.[1] It was created by Catharina Ledoboer and produced by Iginio Straffi and Pierluigi Gazzolo. The show follows a student from the 21st century named Eva (Evaluna Montaner) who accidentally travels to the year 1957, where she falls in love with an Italian greaser named JJ (Riccardo Frascari).

An unaired pilot episode for the series was filmed at Viacom's Miami studio in 2016.[2] The first season consists of sixty 45-minute episodes, which were filmed in both the Apulia region of Italy and Miami. It made its world premiere on Rai Gulp in Italy on 15 April 2019.[3] Rai Gulp divided the season into four 15-episode waves.[4] In Latin America, the season premiered on Nickelodeon on 6 May 2019; all sixty episodes were aired daily over two months.

In October 2019, Rainbow SpA's Andrea Graciotti stated that a second season was in development.[5] The second season premiered on Nickelodeon Latin America with its first 30 episodes between 14 June and 23 July 2021. The next 30 episodes premiered between 13 September and 22 October 2021.


WaveEpisodesOriginally aired (Italy)
First airedLast aired
11515 April 2019 (2019-04-15)3 May 2019 (2019-05-03)
21530 September 2019 (2019-09-30)16 October 2019 (2019-10-16)
31510 December 2019 (2019-12-10)26 December 2019 (2019-12-26)
41515 May 2020 (2020-05-15)4 June 2020 (2020-06-04)


Wave 1

No. in
Italian title / Spanish title
Title translated to English
Italian air dateLatin American air date
11"Un salto nel tempo" / "Un salto en el tiempo"
"A Jump in Time"
15 April 2019 (2019-04-15)6 May 2019
22"In fuga dal passato" / "Huyendo del pasado"
"Fleeing from the Past"
16 April 2019 (2019-04-16)7 May 2019
33"Un piano geniale" / "Un plan genial"
"A Great Plan"
17 April 2019 (2019-04-17)8 May 2019
44"Non sono tuo nonno!" / "¡No soy tu abuelo!"
"I'm Not Your Grandfather!"
18 April 2019 (2019-04-18)9 May 2019
55"Un ingaggio da star" / "Un contrato de estrella"
"A Star Contract"
19 April 2019 (2019-04-19)10 May 2019
66"L'effetto farfalla" / "El efecto mariposa"
"The Butterfly Effect"
22 April 2019 (2019-04-22)13 May 2019
77"Una missione per l'apprendista guardiano" / "Una misión para el guardián novato"
"A Mission for the Apprentice Guardian"
23 April 2019 (2019-04-23)14 May 2019
88"La centrale del tempo" / "La central del tiempo"
"The Time Center"
24 April 2019 (2019-04-24)15 May 2019
99"Il Bolorama A-Go-Go" / "El Bolorama A-Go-Go"
"The Bowl-o-Rama A-Go-Go"
25 April 2019 (2019-04-25)16 May 2019
1010"A caccia di Galileo" / "Buscando a Galileo"
"Hunting for Galileo"
26 April 2019 (2019-04-26)17 May 2019
1111"I talenti del Cristobal Colon" / "Cristóbal Colón tiene talento"
"Cristóbal Colón's Got Talent"
29 April 2019 (2019-04-29)20 May 2019
1212"Ritorno in Italia" / "De vuelta a Italia"
"Return to Italy"
30 April 2019 (2019-04-30)21 May 2019
1313"Quando il sogno è realtà" / "Cuando el sueño se hace realidad"
"When a Dream Comes True"
1 May 2019 (2019-05-01)22 May 2019
1414"Ti regalo la luna" / "Te regalo la luna"
"I Gift You the Moon"
2 May 2019 (2019-05-02)23 May 2019
1515"Addio 1957!" / "¡Adiós 1957!"
"Goodbye, 1957!"
3 May 2019 (2019-05-03)24 May 2019

Wave 2

No. in
Italian title / Spanish title
Title translated to English
Italian air dateLatin American air date
161"Ritorno al presente" / "Volver al presente"
"Return to the Present"
30 September 2019 (2019-09-30)27 May 2019
172"L'ammutinamento" / "El motín del tiempo"
"Time Mutiny"
1 October 2019 (2019-10-01)28 May 2019
183"Un nonno sconosciuto" / "Un abuelo desconocido"
"Grandfather Unknown"
2 October 2019 (2019-10-02)29 May 2019
194"Galeotto fu il fumetto" / "Todo cambio por el cómic"
"The Comic Changes Everything"
3 October 2019 (2019-10-03)30 May 2019
205"L'esibizione rubata" / "La presentación usurpada"
"Stolen Show"
4 October 2019 (2019-10-04)31 May 2019
216"Oltre i limiti del tempo" / "Más allá de los límites temporales"
"Beyond the Limits of Time"
5 October 2019 (2019-10-05)3 June 2019
227"La scoperta di Ruben" / "El descubrimiento de Rubén"
"Ruben's Discovery"
7 October 2019 (2019-10-07)4 June 2019
238"Parole che lasciano il segno" / "Palabras que dejan huella"
"Words That Leave Their Mark"
8 October 2019 (2019-10-08)5 June 2019
249"Lo scrapbook" / "La escrapola"
"The Scrapbook"
9 October 2019 (2019-10-09)6 June 2019
2510"Amiche da sempre" / "Amigas...desde siempre"
"Friends Forever"
10 October 2019 (2019-10-10)7 June 2019
2611"Mai fidarsi troppo..." / "Nunca confíes demasiado..."
"Never Trust Too Much..."
11 October 2019 (2019-10-11)10 June 2019
2712"Un'incredibile rivelazione" / "Una revelación increíble"
"An Incredible Revelation"
12 October 2019 (2019-10-12)11 June 2019
2813"Il cubo cancella-memoria" / "El cubo borra-memoria"
"The Memory-Erasing Cube"
14 October 2019 (2019-10-14)12 June 2019
2914"Il tribunale del tempo" / "El tribunal del tiempo"
"The Tribunal of Time"
15 October 2019 (2019-10-15)13 June 2019
3015"Il segreto di Eva" / "El secreto de Eva"
"Eva's Secret"
16 October 2019 (2019-10-16)14 June 2019

Wave 3

No. in
Italian title / Spanish title
Title translated to English
Italian air dateLatin American air date
311"I guardiani smarriti" / "Un aliado misterioso"
"The Lost Guardians / A Mysterious Ally"
10 December 2019 (2019-12-10)17 June 2019
322"Il protocollo scoiattolo" / "El protocolo ardilla"
"The Squirrel Protocol"
11 December 2019 (2019-12-11)18 June 2019
333"La vendetta di Barbanera" / "La venganza de Barbanegra"
"Blackbeard's Revenge"
12 December 2019 (2019-12-12)19 June 2019
344"Tra testa e cuore" / "Entre la razón y el corazón"
"Between the Head and the Heart"
13 December 2019 (2019-12-13)20 June 2019
355"Il reset temporale" / "El reseteo del tiempo"
"Time Reset"
14 December 2019 (2019-12-14)21 June 2019
366"Fratelli ritrovati" / "El reencuentro de los hermanos"
"Sibling Reunion"
16 December 2019 (2019-12-16)24 June 2019
377"Un patto scorretto" / "Un pacto injusto"
"An Unfair Pact"
17 December 2019 (2019-12-17)25 June 2019
388"Tutti all'opera!" / "¡Manos a la obra!"
"Let's Get It Done!"
18 December 2019 (2019-12-18)26 June 2019
399"La cyberlibellula" / "La cyberlibélula"
"The Cyber-Dragonfly"
19 December 2019 (2019-12-19)27 June 2019
4010"Una promessa infranta" / "Una promesa rota"
"A Broken Promise"
20 December 2019 (2019-12-20)28 June 2019
4111"Aspettami, Ruru!" / "¡Espérame, Rurú!"
"Wait for Me, Ruru!"
21 December 2019 (2019-12-21)1 July 2019
4212"L'arrivo di Sofia" / "La llegada de Sofía"
"The Arrival of Sofia"
23 December 2019 (2019-12-23)2 July 2019
4313"Il numero multidimensionale" / "El número multidimensional"
"The Multidimensional Number"
24 December 2019 (2019-12-24)3 July 2019
4414"Che il concorso abbia inizio!" / "¡Qué empiece el concurso!"
"Let the Contest Begin!"
25 December 2019 (2019-12-25)4 July 2019
4515"Il loop temporale" / "El bucle del tiempo"
"The Time Loop"
26 December 2019 (2019-12-26)5 July 2019

Wave 4

No. in
Italian title / Spanish title
Title translated to English
Italian air dateLatin American air date
461"Stop al tempo!" / "Congelados en el tiempo"
"Frozen in Time"
15 May 2020 (2020-05-15)8 July 2019
472"Il disgelo" / "El deshielo"
"The Thawing"
18 May 2020 (2020-05-18)9 July 2019
483"L'unità multidimensionale" / "El escuadrón multidimensional"
"The Multidimensional Group"
19 May 2020 (2020-05-19)10 July 2019
494"La sfida di ballo" / "El duelo de baile"
"The Dance Contest"
20 May 2020 (2020-05-20)11 July 2019
505"Un unicorno per amico" / "Mi amigo unicornio"
"A Unicorn for a Friend"
21 May 2020 (2020-05-21)12 July 2019
516"JJ, è la tua occasione!" / "¡JJ, es tu oportunidad!"
"JJ, It's Your Chance!"
22 May 2020 (2020-05-22)15 July 2019
527"Il blackout" / "El apagón"
"The Blackout"
25 May 2020 (2020-05-25)16 July 2019
538"Salviamo la nonna!" / "¡Rescatemos a la abuela!"
"Let's Save Grandma!"
26 May 2020 (2020-05-26)17 July 2019
549"Il tradimento di Sofia" / "Sofía la traidora"
"Sofia's Betrayal"
27 May 2020 (2020-05-27)18 July 2019
5510"Il ritorno di Amelia" / "Amelia regresó"
"The Return of Amelia"
28 May 2020 (2020-05-28)19 July 2019
5611"Troppo tardi per le scuse" / "Muy tarde para las excusas"
"Too Late for Excuses"
29 May 2020 (2020-05-29)22 July 2019
5712"Dov'è finita Eva?" / "¿Qué pasó con Eva?"
"Where Did Eva Go?"
1 June 2020 (2020-06-01)23 July 2019
5813"A carte scoperte" / "La verdad sale a la luz"
"The Truth Comes to Light"
2 June 2020 (2020-06-02)24 July 2019
5914"Vero, ti presento Vero" / "Vero, te presento a Vero"
"Vero, Meet Vero"
3 June 2020 (2020-06-03)25 July 2019
6015"Una scelta difficile" / "Una dura decisión"
"A Difficult Decision"
4 June 2020 (2020-06-04)26 July 2019


  1. Conti, Cinzia (9 April 2019). "Club 57, i teenager nei mitici anni '50 dei nonni". Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata (in Italian).
  2. "Evaluna Montaner: "Llevar el apellido de mi papá es una responsabilidad, no un peso"". El Comercio (in Spanish). 16 May 2019.
  3. "'Club 57', la nuova serie per raccontare ai ragazzi la musica degli anni 50". la Repubblica. 1 April 2019. Archived from the original on 2 April 2019. Retrieved 20 April 2019.
  4. "Viacom, Rainbow and Rai Join Forces for Club 57". TodoTVNews. 21 November 2018. Archived from the original on 31 October 2019.
  5. Plohn, Cynthia; Márquez, Miryana (16 October 2019). "Andrea Graciotti de Rainbow: Tendremos la serie Winx live action con Netflix". (in Spanish).
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