This is a list of Czech people who have been convicted of serious crimes.

Child sex offenders

Czechs convicted of child sex offences:


Czechs convicted of corruption offenses:


Czechs convicted of fraud:



Czechs convicted of murder:

Mass murderers

Serial killers

  • Oto Biederman: member of "The Kolínský Gang" who murdered five people from 1993 to 1995, including a former accomplice; sentenced to life imprisonment.[22]
  • Jan Philopon Dambrovský: Roman Catholic priest who poisoned four archbishops in the 16th-century; arrested and later executed.[23]
  • Jaroslava Fabiánová: murdered four men between 1981 and 2003 for financial reasons; sentenced to life imprisonment.[24]
  • Ladislav Hojer: sadist who raped and strangled at least five women from 1978 to 1981 around Czechoslovakia; executed in 1986.[25]
  • Kateřina of Komárov: 16th-century noblewoman who tortured and maimed between 14 and 30 serfs in Pičín and Příbram; exiled to Prague Castle, where she died in March 1534.[26]
  • Václav Mrázek: convicted of the murders of seven women around Chomutov; executed in 1957.[27]
  • Martin Lecián: responsible for killing three policemen and a prison officer; executed in 1927.[28]
  • Orlík killers: five-man gang who killed people for monetary gain from 1991 to 1993, then stuffed their bodies in barrels and dumped them in dams; sentenced to various terms of imprisonment.[29]
  • Hubert Pilčík: killed at least five people whom he helped cross the border from Czechoslovakia into West Germany; committed suicide in prison in 1951.[30]
  • Martin Roháč: former soldier who robbed and killed 59 people between 1568 and 1571 with his accomplices; all were executed in 1571.[31]
  • Ivan Roubal: occultist who murdered five people from 1991 to 1994; sentenced to life imprisonment and died in 2015.[32]
  • Svatoslav Štěpánek: known as "The Roudnice Monster"; killed one child and at least two women in Roudnice nad Labem from 1926 to 1936, mutilating the female victims' bodies; executed in 1938.[33]
  • Jaroslav and Dana Stodolovi: couple who robbed and killed eight pensioners from 2001 to 2002; both sentenced to life imprisonment.[34]
  • Jiří Straka: known as "The Spartakiad Killer"; teenager who raped and robbed 11 women in Prague between February and May 1985, killing three; sentenced to 10 years imprisonment and psychiatric treatment, released in 2004.[35]
  • Petr Zelenka: male nurse convicted of murdering seven patients in Havlíčkův Brod by lethal injections to "test" doctors; sentenced to life imprisonment.[36]

Spree killers


Czechs convicted of rape:

Robbers and thieves

Czechs convicted of robbery or theft:


War criminals



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