This list of social sciences awards is an index to articles about notable awards given for contributions to social sciences in general. It excludes LGBT-related awards and awards for anthropology, archaeology, economics, geography, history, Information science, politics and political science, psychology and sociology, which are covered by separate lists. The list is organized by the country of the sponsoring organization, but awards may be given to people from other countries.


BelgiumFrancqui PrizeFrancqui FoundationScholar or scientist under 50 for exact sciences; social sciences or humanities; or biological or medical sciences[1]
CanadaInnis-Gérin MedalRoyal Society of CanadaDistinguished and sustained contribution to the literature of the social sciences[2][3]
CanadaPrix Léon-GérinGovernment of QuebecResearchers in one of the social sciences[4]
CanadaPrix Marie-Andrée-BertrandGovernment of QuebecPersons whose scope and scientific quality of research led to the development and implementation of social innovations, leading to the well-being of individuals and communities[5][6]
ChileNational Prize for Humanities and Social SciencesNational Prize of ChileHumanist, scientist, or academic who has distinguished himself for his contribution in the field of Human Sciences[7]
FranceJean Nicod PrizeFrench National Centre for Scientific ResearchLeading philosopher of mind or philosophically oriented cognitive scientist[8]
GermanyAby Warburg PrizeCity of HamburgExcellence in the humanities and social sciences[9]
GermanyHans-Kilian-AwardKöhler FoundationOutstanding scientific achievements that provide a deeper insight into the historical and cultural existence of humankind and the changing human psyche[10]
GermanyHerder PrizeAlfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S.Scholars and artists from Central and Southeast Europe whose life and work have contributed to the cultural understanding of European countries and their peaceful interrelations
GermanySchader AwardSchader foundationSocial scientist
HungaryJohn von Neumann AwardRajk László College for Advanced StudiesScholar in the exact social sciences, whose works have had substantial influence over a long period of time on the studies and intellectual activity of the students of the college
IndiaInfosys Prize in Social SciencesInfosys Science FoundationAwards outstanding achievements of contemporary researchers and scientists across six categories, including Social Sciences
InternationalKarl Deutsch Award (international relations)International Studies AssociationSignificant contribution to the study of International Relations and Peace Research by the means of publication
InternationalStein Rokkan Prize for Comparative Social Science ResearchInternational Science Council, University of Bergen and European Consortium for Political ResearchSubstantial and original contribution in comparative social science research
ItalyEuropean Amalfi Prize for Sociology and Social SciencesItalian Association of SociologyBook or an article which has made an important contribution to sociology
JapanInternational Cosmos PrizeExpo '90 FoundationOutstanding research work and/or achievement which promotes the philosophy, “The Harmonious Coexistence between Nature and Mankind."
NetherlandsDr Hendrik Muller PrizeRoyal Netherlands Academy of Arts and SciencesSignificant or valuable contribution to the behavioural and social sciences
New ZealandTe Rangi Hiroa MedalRoyal Society Te ApārangiWork in: historical approaches to societal transformation and change; current issues in cultural diversity and cohesion; social and economic policy and development; or medical anthropology
NorwayHolberg PrizeGovernment of NorwayOutstanding scholars for work in the arts, humanities, social sciences, law and theology, either within one of these fields or through interdisciplinary work
SwedenStockholm Prize in CriminologyStockholm University, Stockholm Prize FoundationOutstanding achievements in criminological research or for the reduction of crime and the advancement of human rights
UkraineIvan Franko International PrizeIvan Franko International Foundationscientific discoveries, significant achievements and considerable efforts of world scientists in the field of Ukrainian Studies and social and humanitarian sciences
United KingdomAwards of the British AcademyBritish Academy18 awards and medals to recognise achievement in the humanities and social sciences
United KingdomBritish Academy MedalBritish AcademyOutstanding achievement that has transformed understanding of a particular subject or field of study in ... any branch of the humanities and social sciences
United KingdomFellow of the Academy of Social SciencesAcademy of Social SciencesLeading academics, policy-makers, and practitioners of the social sciences
United KingdomLeverhulme MedalBritish AcademySignificant contribution to knowledge and understanding in a field within the humanities and social sciences
United KingdomPresident's Medal (British Academy)British AcademyOutstanding service to the cause of the humanities and social sciences
United StatesAmerican Sociological Association Distinguished Scholarly Book AwardAmerican Sociological AssociationASA member's outstanding book
United StatesC. Wright Mills AwardSociety for the Study of Social ProblemsBook that best exemplifies outstanding social science research and a great understanding the individual and society
United StatesCharles Tilly Award for Best BookCollective Behavior and Social Movements Section of the ASASignificant contribution to the field
United StatesEdwin H. Sutherland AwardAmerican Society of CriminologyDistinguished contributions to theory or research in criminology
United StatesJessie Bernard AwardAmerican Sociological AssociationScholarly work that has enlarged the horizons of sociology to encompass fully the role of women in society
United StatesJohn Sessions Memorial AwardAmerican Library AssociationLibrary or library system which has made a significant effort to work with the labor community and by doing so has brought recognition to the history and contribution of the labor movement to the development of the United States.
United StatesJustin Winsor Prize (library)American Library AssociationBest library history essay
United StatesKluge PrizeJohn W. Kluge Center and Library of CongressLifetime achievement in the humanities and social sciences
United StatesLoubat PrizeColumbia UniversityBest social science works in the English language about North America
United StatesMarshall Sklare AwardAssociation for the Social Scientific Study of JewrySignificant scholarly contribution to the social scientific study of Jewry
United StatesRoger W. Jones Award for Executive LeadershipAmerican University School of Public AffairsU.S. Federal government executive leadership
United StatesRumelhart PrizeCognitive Science SocietyContributions to the theoretical foundations of human cognition
United StatesThe Pacific Sociological Association Distinguished Scholarship AwardPacific Sociological Association Major scholarly contributions to sociology
United StatesThomas Jefferson Foundation Medal in Global InnovationThomas Jefferson FoundationInnovation
United StatesW.E.B. Du Bois Career of Distinguished Scholarship AwardAmerican Sociological AssociationMembers whose cumulative body of work constitutes a significant contribution to the advancement of sociology
United States Orlando L. Taylor Award in Africana Communication Research National Communication Association career achievement in Africana communication research
United States Distinguished Scholar Award National Communication Association distinguished achievement in communication research and teaching
United States ICA Fellow International Communication Association distinguished achievement in communication research and teaching
United StatesWilliam and Katherine Estes AwardNational Academy of SciencesBasic research in any field of cognitive or behavioral science that has employed rigorous formal or empirical methods, optimally a combination of these, to advance our understanding of problems or issues relating to the risk of nuclear war

See also


  1. Prix Francqui, Fondation Francqui, retrieved 2020-01-27
  2. "Innis-Gérin Medal". RSC Medals & Awards. Royal Society of Canada. Archived from the original on 22 February 2015. Retrieved 21 February 2015.
  3. "Innis-Gérin Medal". Past award winners. Royal Society of Canada. Archived from the original on 22 February 2015. Retrieved 21 February 2015.
  4. Récipiendaires – Prix Léon-Gérin, Gouvernement du Québec, retrieved 2020-01-27
  5. "Les Prix du Québec - prix scientifiques".
  6. "News article (french) Un Prix du Québec au nom de Marie-Andrée Bertrand". Archived from the original on 2012-03-20. Retrieved 2020-01-27.
  7. "Ley 19169: Establece normas sobre otorgamiento de Premios Nacionales" [Law 19169: Establishes Rules on Granting National Prizes] (in Spanish). Ministry of Education. 26 September 1992. Retrieved 8 December 2017 via Library of the National Congress of Chile.
  8. Jean-Nicod Prize & Lectures 2009, Institut Jean-Nicod, archived from the original on 2010-01-26, retrieved 2020-01-27
  9. Aby Warburg-Preis,, retrieved 2020-01-27
  10. Transcending the borders between disciplines and cultures : Hans Kilian Award of Merit for the research and advancement of metacultural humanisation, Köhler Foundation, archived from the original on 2014-08-08, retrieved 2020-01-27
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