The first Czech presidential election was held in 1993, and elections have been held every five years since. The President was elected indirectly by parliament until the 2013 election and has been elected directly by Czech voters since then.

1993Václav HavelODS-KDU–ČSL-ODAWon the election[1]
Miroslav SládekSPR–RSČ3rd place
Marie StiborováKSCM-SDL2nd place
1998Stanislav FischerKSCM2nd place
Václav HavelUS-KDU–ČSL-ODAWon the election
Miroslav SládekSPR–RSČ3rd place
2003Jaroslav BurešČSSD3rd place of 1st ballot
Václav KlausODSWon the election
Miroslav KříženeckýKSČM4th place of 1st ballot
Jaroslava MoserováODA2nd place of 2nd ballot
Petr PithartKDU–ČSL2nd place of 1st ballot
Jan SokolČSSD2nd place of 3rd ballot
Miloš ZemanČSSD3rd place of 2nd ballot
2008Jana BobošíkováKSČMWithdrawn
Václav KlausODSWon the election
Jan ŠvejnarČSSD2nd place
2013Jana BobošíkováČS9th place
Jiří Dienstbier Jr.ČSSD4th place
Jan FischerIndependent3rd place
Táňa FischerováZELENÍ7th place
Vladimír FranzIndependent5th place
Zuzana RoithováKDU–ČSL6th place
Karel SchwarzenbergTOP 09lost in runoff
Přemysl SobotkaODS8th place
Miloš ZemanSPOWon the election
2018Miloš ZemanSPOWon the election
Jiří DrahošKDU–ČSL-STANlost in runoff
Pavel FischerIndependent3rd place
Michal HoráčekIndependent4th place
Marek HilšerIndependent5th place
Mirek TopolánekODS-SsČR6th place
Jiří HynekREAL7th place
Petr HannigRozumní-ND8th place
Vratislav KulhánekODA9th place
2023[2]Petr PavelIndependentWon the election
Andrej BabišANOlost in runoff
Danuše NerudováIndependent3rd place
Pavel FischerIndependent4th place
Jaroslav BaštaSPD5th place
Marek HilšerIndependent6th place
Karel DivišIndependent7th place
Tomáš ZimaIndependent8th place


  1. "1992 a 1993 - Volba prezidenta 2008 (Český rozhlas)". (in Czech). Retrieved 9 April 2017.
  2. "Prezidentské volby 2023". Retrieved 9 March 2023.
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