Thrushes and allies form the passerine bird family Turdidae. The International Ornithological Committee (IOC) recognizes 175 species of thrushes. Eighty-eight of them are in genus Turdus and the rest are distributed among 15 other genera. This list includes three extinct species that are marked (X).[1]

This list is presented according to the IOC taxonomic sequence and can also be sorted alphabetically by common name and binomial.

Common nameBinomial name + authorityIOC sequence
GrandalaGrandala coelicolor Hodgson, 18431
Mountain bluebirdSialia currucoides (Bechstein, 1798)2
Western bluebirdSialia mexicana Swainson, 18323
Eastern bluebirdSialia sialis (Linnaeus, 1758)4
Finsch's rufous thrushStizorhina finschi (Sharpe, 1870)5
Fraser's rufous thrushStizorhina fraseri (Strickland, 1844)6
White-tailed ant thrushNeocossyphus poensis (Strickland, 1844)7
Red-tailed ant thrushNeocossyphus rufus (Fischer, GA & Reichenow, 1884)8
Boulder chatPinarornis plumosus Sharpe, 18769
Brown-backed solitaireMyadestes occidentalis Stejneger, 188210
Slate-colored solitaireMyadestes unicolor Sclater, PL, 185711
Townsend's solitaireMyadestes townsendi (Audubon, 1838)12
Kamao (X)Myadestes myadestinus (Stejneger, 1887)13
PuaiohiMyadestes palmeri (Rothschild, 1893)14
OlomaoMyadestes lanaiensis (Wilson, SB, 1891)15
OmaoMyadestes obscurus (Gmelin, JF, 1789)16
Cuban solitaireMyadestes elisabeth (Lembeye, 1850)17
Rufous-throated solitaireMyadestes genibarbis Swainson, 183818
Black-faced solitaireMyadestes melanops Salvin, 186519
Varied solitaireMyadestes coloratus Nelson, 191220
Andean solitaireMyadestes ralloides (d'Orbigny, 1840)21
FruithunterChlamydochaera jefferyi Sharpe, 188722
Purple cochoaCochoa purpurea Hodgson, 183623
Green cochoaCochoa viridis Hodgson, 183624
Sumatran cochoaCochoa beccarii Salvadori, 187925
Javan cochoaCochoa azurea (Temminck, 1824)26
Varied thrushIxoreus naevius (Gmelin, JF, 1789)27
Aztec thrushRidgwayia pinicola (Sclater, PL, 1859)28
Rufous-brown solitaireCichlopsis leucogenys Cabanis, 185129
Black solitaireEntomodestes coracinus (Berlepsch, 1897)30
White-eared solitaireEntomodestes leucotis (Tschudi, 1844)31
Wood thrushHylocichla mustelina (Gmelin, JF, 1789)32
Yellow-throated nightingale-thrushCatharus dryas (Gould, 1855)33
Speckled nightingale-thrushCatharus maculatus (Sclater, PL, 1858)34
Orange-billed nightingale-thrushCatharus aurantiirostris (Hartlaub, 1850)35
Black-headed nightingale-thrushCatharus mexicanus (Bonaparte, 1856)36
Slaty-backed nightingale-thrushCatharus fuscater (Lafresnaye, 1845)37
Swainson's thrushCatharus ustulatus (Nuttall, 1840)38
Black-billed nightingale-thrushCatharus gracilirostris Salvin, 186539
Hermit thrushCatharus guttatus (Pallas, 1811)40
Russet nightingale-thrushCatharus occidentalis Sclater, PL, 185941
Ruddy-capped nightingale-thrushCatharus frantzii Cabanis, 186142
Grey-cheeked thrushCatharus minimus (Lafresnaye, 1848)43
Bicknell's thrushCatharus bicknelli (Ridgway, 1882)44
VeeryCatharus fuscescens (Stephens, 1817)45
Long-tailed thrushZoothera dixoni (Seebohm, 1881)46
Alpine thrushZoothera mollissima (Blyth, 1842)47
Himalayan thrushZoothera salimalii Alström, Rasmussen, Zhao J, Xu J, Dalvi, Cai T, Guan Y, Zhang R, Kalyakin, Lei F & Olsson, 201648
Sichuan thrushZoothera griseiceps (Delacour, 1930)49
Long-billed thrushZoothera monticola Vigors, 183250
GeomaliaZoothera heinrichi (Stresemann, 1931)51
Dark-sided thrushZoothera marginata Blyth, 184752
Everett's thrushZoothera everetti (Sharpe, 1892)53
Sunda thrushZoothera andromedae (Temminck, 1826)54
White's thrushZoothera aurea (Holandre, 1825)55
Scaly thrushZoothera dauma (Latham, 1790)56
Nilgiri thrushZoothera neilgherriensis (Blyth, 1847)57
Sri Lanka thrushZoothera imbricata Layard, EL, 185458
Amami thrushZoothera major (Ogawa, 1905)59
Bonin thrush (X)Zoothera terrestris (Kittlitz, 1830)60
Guadalcanal thrushZoothera turipavae Cain & Galbraith, ICJ, 195561
Makira thrushZoothera margaretae (Mayr, 1935)62
Russet-tailed thrushZoothera heinei (Cabanis, 1851)63
Fawn-breasted thrushZoothera machiki (Forbes, HO, 1884)64
Bassian thrushZoothera lunulata (Latham, 1801)65
Black-backed thrushZoothera talaseae (Rothschild & Hartert, EJO, 1926)66
Siberian thrushGeokichla sibirica (Pallas, 1776)67
Pied thrushGeokichla wardii (Blyth, 1843)68
Grey ground thrushGeokichla princei (Sharpe, 1874)69
Black-eared ground thrushGeokichla camaronensis Sharpe, 190570
Spotted ground thrushGeokichla guttata (Vigors, 1831)71
Spot-winged thrushGeokichla spiloptera (Blyth, 1847)72
Crossley's ground thrushGeokichla crossleyi (Sharpe, 1871)73
Abyssinian ground thrushGeokichla piaggiae (Bouvier, 1877)74
Oberländer's ground thrushGeokichla oberlaenderi Sassi, 191475
Orange ground thrushGeokichla gurneyi (Hartlaub, 1864)76
Orange-headed thrushGeokichla citrina (Latham, 1790)77
Buru thrushGeokichla dumasi Rothschild, 189978
Seram thrushGeokichla joiceyi (Rothschild & Hartert, EJO, 1921)79
Orange-sided thrushGeokichla peronii (Vieillot, 1818)80
Slaty-backed thrushGeokichla schistacea Meyer, AB, 188481
Chestnut-capped thrushGeokichla interpres (Temminck, 1828)82
Enggano thrushGeokichla leucolaema Salvadori, 189283
Chestnut-backed thrushGeokichla dohertyi Hartert, EJO, 189684
Ashy thrushGeokichla cinerea Bourns & Worcester, 189485
Red-backed thrushGeokichla erythronota Sclater, PL, 185986
Red-and-black thrushGeokichla mendeni (Neumann, 1939)87
Ethiopian thrushTurdus simensis (Rüppell, 1837)88
Groundscraper thrushTurdus litsitsirupa (Smith, A, 1836)89
Chinese thrushTurdus mupinensis Laubmann, 192090
Song thrushTurdus philomelos Brehm, CL, 183191
Mistle thrushTurdus viscivorus Linnaeus, 175892
African thrushTurdus pelios Bonaparte, 185093
Principe thrushTurdus xanthorhynchus Salvadori, 190194
Sao Tome thrushTurdus olivaceofuscus Hartlaub, 185295
Abyssinian thrushTurdus abyssinicus Gmelin, JF, 178996
Taita thrushTurdus helleri (Mearns, 1913)97
Usambara thrushTurdus roehli Reichenow, 190598
Olive thrushTurdus olivaceus Linnaeus, 176699
Kurrichane thrushTurdus libonyana (Smith, A, 1836)100
Comoro thrushTurdus bewsheri Newton, E, 1877101
Bare-eyed thrushTurdus tephronotus Cabanis, 1878102
Karoo thrushTurdus smithi Bonaparte, 1850103
Somali thrushTurdus ludoviciae (Lort Phillips, 1895)104
Chinese blackbirdTurdus mandarinus Bonaparte, 1850105
RedwingTurdus iliacus Linnaeus, 1758106
Common blackbirdTurdus merula Linnaeus, 1758107
Yemen thrushTurdus menachensis Ogilvie-Grant, 1913108
Taiwan thrushTurdus niveiceps (Hellmayr, 1919)109
Grey-winged blackbirdTurdus boulboul (Latham, 1790)110
Indian blackbirdTurdus simillimus Jerdon, 1839111
Tickell's thrushTurdus unicolor Tickell, 1833112
Black-breasted thrushTurdus dissimilis Blyth, 1847113
Japanese thrushTurdus cardis Temminck, 1831114
Grey-backed thrushTurdus hortulorum Sclater, PL, 1863115
Eyebrowed thrushTurdus obscurus Gmelin, JF, 1789116
Pale thrushTurdus pallidus Gmelin, JF, 1789117
Grey-sided thrushTurdus feae (Salvadori, 1887)187
Brown-headed thrushTurdus chrysolaus Temminck, 1832119
Izu thrushTurdus celaenops Stejneger, 1887120
Island thrushTurdus poliocephalus Latham, 1801121
Tibetan blackbirdTurdus maximus (Seebohm, 1881)122
White-backed thrushTurdus kessleri (Przevalski, 1876)123
FieldfareTurdus pilaris Linnaeus, 1758124
Ring ouzelTurdus torquatus Linnaeus, 1758125
Black-throated thrushTurdus atrogularis Jarocki, 1819126
Red-throated thrushTurdus ruficollis Pallas, 1776127
Dusky thrushTurdus eunomus Temminck, 1831128
Naumann's thrushTurdus naumanni Temminck, 1820129
Chestnut thrushTurdus rubrocanus Gray, JE & Gray, GR, 1847130
White-collared blackbirdTurdus albocinctus Royle, 1840131
Sulawesi thrushTurdus turdoides (Hartert, EJO, 1896)132
American robinTurdus migratorius Linnaeus, 1766133
Black thrushTurdus infuscatus (Lafresnaye, 1844)134
Rufous-collared thrushTurdus rufitorques Hartlaub, 1844135
Sooty thrushTurdus nigrescens Cabanis, 1861136
Red-legged thrushTurdus plumbeus Linnaeus, 1758137
Grand Cayman thrush (X)Turdus ravidus (Cory, 1886)138
White-chinned thrushTurdus aurantius Gmelin, JF, 1789139
Forest thrushTurdus lherminieri Lafresnaye, 1844140
Mountain thrushTurdus plebejus Cabanis, 1861141
Pale-eyed thrushTurdus leucops Taczanowski, 1877142
White-eyed thrushTurdus jamaicensis Gmelin, JF, 1789143
La Selle thrushTurdus swalesi (Wetmore, 1927)144
Chestnut-bellied thrushTurdus fulviventris Sclater, PL, 1858145
Plumbeous-backed thrushTurdus reevei Lawrence, 1869146
Chiguanco thrushTurdus chiguanco d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837147
Andean slaty thrushTurdus nigriceps Cabanis, 1874148
Glossy-black thrushTurdus serranus Tschudi, 1844149
Black-hooded thrushTurdus olivater (Lafresnaye, 1848)150
Great thrushTurdus fuscater d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837151
Austral thrushTurdus falcklandii Quoy & Gaimard, 1824152
Lawrence's thrushTurdus lawrencii Coues, 1880153
Pantepui thrushTurdus murinus Salvin, 1885154
Blacksmith thrushTurdus subalaris (Seebohm, 1887)155
Creamy-bellied thrushTurdus amaurochalinus Cabanis, 1851156
Tristan thrushTurdus eremita (Gould, 1855)157
Maranon thrushTurdus maranonicus Taczanowski, 1880158
Black-billed thrushTurdus ignobilis Sclater, PL, 1858159
Campina thrushTurdus arthuri (Chubb, C, 1914)160
Yellow-legged thrushTurdus flavipes Vieillot, 1818161
White-throated thrushTurdus assimilis Cabanis, 1851162
Dagua thrushTurdus daguae Berlepsch, 1897163
White-necked thrushTurdus albicollis Vieillot, 1818164
Rufous-backed thrushTurdus rufopalliatus Lafresnaye, 1840165
Pale-vented thrushTurdus obsoletus Lawrence, 1862166
Pale-breasted thrushTurdus leucomelas Vieillot, 1818167
Cocoa thrushTurdus fumigatus Lichtenstein, MHC, 1823168
Hauxwell's thrushTurdus hauxwelli Lawrence, 1869169
Rufous-bellied thrushTurdus rufiventris Vieillot, 1818170
Clay-colored thrushTurdus grayi Bonaparte, 1838171
Spectacled thrushTurdus nudigenis Lafresnaye, 1848172
Ecuadorian thrushTurdus maculirostris Berlepsch & Taczanowski, 1884173
Varzea thrushTurdus sanchezorum O'Neill, Lane & Naka, 2011174
Unicolored thrushTurdus haplochrous Todd, 1931175


  1. Gill, F.; Donsker, D.; Rasmussen, P. (January 2024). "Thrushes". IOC World Bird List. v 14.1. Retrieved January 4, 2024.
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