Sortable table
Abbreviation Meaning
Mmurmur (heart murmur or heart attack that can cause death)
MACEMajor adverse cardiovascular events
MACMycobacterium avium complex
MAEmoves all extremities
MAHAmicroangiopathic hemolytic anemia
MALmidaxillary line
MALTmucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
MANOSminilaparoscopy assisted natural orifice surgery
MAOImonoamine oxidase inhibitor
MAPmean arterial pressure
MARMedication Administration Record
MARSAmethicillin- and aminoglycoside-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
MASMorgagni–Adams–Stokes syndrome
meconium aspiration syndrome
MASTMichigan alcohol screening test
MATmultifocal atrial tachycardia
microscopic agglutination test

medication-assisted treatment

MBSSmodified barium swallow study
MCmetacarpal bone
MCAmucinous cystadenoma

Middle cerebral artery

MCATMedical College Admission Test
MCCMotorCycle Collision, Motor Cycle Crash
MCDminimal change diseaseharmful can cause cancer
MCDKmulticystic dysplastic kidney
MCPmetacarpophalangeal joint
MCHCmean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
MCHmean cell hemoglobin;
mean corpuscular hemoglobin
MC&Smicroscopy, culture, and sensitivity (the investigation steps in processing microbiology samples)
MCTDmixed connective tissue disease
MCVmean corpuscular volume
MDCTmultidetector row computerized tomography
MDDmajor depressive disorder
MDEmajor depressive episode
MDImetered dose inhaler
MDipMaster Diploma (specialization)
MDSmyelodysplastic syndrome
MEUK: Myalgic Encephalopathy ( = Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or "CFS")
M/Emicroscopic examination
MECModerate emetic chemotherapy
MEDLINEMedical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (U.S. National Library of Medicine)
MELDModel for End-Stage Liver Disease
MENmultiple endocrine neoplasia
MeSHMedical Subject Headings (U.S. National Library of Medicine)
METmetabolic equivalent
metmetastasis (pronounced like the word met; plural mets)
MFMmaternal and fetal medicine
MGmyasthenia gravis
MGNmembranous glomerulonephritis
MGPEmilligrams of phenytoin equivalents
MgSO4magnesium sulfate (Do not use this abbreviation. Write out the name. Per the do-not-use list.)
MGUSmonoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (unknown or uncertain may be substituted for undetermined)
MHA-TPmicrohemagglutination assay for T. pallidum
MHMR mental health and mental retardation
MHWMental Health Worker
MImyocardial infarction
MICminimum inhibitory concentration
MICAmental illness and chemical abuse;
mentally ill chemical abuser
MICUmobile intensive care unit / medical intensive care unit
MIFMüllerian inhibitory factor
MIPMaximum intensity projection, a technique used to enhance CT, MRI, MRA, and PET images
MISMinimally Invasive Surgery
Müllerian Inhibiting Substance
MLCmixed lymphocyte culture
MLEmidline episiotomy
MMmyeloid metaplasia
middle meningeal
multiple myeloma
M&Mmorbidity and mortality
MMFRmidmaximal flow rate
MMImaximum medical improvement
MMKMarshall–Marchetti–Kranz procedure
MMMmoist mucus membranes
Myelofibrosis with Myeloid Metaplasia
MMPmedical marijuana patient
Medical Monitoring Project (of the US CDC)
MMPIMinnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
MMRmeasles, mumps, and rubella combined vaccination
mismatch repair
MMR-Dmismatch repair deficiency syndrome
MMSEmini-mental state examination
MMTmalignant mesenchymal tumor
Mixed Mullerian Tumor
MNmembranous nephropathy
MNDmotor neurone disease, also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Lou Gehrig's disease or Charcot disease
MOBmother of baby
MODYmaturity onset diabetes of the young
MoMmultiples of the median
MOMmilk of magnesia
Mono-Dimonochorionic-diamniotic twins
Mono-Monomonochorionic-monoamniotic twins
MOPPmechlorethamine, vincristine, procarbazine, and prednisone in combination (older treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma)
MPAmedroxyprogesterone acetate
MPDMain pancreatic duct
MPD(s)myeloproliferative disease(s)
MPGNmembranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
MPTmulti-professional team
MPVmean platelet volume
MRmedical representative
mental retardation
mitral regurgitation
modified release (compare time release technology (medicine))

menstrual regulation (unsafe abortion)

MRAmagnetic resonance angiography
MRCPmagnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography
MRGmurmurs, rubs, and gallops (see heart sounds)
MRImagnetic resonance imaging
MRSAmethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
MSmedical student (MS-1, MS-2, MS-3, MS-4)
mental status (see mental status examination)
mitral stenosis
multiple sclerosis
MS-AFPmaternal serum alpha-fetoprotein
MSDUmedical surgical day unit
MSEmental status examination
MSHmelanocyte-stimulating hormone
MSKmedullary sponge kidney
UK: Musculoskeletal
MSMmen who have sex with men
MSMW men who have sex with men and women
MSO4morphine sulfate (Do not use this abbreviation. Write out the name. Per the do-not-use list.)
MSOFmultisystem organ failure
MSSAmethicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (contrast with MRSA)
MSUmidstream urine sample (used in testing for presence of urinary tract infections)
monosodium urate
MSUDmaple syrup urine disease
MTmetatarsal bone
MTBImild traumatic brain injury
MtF Male to Female transgender person (trans woman)
MUGAMultiple gated acquisition scan
MUSEmedicated urethral system for erections
MVAmotor vehicle accident
MVCmotor vehicle crash
MVo2mixed venous oxygen concentration
MVPmitral valve prolapse
MVPSmitral valve prolapse syndrome
MVRmitral valve replacement
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