Historically, the Kingdom of Wolaita was ruled by more than fifty kings.[1] The rulers used the title Kawo. Legendarily, ~1251 is the year of Welayta's founding. (In traditional oral sources, where the state of Wolayta also existed during the Aksumite empire, or even earlier, with more than 42 dynasties. The Mala and Tigre dynasty are the most recent ones). The following were the rulers of the Wolayta kingdom and province in present-day southern Ethiopia.

Rulers of Welayta until 1900[2]
Tenure Incumbent Notes
Damot dynasty Motolomi
Wolaita Mala dynasty
Unknown Dates Unknown rulersEnded with the Oromo migrations
Tigre dynasty
c. 1560 Mikael of Walayta, Kawo
16th centuryGirma Ketema, Kawo
17th centuryGazenja, Kawa
17th centuryAddaye Gazayna, Kawa
18th centuryKote Adaye, Kawo
18th centuryLibana Kote, Kawo
1707 to 1748Sana Tube, Kawo
? to 1761Tube Libana, KawoDied in office
1761 to 1800Ogato Sana, Kawo
1800 to 1835Amado Ogato, Kawo
1835 to 1845Damote Amado, Kawo
1845 to 1886Gobe Damote, Kawo
1886 to c.1890Gaga Gobe, Kawo
1890 to 1896Tona Gaga, KawoWarlike, the last and greatest king.
Waylata conquered by Menelik II and incorporated into Ethiopia 1894
October 1894 to 1900Tekle Haymanot, Negus


  1. https://www.gijash.com/GIJASH_Vol.2_Issue.2_April2018/GIJASH002.pdf
  2. C.F. Beckingham and G.W.B. Huntingford, Some Records of Ethiopia, 1593–1646 (London: Hakluyt Society, 1954), pp. lxv – lxvii.

See also

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