Maytag commercial clothes dryers

This is a list of laundry topics. Laundry is the washing of clothing and linens (e.g. sheets and towels).[1] Laundry processes are often done in a business, room or area in a home or apartment building, reserved for that purpose; this is referred to as a laundry room. The material that is being washed, or has been laundered, is also generally referred to as laundry.

Laundry topics



A modern dry cleaning machine with touchscreen and SPS control, manufacturer EazyClean, type EC124, photo taken prior to installation


Modern hanging clothes horse with pulley system




Engraving of Scotswomen singing a waulking song while waulking or fulling cloth, c. 1770.

Some of these relate more to textile manufacturing than laundry, but there is overlap in how wet cloth is processed.

  • Color fastness, the degree to which a textile retains its color without fading or bleeding
  • Fulling – a step in making woollen cloth - cleaning the fleece to eliminate oils, dirt, and other impurities, and making it thicker.
  • Posting, trampling or treading wet clothing
  • Shrinkage
  • Stain



  • 5àsec - a French franchise network
  • Washio (company) - defunct laundry delivery service
  • SudShare - an American app-based laundry cleaning and delivery company


  • Dadeumi, the traditional Korean practice of rhythmically beating cloth, associated with the hardships of a woman's life
  • Dhobiwallah, or dhobi, the washermen in South Central Asia (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, etc.), and their caste group, historically associated with washing clothes[3]
  • Fullo, the Latin word for a person washing laundry
  • Washerwoman or laundress
  • Housekeeping
  • Laundry symbols


A collection of irons




  1. "Laundry". The Free Dictionary By Farlex. Retrieved 2012-05-24.
  2. Industrial uses of enzymes Archived 2012-01-03 at the Wayback Machine
  3. People of India: Uttar Pradesh Volume XLII Part One edited by A Hasan & J C Das
  4. "Mumbai boasts the world's largest open air laundry". The Globe and Mail. November 8, 2010. Retrieved 28 August 2014.
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