The following is a list of people who were born, resided, or otherwise visited South Georgia Island for any amount of time and were notable in its history.
- F.B. Allison
- Ludwig Allum
- J.G. Andersson
- W. Barlas
- Sinclair Begg
- Søren Berntsen
- Basil Biggs
- Noel Biggs
- E.B. Binnie
- Nigel Bonner
- Pauline Carr
- Tim Carr
- Duncan Carse
- J.M. Chaplin
- Jan Cheek
- Gerry Clark
- D.J. Coleman
- James Cook
- Finn Dahlberg
- Anthony de la Roché
- S. Duse
- Viktor Esbensen
- Wilhelm Filchner
- A.I. Fleuret
- Georg Forster
- Gunnar Gulbrandsen
- Leganger Hansen
- Ole Hauge
- Robert K. Headland
- Henrik Henriksen
- Fridthjof Jacobsen
- Solveig Gunbjörg Jacobsen
- Heinrich W. Klutschak
- Ludwig Kohl-Larsen
- Carl Anton Larsen
- Lauritz Larsen
- Kristen Løken
- Pat Lurcock
- Sarah Lurcock
- J.W. Matthew
- Clive Johnson
- Leonard Harrison Matthews
- Robert Cushman Murphy
- Nohart Nielsen
- Nils Olsen
- K.S. Pierce-Butler
- Dion Poncet
- Jérôme Poncet
- Sally Poncet
- Karl Schrader
- Ernest Shackleton
- Carl J. Skottsberg
- Eric Sörling
- Thoralf Sørlle
- R.E. Spivey
- Einar Strand
- Harald Studsrød
- Ernest Swinhoe
- Daniel R. Toner
- J.I. Wilson
- Headland, Robert K. (1984). The Island of South Georgia, Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-25274-1
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