This is a list of Hijri years (Latin: anno Hegirae or AH) with the corresponding common era years where applicable. For Hijri years since 1297 AH (1879/1881 CE), the Gregorian date of 1 Muharram, the first day of the year in the Islamic calendar, is given.
The first Hijri year (AH 1) was retrospectively considered to have begun on the Julian calendar date 15 July 622 (known as the ‘astronomical’ or ‘Thursday’ epoch, Julian day 1,948,439) or 16 July 622 (the ‘civil’ or ‘Friday’ epoch, Julian day 1,948,440), denoted as "1 Muharram, AH 1". Years prior to this are reckoned in English as BH ("Before the Hijra").[1]
In principle, each Islamic month begins with sighting of the new crescent moon (after a New Moon) at sunset. Because of this, the calendar is dependent on observational conditions and cannot be predicted or reconstructed with certainty, but tabular calendars are in use which determine the dates algorithmically. Because of this, dates may vary by up to two days between traditions or countries.
c. 53 BH (c. 570 CE) Birth of Muhammad[2]
Early Muslim conquests
AH 1 (15/16 Jul 622 – 3/4 Jul 623) AH 10 (631/632): death of Muhammad;[3] Muslim conquest of the Levant (AH 12–18), AH 20 (640/641): Muslim conquest of Egypt (AH 19–21), AH 30 (650/651),AH 40 (660/661), AH 50 (670/671), AH 60 (679/680): AH 61: martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali (Arabic: الحسين بن علي بن أبي طالب), AH 70 (689/690), AH 80 (699/700), AH 90 (708/709), AH 100 (718/719), AH 110 (728/729), AH 120 (737/738), AH 130 (747/748); AH 140 (757/758);
Islamic Golden Age
AH 150 (767/768), AH 200 (815/816), AH 250 (864/865), AH 300 (912/913), AH 350 (961/962), AH 400 (1009/1010), AH 450 (1058/1059), AH 500 (1106/1107), AH 550 (1155/1156), AH 600 (1203/1204), AH 650 (1252/1253);
AH 700 (1300/1301), AH 750 (1349/1350); AH 800 (1397/1398), AH 850 (1446/1447), AH 900 (1494/1495);
Early Modern
Muslim Empires
AH 950 (1543/1544), AH 960 (1552/1553), AH 970 (1562/1563), AH 980 (1572/1573), AH 990 (1582/1583): declaration of the Gregorian calendar AH 1000 (1591/1592), AH 1010 (1601/1602), AH 1020 (1611/1612), AH 1030 (1620/1621), AH 1040 (1630/1631), AH 1050 (1640/1641), AH 1060 (1649/1650), AH 1070 (1659/1660), AH 1080 (1669/1670), AH 1090 (1679/1680), AH 1100 (1688/1689), AH 1110 (1698/1699), AH 1120 (1708/1709), AH 1130 (1717/1718), AH 1140 (1727/1728), AH 1150 (1737/1738), AH 1160 (1746/1747), AH 1170 (1756/1757), AH 1180 (1766/1767), AH 1190 (1776/1777), AH 1200 (1785/1786), AH 1210 (1795/1796), AH 1220 (1805/1806), AH 1230 (1814/1815), AH 1240 (1824/1825), AH 1250 (1834/1835), AH 1260 (1844/1845), AH 1270 (1853/1854), 3/4 Oct 1853– 23/24 Sep 1854.
1297 AH to 1399 AH (1879 to 1978 CE)
Islamic | Gregorian date of 1 Muharram (tabular schemes) | Observed |
1298 AH | Sat 3/4 Dec 1880 | |
1299 AH | Wed Nov 23, 1881 | |
1300 AH | Sun Nov 12, 1882 | |
1301 AH | Fri Nov 2, 1883 | |
1302 AH | Tue Oct 21, 1884 | |
1303 AH | Sat Oct 10, 1885 | |
1304 AH | Thu Sep 30, 1886 | |
1305 AH | Mon Sep 19, 1887 | |
1306 AH | Fri Sep 7, 1888 | |
1307 AH | Wed Aug 28, 1889 | |
1308 AH | Sun Aug 17, 1890 | |
1309 AH | Fri Aug 7, 1891 | |
1310 AH | Tue Jul 26, 1892 | |
1311 AH | Sat Jul 15, 1893 | |
1312 AH | Thu Jul 5, 1894 | |
1313 AH | Mon Jun 24, 1895 | |
1314 AH | Fri Jun 12, 1896 | |
1315 AH | Wed Jun 2, 1897 | |
1316 AH | Sun May 22, 1898 | |
1317 AH | Fri May 12, 1899 | |
1318 AH | Tue May 1, 1900 | |
1319 AH | Sat Apr 20, 1901 | |
1320 AH | Thu Apr 10, 1902 | |
1321 AH | Mon Mar 30, 1903 | |
1322 AH | Fri Mar 18, 1904 | |
1323 AH | Wed Mar 8, 1905 | |
1324 AH | Sun Feb 25, 1906 | |
1325 AH | Thu Feb 14, 1907 | |
1326 AH | Tue Feb 4, 1908 | |
1327 AH | Sat Jan 23, 1909 | |
1328 AH | Thu Jan 13, 1910 | |
1329 AH | Mon Jan 2, 1911 | |
1330 AH | Fri Dec 22, 1911 | |
1331 AH | Wed Dec 11, 1912 | |
1332 AH | Sun Nov 30, 1913 | |
1333 AH | Thu Nov 19, 1914 | |
1334 AH | Tue Nov 9, 1915 | |
1335 AH | Sat Oct 28, 1916 | |
1336 AH | Wed Oct 17, 1917 | |
1337 AH | Mon Oct 7, 1918 | |
1338 AH | Fri Sep 26, 1919 | |
1339 AH | Wed Sep 15, 1920 | |
1340 AH | Sun Sep 4, 1921 | |
1341 AH | Thu Aug 24, 1922 | |
1342 AH | Tue Aug 14, 1923 | |
1343 AH | Sat Aug 2, 1924 | |
1344 AH | Wed Jul 22, 1925 | |
1345 AH | Mon Jul 12, 1926 | |
1346 AH | Fri Jul 1, 1927 | |
1347 AH | Wed Jun 20, 1928 | |
1348 AH | Sun Jun 9, 1929 | |
1349 AH | Thu May 29, 1930 | |
1350 AH | Tue May 19, 1931 | |
1351 AH | Sat May 7, 1932 | |
1352 AH | Wed Apr 26, 1933 | |
1353 AH | Mon Apr 16, 1934 | |
1354 AH | Fri Apr 5, 1935 | |
1355 AH | Tue Mar 24, 1936 | |
1356 AH | Sun Mar 14, 1937 | |
1357 AH | Thu Mar 3, 1938 | |
1358 AH | Tue Feb 21, 1939 | |
1359 AH | Sat Feb 10, 1940 | |
1360 AH | Wed Jan 29, 1941 | |
1361 AH | Mon Jan 19, 1942 | |
1362 AH | Fri Jan 8, 1943 | |
1363 AH | Tue Dec 28, 1943 | |
1364 AH | Sun Dec 17, 1944 | |
1365 AH | Thu Dec 6, 1945 | |
1366 AH | Mon Nov 25, 1946 | |
1367 AH | Sat Nov 15, 1947 | |
1368 AH | Wed Nov 3, 1948 | |
1369 AH | Mon Oct 24, 1949 | |
1370 AH | Fri Oct 13, 1950 | |
1371 AH | Tue Oct 2, 1951 | |
1372 AH | Sun Sep 21, 1952 | |
1373 AH | Thu Sep 10, 1953 | |
1374 AH | Mon Aug 30, 1954 | |
1375 AH | Sat Aug 20, 1955 | |
1376 AH | Wed Aug 8, 1956 | |
1377 AH | Mon Jul 29, 1957 | |
1378 AH | Fri Jul 18, 1958 | |
1379 AH | Tue Jul 7, 1959 | |
1380 AH | Sun Jun 26, 1960 | |
1381 AH | Thu Jun 15, 1961 | |
1382 AH | Mon Jun 4, 1962 | |
1383 AH | Sat May 25, 1963 | |
1384 AH | Wed May 13, 1964 | |
1385 AH | Sun May 2, 1965 | |
1386 AH | Fri Apr 22, 1966 | |
1387 AH | Tue Apr 11, 1967 | |
1388 AH | Sun Mar 31, 1968 | |
1389 AH | Thu Mar 20, 1969 | |
1390 AH | Mon Mar 9, 1970 | |
1391 AH | Sat Feb 27, 1971 | |
1392 AH | Wed Feb 16, 1972 | |
1393 AH | Sun Feb 4, 1973 | |
1394 AH | Fri Jan 25, 1974 | |
1395 AH | Tue Jan 14, 1975 | |
1396 AH | Sat Jan 3, 1976 | |
1397 AH | Thu Dec 23, 1976 | |
1398 AH | Mon Dec 12, 1977 | |
1399 AH | Sat Dec 2, 1978 |
1400 AH to 1499 AH (1979 to 2075 CE)
Islamic | Gregorian date of 1 Muharram (tabular schemes) | Observed |
1400 AH | Tue/Wed 20[4]/21 Nov 1979 | |
1401 AH | Sun Nov 9, 1980 | |
1402 AH | Fri Oct 30, 1981 | |
1403 AH | Tue Oct 19, 1982 | |
1404 AH | Sat Oct 8, 1983 | |
1405 AH | Thu Sep 27, 1984 | |
1406 AH | Mon Sep 16, 1985 | |
1407 AH | Sat Sep 6, 1986 | |
1408 AH | Wed Aug 26, 1987 | |
1409 AH | Sun Aug 14, 1988 | |
1410 AH | Fri Aug 4, 1989 | |
1411 AH | Tue Jul 24, 1990 | |
1412 AH | Sat Jul 13, 1991 | |
1413 AH | Thu Jul 2, 1992 | |
1414 AH | Mon Jun 21, 1993 | |
1415 AH | Fri Jun 10, 1994 | |
1416 AH | Wed May 31, 1995 | |
1417 AH | Sun May 19, 1996 | |
1418 AH | Fri May 9, 1997 | |
1419 AH | Tue Apr 28, 1998 | |
1420 AH | Sat Apr 17, 1999 | |
1421 AH | Thu Apr 6, 2000 | |
1422 AH | Mon Mar 26, 2001 | |
1423 AH | Fri Mar 15, 2002 | |
1424 AH | Wed Mar 5, 2003 | |
1425 AH | Sun Feb 22, 2004 | |
1426 AH | Thu Feb 10, 2005 | |
1427 AH | Tue Jan 31, 2006 | |
1428 AH | Sat Jan 20, 2007 | 20 January[5] |
1429 AH | Thu Jan 10, 2008 | 11 January[6] |
1430 AH | Sun/Mon/Tue 28/29/30 Dec 2008 | 28 December[7] |
1431 AH | Thu/Fri/Sat 17/18/19 Dec 2009 | 17 December[8] |
1432 AH | Tue/Wed 7/8 December 2010 | 6 December[9] |
1433 AH | Sun Nov 27, 2011 (Close to the Solar eclipse of November 25, 2011) | 26 November[10] |
1434 AH | Thu/Fri 14/15 Nov 2012 (Close to the Solar eclipse of November 13, 2012) | 15 November[11] |
1435 AH | Mon/Tue 4/5 Nov 2013 (Close to the Solar eclipse of November 3, 2013) | |
1436 AH | Fri/Sat 24/25 Oct 2014 (Close to the Solar eclipse of October 23, 2014) | |
1437 AH | Tue/Wed/Thu 13/14/15 Oct 2015 | |
1438 AH | Sun/Mon 2/3 Oct 2016 | |
1439 AH | Thu/Fri 21/22 Sep 2017 | |
1440 AH | Tue/Wed 11/12 Sep 2018 | |
1441 AH | Sat 31 Aug/Sun 1 Sep 2019 | |
1442 AH | Wed/Thu 19/20 Aug 2020 | |
1443 AH | Sun/Mon 9/10 Aug 2021 | |
1444 AH | Sat 30 July 2022 | |
1445 AH | Wed 19 July 2023 | |
1446 AH | Sun 7 July 2024 (Estimated date[12]) |
See also
- ↑ "Hijri Calendar". Government of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Archived from the original on 22 February 2019. Retrieved 21 January 2017..
- ↑
- Conrad, Lawrence I. (1987). "Abraha and Muhammad: some observations apropos of chronology and literary topoi in the early Arabic historical tradition1". Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 50 (2): 225–40. doi:10.1017/S0041977X00049016.
- Sherrard Beaumont Burnaby (1901). Elements of the Jewish and Muhammadan calendars: with rules and tables and explanatory notes on the Julian and Gregorian calendars. G. Bell. p. 465.
- Hamidullah, Muhammad (February 1969). "The Nasi', the Hijrah Calendar and the Need of Preparing a New Concordance for the Hijrah and Gregorian Eras: Why the Existing Western Concordances are Not to be Relied Upon" (PDF). The Islamic Review & Arab Affairs: 6–12. Archived from the original (PDF) on 5 November 2012.
- ↑ Elizabeth Goldman (1995), p. 63, gives 8 June 632 CE, the dominant Islamic tradition. Many earlier (primarily non-Islamic) traditions refer to him as still alive at the time of the invasion of Palestine. See Stephen J. Shoemaker,The Death of a Prophet: The End of Muhammad's Life and the Beginnings of Islam, page 248, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011.
- ↑ Middle East Economic Digest (MEED), volume 23, Issues 27-39, 1979, p. 14
- ↑ ""Islamic New Year Observed Today; President Airs Wish for Peace on Amon Jadid Exhorts Muslims to Assist in Nat'l Resurgence" – Manila Bulletin, January 20, 2007".
- ↑ "Islamic New year to be observed on 11th January | AAJ News". 2008-01-10. Retrieved 2013-05-22.
- ↑ Islamic Crescents' Observation Project, Visibility of Muharram Crescent 1430 AH
- ↑ Islamic Crescents' Observation Project, Visibility of Muharram Crescent 1431 AH. Not seen in Saudi Arabia; "The sky was cloudy which could be the reason of not seeing the crescent. Anyway, it was officially announced that Friday [18th Dec] is the first day of Muharram."
- ↑ Islamic Crescents' Observation Project, Visibility of Muharram Crescent 1432 AH; seen in Algeria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, South Africa.
- ↑ Islamic Crescents' Observation Project, Visibility of Muharram Crescent 1433 AH
- ↑ "Praying, fasting to herald in Islamic New Year". 2012-11-15. Retrieved 2013-05-22.
- ↑ "Important dates in Islamic Calendar in the Year 2024". Retrieved 1 October 2023.
- Caetani, Leone, Chronographia Islamica, ossia riassunto cronologico della storia di tutti i popoli musulmani dall’anno 1 all’anno 922 della Higrah (622–1517 dell’Èra Volgare), corredato della bibliografia di tutte le principali fonti stampate e manoscritte, (Paris: Librairie Paul Geuthner, [1912/22])[only 5 fascicles, covering the period 1 to 132 AH (622/23 to 749/50 CE), were published].
External links
- "Muharram new year",, 2012, web: TD.
- "Crescent Moon Visibility and the Islamic Calendar", U.S. Navy,, webpage: USNO-cres.
- Robert Harry van Gent, Islamic-Western Calendar Converter (Based on the Arithmetical or Tabular Calendar)
- Islamic Date Converter