System map (including fare zones) of Metrovalencia (May 2022).

The following is a list of the 138 stations[1][2][3][4] in the Metrovalencia hybrid metro/tram system in Valencia, Spain. The Metrovalencia network consists of 156.4 kilometres (97.2 mi) of route. A 27.3-kilometre (17.0 mi) portion of this network, serving a total of 35 stations, is underground. The remaining 129.1 kilometres (80.2 mi) of route, serving 103 stations, is at-grade.[1]


  • Boldface: Terminus station
  • Italics: Request-stop station


Station Lines Opened Type Character Notes
À Punt 1999 Tram At-grade Renamed from TVV as part of the name overhaul of May 2022.[4] TVV (Televisió Valenciana) was dissolved by the government in November 2013. In 2018 a new state-owned broadcasting body was founded which now runs À Punt.
Aeroport 2007 Metro Underground
Alacant 2022 Tram Underground
Alameda 1995 Metro Underground
Albalat dels Sorells 1995 Suburban train At-grade
Alberic 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Alboraia Palmaret 1995/2010 Metro Underground Originally an at-grade suburban train station called Palmaret. Renamed to Alboraya-Palmaret and put underground in December 2010.[5] In May 2022, its name was changed along with 21 other stations.[4]
Alboraia Peris Aragó 1995/2010 Metro Underground Originally an at-grade suburban train station called Alboraya. Renamed and put underground in December 2010.[5] In May 2022, its name was changed along with 21 other stations.[4]
Alfauir 2007 Tram At-grade
Alginet 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Almàssera 1995 Suburban train At-grade
Amado Granell-Montolivet 2022 Tram Underground
Amistat 2003 Metro Underground Originally Amistat, changed its named to Amistat-Casa de Salud in 2014 after a sponsorship agreement. Reverted to its original name in May 2022.[6]
Àngel Guimerà 1988 Metro Underground
Aragó 2003 Metro Underground Renamed from Aragón as part of the name overhaul of May 2022.[4]
Ausiàs March 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Avinguda del Cid 1998 Metro Underground
Ayora 2003 Metro Underground
Bailén 2005 Metro Underground
Benaguasil 1988 Suburban train At-grade Renamed from Benaguasil 2n as part of the name overhaul of May 2022.[4]
Benicalap 1994 Tram At-grade
Beniferri 1988 Metro Underground
Benimaclet 1995 Metro/Tram Underground
Benimàmet 1988/2011 Suburban train Underground Originally an at-grade suburban train station; put underground in May 2011.[7]
Benimodo 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Bétera 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Beteró 1994 Tram At-grade Renamed from Serrería as part of the name overhaul of May 2022.[4]
Burjassot 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Burjassot-Godella 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Cabanyal 1994 Tram At-grade Northbound-direction only. Renamed from La Marina as part of the name overhaul of May 2022.[4]
Campament 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Campanar 1988 Metro Underground
Campus 1999 Tram At-grade
Cantereria 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Canyamelar 2007 Tram At-grade Renamed from Mediterrani as part of the name overhaul of May 2022.[4]
Carlet 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Castelló 1988 Suburban train At-grade Renamed from Villanueva de Castellón as part of the name overhaul of May 2022.[4] The town that gives name to the station officially changed names in 2020.[8]
Ciutat Arts i Ciències-Justícia 2022 Tram At-grade
Col·legi El Vedat 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Colón 1998 Metro Underground
Doctor Lluch 1994 Tram At-grade Northbound-direction only
El Clot 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Empalme 1988 Metro/Tram At-grade
Entrepins 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Espioca 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Estadi Ciutat de València 2007 Tram At-grade Renamed from Estadi del Llevant as part of the name overhaul of May 2022[4]
Facultats-Manuel Broseta 1995 Metro Underground Renamed from Facultats in memory of Manuel Broseta on the 30th anniversary of his assassination.[9]
Faitanar 2007 Metro Underground
Fira València 2000 Tram At-grade Special events service only
Florista 1994 Tram At-grade
Foios 1995 Suburban train At-grade
Fondo de Benaguasil 1988 Suburban train At-grade Renamed from Benaguasil 1r as part of the name overhaul of May 2022.[4]
Font Almaguer 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Francesc Cubells 2007 Tram At-grade
Fuente del Jarro 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Gallipont-Torre del Virrei 2007 Suburban train At-grade Renamed from Torre del Virrei as part of the name overhaul of May 2022.[4]
Garbí 1994 Tram At-grade
Godella 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Horta Vella 1988 Suburban train At-grade Renamed from Sanatori Psiquiàtric in November 2016.[10]
Jesús 1988 Metro Underground Opened as Jesús; renamed Joaquín Sorolla in December 2010[11] following an accident which killed 43 people. Renamed Joaquín Sorolla-Jesús in July 2011.[12] Reverted to its current name on 30 June 2016.[13]
L'Alcúdia 1988 Suburban train At-grade
L'Eliana 1988 Suburban train At-grade
La Cadena 1994 Tram At-grade
La Canyada 1988 Suburban train At-grade
La Carrasca 1994 Tram At-grade
La Coma 2005 Tram At-grade
La Cova 2015 Suburban train At-grade
La Granja 1999 Tram At-grade
La Pobla de Farnals 1995 Suburban train At-grade
La Pobla de Vallbona 1988 Suburban train At-grade
La Presa 2015 Suburban train At-grade
La Vallesa 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Les Carolines-Fira 1988/2011 Suburban train Underground Originally an at-grade suburban train station; put underground in May 2011.[7]
Llíria 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Lloma Llarga-Terramelar 2005 Tram At-grade
Machado 1995 Metro Underground
Manises 2007 Metro Underground
Marina de València 2007 Tram At-grade Originally called Grau; name changed in December 2010.[14] Renamed from Grau-Canyamelar as part of the name overhaul of May 2022.[4]
Neptú 2007 Tram At-grade Renamed to Marina Reial Joan Carles I in April 2013.[5] In May 2022 it reverted to its original name.[4]
Serrería 2007 Metro/Tram Underground Renamed from Marítim-Serrería as part of the name overhaul of May 2022.[4]
Marxalenes 1994 Tram At-grade
Massalavés 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Mas del Rosari 2005 Tram At-grade
Masia de Traver 2015 Suburban train At-grade
Masies 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Massamagrell 1995 Suburban train At-grade
Massarrojos 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Meliana 1995 Suburban train At-grade
Mislata 1999 Metro Underground
Mislata-Almassil 1999 Metro Underground
Moncada-Alfara 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Montesol 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Montortal 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Moreres 2022 Tram At-grade
Museros 1995 Suburban train At-grade
Natzaret 2022 Tram At-grade
Nou d'Octubre 1999 Metro Underground
Oceanogràfic 2022 Tram At-grade
Omet 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Orriols 2007 Tram At-grade
Paiporta 1988 Metro At-grade
Palau de Congressos 1994 Tram At-grade
Parc Científic 2005 Tram At-grade Originally called Santa Gemma; name changed in December 2010.[14] Renamed from Santa Gemma-Parc Científic UV as part of the name overhaul of May 2022.[4]
Paterna 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Patraix 1988 Metro Underground
Picanya 1988 Metro At-grade
Picassent 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Plaça d'Espanya 1988 Metro Underground
Platja Les Arenes 1994 Tram At-grade Southbound-direction only. Renamed from Les Arenes as part of the name overhaul of May 2022.[4]
Platja Malva-rosa 1994 Tram At-grade Southbound-direction only. Renamed from Eugenia Viñes as part of the name overhaul of May 2022.[4]
Pont de Fusta 1994 Tram At-grade
Quart de Poblet 2007 Metro Underground
Quatre Carreres 2022 Tram At-grade
Rafelbunyol 1995 Suburban train At-grade
Realón 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Reus 1994 Tram At-grade
Riba-roja de Túria 2015 Suburban train At-grade
Rocafort 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Roses 2007 Metro Underground Renamed from Rosas as part of the name overhaul of May 2022.[4]
Russafa 2022 Tram Underground
Safranar 1988 Metro Underground Originally called Hospital; name changed in December 2011.[14]
Sagunt 1994 Tram At-grade
Salt de L'Aigua 2007 Metro Underground
Sant Isidre 1988 Metro At-grade
Sant Joan 1999 Tram At-grade
Sant Miquel del Reis 2007 Tram At-grade
Sant Ramon 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Santa Rita 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Seminari-CEU 1988 Suburban train At-grade
Tarongers-Ernest Lluch 1994 Tram At-grade Renamed in November 2021 on the 21st anniversary of the assassination of Ernest Lluch.[15]
Tomás y Valiente 2005 Tram At-grade
Torrent 1988 Metro At-grade
Torrent Avinguda 2004 Metro Underground
Tossal del Rei 2007 Tram At-grade
Trànsits 1994 Tram At-grade
Trinitat 1994 Tram At-grade Renamed from Primat Reig as part of the name overhaul of May 2022.[4]
Túria 1988 Metro Underground
Universitat Politècnica 1994 Tram At-grade
València Sud 1988 Metro At-grade
València la Vella 2018 Metro At-grade
Vicent Andrés Estellés 1999 Tram At-grade
Vicent Zaragozá 1994 Tram At-grade
Xàtiva 1998 Metro Underground


  1. 1 2 "Metrovalencia network data". FGV. Retrieved 25 January 2022.
  2. "Getting around with Metrovalencia – Lines". FGV. Retrieved 25 January 2022.
  3. "Plano de la red de Metrovalencia 2020" (PDF) (in Spanish). FGV. May 2020. Retrieved 25 January 2022.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 "FGV modificará el nombre de 21 estaciones y paradas de Metrovalencia para mejorar su identificación y adaptarse a los cambios urbanos". Metrovalencia. 1 December 2021. Retrieved 25 January 2022.
  5. 1 2 3 "La parada del tranvía 'Neptú' pasa a denominarse 'Marina Real Joan Carles I'". El Mundo (in Spanish). EFE. 6 April 2013.
  6. Castillejo, Sonia (10 May 2022). "Las 23 estaciones de Metrovalencia que cambian de nombre" [The 23 Metrovalencia stations that change their name]. Levante-EMV (in Spanish). Valencia. Retrieved 27 May 2023.
  7. 1 2 "Benimàmet estrena el trazado subterráneo de su línea de metro" [Benimàmet opens the underground section of its metro line]. Levante-EMV (in Spanish). Valencia. 22 May 2011. Retrieved 27 May 2023.
  8. "D'aprovació del canvi de denominació del municipi de Villanueva de Castellón per la forma exclusiva en valencià «Castelló»". Decret No. 112/2020 of 4 September 2020 (PDF) (in Spanish and Catalan). Vol. 8900. pp. 33852–33853 via DOGV.
  9. "Manuel Broseta dará nombre a una estación de metro en Valencia". Las Provincias (in Spanish). 10 March 2022. Retrieved 10 March 2022.
  10. "El apeadero de 'Psiquiàtric' de Bétera se llamará 'Horta Vella'". Levante EMV. 23 November 2016. Retrieved 18 February 2022.
  11. "La asociación de víctimas critica el cambio de nombre de la estación del accidente de metro". El País (in Spanish). 16 December 2010.
  12. Pascual, Rosa (30 July 2011). "La estación del accidente de metro recupera su nombre". El País (in Spanish).
  13. "Trabajadores de FGV cambian los carteles en la estación de Jesús" [Valencia railway workers change the signs in Jesús station]. Las Provincias (in Spanish). Valencia, Spain. EFE. 30 June 2016.
  14. 1 2 3 Pitarch, Sergi (11 December 2010). "FGV cambia el nombre a la estación de Jesús 1.460 días después de la tragedia del metro". Levante-EMV.
  15. "La parada de tranvía de Tarongers de Metrovalencia añade a su nombre el de Ernest Lluch en memoria del catedrático asesinado por ETA". FGV. 18 November 2021.
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