Fire departments are structured differently around the world. Many firefighters are sworn members with command structures similar to the military and police. They do not have general police powers but have specific powers of enforcement and control in fire and emergency situations.
New South Wales
- New South Wales Rural Fire Service
Operational rank | Membership type | Insignia |
Commissioner | NSW Government Senior Executive Service Officer | |
Deputy commissioner | NSW Government Senior Executive Service Officer | |
Assistant commissioner | NSW Government Senior Executive Service Officer | |
Chief superintendent | NSW Government Public Service Officer | |
Superintendent | NSW Government Public Service Officer | |
Inspector | NSW Government Public Service Officer | |
Group captain | Volunteer | |
Deputy group captain | Volunteer | |
Assistant group captain | Volunteer | |
Captain | Volunteer | |
Senior deputy captain | Volunteer | |
Deputy captain | Volunteer | |
Support fire fighter (no qualifications) | Volunteer |
- Victoria Country Fire Authority
Administrative ranks for volunteer firefighters | Helmet insignia | Epaulette | Hardboard |
Group officer | N/A | ||
Deputy group officer | N/A | ||
Operational ranks for volunteer firefighters | Helmet insignia | Epaulette | Hardboard |
Captain | |||
1st lieutenant | |||
2nd to 5th lieutenant | N/A | ||
Firefighter | N/A |
N/A |
- Volunteer fire departments
Higher ranks | Administrative ranks | ||||||
Title | Landesbranddirektor (LBD) | Landesbranddirektor-Stv. (LBD-Stv.) | Oberbrandrat (OBR) | Brandrat (BR) | Hauptverwalter (HV) | Oberverwalter (OV) | Verwalter (V) |
Rank insignia |
Leading ranks | |||||||
Title | Abteilungsbrandinspektor (ABI) | Hauptbrandinspektor (HBI) | Oberbrandinspektor (OBI) | Brandinspektor (BI) | Hauptbrandmeister (HBM) | Oberbrandmeister (OBM) | Brandmeister (BM) |
Rank insignia |
Sub-officers/crew commanders | Firefighters and leading firefighters | |||||||
Title | Hauptlöschmeister (HLM) | Oberlöschmeister (OLM) | Löschmeister (LM) | Löschmeister (LM) 18 years as firefighter |
Hauptfeuerwehrmann (HFM) | Oberfeuerwehrmann (OFM) | Feuerwehrmann (FM) | Probefeuerwehrmann (PFM) |
Rank insignia |
New rank structure as of 2015:[1]
Officers (Higher cadre) | NCOs (Middle cadre) | Enlisted (Basic cadre) | ||||||
Insignia | ||||||||
French | Colonel | Major | Capitaine | Lieutenant | Adjudant | Sergent | Caporal | Sapeur-pompier |
Dutch | Kolonel | Majoor | Kapitein | Luitenant | Adjudant | Sergeant | Korporaal | Brandweerman |
Obsolete ranks:
Officers (Higher cadre) | NCOs (Middle cadre) | |||||
Insignia | ||||||
French | Lieutenant-colonel | Capitaine-commandant | Sous-lieutenant | Adjudant-chef | Sergent-major | Premier Sergent |
Dutch | Luitenant-Kolonel | Kapitein-Commandant | Onder-luitenant | Opperadjudant | Sergeant-majoor | Eerste sergeant |
- Officers
Rank group | General / flag officers | Senior officers | Junior officers | Officer cadet | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Military Firefighters Corps |
Comandante Geral | Comandante segundo | Coronel | Tenente-coronel | Major | Capitão | Primeiro tenente | Segundo tenente |
- NCO and enlisted grades
Rank group | Senior NCOs | Junior NCOs | Enlisted | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Military Firefighters Corps |
Subtenente | Primeiro-sargento | Segundo-sargento | Terceiro-sargento | Cabo | Bombeiro primeira classe | Bombeiro segunda classe |
Ranks amongst Canadian firefighters vary across the country and ranking appears mostly with larger departments:
Rank | Fire chief | Deputy fire chief | Division commander | Platoon chief | District chief | Captain | First class firefighter | Second class firefighter | Probationary firefighter |
Insignia | None | None | None |
Rank | Insignia |
Firefighter/firefighter instructor | no insignia |
Interim lieutenant | 1 silver stripe |
Lieutenant/lieutenant instructor | 2 silver stripes |
Captain | 3 silver stripes |
Operations chief | 1 thick yellow stripe |
Division chief | 1 thick and 1 thin yellow stripe |
Assistant chief | 1 thick and 2 thin yellow stripes |
Deputy chief | 1 thick and 3 thin yellow stripes |
Fire chief | 1 thick and 4 thin yellow stripes plus star |
Fire chief | Deputy fire chief | Assistant chief | Battalion chief | Training officer | Captain | Lieutenant | Firefighter | Probationary firefighter | |
Rank epaulettes | No insignia | No insignia | |||||||
Rank pins | No insignia | No insignia |
Ranks are divided between company officers and fire department officers, which can be subdivided between active officers (field officers) and administrative officers. The active officers are the captain, and three or four lieutenants, these four active officers are distinguished by red lines on their helmets.
Commissioner | Deputy commissioner | Assistant commissioner | Commanders | Battalion chiefs | |||||||
Director general | Deputy director general |
Assistant director general |
Senior commander | Commander I | Commander II | Commander III | Battalion chief I | Battalion chief II | Battalion chief III | Battalion chief IV |
Senior firefighters | Intermediate firefighters | Junior firefighters | ||||||
Captain I | Captain II | Captain III | Firefighter I | Firefighter II | Firefighter III | Firefighter IV | Probationary firefighter |
Czech Republic
Insignia | |||||||||||||||||
Title | Generál- poručík |
Generál- major |
Brigádní generál | Plukovník | Podplukovník | Major | Kapitán | Nadporučík | Poručík | Podporučík | Nadpraporčík | Praporčík | Podpraporčík | Nadstrážmistr | Strážmistr | Rotný |
Rank epaulettes[2] | |||||||||||
Title | Direktør | Vicedirektør | Afdelingschef | Områdeleder | Beredskabsinspektør | Viceberedskabsinspektør | Beredskabsmester | Viceberedskabsmester | Deltidsholder m. instruktør | Deltidsholder | Beredskabsassistent |
Direct translation of Danish ranks | Emergency director/ Emergency chief |
Deputy emergency director/ Deputy emergency chief |
Department chief/ Area chief |
Area manager | Fire inspector | Deputy fire inspector/ Station master |
Emergency master/ Fire master |
Deputy emergency master/ Deputy fire master |
Part-time team leader with instructor skills | Part-time team leader | Fire assistant/ Emergency assistant |
Equivalent in London Fire Brigade | Commissioner | Deputy commissioner | Assistant commissioner | Deputy assistant commissioner | Group manager | Station manager | Station officer | Sub-officer | No equivalent | No equivalent | Firefighter |
The Paris Fire Brigade belongs to the army and uses army ranks with the corps of engineers badge. The commanding officer has the rank of divisional general. The Marseille Naval Fire Battalion belongs to the navy and uses naval ranks. The commanding officer has the rank of rear admiral. Civilian fire services uses the following ranks. The chief fire officer of a departemental fire brigade can be a comptroller general, a colonel senior class or a colonel, depending on the size of the brigade.
Ministry of Interior | Civilian professional firefighters class A+ | Civilian professional firefighters class A | Civilian professional firefighters class B | ||||||
Directeur Général de la sécurité civile et de la gestion des crises | Directeur des sapeurs-pompiers (directeur adjoint du DGSCGC) |
Contrôleur général (officiers investis de responsabilités particulières envers l'État) |
Contrôleur général | Colonel hors-classe Colonel |
Lieutenant-Colonel | Commandant | Capitaine | Lieutenant hors classe Lieutenant de 1re classe Lieutenant de 2e classe |
Civilian professional firefighters class C | ||||||||
Adjudant-Chef | Adjudant | Sergent-Chef | Sergent | Caporal-Chef | Caporal | Sapeur de 1re classe | Sapeur de 2e classe |
In Germany every federal state has its own civil protection laws thus they have different rank systems. Additionally, in the volunteer fire departments, there is a difference between a rank and an official position. This is founded on the military traditions of the fire departments. Every firefighter can hold a high rank without having an official position. A firefighter can be promoted by years of service, training skills and qualifications. Official positions are partly elected or given by capabilities. These conditions allow that older ordinary firefighters have higher ranks than their leaders. But through this ranks are no authorities given (Brevet).
- Professional fire fighters (middle technical grades) of Rheinland-Pfalz
Completed vocational training in a technical occupation suitable for the fire service. Basic firefighter training.
Brandmeister/-in während der Laufbahnausbildung |
Brandmeister | Oberbrandmeister | Hauptbrandmeister |
- Professional fire fighters (upper technical grades) of Rheinland-Pfalz
Bachelor of engineering and two years departmental training
Brandinspektorenanwärter | Brandinspektor | Brandoberinspektor | Brandamtmann | Brandamtsrat | Brandoberamtsrat |
- Professional fire fighters (higher technical grades) of Rheinland-Pfalz
Master of engineering and two years of departmental training
Brandreferendar | Brandrat | Oberbrandrat | Branddirektor | Leitender Branddirektor Ministerialrat |
Leitender Ministerialrat | Landesfeuerwehrinspekteur |
- Helmet insignia of Rheinland-Pfalz
Company leaders | Upper technical grades, battalion chiefs | Higher technical grades, fire chiefs |
Title | Lieutenant general | Major general | Brigadier | Colonel | Lieutenant colonel | Fire major | Fire captain | Fire lieutenant | Fire second lieutenant | |
Greek title | Αντιστράτηγος Antistrátigos |
Υποστράτηγος Ypostrátigos |
Αρχιπύραρχος Archipýrarchos |
Πύραρχος Pýrarchos |
Αντιπύραρχος Antipýrarchos |
Επιπυραγός Epipyragós |
Πυραγός Pyragós |
Υποπυραγός Ypopyragós |
Ανθυποπυραγός Anthypopyragós | |
Insignia |
Title | Warrant officer (NCO) | Master sergeant | Sergeant | Senior firefighter | Firefighter |
Greek title | Πυρονόμος Pyronómos |
Αρχιπυροσβέστης Παραγωγικής Σχολής Archipyrosvéstis Paragogikís Scholís |
Αρχιπυροσβέστης Μη Παραγωγικής Σχολής Archipyrosvéstis Mi Paragogikís Scholís |
Υπαρχιπυροσβέστης Yparchipyrosvéstis |
Πυροσβέστης Pyrosvéstis |
Insignia |
In the Indian fire services, the ranks and hierarchy may vary slightly across different states and organizations. The specific rank names and their corresponding responsibilities may vary across different states and organizations in India. The following ranks are commonly found in indian fire departments. [3]
- Director General, Fire and Rescue Services (Head of the department) (IPS Cadre officer in the rank of DGP)
- Director/Additional Director
- Regional Fire Officer/ Divisional Officer/Joint Director
- District Fire Officer
- Station Officer, (In-charge of fire stations)
- Assistant Station Officer
- Senior Fire and Rescue officer/Senior Fireman/Leading Fireman
- Fire and rescue officer/Fireman/ Fireman (Driver), (This is the entry-level position in the fire service.)
Firefighters in Indonesia form part of the civil service of local governments and wear variant forms of uniforms worn by civil servants and employees.
Rank category | Rank category number | Rank in Indonesian | Equivalent rank (with US general schedule and UK civil service paygrade) |
Rank in English (Provincial/city/municipal/regency/district fire service personnel only) |
Directors and commissioners | IV/e | Pembina Utama | Director general senior executive service level V, pay band 3 A7 |
Director |
IV/d | Pembina Utama Madya | Director senior executive service level V pay band 2 A7 |
Chief commissioner | |
IV/c | Pembina Utama Muda | Deputy director GS-15, pay band 2 A6 |
Commander | |
Subaltern and field ranked officers | IV/b | Pembina Tingkat I | Assistant director GS-14, grade 6 A5 |
Senior commissioner |
IV/a | Pembina | Senior executive officer 1st class GS-14, grade 7 A4 |
Commissioner | |
III/d | Penata Tingkat I | Senior executive officer 2nd class GS-13, grade 7 A3 |
Battalion chief | |
III/c | Penata | Higher executive officer 1st class GS-12, grade 7 A2 |
Captain | |
Lieutenants | III/b | Penata Muda Tingkat I | Higher executive officer GS-11, A2 |
First lieutenant |
III/a | Penata Muda | Executive officer 1st class GS-10, A2/B6 |
Second lieutenant | |
Senior NCOs | II/d | Pengatur Tingkat I | Executive officer 2nd class GS-9, A1/B6 |
Station sub-officer |
II/c | Pengatur | Executive officer GS-8, A1/B5 |
Brigadier major | |
Junior NCOs | II/b | Pengatur Muda Tingkat I | Administrative officer class 1 GS-7, B4 |
Brigadier 1st class |
II/a | Pengatur Muda | Administrative officer class 2 GS-6, B4 |
Senior brigader | |
Basic level | I/d | Juru Tingkat I | Higher clerical officer 1st class GS-5, B3 |
Brigadier |
I/c | Juru | Higher clerical officer GS-4/GS-3, B3 |
Junior brigadier | |
I/b | Juru Muda Tingkat I | Clerical officer GS-2, B2 |
Senior firefighter | |
I/a | Juru Muda | Administrative assistant GS-1, B1 |
Firefighter | |
In Iran, every city has its own fire department, but ranks are the same in the whole country, and are as follows:
Rank | Persian | Collar/epaulette markings | Collar/epaulette markings (in Persian) |
Volunteer firefighter III | آتش نشان داوطلب سوم | One golden bar | یک خط طلایی |
Volunteer firefighter II | آتش نشان داوطلب دوم | Two golden bars | دو خط طلایی |
Volunteer firefighter | آتش نشان داوطلب | Three golden bars | سه خط طلایی |
Firefighter III | آتش نشان سوم | One silver bar | یک خط نقره ای |
Firefighter II | آتش نشان دوم | Two silver bars | دو خط نقره ای |
Firefighter | آتش نشان | Three silver bars | سه خط نقره ای |
Head firefighter III | سرآتش نشان سوم | One flame with a thin silver bar below it and one golden bar | یک شعله با زیر پایه ی نقره ای نازک و یک خط طلایی |
Head firefighter II | سرآتش نشان دوم | One flame with a thin silver bar below it and two golden bars | یک شعله با زیر پایه ی نقره ای نازک و دو خط طلایی |
Head firefighter | سرآتش نشان | One flame with a thin silver bar below it and three golden bars | یک شعله با زیر پایه ی نقره ای نازک و سه خط طلایی |
Master firefighter III | آتش یار سوم | One flame with golden border and silver bar below flame | یک شعله با حاشیه ی طلایی و زیر پایه ی نقره ای حجیم زیر شعله |
Master firefighter II | آتش یار دوم | Two flames with golden border and silver bar below each flame | دو شعله با حاشیه ی طلایی و زیر پایه ی نقره ای حجیم زیر هر شعله |
Master firefighter | آتش یار | Three flames with golden border and silver bar below each flame | سه شعله با حاشیه ی طلایی و زیر پایه ی نقره ای حجیم زیر هر شعله |
Head Master firefighter | سر آتش یار | Four flames with golden border and silver bar below each flame | چهار شعله با حاشیه ی طلایی و زیر پایه ی نقره ای حجیم زیر هر شعله |
Chief firefighter III | آتش پاد سوم | One empty golden wreath | یک حلقه گل طلایی خالی |
Chief firefighter II | آتش پاد دوم | One golden wreath with a flame inside it | یک حلقه گل طلایی با یک شعله درونش |
Chief firefighter | آتش پاد | One golden wreath with a flame inside it and a silver bar below them | یک حلقه گل طلایی با یک شعله درونش و یک خط نقره ای زیر آنها |
Chief master firefighter III | فرآتش پاد سوم | One golden wreath with a flame inside it and two silver bars below them | یک حلقه گل طلایی با یک شعله درونش و دو خط نقره ای زیر آنها |
Chief master firefighter II | فرآتش پاد دوم | One golden wreath with a flame inside it and three silver bars below them | یک حلقه گل طلایی با یک شعله درونش و سه خط نقره ای زیر آنها |
Chief master firefighter | فرآتش پاد | One golden wreath with a flame inside it and four silver bars below them | یک حلقه گل طلایی با یک شعله درونش و چهار خط نقره ای زیر آنها |
In Ireland, the traditional British and Commonwealth brigade rank structure is used, across the 26 counties.
Fire and rescue services are provided by 26 County Councils to the 26 counties of Ireland, and by three city councils with unitary authority status (those of Dublin, Cork, and Galway) within their respective cities. By agreement, the Dublin Fire Brigade provides cover to both the city and the county. Similarly, Galway City Council and Galway County Council have an agreement for the provision of a single fire and rescue service. Only Cork has separate services - Cork City Fire Brigade in the City of Cork, and Cork County Fire Service in the wider County of Cork. In each of the other 23 counties of Ireland a single fire and rescue service covers the whole county, including all large towns and cities, as those 23 county councils are unitary authorities for the entire county jurisdiction.
Structure | County brigades | Dublin Fire Brigade[4] | |||||||
Rank | Insignia | Helmet | Insignia | Helmet | |||||
Firefighter | Yellow | Yellow | |||||||
Leading firefighter or driver mechanic |
Yellow, one 12 mm horizontal black stripe | This rank is not used in Dublin | |||||||
Sub officer | Yellow, two 12 mm horizontal black stripes | Yellow, two 12 mm horizontal black stripes | |||||||
Station officer | White, one 19 mm horizontal black stripe | White, one 12 mm horizontal black stripe | |||||||
District officer (operations) or district FPO |
These ranks are not used in counties | White, one 19 mm horizontal black stripe | |||||||
Third officer (operations) or executive FPO |
These ranks are not used in counties | White, two horizontal black stripes (one 19 mm, one 12 mm) | Senior assistant chief fire officer | White, one 38 mm horizontal broad black stripe | This rank is not used in Dublin | ||||
Chief fire officer | White, two 38 mm horizontal broad black stripes | White, one 38 mm horizontal broad black stripe | |||||||
Key: FPO = fire prevention officer |
- Officers
Rav tafsar (רב טפסר) |
Tafsar (טפסר) |
Tat tafsar (תת טפסר) |
Tafsar mishne (טפסר משנה) |
Segan tafsar (סגן טפסר) |
Ráv Reshef (רב רשף) |
Reshef (רשף) |
Lahav (להב) |
Lahav mishne (להב משנה) | ||||||||||||
English | Lieutenant general firefighter |
Major general firefighter |
Brigadier general firefighter |
Colonel firefighter |
Lieutenant colonel firefighter |
Major firefighter |
Captain firefighter |
First lieutenant firefighter |
Second lieutenant firefighter |
- Other Ranks
Rav semel bakhir kabai (רב-סמל בכיר-כבאי) |
Rav semel rishon kabai (רב-סמל ראשון-כבאי) |
Rav semel kabai (רב-סמל-כבאי) |
Semel kabai (סמל כבאי) |
Rav kabai (רב כבאי) |
Lokhem esh rishon (לוחם אש ראשון) |
Lokhem esh (לוחם אש) | ||||||||||||||||||||
English | Sergeant major firefighter |
Master sergeant firefighter |
Sergeant 1st class firefighter |
Sergeant firefighter |
Corporal firefighter |
Senior firefighter | Firefighter |
Chief fire officers | ||||||
Dirigente generale Capo di corpo |
Dirigente generale | Dirigente superiore di livello C |
Dirigente superiore di livello D |
Dirigente superiore di livello E |
Dirigente superiore di livello F |
Fire officers | ||||
Direttore vice dirigente con funzioni dei vicario dei dirigente di livello E |
Direttore vice dirigente | Direttore | Vice direttore |
Station commanders | ||||||
Sostituto direttore antincendi capo esperto | Sostituto direttore antincendi capo | Sostituto direttore antincendi | Ispettore antincendi coordinatore | Ispettore antincendi esperto | Ispettore antincendi |
Crew commanders | ||||
Caporeparto | Caposquadra esperto | Caposquadra |
Firefighters | ||||
Vigile del fuoco coordinatore | Vigile del fuoco esperto | Vigile del fuoco |
Volunteer firefighters | ||||
Funzionario tecnico antincendi volontario | Caporeparto volontario | Caposquadra volontario | Vigile del fuoco volontario |
The Japanese fire department's rank insignias are place on a small badge and pinned above the right pocket. Rank is told by stripes and hexagram stars. The design of the insignias came from older Japanese style military insignias. Officers and team leaders could wear an arm band on the arm of fire jacket to show status as command leader. Sometimes rank can be shown as different a color fire jacket for command staff. The color whites and gray are reserved for EMS. Orange is reserved for rescuers.
Professional fire departments
Fire fighter | Assistant fire sergeant | Fire sergeant |
Fire lieutenant | Fire captain | Battalion chief |
Assistant chief | First assistant chief | Deputy chief |
Fire chief | ||
Volunteer fire departments
Volunteer fire fighter | Volunteer crew chief | |
Volunteer company chief | Volunteer assistant battalion chief | Volunteer battalion chief |
Volunteer assistant chief | Volunteer fire chief | |
Higher cadre of professional and volunteer fire fighters[5] Cadre supérieur des pompiers volontaires et professionnels | ||||||||
Insignia | ||||||||
French | Directeur général | Colonel | Lieutenant-colonel | Major | Capitaine | Lieutenant 1ère classe | Lieutenant | Lieutenant-aspirant |
English | Director general | Colonel | Lieutenant colonel | Major | Captain | Lieutenant 1st class | Lieutenant | Aspirant lieutenant |
Middle cadre of professional and volunteer fire fighters[5] Cadre moyen des pompiers volontaires et professionnels | ||||
Insignia | ||||
French | Adjudant-major | Adjudant-chef | Adjudant | Adjudant-aspirant |
English | Adjutant major | Chief adjutant | Adjutant | Aspirant adjutant |
Basic cadre of professional and volunteer fire fighters[5] Cadre de base des pompiers volontaires et professionnels | ||||||||
Insignia | ||||||||
French | Sergent-major | Sergent-chef | Sergent | Caporal-chef 1ère classe | Caporal-chef | Caporal | Brigadier | Brigadier-aspirant |
English | Sergeant major | Chief sergeant | Sergeant | Chief corporal 1st class | Chief corporal | Corporal | Brigadier | Aspirant brigadier |
No. | Rank | Abbreviation | Rank (English) | Grade | Epaulet | |
Shoulder board | Collar badge | |||||
Penguasa Bomba (fire superintendent) | ||||||
1 | Ketua Pesuruhjaya Bomba | KPjB | Chief fire commissioner | JUSA A | ||
2 | Pesuruhjaya Bomba | PjB | Fire commissioner | JUSA B | ||
3 | Timbalan Pesuruhjaya Bomba | TPjB | Deputy fire commissioner | JUSA C | ||
4 | Penolong Kanan Pesuruhjaya Bomba | PKPjB | Senior assistant fire commissioner | KB 54 | ||
5 | Penolong Pesuruhjaya Bomba | PPjB | Assistant fire commissioner | KB 52 | ||
6 | Penguasa Kanan Bomba I | PgKB I | Senior fire superintendent I | KB 48 | ||
7 | Penguasa Kanan Bomba II | PgKB II | Senior fire superintendent II | KB 44 | ||
8 | Penguasa Bomba | PgB | Fire superintendent | KB 41 | ||
Penolong Penguasa Bomba (assistant fire superintendent) | ||||||
9 | Timbalan Penguasa Bomba | TPgB | Deputy fire superintendent | KB 38 | ||
10 | Penolong Kanan Penguasa Bomba | PKPgB | Senior assistant fire superintendent | KB 32 | ||
11 | Penolong Penguasa Bomba | PPgB | Assistant fire superintendent | KB 29 | ||
Pegawai Bomba (fire officer) | ||||||
12 | Pegawai Bomba Tinggi | PBT | Leading fire officer | KB 26 | ||
13 | Pegawai Bomba Kanan I | PBK I | Senior fire officer I | KB 24 | ||
14 | Pegawai Bomba Kanan II | PBK II | Senior fire officer II | KB 22 | ||
15 | Pegawai Bomba | PB | Fire officer | KB 17 / 19 | No insignia |
Hoofdcommandeur | Fire chief | |
Adjunct-Hoofdcommandeur | Deputy fire chief | |
Commandeur | Division chief | |
Hoofdbrandmeester | Battalion chief | |
Brandmeester | Captain | |
Hoofdbrandwacht | Engineer | |
Brandwacht | Fire fighter | |
Algemene / Aspirantfuncties | Trainee |
New Zealand
In New Zealand, rank is shown on epaulettes on firefighters' station uniform, and through colors and stripes on firefighter helmets. As the nation only has a single fire department, the New Zealand Fire Service, ranks are consistent through the country.
Rank | Epaulette[6] | Helmet[6] |
Recruit Firefighter (RFF) | RECRUIT | Fluro-green |
Firefighter (FF) | One hollow bar | Yellow, one white stripe |
Qualified firefighter (QFF) | One solid bar | Yellow, one red stripe |
Senior firefighter (SFF) | Two solid bars | Yellow, two red stripes |
Station officer (SO) | One impeller | Red, one blue stripe |
Senior station officer (SSO) | Two impellers | Red, two blue stripes |
Deputy chief fire officer (DCFO) | Impeller between two ferns below one impeller | White, one blue stripe |
Chief fire officer (CFO) | Impeller between two ferns below two impellers | White, two blue stripes |
Assistant area commander (AAC) | Three impellers | Silver |
Area commander (AC) | One impeller below a crown | Silver, one blue stripe |
Assistant national commander (ANC) | Three impellers trefoil below a crown | Silver, two blue stripes |
Deputy national commander (DNC) | Silver crossed sword and baton below an impeller | Black |
National commander (NC) | Silver crossed sword and baton below a crown | Black |
Commissioned officers
- Fire director (major general)
- Fire chief superintendent (brigadier general)
- Fire senior superintendent (colonel)
- Fire superintendent (lieutenant colonel)
- Fire chief inspector (major)
- Fire senior inspector (captain)
- Fire inspector (lieutenant)
Non-commissioned officers
- Senior fire officer 4 (executive master sergeant)
- Senior fire officer 3 (chief master sergeant)
- Senior fire officer 2 (senior master sergeant)
- Senior fire officer 1 (master sergeant)
- Fire officer 3 (staff sergeant)
- Fire officer 2 (corporal)
- Fire officer 1 (firefighter)
Strażak Firefighter Private |
Starszy strażak Senior firefighter Private |
Sekcyjny Section leader Private 1st class |
Starszy sekcyjny Senior section leader Specialist |
Młodszy ogniomistrz Junior firemaster Corporal |
Ogniomistrz Firemaster Sergeant |
Starszy ogniomistrz Senior firemaster Staff sergeant | |
Młodszy aspirant Junior aspirant Sergeant 1st class |
Aspirant Aspirant Master sergeant |
Starszy aspirant Senior aspirant Sergeant major |
Aspirant sztabowy Staff aspirant Command sergeant major |
Młodszy kapitan Junior captain Second lieutenant |
Kapitan Captain First lieutenant |
Starszy kapitan Senior captain Captain |
Młodszy brygadier Junior brigadier Major |
Brygadier Brigadier Lieutenant colonel |
Starszy brygadier Senior brigadier Colonel |
Nadbrygadier Chief brigadier Brigadier general |
Generał brygadier General brigadier Major general |
- Officer ranks
Corpului Pompierilor | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mareșal | General | General-locotenent | General-maior | General de brigadă | Colonel | Locotenent-colonel | Maior | Căpitan | Locotenent | Sublocotenent |
- Other ranks
Corpului Pompierilor | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Plutonier adjutant șef | Plutonier adjutant | Plutonier-major | Plutonier | Sergent-major | Sergent |
Russian Federation
In the Russian Federation, the decals are applied symmetrically on both sides of the helmet (front and rear). The location of the decals on the special clothing and SCBA is established for each fire department of the same type within the administrative entity. The following ranks are used by State Fire Service civilian personnel worn on all forms of dress, while military personnel use ranks similar to those of the Police of Russia, due to their pre-2001 history as the fire service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation before all firefighting services were transferred to the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
Rank | Helmet colour/markings |
Firefighter | The all color helmet with the applied number, indicating the fire station |
Head of fire brigade | The all color helmet with the applied number, indicating the fire station, underlined by line 50 mm wide and 5 mm thick |
Head of duty shift fire station | The all color helmet with the applied a circle, inside which the applied number is indicating the fire station |
Deputy head of the fire station | The all color helmet with the applied a triangle, inside which the applied number is indicating the fire station |
Head of the fire station | The all color helmet with the applied a square, inside which the applied number is indicating the fire station |
Commanding staff of the fire department | The all color helmet with the applied a circle, inside which the applied a rhombus |
- Officers
Rank group | General / flag officers | Senior officers | Junior officers | Officer cadet | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Singapore Civil Defence Force[7] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Commissioner | Deputy commissioner | Senior assistant commissioner | Assistant commissioner | Colonel | Lieutenant colonel | Major | Captain | Lieutenant | Second lieutenant | Officer cadet |
- Warrant officers
Equivalent NATO rank |
WO-5 | WO-4 | WO-3 | WO-2 | WO-1 | |||||
Singapore Civil Defence Force[7] | ||||||||||
Warrant officer 2 | Warrant officer 1 |
- Other ranks
Rank group | Senior NCOs | Junior NCOs | Enlisted | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Singapore Civil Defence Force[7] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sergeant 3 | Sergeant 2 | Sergeant 1 | Corporal | Lance corporal | Private | Recruit |
- Officer grades
Rank epaulettes | ||||||
Rank | Oberst | Oberstleutnant | Major | Hauptmann | Oberleutnant | Leutnant |
- Other grades
Rank epaulettes | ||||||||
Rank | Adjutant Unteroffizier | Feldweibel | Fourier | Wachtmeister | Korporal | Gefreiter | Soldat | Rekrut / Aspirant |
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Director general | Deputy director general * Fire chief of metropolitan city |
Level 3 positions | Level 4 positions | Level 5 positions | Level 6 positions | Level 7 positions | Level 8 positions | Team leader | Team member | Basic level |
Tunisian firefighter's ranks are the same as the army, police and national guard.
United Kingdom
Current titles
Title | Chief fire officer | Deputy chief fire officer | Assistant chief fire officer | Area manager | Group manager | Station manager | Watch manager | Crew manager | N/A | Firefighter |
London Fire Brigade title | Commissioner | Deputy commissioner | Assistant commissioner | Deputy assistant commissioner | Group commander (borough commander) |
Station commander | Station officer | Sub-officer | Leading firefighter | Firefighter |
Isle Of Man Fire and Rescue Service/Gibraltar Fire & Rescue Service title | Chief Fire Officer | Deputy Chief Fire Officer | N/A | N/A | Divisional Officer | Station Commander (IOM) | Station Officer | Sub Officer | Leading Firefighter | Firefighter |
Insignia |
Former Titles
Title | Chief fire officer | Deputy chief fire officer | Assistant chief fire officer or area commander | Deputy assistant chief fire officer or senior divisional officer | Divisional officer | Station commander or assistant divisional officer | Station officer | Sub officer | Leading fireman/firewoman | Fireman/firewoman |
Insignia |
United States
In the United States, helmet colors often denote a fire fighter's rank or position. In general, white helmets denote chief officers, such as battalion chiefs, division chiefs, etc. while red helmets may denote company officers, such as captains, lieutenants, etc. but the specific meaning of a helmet's color or style varies from region to region and department to department. The rank of an officer in an American fire department is most commonly denoted by a number of speaking trumpets, a reference to a megaphone-like device used in the early days of the fire service, although typically called "bugle" in today's parlance. Ranks proceed from one (lieutenant) to five (fire chief) bugles. Traditional ranks in American fire departments that exist but may not always be utilized in all cities or towns include:
Rank | Insignia |
Firefighter | No bugles |
Engineer/technician/apparatus operator | 3 chevrons |
Lieutenant | |
Captain | or less usually: |
Battalion chief/district chief | or less usually side by side |
Division chief or assistant chief/deputy assistant chief/deputy assistant commissioner/assistant deputy commissioner | |
Deputy firechief/Deputy fire commissioner | |
Fire chief/Fire commissioner |
In many fire departments in the U.S., the captain is commonly the commander of a company and a lieutenant is the supervisor of the company's firefighters on shift. There is no state or federal rank structure for firefighters and each municipality or volunteer fire department creates and uses their own unique structure.
Some other American fire departments such as the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) use military rank insignia in addition to or instead of the traditional bugles. Additionally, officers on truck companies have been known to use rank insignias shaped like axes for lieutenants (one) and captains (two).
Vatican City
Chief officers | Officers | SNCOs | NCOs | Firefighters | Students | ||
Corps of Firefighters of the Vatican City State |
Primo Dirigente coordinatore | Capo squadra esperto | Capo Squadra di prima classe | Capo Squadra di seconda classe | Vigile del fuoco prima classe | Vigile del fuoco seconda classe | Allievo vigile del fuoco |
- ↑ "Manuel belge de régulation pompier" [Belgian manual for fire regulation] (PDF). Directorate-General Civil Security (in French) (2.1 ed.). May 2020. p. 113. Retrieved 4 May 2023.
- ↑ "Distinktionsoversigt" [Distinction summary]. Danske Beredskaber (in Danish). Retrieved 6 November 2019.
- ↑ "About Us – Tamil Nadu Fire & Rescue Services".
- ↑ "Dublin Fire Brigade: Who We Are" (PDF). Dublin Fire Brigade. 2015. p. 5. Retrieved 11 October 2020.
- 1 2 3 "Règlement grand-ducal du 18 septembre 2018 déterminant les grades fonctionnels, les tenues, insignes et attributs des personnels du Corps grand-ducal d'incendie et de secours" [Grand-Ducal Regulation of September 18, 2018 determining the functional ranks, uniforms, badges and attributes of the personnel of the Grand-Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps]. (in French). 21 September 2018. Retrieved 24 September 2018.
- 1 2 "Uniform rank markings". New Zealand Fire Service. Archived from the original on 23 February 2014. Retrieved 10 January 2015.
- 1 2 3 "Ranks and drill commands". Central Manpower Base (CMPB). Retrieved 2021-11-27.