This list of books about skepticism is a skeptic's library of works centered on scientific skepticism, religious skepticism, critical thinking, scientific literacy, and refutation of claims of the paranormal. It also includes titles about atheism, irreligion, books for "young skeptics" and related subjects. It is intended as a starting point for research into these areas of study.
Collections in the realm of skepticism, science literacy, and freethought exist both online and in brick-and-mortar libraries. The complete works of Robert G. Ingersoll are available online at both the Secular Web[1] and as part of the Internet Archive project[2] The Drew University Library hosts a collection of pamphlets by and about Mr. Ingersoll.[3] In 2013 the Library of Congress announced the opening of the Seth MacFarlane Collection of the Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan Archive which includes more than 1,500 boxes of donated material.[4] MacFarlane donated the funds which allowed the Library of Congress to purchase a collection of Sagan's notes from Druyan (widow of Sagan) because of his concern over fading science literacy.[5]
To sort the table, click the arrow in any header cell.
Author(s)/Editor(s) | Category | Title | ISBN or WorldCat | Publisher | Edition | Year |
John William Draper | Religious skepticism | History of the conflict between religion and science | - | Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Company | 21st | 1890 |
Haeckel, Ernst | Religious skepticism | The answer of Ernst Haeckel to the falsehoods of the Jesuits, Catholic and Protestant, from the German pamphlet "Sandalion," and "My church departure" | - | The Truth Seeker Company | 1st | 1911 |
McCabe, Joseph | Religious skepticism | From Rome to Rationalism: or Why I Left the Church | - | Watts & Co | 1st | 1896 |
Crease, Robert P. | Scientific skepticism | The Workshop and the World: What Ten Thinkers Can Teach Us About Science and Authority | 978-0393292442 | W. W. Norton & Company | 1st | 2019 |
White, Andrew Dickson | Religious skeptIcism | A history of the warfare of science with theology in Christendom, vol. 1
A history of the warfare of science with theology in Christendom, vol 2 |
- | Macmillan & Company | 1st | 1897 |
Sloan, Richard P. | Scientific skepticism | Blind faith: the unholy alliance of religion and medicine | 978-0312348816 | St. Martin's Griffin | 1st | 2006 |
Steve Novella with Bob Novella, Cara Santa Maria, Jay Novella, and Evan Bernstein | Scientific skepticism | The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe: How to Know What's Really Real in a World Increasingly Full of Fake | 978-1538760512 | Grand Central Publishing | 1st | 2018 |
Grams, Natalie | Alt Med | Homeopathy Reconsidered – What Really Helps Patients (German title: Homöopathie neu gedacht – Was wirklich Patienten hilft) | 978-3662453360 | Springer | 2nd (in German) | 2015 |
Grams, Natalie | Alt Med | Gesundheit – A Book not Without Side Effects (German title: Gesundheit – Ein Buch nicht ohne Nebenwirkungen) | 978-3662547984 | Springer | 1st (in German) | 2017 |
Carroll, Sean M. | The Big Picture On the Origins of Life, Meaning and the Universe Itself | 0525954821 | Dutton | Illustrated | 2016 | |
Wilson, Robert A | Philosophy | Cosmic Trigger I: The Final Secret of the Illuminati | 0692513973 | Hilaritas Press, 24th printing, 2013 | Paperback | 1978 |
Hutchinson, Sikivu | Religious skepticism | White Nights, Black Paradise | 978-0692267134 | Infidel Books | Paperback | 2015 |
Loftus, John | Religious skepticism | The Outsider Test for Faith: How to know which Religion is True | 978-1616147372 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2013 |
Hendry, Allan | Scientific skepticism | The UFO Handbook | 978-0385143486 | Doubleday/Dolphin Books | Paperback | 1979 |
McAfee, David | Religious skepticism | Disproving Christianity: Refuting the World's Most Followed Religion | 1451555334 | Dangerous Little Books | Paperback | 2010 |
McAfee, David | Religious skepticism | Disproving Christianity and Other Secular Writings: Second Edition | 978-0956427687 | Dangerous Little Books | Paperback | 2011 |
McAfee, David | Religious skepticism | Mom, Dad, I'm an Atheist: The Guide to Coming Out as a Non-believer | 978-1908675040 | Dangerous Little Books | Paperback | 2012 |
McAfee, David | Young skeptics | The Belief Book | 978-1908675316 | Dangerous Little Books | Paperback | 2015 |
Waldron, David; Simon Townsend | Cryptozoology | Snarls From the Tea-Tree: Big Cat Folklore | 978-1921875830 | Arcadia | Paperback | 2012 |
Sanders, Kyle (Creator), Wikey, Elisa (Illustrator) | Scientific skepticism | Sounds Sciencey: A Comic Strip Collection About Science, Pseudoscience, and Geeky Relationships | 978-0692448601 | CarbonComic | Hardcover | 2015 |
O'Reilly, Patrick; Phyllis Rosen | Scientific skepticism | Undue Influence: Cons, Scams and Mind Control | 978-0985939953 | Bay Tree Publishing | Paperback | 2013 |
Mervine, Barbara "Kitty" | Young skeptics | Fairy Tales Fairly Told | 978-1300179375 | Kitty Mervine | Paperback | 2012 |
Gaylor, Annie Laurie (ed). | Religious skepticism | Women Without Superstition: "No Gods-No Masters" | 978-1877733093 | Freedom from Religion Foundation | Hardback | 1997 |
Blackmore, Susan | Scientific skepticism | Beyond the Body: An Investigation of Out-of-the-Body Experiences | 0897333446 | Academy Chicago Publishers | Paperback | 1992 |
Selman, Jeffrey | Creationism | God Sent Me: A Textbook Case on Evolution vs. Creation | 978-0578152554 | Blossom Press(self-published) | Softcover | 2015 |
Empiricus, Sextus | Pyrrhonism | Outlines of Pyrrhonism | 978-0674993013 | Harvard University Press | Hardcover | 1933 |
Dobelli, Rolf | Logic | The Art of Thinking Clearly | 978-0062219695 | Harper Paperbacks | Paperback | 2013 |
Stebbing, Susan | Logic | Thinking to Some Purpose | OCLC 1288272469 | Routledge (Pelican) | Paperback | 2022 [1939] |
Cranshaw-Williams, Rupert | Scientific skepticism | The Comforts Of Unreason: A Study of the Motives Behind Irrational Thought | OCLC 164521048 | Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co | Paperback | 1947 |
Shelton, Jay | Alt med | Homeopathy: How It Really Works | 159102109X | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2003 |
Brown, Candy Gunther | Alt med | The Healing Gods: Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Christian America | 978-0199985784 | Oxford University Press | Hardcover | 2013 |
Draco, Marc; Kavin Senapathy; Mark Alsip | Alt med | The Fear Babe: Shattering Vani Hari's Glass House | 978-0692509814 | Senapath Press | Hardback | 2015 |
Fried, John J. | Alt med | Vitamin Politics | 978-0879752224 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 1984 |
Slack, Gordy | Creationism | The Battle Over the Meaning of Everything: Evolution, Intelligent Design, and a School Board in Dover, PA | 978-0787987862 | Jossey-Bass | Paperback | 2007 |
Herbert, Victor | Alt med | Nutrition Cultism Facts and Fictions | ASIN B000TL0XCU | George F Stickley | Hardcover | 1981 |
Stalker, Douglas; Clark Glymour | Alt med | Examining Holistic Medicine | 978-0879753030 | Prometheus Books | Hardcover | 1986 |
Humes, Edward | Creationism | Monkey Girl: Evolution, Education, Religion, and the Battle for America's Soul | 978-0060885496 | Harper Perennial | Paperback | 2008 |
Lebo, Lauri | Creationism | The Devil in Dover: An Insider's Story of Dogma V. Darwin in Small-town America | 978-1595584519 | The New Press | Paperback | 2009 |
Whorton, James E. | Alt med | Nature Cures: The History of Alternative Medicine in America | 978-0195140712 | Oxford University Press | Hardcover | 2002 |
Entine, Jon | Scientific skepticism | Let Them Eat Precaution: How Politics is Undermining the Genetic Revolution in Agriculture | 978-0844742007 | Aei Press | Hardcover | 2005 |
Crews, Frederick | Follies of the Wise: Dissenting Essays | 978-1593761011 | Counterpoint | Hardcover | 2006 | |
Brock, Pope | Scientific skepticism | Charlatan: America's Most Dangerous Huckster, the Man Who Pursued Him, and the Age of Flimflam | 978-0307339898 | Broadway Books | Paperback | 2009 |
Homola, Samuel; Stephen Barrett | Alt med | Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide (Consumer Health Library) | 978-1573926980 | Prometheus Books | Hardcover | 1999 |
Skrabanek, Petr; James McCormick | Alt med | Follies and Fallacies in Medicine | 978-0879756307 | Prometheus Books | Hardback | 1990 |
Jack Yetiv | Alt med | Popular Nutritional Practices: Sense and Nonsense | 978-0440200468 | Dell | Mass market paperback | 1988 |
Twain, Mark | Religious skepticism | Christian Science | 1907 | |||
Harari, Yuval Noah | Scientific skepticism | Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind | 978-0062316097 | Harper | Hardcover | 2015 |
Greene, Joshua | Scientific skepticism | Moral Tribes: Emotion, Reason, and the Gap Between Us and Them | 978-1594202605 | Penguin Press | Hardcover | 2013 |
Harding, Nick | Religious skepticism | How to be a Good Atheist | 978-1842432372 | Oldcastle Books | Hardcover | 2008 |
Bakker, Gary | Religious skepticism | God: A Psychological Assessment | 978-1612331850 | Universal-Publishers | Paperback | 2013 |
Hanks, Joanne | Religious skepticism | "It's Not About the Sex" My Ass | 978-1105997402 | Lulu Press, Inc. | Paperback | 2013 |
Gardner, Martin | Scientific skepticism | Weird Water & Fuzzy Logic | 978-1573920964 | Prometheus Books | Hardcover | 1996 |
Pendergrast, Mark; Melody Gavigan | Scientific skepticism | Victims of Memory: Sex Abuse Accusations and Shattered Lives | 978-0691133553 | Upper Access | Paperback | 1996 |
Bowditch, Peter | Scientific skepticism | Things I Think About – Volume 1 | ASIN B00M7LCS78 | Peter Bowditch | Kindle | 2014 |
Park, Robert | Scientific skepticism | Superstition: Belief in the Age of Science | 978-0691133553 | Princeton University Press | Hardcover | 2008 |
Stein, Gordon; James Randi | Scientific skepticism | The Sorcerer of Kings: The Case of Daniel Dunglas Home and William Crookes | 978-0879758639 | Prometheus Books | Hardcover | 1993 |
Campbell, Terence W. | Scientific skepticism | Smoke and Mirrors: The Devastating Effect of False Sexual Abuse Claims | 978-0306459849 | Da Capo Press | Hardcover | 1998 |
Clements, Tad S. | Scientific skepticism | Science Versus Religion | 978-0879755935 | Prometheus Books | Hardcover | 1990 |
Kurtz, Paul; Barry Karr; Ranjit Sandhu | Scientific skepticism | Science and Religion: Are They Compatible? | 978-1591020646 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2003 |
Wright, Lawrence | Scientific skepticism | Remembering Satan | 978-0679755821 | Vintage | Reprint | 1995 |
Browne, Thomas | Scientific skepticism | Pseudodoxia Epidemica: Or, Enquiries into Very Many Received Tenentes, and Commonly Presumed Truths | 978-0198127062 | Clarendon Press | Hardcover | 1981 (orig. 1646) |
Bok, Bart J.; Lawrence E. Jerome | Scientific skepticism | Objections to Astrology | 978-0879750596 | Prometheus Books | 1st edition | 1975 |
Loftus, Elizabeth; Katherine Ketcham | Scientific skepticism | The Myth of Repressed Memory: False Memories and Allegations of Sexual Abuse | 978-0312141233 | St. Martin's Griffin | 1st edition | 1996 |
Swift, Jonathan | Scientific skepticism | A Modest Proposal and Other Satires | 978-0879759193 | Prometheus Books | Reprint | 1995 |
Schacter, Daniel L. (ed.) | Scientific skepticism | Memory Distortion: How Minds, Brains, and Societies Reconstruct the Past | 978-0674566767 | Harvard University Press | Reprint | 1997 |
Ofshe, Richard; Ethan Watters | Scientific skepticism | Making Monsters: False Memories, Psychotherapy, and Sexual Hysteria | 978-0520205833 | University of California Press | 1st edition | 1996 |
Australian Competition & Consumer Commission | Scientific skepticism | The Little Black Book of Scams | 978-1921964749 | Australian Competition & Consumer Commission | 2013 | |
Hobbes, Thomas | Scientific skepticism | Leviathan | 978-0140431957 | Penguin Classics | Paperback | 1982 |
Harris, Melvin | Scientific skepticism | Investigating the Unexplained | 978-1591021087 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2003 |
Hicks, Robert D. | Scientific skepticism | In Pursuit of Satan:The Police and the Occult | 978-1591022190 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2003 |
Clark, Jef; Theo Clark | Scientific skepticism | Humbug!: The Skeptic's Field Guide to Spotting Fallacies and Deceptive Arguments (Second Edition) | ASIN B00KBB0XEQ | Nifty Books | Kindle | 2014 |
Gardner, Martin | Scientific skepticism | How Not to Test a Psychic: Ten Years of Remarkable Experiments With Renowned Clairvoyant Pavel Stepanek | 978-0879755126 | Prometheus Books | 1st edition | 1989 |
Wheen, Francis | Scientific skepticism | How Mumbo-jumbo Conquered the World | 978-0007140978 | Harper Perennial | Paperback | 2004 |
Galef, Julia | Critical thinking | The Scout Mindset: Why Some People See Things Clearly and Others Don't | 978-0735217560 | Portfolio | Hardcover | 2021 |
Gross, Paul; Norman Levitt | Scientific skepticism | Higher Superstition : The Academic Left and Its Quarrels With Science | 978-0801857072 | Johns Hopkins University Press | Reprint | 1997 |
Stenger, Victor | Scientific skepticism | Has Science Found God? The Latest Results in the Search for Purpose in the Universe | 978-1591020189 | Prometheus Books | Hardcover | 2003 |
Davis, Philip G. | Scientific skepticism | Goddess Unmasked : The Rise of Neopagan Feminist Spirituality | 978-0965320894 | Spence Publishing Company | 1st edition | 1998 |
Gross, Paul R.; Norman Levitt; Martin W. Lewis | Scientific skepticism | The Flight from Science and Reason | 978-0939571086 | Merril Press | Paperback | 2010 |
Arnold, Andrea | Scientific skepticism | Fear of Food : Environmentalist Scams, Media Mendacity, and the Law of Disparagement | 978-0939571086 | Merril Press | Paperback | 2010 |
Ottoboni, Alice | Scientific skepticism | The Dose Makes the Poison: A Plain-Language Guide to Toxicology | 978-0471288374 | Wiley Publishing | 2nd Edition | 1997 |
Sagan, Carl | Scientific skepticism | Cosmos | 978-0345539434 | Ballantine Books | Paperback | 2013 |
Barrett, Stephen; Ronald E. Gots | Scientific skepticism | Chemical Sensitivity : The Truth About Environmental Illness | 978-1573921954 | Prometheus Books | Hardcover | 1998 |
Hoggart, Simon; Mike Hutchinson | Scientific skepticism | Bizarre Beliefs | 978-1573921565 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 1997 |
Singh, Simon | Scientific skepticism | Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe | 978-0007162215 | Harper Perennial | Reprint | 2005 |
Pincock, Stephen (ed.) | Scientific skepticism | The Best Australian Science Writing 2011 | 978-1742233000 | New South | Paperback | 2011 |
Doherty, Peter | Scientific skepticism | The Beginner's Guide to Winning the Nobel Prize | 978-0231138963 | Columbia University Press | Hardcover | 2006 |
Bowditch, Peter | Scientific skepticism | The Bear's Progress: SkeptoBear's World Tour 2004 | ASIN B00N1AW0T0 | Peter Bowditch | Kindle | 2014 |
Wanjek, Christopher | Scientific skepticism | Bad Medicine : Misconceptions and Misuses Revealed, from Distance Healing to Vitamin O | 978-0471434993 | Wiley | Paperback | 2002 |
Jerome, Lawrence E. | Scientific skepticism | Astrology Disproved | 978-0879750671 | Prometheus Books | Hardcover | 1977 |
Stewart, JV | Scientific skepticism | Astrology: What's Really in the Stars? | 978-1573920773 | Prometheus Books | Hardcover | 1996 |
Holmes, Richard | Scientific skepticism | The Age of Wonder : How the Romantic Generation Discovered the Beauty and Terror of Science | 978-0375422225 | Pantheon Books | Hardcover | 2009 |
Radford, Benjamin | Scientific skepticism | Mysterious New Mexico: Miracles, Magic, and Monsters in the Land of Enchantment | 978-0826354501 | University of New Mexico Press | Paperback | 2014 |
Dunning, Brian | Scientific skepticism | Skeptoid 3: Pirates, Pyramids, and Papyrus | 978-1453881187 | CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform | Paperback | 2011 |
Dunning, Brian | Scientific skepticism | Skeptoid 2: More Critical Analysis Of Pop Phenomena | 978-1440422850 | CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform | Paperback | 2008 |
Dunning, Brian | Scientific skepticism | Skeptoid 4: Astronauts, Aliens, and Ape-Men (Volume 4) | 978-1475205657 | CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform | Paperback | 2012 |
Dunning, Brian | Scientific skepticism | Skeptoid 5: Massacres, Monsters, and Miracles | 978-1492709060 | CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform | Paperback | 2013 |
Dunning, Brian | Scientific skepticism | Skeptoid: Critical Analysis Of Pop Phenomena | 978-1434821669 | CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform | Paperback | 2008 |
Flew, Antony | Scientific skepticism | How to Think Straight: An Introduction to Critical Reasoning | 978-1573922395 | Prometheus Books | 2nd edition | 1998 |
Bartholomew, Robert; Benjamin Radford | Scientific skepticism | Hoaxes, Myths, and Manias: Why We Need Critical Thinking | 978-1591022466 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2003 |
Patten, Bernard M. | Scientific skepticism | Truth, Knowledge, Or Just Plain Bull: How to Tell the Difference | 978-1591022466 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2004 |
Riniolo, Todd C. | Scientific skepticism | When Good Thinking Goes Bad: How Your Brain Can Have a Mind of Its Own | 978-1591025863 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2008 |
DiCarlo, Christopher W. | Scientific skepticism | How to Become a Really Good Pain in the Ass: A Critical Thinker's Guide to Asking the Right Questions | 978-1616146344 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2011 |
Collins, Loren | Scientific skepticism | Bullspotting: Finding Facts in the Age of Misinformation | 978-1616146344 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2012 |
Harrison, Guy P. | Scientific skepticism | Think: Why You Should Question Everything | 978-1616148072 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2013 |
Ehrenreich, Barbara | Scientific skepticism | Bright-Sided: How Positive Thinking is Undermining America | 978-0312658854 | Picador (imprint) | Paperback | 2010 |
Pringle, Laurence | Young Skeptics | Billions of Years, Amazing Changes: The Story of Evolution | 978-1590787236 | Boyds Mills Press | Hardcover | 2011 |
Aaronovitch, David | Conspiracy theory | Voodoo Histories: The Role of the Conspiracy Theory in Shaping Modern History | 978-1594484988 | Riverhead Books | Paperback | 2010 |
Dunbar, David; Brad Reagan | Conspiracy theory | Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up to the Facts | 978-1588165473 | Hearst Books | Updated | 2011 |
Bugliosi, Vincent | Conspiracy theory | Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy | 978-0393045253 | W. W. Norton & Company | Hardcover | 2007 |
Hurley, Dan | Alt med | Natural Causes: Death, Lies, and Politics in America's Vitamin and Herbal Supplement Industry | 978-0767920438 | Broadway Books | Paperback | 2006 |
Kern, Edmund M. | Young Skeptics | The Wisdom of Harry Potter: What Our Favorite Hero Teaches Us about Moral Choices | 978-1591021339 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2003 |
Bennett, Helen | Young Skeptics | Humanism, What's That?: A Book for Curious Kids | 978-1591023876 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2005 |
Baillargeon, Normand | Scientific skepticism | A Short Course in Intellectual Self-Defense: Find Your Inner Chomsky | 978-1583227657 | Seven Stories Press | Paperback | 2008 |
Whitt, Stephen | Young Skeptics | The Turtle and the Universe | 978-1591026266 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2008 |
Rubino, Michael | Young Skeptics | Bang!: How We Came to Be | 978-1616144722 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2011 |
Cunningham, Darryl | Young Skeptics | How to Fake a Moon Landing: Exposing the Myths of Science Denial | 978-1419706899 | Abrams Books | Hardcover | 2013 |
Yes! (U.S. magazine) | Young Skeptics | Hoaxed!: Fakes and Mistakes in the World of Science | 978-1554532070 | Kids Can Press | Paperback | 2009 |
Yes! (U.S. magazine) | Young Skeptics | Science Detectives: How Scientists Solved Six Real-Life Mysteries | 978-1553379959 | Kids Can Press | Paperback | 2006 |
Jackson, Ellen | Young Skeptics | The Tree of Life: The Wonders of Evolution | 978-1591022404 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2004 |
Bennett, Jeffrey | Young Skeptics | Max Goes to the Moon: A Science Adventure with Max the Dog | 978-1937548209 | Big Kid Science | Second | 2013 |
Lawson, Kristan | Young Skeptics | Darwin and Evolution for Kids: His Life and Ideas with 21 Activities | 978-1556525025 | Chicago Review Press | Paperback | 2003 |
Bering, Jesse | Scientific skepticism | The Belief Instinct: The Psychology of Souls, Destiny, and the Meaning of Life | 978-0393341263 | W. W. Norton & Company | Paperback | 2012 |
Cazeau, Charles | Young Skeptics | Test Your Science IQ | 978-1573928519 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2000 |
Swanson, Diane | Young Skeptics | Turn it Loose: The Scientist in Absolutely Everybody | 978-1550378504 | Annick Press | Paperback | 2004 |
Dawkins, Richard | Young Skeptics | The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True | 978-1451675047 | Free Press | Paperback | 2012 |
French, Jackie | Young Skeptics | The Little Book of Big Questions | 978-1550376555 | Annick Press | Hardcover | 2000 |
Haught, James A. | Young Skeptics | Science in a Nanosecond: Illustrated Answers to 100 Basic Science Questions | 978-0879756376 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 1990 |
Wollard, Kathy | Young Skeptics | How Come? | 978-1563053245 | Workman Publishing Company | Paperback | 1993 |
Yule, Tim | Young Skeptics | Sasquatches from Outer Space: Exploring the Weirdest Mysteries Ever | 978-1573928472 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2000 |
Stein, Sara | Young Skeptics | The Evolution Book | 978-0894809279 | Workman Publishing Company | Paperback | 1986 |
Martin, Theresa | Young Skeptics | Flat Earth? Round Earth? | 978-1573929882 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2002 |
Nickell, Joe | Young Skeptics | Wonder-Workers!: How They Perform the Impossible | 978-0879756888 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 1991 |
Spong, John Shelby | Religious skepticism | Why Christianity Must Change or Die: A Bishop Speaks to Believers in Exile | 978-0060675363 | HarperCollins | Paperback | 1999 |
Helms, Randel | Religious skepticism | Who Wrote the Gospels? | 978-0965504737 | Millenium Press | Paperback | 1997 |
Friedman, Richard Elliot | Religious skepticism | Who Wrote the Bible? | 978-0060630355 | HarperCollins | Paperback | 1989 |
Chalmers, Alan | Scientific skepticism | What Is This Thing Called Science? | 978-1624660382 | Hackett Publishing Company | Paperback | 2013 |
Feynman, Richard | Scientific skepticism | What Do You Care What Other People Think?: Further Adventures of a Curious Character | 978-0393320923 | W. W. Norton & Company | Paperback | 2001 |
Quine, Willard Van Orman; J.S. Ullian | Scientific skepticism | The Web of Belief | 978-0075536093 | McGraw-Hill | Paperback | 1978 |
Gould, Stephen Jay | Scientific skepticism | An Urchin in the Storm: Essays about Books and Ideas | 978-0393305371 | W. W. Norton & Company | Paperback | 1988 |
Szasz, Thomas | Scientific skepticism | The Untamed Tongue: A Dissenting Dictionary | 978-0812691047 | Open Court Publishing Company | Paperback | 1990 |
Horgan, John | Scientific skepticism | The Undiscovered Mind: How the Human Brain Defies Replication, Medication, and Explanation | 978-0684865782 | Free Press (publisher) | Paperback | 2000 |
Bowie, G. Lee; Meredith W. Michaels; Robert C. Solomon | Scientific skepticism | Twenty Questions: An Introduction to Philosophy | 978-1439043967 | Cengage Learning | Paperback | 2010 |
Hoffer, Eric | Scientific skepticism | The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements | 978-0060505912 | Harper Perennial | Paperback | 2010 |
Kurtz, Paul | Scientific skepticism | The Transcendental Temptation: A Critique of Religion and the Paranormal | 978-1616148270 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2013 |
Gray, William D. | Scientific skepticism | Thinking Critically About New Age Ideas | 978-1573922111 | Cengage Learning | Paperback | 1991 |
Cannavo, S. | Scientific skepticism | Think to Win: The Power of Logic in Everyday Life | 978-1573922111 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 1998 |
de Bono, Edward | Scientific skepticism | Teaching Thinking | 978-0140137859 | Penguin Books | Paperback | 1992 |
Pigliucci, Massimo | Scientific skepticism | Tales of the Rational: Skeptical Essays About Nature and Science | 978-1887392112 | Freethought Press | Paperback | 2000 |
Larson, Edward J. | Scientific skepticism | Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America's Continuing Debate Over Science and Religion | 978-0465075102 | Basic Books | First Trade Paper Edition | 2006 |
Kuhn, Thomas | Scientific skepticism | The Structure of Scientific Revolutions | 978-0226458120 | University of Chicago Press | 50th Anniversary | 2012 |
Bawer, Bruce | Religious skepticism | Stealing Jesus: How Fundamentalism Betrays Christianity | 978-0609802229 | Broadway Books | Paperback | 1997 |
E.W. Castle; B. B. Thierling (editors) | Scientific skepticism | Some Trust in Chariots!! | 0859220001 | The Griffin Press | Paperback | 1972 |
Berger, Peter L.; Thomas Luckmann | Scientific skepticism | The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge | 978-0385058988 | Random House | Paperback | 1967 |
Raymo, Chet | Religious skepticism | Skeptics and True Believers: The Exhilarating Connection Between Science and Religion | 978-0802775641 | Walker & Co. | Paperback | 1999 |
Sagan, Carl; Ann Druyan | Scientific skepticism | Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors | 978-0345384720 | Ballantine Books | Paperback | 1993 |
Lett, James | Scientific skepticism | Science, Reason, and Anthropology: The Principles of Rational Inquiry | 978-0847685936 | Rowman & Littlefield | Paperback | 1997 |
Hazen, Robert; James Trefil | Scientific skepticism | Science Matters: Achieving Scientific Literacy | 978-0307454584 | Random House | Second | 2009 |
Spong, John Shelby | Religious skepticism | Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism: A Bishop Rethinks the Meaning of Scripture | 978-0060675189 | HarperCollins | Paperback | 1992 |
Victor, Jeffrey S. | Scientific skepticism | Satanic Panic: The Creation of a Contemporary Legend | 978-0812691924 | Open Court Publishing Company | Paperback | 1993 |
Asimov, Isaac | Scientific skepticism | The Relativity of Wrong | 978-1575660080 | Kensington Books | Paperback | 1995 |
Oparin, A. I. | Creationism | Origin of Life | 978-0486495224 | Dover Publications | Hardcover | 2003 |
Strahler, Arthur N. | Creationism | Science and Earth History: The Evolution/Creation Controversy | 978-1573927178 | Prometheus Books | Hardcover | 1999 |
Alters, Brian J. | Creationism | Teaching Biological Evolution in Higher Education: Methodological, Religious, and Nonreligious Issues | 978-0763728892 | Jones & Bartlett Learning | Paperback | 2004 |
Alters, Brian J; Sandra M. Alters | Creationism | Defending Evolution: a guide to the evolution/creation controversy | 978-0763711184 | Jones & Bartlett Learning | Paperback | 2001 |
Zimmer, Carl | Creationism | Smithsonian Intimate Guide to Human Origins | 978-0060829612 | Harpercollins | Hardcover | 2005 |
De Duve, Christian | Creationism | Vital Dust: The Origin and Evolution of Life on Earth | 978-0465090457 | Basic Books | Paperback | 1995 |
Wills, Christopher; Jeffrey Bada | Creationism | The Spark of Life: Darwin and the Primeval Soup | 978-0738204932 | Basic Books | Paperback | 2001 |
Dennett, Daniel C. | Creationism | Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life | 978-0684824710 | Simon & Schuster | Paperback (reprint) | 1996 |
Darling, David J. | Creationism | Life Everywhere | 978-0465015641 | Basic Books | Paperback | 2002 |
Chaisson, Eric J. | Creationism | Epic of Evolution: Seven Ages of the Cosmos | 978-0231135603 | Columbia University Press | Hardcover | 2005 |
Dyson, Freeman | Creationism | Origins of Life | 978-0521626682 | Cambridge University Press | Paperback | 1999 |
Dalrymple, G. Brent | Creationism | The Age of the Earth | 0804723311 | Stanford University Press | Paperback | 1994 |
Birx, H. James | Creationism | Interpreting Evolution | 978-0879756369 | Prometheus Books | Hardcover | 1991 |
Schopf, J. William | Creationism | Cradle of Life: The Discovery of Earth's Earliest Fossils | 978-0691088648 | Princeton University Press | Illustrated | 2001 |
Schopf, J. William | Creationism | Life's Origin: The Beginnings of Biological Evolution | 978-0520233911 | University of California Press | Paperback | 2002 |
Smith, John Maynard | Creationism | The Theory of Evolution | 978-0521451284 | Cambridge University Press | Paperback | 1993 |
McCabe, Joseph | Creationism | The Story of Evolution | 978-1409967736 | Dodo Press | Paperback | 1912 |
Krauss, Lawrence M. | Creationism | A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather than Nothing | 978-1451624465 | Atria Books | Paperback | 2013 |
Stauth, Cameron | Scientific skepticism | In the Name of God: The True Story of the Fight to Save Children from Faith-Healing Homicide | 978-1250005793 | Thomas Dunne Books | Hardcover | 2013 |
Prothero, Donald | Scientific skepticism | Reality Check: How Science Deniers Threaten Our Future | 978-0253010292 | Indiana University Press | Hardcover | 2012 |
Margulis, Lynn | Creationism | Microcosmos: Four Billion Years of Microbial Evolution | 978-0520210646 | University of California Press | Paperback | 1997 |
Perakh, Mark | Creationism | Unintelligent Design | 978-1591020844 | Prometheus Books | Hardcover | 2003 |
Gardner, Martin | Creationism | Did Adam and Eve Have Navels?: Debunking Pseudoscience | 978-0393322385 | W. W. Norton & Company | Paperback | 2001 |
Ruse, Michael | Creationism | But Is It Science? | 978-1573920872 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 1996 |
National Academy of Sciences | Creationism | Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science | 978-0309063647 | National Academies Press | Paperback | 1998 |
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Dawkins, Richard | Creationism | A Devil's Chaplain : Reflections on Hope, Lies, Science, and Love | 978-0618485390 | Mariner Books | Paperback | 2004 |
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Helms, Randel | Religious skepticism | Gospel Fictions | 0879755725 | Prometheus Books | 1st | 1988 |
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Gardner, Martin | Scientific skepticism | The New Age: Notes of a Fringe-Watcher | 0879756446 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 1991 |
Nickell, Joe; John F. Fischer | Scientific skepticism | Secrets of the Supernatural: Investigating the World's Occult Mysteries | 0879756853 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 1991 |
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Allen, Steve | Religious skepticism | More Steve Allen on the Bible, Religion & Morality | 0879757361 | Prometheus Books | 2nd | 1992 |
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Frazier, Kendrick (ed.) | Scientific skepticism | Encounters With the Paranormal: Science, Knowledge, and Belief | 157392203X | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 1998 |
Clayton, John C. | Young Skeptics | Alexander Fox & the Amazing Mind Reader | 1573922218 | Prometheus Books | 1998 | |
Allen, Steve | Scientific skepticism | Dumbth: The Lost Art of Thinking | 978-1573922371 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 1998 |
Smith, George H. | Religious skepticism | Why Atheism? | 1573922684 | Prometheus Books | 2000 | |
Nickell, Joe | Religious skepticism | Inquest on the Shroud of Turin: Latest Scientific Findings | 1573922722 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 1998 |
Nickell, Joe | Religious skepticism | Looking for a Miracle: Weeping Icons, Relics, Stigmata, Visions & Healing Cures | 1573926809 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 1999 |
Mackay, Charles | Scientific skepticism | Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds | 1573928917 | Prometheus Books | Great Minds Series | 2001 |
Polidoro, Massimo | Scientific skepticism | Final Seance: The Strange Friendship Between Houdini and Conan Doyle | 1573928968 | Prometheus Books | Hardcover | 2001 |
Hines, Terence | Scientific skepticism | Pseudoscience and the Paranormal: A Critical Examination of the Evidence | 1573929794 | Prometheus Books | 2nd | 2003 |
Kusche, Larry | Scientific skepticism | The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved | 1578661560 | Galahad Books | 1st | 2006 |
Salm, René; Frank Zindler (ed.) | Religious skepticism | The Myth of Nazareth: The Invented Town of Jesus | 1578840031 | American Atheist Press | 2008 | |
Murray O'Hair, Madalyn | Religious skepticism | What on Earth Is an Atheist! | 1578849187 | American Atheist Press | 1969 | |
Houdini, Harry | Scientific skepticism | A Magician Among the Spirits | 1589638956 | Fredonia Books | Paperback | 2002 |
Gardner, Martin | Scientific skepticism | On the Wild Side | 1591021154 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 1992 |
Kida, Thomas E. | Scientific skepticism | Don't Believe Everything You Think: The 6 Basic Mistakes We Make in Thinking | 1591024080 | Prometheus Books | 2006 | |
Capaldi, Nicholas; Miles Smit (ed.) | Scientific skepticism | The Art of Deception: An Introduction to Critical Thinking | 159102532X | Prometheus Books | Revised | 2007 |
Wheless, Joseph | Religious skepticism | Forgery in Christianity: A Documented Record of the Foundations of the Christian Religion | 1599869101 | FQ Classics | 2007 | |
Paine, Thomas | Scientific skepticism | The Age of Reason | 1603863419 | Truth Seeker Company, Available for free on Google Books[6] | 1794, 1795, and 1807 | |
Bronowski, Jacob | Scientific skepticism | The Ascent of Man | 1849901155 | BBC Books | Paperback | 2011 |
Green, Ruth Hurmence | Religious skepticism | Born Again Skeptic's Guide to the Bible | 1877733016 | Freedom from Religion Foundation | Paperback | 1979 |
Schonfield, Hugh J. | Scientific skepticism | The Passover Plot | 1932857095 | Disinfo | 40th Anniversary | 2004 |
Nickell, Joe | Scientific skepticism | CSI Paranormal: Investigating Strange Mysteries | 1937998002 | Inquiry Press | 2012 | |
Stollznow, Karen | Religious skepticism | God Bless America: Strange and Unusual Religious Beliefs and Practices in the United States | 1939578000 | Pitchstone Publishing | 2013 | |
Hood, Bruce M. | Scientific skepticism | SuperSense: Why We Believe in the Unbelievable | 0061452645 | HarperOne | Hardcover | 2009 |
Kovoor, Abraham, Dr. | Religious skepticism | Begone Godmen!: Encounters With Spiritual Frauds | 8172243316 | Jaico Publishing House | 7th | 1998 |
Tavris, Carol | Scientific skepticism | Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts | 978-0156033909 | Harvest Books | 2007 | |
Offit, Paul A., MD | Scientific skepticism | Autism's False Prophets: Bad Science, Risky Medicine, and the Search For a Cure | 978-0231146364 | Columbia University Press | 1st | 2008 |
Kaplan, Louis | Scientific skepticism | The Strange Case of William Mumler Spirit Photographer | 978-0816651573 | University of Minnesota Press | 2008 | |
Wiseman, Richard | Scientific skepticism | Paranormality: Why We See What Isn't There | 978-0956875655 | Spin Solutions Ltd | 2010 | |
Wynn, Charles; Arthur Wiggins; Sidney Harris (Cartoons) | Scientific skepticism | Quantum Leaps in the Wrong Direction: Where Real Science Ends... and Pseudoscience Begins | 978-0309073097 | Joseph Henry Press | 2001 | |
Kalichman, Seth | Scientific skepticism | Denying AIDS | 978-0387794754 | Copernicus | 2nd | 2009 |
Lipstadt, Deborah E. | Conspiracy theory | Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory | 978-0452272743 | Plume | Paperback | 1994 |
Scott, Eugenie C.; Niles Eldredge | Creationism | Evolution Vs. Creationism: An Introduction | 978-0520261877 | University of California Press | 2nd | 2009 |
McGowan, Christopher | Creationism | In the Beginning: A Scientist Shows Why the Creationists Are Wrong | 978-0879752408 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 1984 |
Raso, Jack | Alt med | Alternative Healthcare: A Comprehensive Guide (Consumer Health Library) | 978-0879758912 | Prometheus Books | Hardcover | 1994 |
Sturgess, Kylie | Scientific skepticism | The Scope of Skepticism: Interviews, Essays and Observations from the Token Skeptic Podcast | ASIN B008PFGG9G | Podblack Books | 2012 | |
Nickell, Joe | Scientific skepticism | Tracking the Man-Beasts: Sasquatch, Vampires, Zombies, and More | 978-1616144159 | Prometheus Books | 2011 | |
Edward, Mark | Scientific skepticism | Psychic Blues: Confessions of a Conflicted Medium | 978-1936239276 | Feral House | 2012 | |
McGowan, Dale | Religious skepticism | Atheism For Dummies | 978-1118509203 | For Dummies | 2013 | |
Mnookin, Seth | Scientific skepticism | The Panic Virus: A True Story Behind the Vaccine-Autism Controversy | 978-1439158654 | Simon & Schuster | Paperback | 2012 |
Sheaffer, Robert; Rob Pudim (Illustrator) | Scientific skepticism | Psychic Vibrations: Skeptical Giggles from The Skeptical Inquirer | 978-1463601577 | CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform | 2011 | |
Magner, George | Alt med | Chiropractic: The Victim's Perspective | 978-1573920414 | Prometheus Books | Hardcover | 1995 |
Chapman, Matthew | Scientific skepticism | 40 Days and 40 Nights: Darwin, Intelligent Design, God, Oxycontin and Other Oddities on Trial in Pennsylvania | 978-0061179464 | Harper | 2007 | |
Asma, Stephen T. | Scientific skepticism | On Monsters: An Unnatural History of Our Worst Fears | 978-0199798094 | Oxford University Press | Paperback | 2011 |
Hawking, Stephen; Luci Hawking | Young Skeptics | George's Secret Key to the Universe | 978-1416954620 | Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers | Hardcover | 2007 |
Loxton, Daniel; Donald Prothero | Cryptozoology | Abominable Science!: Origins of the Yeti, Nessie, and Other Famous Cryptids | 978-0231153201 | Columbia University Press | 2013 | |
Pennock, Robert T. | Creationism | Tower Of Babel: The Evidence Against the New Creationism | 978-0262661652 | Bradford Books | 2000 | |
Law, Stephen | Scientific skepticism | Believing Bullshit: How Not to Get Sucked Into an Intellectual Black Hole | 978-1616144111 | Prometheus Books | 2011 | |
Northcote, Jeremy | Scientific skepticism | The Paranormal and the Politics of Truth: A Sociological Account | 978-1845400712 | Imprint Academic | 2007 | |
Lilienfeld, Scott O.; Steven Jay Lynn; John Ruscio; Barry L. Beyerstein | Scientific skepticism | 50 Great Myths of Popular Psychology: Shattering Widespread Misconceptions About Human Behavior | 1405131128 | Wiley-Blackwell | 2010 | |
Feder, Kenneth L. | Scientific skepticism | Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology | 007811697X | McGraw-Hill | Paperback | 2002 |
Dewdney, A. K. | Scientific skepticism | 200% Of Nothing: An Eye-Opening Tour through the Twists and Turns of Math Abuse and Innumeracy | 0471145742 | Wiley & Sons | 1993 | |
Haught, James A. | Religious skepticism | 2000 Years of Disbelief: Famous People With the Courage to Doubt | 1573920673 | Prometheus Books | Hardcover | 1996 |
Kohn, Alfie | Scientific skepticism | You Know What They Say... The Truth About Popular Beliefs | Harper Collins | 1990 | ||
Harrison, Guy P. | Scientific skepticism | 50 Popular Beliefs That People Think Are True | 1616144955 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2011 |
Barrett, Stephen | Alt med | A Consumers Guide to Alternative Medicine: A Close Look at Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Faith-Healing, and Other Unconventional Treatments | 0879757337 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 1992 |
Herrick, Jim | Religious skepticism | Against the Faith: Essays on Deists, Skeptics and Atheists | 978-0879752880 | Prometheus Books | Hardcover | 1985 |
Hedges, Chris | Religious skepticism | American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America | 0743284461 | Free Press | Paperback | 2008 |
Wilks, Jason | Religious skepticism | Arguments for Atheists: Secular Reasoning in the 21st Century | ASIN B007OYHBU2 | Amazon Digital Services | Kindle | 2012 |
Culver, Roger; Philip Ianna | Scientific skepticism | Astrology: True Or False?: A Scientific Evaluation | 0879754834 | Prometheus Books | 1998 | |
Stahl, Philip A. | Religious skepticism | Atheism: A Beginner's Handbook: All You Wanted To Know About Atheism And Why | 0595427375 | iUniverse, Inc. | 2007 | |
Martin, Michael | Religious skepticism | Atheism: A Philosophical Justification | 0877229430 | Temple University Press | 1992 | |
Onfray, Michel | Religious skepticism | Atheist Manifesto: The Case Against Christianity, Judaism, And Islam | 161145008X | Arcade Publishing | 2011 | |
Carroll, Robert Todd | Scientific skepticism | Becoming A Critical Thinker: A Guide For The New Millennium (2 ed.) | 0536859345 | Pearson Learning Solutions | 2012 | |
Klass, Philip J. | Young Skeptics | Bringing UFOs Down to Earth (Ages 9–12) | 1573921483 | Prometheus Books | 1997 | |
Long, Preston H., PhD | Alt med | Chiropractic Abuse: An Insider's Lament | 0972709495 | American Council on Science & Health | 2013 | |
Chotkowski, L. A. | Alt med | Chiropractic: The Greatest Hoax of the Century? (2 ed.) | 0965785521 | New England Novelty Books | 2002 | |
Musgrave, Alan | Scientific skepticism | Common Sense, Science and Scepticism: A Historical Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge | 0521436257 | Cambridge University Press | 1993 | |
Ramey, David | Alt med | Consumer's Guide to Alternative Therapies in the Horse | 1582450625 | Howell Book House | 1999 | |
Margaret Singer; Janja Lalich | Alt med | Crazy Therapies: What Are They? Do They Work? | 0787902780 | Jossey-Bass | 1996 | |
Whyte, Jamie | Scientific skepticism | Crimes Against Logic: Exposing the Bogus Arguments of Politicians, Priests, Journalists, and Other Serial Offenders | 978-0071446433 | McGraw-Hill | 2004 | |
Offit, Paul A., MD | Alt med | Do You Believe In Magic?: The Sense and Nonsense of Alternative Medicine | 0062222961 | Harper | 2013 | |
Hecht, Jennifer | Scientific skepticism | Doubt: A History | 0060097957 | HarperOne | Paperback | 2004 |
Wells, Steve | Religious skepticism | Drunk With Blood: God's Killings in the Bible (2 ed.) | 0988245116 | SAB Books | 2013 | |
Kirchner, Paul | Scientific skepticism | Everything You Know Is Wrong | 978-1881649700 | Gollehon Books | Paperback | 1995 |
Templeton, Charles | Religious skepticism | Farewell to God: My Reasons For Rejecting the Christian Faith | 0771085087 | McClelland & Stewart | 1999 | |
Werleman, CJ | Religious skepticism | God Hates You, Hate Him Back: Making Sense of The Bible | 095642760X | Dangerous Little Books | 2009 | |
Jillette, Penn | Religious skepticism | God, No!: Signs You May Already Be an Atheist and Other Magical Tales | 1451610378 | Simon & Schuster | 2012 | |
Barker, Dan | Religious skepticism | Godless: How an Evangelical Preacher Became One of America's Leading Atheists | 1569756775 | Ulysses Press | Paperback | 2008 |
Epstein, Greg M. | Religious skepticism | Good Without God: What a Billion Nonreligious People Do Believe | 006167012X | William Morrow Paperbacks | Paperback | 2010 |
Wiseman, Richard; Robert L. Morris | Scientific skepticism | Guidelines For Testing Psychic Claimants | 1573920282 | Prometheus Books | 1995 | |
Hitchens, Christopher; Tony Blair | Religious skepticism | Hitchens Vs. Blair: Be It Resolved Religion Is a Force For Good in the World (The Munk Debates) | 1770890084 | House of Anansi Press | Paperback | 2011 |
DeWitt, Jerry | Religious skepticism | Hope After Faith: An Ex-Pastor's Journey From Belief to Atheism | 0306822245 | Da Capo Press | 2013 | |
Ruchlis, Hy | Young Skeptics | How Do You Know It's True? | 0879756578 | Prometheus Books | 1991 | |
O'Hare, Mick | Young Skeptics | How to Fossilize Your Hamster: And Other Amazing Experiments for the Armchair Scientist (Ages 14–17) | 0805087702 | Holt Paperbacks | 2008 | |
Rawcliffe, Donovan Hilton | Scientific skepticism | Illusions and Delusions of the Supernatural and the Occult | 978-0548080818 | Dover Publications | Hardcover | 1959 |
Hitchens, Christopher; Douglas Wilson | Religious skepticism | Is Christianity Good For the World? | 1591280699 | Canon Press | Paperback | 2009 |
Randi, James | Scientific skepticism | James Randi: Psychic Investigator | 1852831448 | Boxtree Ltd. | 1991 | |
Barker, Dan | Young Skeptics | Just Pretend: A Freethought Book For Children | 1877733059 | Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc. | Paperback | 2002 |
Harris, Sam | Religious skepticism | Letter to a Christian Nation: A Challenge to Faith | 0307265773 | Vintage Books | Paperback | 2008 |
Lawson, Thomas J. | Religious skepticism | Letters from an Atheist Nation: Godless Voices of America in 1903 | 1466397357 | CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform | Paperback | 2011 |
Kurtz, Paul | Religious skepticism | Living Without Religion | 0879759291 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 1994 |
Barker, Dan | Religious skepticism | Losing Faith in Faith: From Preacher to Atheist | 187773313X | Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc. | Hardcover | 2006 |
Dalrymple, Theodore | Scientific skepticism | Mass Listeria: The Meaning of Health Scares | 0233991379 | Andre Deutsch Ltd. | 1998 | |
Barker, Dan | Young Skeptics | Maybe Right, Maybe Wrong: A Guide For Young Thinkers | 978-0879757311 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 1992 |
Barker, Dan | Young Skeptics | Maybe Yes, Maybe No: A Guide For Young Skeptics | 978-0879756079 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 1990 |
Loxton, Daniel | Young Skeptics | Evolution: How We and All Living Things Came to Be | 978-1554534302 | Kids Can Press | Hardcover | 2010 |
Ehrman, Bart D | Religious skepticism | Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why | 978-0060859510 | HarperOne | Paperback | 2007 |
Adams, Cecil | Young Skeptics | More of the Straight Dope (Ages 14–16) | 978-0345351456 | Ballantine Books | Paperback | 1988 |
Swanson, Diane | Young Skeptics | Nibbling on Einstein's Brain: The Good, the Bad and the Bogus in Science | 978-1550376876 | Annick Press | Hardcover | 2001 |
Pigliucci, Massimo | Scientific skepticism | Nonsense on Stilts: How to Tell Science from Bunk | 978-0226667867 | University of Chicago Press | Paperback | 2010 |
Tyson, Neil deGrasse | Scientific skepticism | Origins: Fourteen Billion Years of Cosmic Evolution | 978-0393350395 | W. W. Norton & Company | Paperback | 2005 |
Alcock, James E. | Scientific skepticism | Parapsychology: Science Or Magic | 978-0080257730 | Pergamon Press | Hardcover | 1981 |
Ouellette, Jennifer | Young Skeptics | Black Bodies and Quantum Cats: Tales of Pure Genius and Mad Science (Ages 14–18) | 978-1282092310 | ONEWorld Publications | ebook | 2010 |
Gould, Stephen Jay | Scientific skepticism | Questioning the Millennium: A Rationalist's Guide to a Precisely Arbitrary Countdown | 0609605410 | Harmony Books | Hardcover – 2nd ed. | 1997 |
Gardner, Dan | Scientific skepticism | Risk: The Science and Politics of Fear | 978-0753515532 | Virgin Books | Paperback | 2008 |
Sampson, Wallace, MD (ed); Lewis Vaughn (ed) | Alt med | Science Meets Alternative Medicine: What the Evidence Says About Unconventional Treatments | 978-1573928038 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2000 |
Goldsmith, Donald W. (ed) | Scientific skepticism | Scientists Confront Velikovsky: Evidence Against Velikovsky's Theory of Worlds in Collision | 978-0393009286 | W. W. Norton & Company | Paperback | 1979 |
Callahan, Tim | Religious skepticism | Secret Origins of the Bible | 978-0965504799 | Millennium Press | Paperback | 2002 |
Kaminer, Wendy | Scientific skepticism | Sleeping With Extra-Terrestrials: The Rise of Irrationalism and Perils of Piety | 978-0679442431 | Pantheon | Hardcover | 1999 |
Diamond, John | Alt med | Snake Oil and Other Preoccupations | 978-0099428336 | Vintage | Paperback | 2001 |
Bausell, R. Barker | Alt med | Snake Oil Science: The Truth About Complementary and Alternative Medicine | 978-0195383423 | Oxford University Press | Hardcover | 2009 |
Paul Benedetti; Wayne MacPhail | Alt med | Spin Doctors: The Chiropractic Industry Under Examination | 978-1550024067 | Dundurn | Paperback | 2003 |
Tanner, Amy | Scientific skepticism | Studies In Spiritism | 978-0879758646 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 1994 |
Shapiro, Rose | Alt med | Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All | 978-1846550287 | Harvill Secker | Paperback | 2008 |
Baeli, Kelli Jae | Religious skepticism | Supernatural Hypocrisy: The Cognitive Dissonance of a God Cosmology: Vol 6: Cosmology of Atheism | 978-0615448374 | LightSwitcher Books, LLC | Paperback | 2011 |
Weisberg, Barbara | Scientific skepticism | Talking to the Dead: Kate and Maggie Fox and the Rise of Spiritualism | 978-0060750602 | Harper | Paperback | 2004 |
Rosenberg, Alex | Religious skepticism | The Atheist's Guide to Reality: Enjoying Life Without Illusions | 978-0393080230 | W. W. Norton & Company | Hardcover | 2011 |
Maisel, Eric | Religious skepticism | The Atheist's Way: Living Well Without Gods | 978-1577316428 | New World Library | Paperback | 2009 |
Helms, Randel | Religious skepticism | The Bible Against Itself | 978-0965504751 | Millennium Press | Hardcover | 2006 |
Leedom, Tim C. (ed) | Religious skepticism | The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You to Read | 978-0939040155 | Truth Seeker | Paperback | 2003 |
Shermer, Michael | Scientific skepticism | The Borderlands of Science: Where Sense Meets Nonsense | 978-0195157987 | Oxford University Press, USA | Paperback | 2002 |
Isaak, Mark | Creationism | The Counter-Creationism Handbook | 978-0520249264 | University of California Press | Paperback | 2007 |
Carroll, Robert Todd | Scientific skepticism | The Critical Thinker's Dictionary: Biases, Fallacies, and Illusions and What You Can Do About Them | ASIN B00GNR0KT0 | Kindle | 2013 | |
Caulfield, Timothy | Scientific skepticism | The Cure For Everything: Untangling Twisted Messages about Health, Fitness, and Happiness | 978-0807022054 | Beacon Press | Hardcover | 2012 |
Harris, Sam | Religious skepticism | The End of Faith | 0743268091 | W. W. Norton & Company | Paperback | 2004 |
Mehta, Hemant | Religious skepticism | The Friendly Atheist: Thoughts on the Role of Religion in Politics and Media | ASIN B00B5HJDGO | Hyperink/Amazon Digital Services | Kindle | 2013 |
Rowland, Ian | Scientific skepticism | The Full Facts Book of Cold Reading | 978-0955847639 | Ian Rowland Limited | Paperback | 2015 |
Holbrook, Stewart Hall | Scientific skepticism | The Golden Age of Quackery | ASIN B0000CKFW7 | Collier Books | Hardcover | 1962 |
Grayling, A.C. (ed) | Religious skepticism | The Good Book: A Humanist Bible | 978-0802778376 | Walker & Co. | Paperback | 2013 |
Stewart, Katherine | Religious skepticism | The Good News Club: The Christian Right’s Stealth Assault on America’s Children | 978-1586488437 | PublicAffairs | Hardcover | 2012 |
Henderson, Bobby | Religious skepticism | The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster | 978-0812976564 | Villard | Paperback | 2006 |
Frazier, Kendrick (ed.) | Scientific skepticism | The Hundredth Monkey and Other Paradigms of the Paranormal | 978-0879756550 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 1991 |
Frazier, Kendrick (ed.); Karr, Barry (ed.); Nickell, Joe (ed.) | Scientific skepticism | "The UFO Invasion: The Roswell Incident, Alien Abductions, and Government Coverups" | 978-1573921312 | Prometheus Books | Hardcover | 1997 |
Martin, Michael (ed); Ricki Monnier (ed) | Religious skepticism | The Improbability of God | 978-1591023814 | Prometheus Books | Hardcover | 2006 |
Frazier, Kendrick (ed.) | Religious skepticism | "Science Under Siege: Defending Science, Exposing Pseudoscience" | 978-1591027157 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2009 |
Chabris, Christopher | Scientific skepticism | The Invisible Gorilla: And Other Ways Our Intuitions Deceive Us | 978-0307459657 | Harmony | Hardcover | 2010 |
Nickell, Joe | Scientific skepticism | The Magic Detectives | 978-0879755478 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 1989 |
Harris, Sam | Scientific skepticism | The Moral Landscape | 978-1439171219 | Free Press | Hardcover | 2010 |
Long, Preston H, PhD | Alt med | The Naked Chiropractor: Insiders' Guide to Combating Quackery and Winning the War Against Pain | 978-0972281607 | Evidence Based Health Services Inc | Hardcover | 2002 |
Stenger, Victor J. | Religious skepticism | The New Atheism: Taking a Stand For Science and Reason | 978-1591027515 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2009 |
Kurtz, Paul | Scientific skepticism | The New Skepticism: Inquiry and Reliable Knowledge | 978-0879757663 | Prometheus Books | Hardcover | 1992 |
Nickell, Joe (ed.) | Scientific skepticism | The Outer Edge: Classic Investigations of the Paranormal | 1117887707 | CSICOP | Paperback | 1996 |
Barham, Andrea | Scientific skepticism | The Pedant's Revolt: Why Most Things You Think Are Right Are Wrong | 978-1843175872 | Michael O'Mara | Paperback | 2005 |
Hitchens, Christopher | Religious skepticism | The Portable Atheist: Essential Readings For the Nonbeliever | 978-0306816086 | Da Capo Press | Paperback | 2007 |
Reed, Graham F. | Scientific skepticism | The Psychology of Anomalous Experience: A Cognitive Approach | 978-0091132408 | Hutchinson Radius | Hardcover | 1972 |
Marks, David F. | Scientific skepticism | The Psychology of the Psychic | 978-1573927987 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 2000 |
Huberman, Jack | Religious skepticism | The Quotable Atheist: Ammunition For Nonbelievers, Political Junkies, Gadflies, and Those Generally Hell-Bound | 978-1560259695 | Nation Books | Paperback | 2006 |
Hansel, C.E.M. | Scientific skepticism | The Search For Psychic Power: ESP & Parapsychology Revisited | 978-0879755331 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 1989 |
Shermer, Michael (ed) | Scientific skepticism | The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience | 978-1576076538 | ABC-CLIO | Hardcover | 2002 |
Wells, Steve | Religious skepticism | The Skeptic's Annotated Bible | 0988245108 | SAB Books, LLC | Hardcover | 2013 |
Shermer, Michael | Scientific skepticism | The Soul of Science | 978-0965504744 | Skeptics Society | 2006 | |
Adams, Cecil | Young Skeptics | The Straight Dope (Ages 14–16) | 978-0345333155 | Ballantine Books | Mass Market Paperback | 1986 |
Adams, Cecil | Young Skeptics | The Straight Dope Tells All (Ages 14–16) | 978-0345420077 | Ballantine Books | Paperback | 1998 |
Diamond, Jared | Scientific skepticism | The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal | 978-0060845506 | Harper Perennial | Paperback | 2006 |
Flynn, Tom | Scientific skepticism | The Trouble with Christmas | 978-0879758486 | Prometheus Books | Paperback | 1993 |
Sagan, Carl | Religious skepticism | The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search For God | 978-1594201073 | Penguin Press | Hardcover | 2006 |
Mehta, Hemant | Religious skepticism | The Young Atheist's Survival Guide | 978-1939221070 | Patheos Press | Paperback | 2012 |
Lataster, Raphael | Religious skepticism | There Was No Jesus, There Is No God | 978-1492234418 | CreateSpace Independent Publishing | Paperback | 2013 |
McRae, Michael | Scientific skepticism | Tribal Science: Brains, Beliefs and Bad Ideas | 978-0702238796 | University of Queensland Press | Paperback | 2011 |
Adams, Cecil | Young Skeptics | Triumph of the Straight Dope (Ages 14–16) | 978-0345420084 | Ballantine Books | Paperback | 1999 |
Christina, Greta | Religious skepticism | Why Are You Atheists So Angry? 99 Things That Piss Off the Godless | 978-0985281519 | Pitchstone Publishing | Paperback | 2012 |
O'Hare, Mick | Young Skeptics | Why Don’t Penguins’ Feet Freeze (Ages 14–17) | 978-1861978769 | Profile Books(GB) | Paperback | 2009 |
Russell, Bertrand | Religious skepticism | Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays on Religion and Related Subjects | 978-0671203238 | Touchstone | Paperback | 1967 |
Daniels, Kenneth W | Religious skepticism | Why I Believed: Reflections of a Former Missionary | 978-0578003887 | Kenneth W. Daniels | Paperback | 2008 |
Radford, Benjamin | Scientific skepticism | Media Mythmakers: How Journalists, Activists, and Advertisers Mislead Us | 978-1591020721 | Prometheus Books | Hardcover | 2003 |
Loftus, Elizabeth F. | Scientific skepticism | Eyewitness Testimony | 978-0674287778 | Harvard University Press | Hardcover | 1996 |
Plait, Philip | Scientific skepticism | Death from the Skies!: The Science Behind the End of the World | 978-0143116042 | Penguin Books | Paperback | 2009 |
Regal, Brian | Cryptozoology | Searching for Sasquatch: Crackpots, Eggheads, and Cryptozoology (Palgrave Studies in the History of Science and Technology) | 978-1137349439 | Palgrave Macmillan | Reprint | 2013 |
Blackburn, Lyle | Cryptozoology | The Beast of Boggy Creek: The True Story of the Fouke Monster | 978-1933665573 | Anomalist Books | Paperback | 2012 |
Blu Buhs, Joshua | Cryptozoology | Bigfoot: The Life and Times of a Legend | 978-0226079806 | University of Chicago Press | Paperback | 2010 |
Binns, Ronald | Cryptozoology | The Loch Ness Mystery Solved (Science & the Paranormal Series) | 978-0879752781 | Prometheus Books | Hardcover | 1984 |
Smith, Jay M. | Cryptozoology | Monsters of the Gévaudan: The Making of a Beast | 978-0674047167 | Harvard University Press | Hardcover | 2011 |
Bille, Matthew A. | Cryptozoology | Shadows of Existence: Discoveries and Speculations in Zoology | 978-0888396129 | Hancock House | Paperback | 2006 |
Almossawi, Ali | Logic | An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments | 978-1925106244 | Scribe Publications | Hardcover | 2014 |
Specter, Michael | Scientific skepticism | Denialism: How Irrational Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress, Harms the Planet, and Threatens Our Lives | 978-1594202308 | Penguin Books | Hardcover | 2009 |
Plimer, Ian R. | Religious skepticism | Telling lies for God: reason vs creationism | 978-0091828523 | Random House Australia | Hardcover | 1994 |
Plimer, Ian R. | Scientific skepticism | Heaven and Earth: Global Warming, the Missing Science | 978-1921421198 | Connor Court Publishing | Hardcover | 2009 |
Washington, Haydn; Cook, John | Scientific skepticism | Climate Change Denial: Heads in the Sand | 978-1849713368 | Earthscan from Routledge | Hardcover | 2011 |
Descartes, René | Scientific skepticism | Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting One's Reason and of Seeking Truth in the Sciences (French title: Discours de la méthode pour bien conduire sa raison, et chercher la vérité dans les sciences) | 1637 | |||
Cicero | Academic skepticism | Academica (On Academic Skepticism)[7] | ||||
Trisha Greenhalgh | Evidence-based medicine | How to read a paper: the basics of evidence-based medicine[8] | 978-1118801116 | 1997 | ||
John Sladek | Scientific skepticism | The New Apocrypha: A Guide to Strange Science and Occult Beliefs | 978-0812817126 | Stein and Day | Hardcover | 1974 |
See also
- ↑ "Robert Green Ingersoll Complete Works". Secular Web. Retrieved 13 November 2013.
- ↑ "The Works of Robert G Ingersoll (1900)". Internet Archive. Retrieved 13 November 2013.
- ↑ Heise, Jennifer. "Robert G. Ingersoll Pamphlet Collection". Drew University Library. Drew University. Archived from the original on 14 November 2013. Retrieved 13 November 2013.
- ↑ "Library of Congress Officially Opens The Seth MacFarlane Collection of Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan Archive". Library of Congress. Library of Congress. Retrieved 13 November 2013.
- ↑ "Science Geek Seth MacFarlane Donates to Carl Sagan's Notes Collection". The Washington Post. Retrieved 8 August 2014.
- ↑ Paine, Thomas (1898). The Age of Reason. The Truth Seeker Company. Retrieved 10 March 2013.
- ↑ On academic scepticism / Marcus Tullius Cicero; translated, with introduction and notes, by Charles Francis Brittain, Trove
- ↑ How to read a paper : the basics of evidence-based medicine / Trisha Greenhalgh, Trove
External links
- The Skeptics Society: The Reading Room
- Goodreads: A Skeptic's Library
- Committee for Skeptical Inquiry: Skeptical Books for Children and Young Adults
- "The Center for Inquiry Libraries: About the libraries". Archived from the original on August 31, 2013.
- "The Center for Inquiry Libraries: About the collections". Archived from the original on August 31, 2013.