Delineation of plant family Clusiaceae, and the subdivisions within the family, have been much revised over the past few decades.

Accepted genera

18 genera are currently accepted:[1]


The family Clusiaceae was divided by Cronquist into 2 subfamilies: the Clusioideae (typical subfamily) and the Hypericoideae. The latter was often treated as a family - the Hypericaceae or St. John's wort family. Elements of the Hypericoideae are more common in North temperate areas and those of the Clusioideae are centered in the Tropics.

Later classifications however divide the family in a finer way. The taxonomy below mostly follows that of Stevens.[2] Molecular studies have shown that the family Podostemaceae - the riverweeds - as well as the Theaceae-segregate Bonnetiaceae need to be included in this group. Their inclusions make Clusiaceae in a wide-sense polyphyletic, and Stevens's subfamilies need to be recognised at family level: Clusioideae as Clusiaceae sensu stricto; Hypericoideae as Hypericaceae; and Kielmeyeroideae as Calophyllaceae.[3]

Subfamily Clusioideae

Synonyms are in parentheses:

Tribe Clusieae[4]
  • Chrysochlamys Poepp. (Balboa Planch. & Triana, Commirhoea Miers, and Poecilostemon Triana & Planch.)
  • Clusia (Androstylium, Cochlanthera, Decaphalangium, Havetia, Havetiopsis, Oedematopus, Oxystemon, Pilosperma, Quapoya, Renggeria, Rengifa, etc.)
  • Dystovomita (Engl.) D’Arcy
  • Tovomita Aubl. (Arawakia L.Marinho, Beauharnoisia Ruiz & Pav., Euthales F.Dietr. Marialva Vand., Micranthera Choisy, and Tovomitidium Ducke)
  • Tovomitopsis Planch. & Triana (Bertolonia Spreng.)
Tribe Garcinieae
  • Garcinia (Brindonia, Cambogia, Clusianthemum, Mangostana, Oxycarpus, Pentaphalangium, Rheedia, Septogarcinia, Tripetalum, Tsimatimia, Verticillaria, Xanthochymus) - saptree, mangosteen
Tribe Moronobeeae
Tribe Platonieae
Tribe Symphonieae
Tribe ?

Subfamily Hypericoideae

This subfamily comprises 3 tribes; synonyms are in parentheses:

Tribe Cratoxyleae
Cratoxylum (Cratoxylon)
Eliea (Eliaea)
Triadenum - marsh St. Johnswort
Tribe Hypericeae
Hypericum (Adenotrias, Androsaemum, Androsemum, Ascyrum, Lianthus, Olympia, Sanidophyllum, Sarothra, Takasagoya, Triadenia) - St John's Wort
Tribe Vismieae
Harungana (Haronga)

Subfamily Kielmeyeroideae

This subfamily comprises 2 tribes:

Tribe Calophylleae (12 genera)
Clusiella (Asthotheca, Astrotheca)
Mammea (Ochrocarpos, Paramammea) - mammee apple (sometimes put in Garcinieae)
Mesua (Vidalia)
Tribe Endodesmieae (contains 2 African monotypic genera)


  1. Clusiaceae Lindl. Plants of the World Online. Retrieved 29 November 2023.
  2. Stevens, P. F. (1980). A revision of the Old World species of Calophyllum (Guttiferae). J. Arnold Arboretum 61:117–699.
  3. APG III (2009)
  4. Lucas C. Marinho, Liming Cai, Xiaoshan Duan, Brad R. Ruhfel, Pedro Fiaschi, André M. Amorim, Cássio van den Berg, Charles C. Davis (2019). Plastomes resolve generic limits within tribe Clusieae (Clusiaceae) and reveal the new genus Arawakia. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Volume 134, 2019, pages 142-151. ISSN 1055-7903,


  • van Rijckevorsel, Paul (November 2002). "(1564) Proposal to Conserve the Name Platonia insignis against Moronobea esculenta (Guttiferae)". Taxon. 51 (4): 813–815. doi:10.2307/1555050. JSTOR 1555050.
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