Insect species (IUCN, 2016.1)
  • 5993 extant species have been evaluated
  • 4291 of those are fully assessed[lower-alpha 1]
  • 3144 are not threatened at present[lower-alpha 2]
  • 1146 to 2848 are threatened[lower-alpha 3]
  • 59 to 105 are extinct or extinct in the wild:
    • 58 extinct (EX) species[lower-alpha 4]
    • 1 extinct in the wild (EW)
    • 46 possibly extinct [CR(PE)]
    • 0 possibly extinct in the wild [CR(PEW)]

  1. excludes data deficient evaluations.
  2. NT, LR/cd, LC.
  3. Threatened comprises CR, EN and VU. Upper estimate additionally includes DD.
  4. Chart omits extinct (EX) species
Vulnerable (VU) species are considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.

In July 2016, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) listed 608 vulnerable insect species.[1] Of all evaluated insect species, 10% are listed as vulnerable. The IUCN also lists 15 insect subspecies as vulnerable.

No subpopulations of insects have been evaluated by the IUCN.

For a species to be assessed as vulnerable to extinction the best available evidence must meet quantitative criteria set by the IUCN designed to reflect "a high risk of extinction in the wild". Endangered and critically endangered species also meet the quantitative criteria of vulnerable species, and are listed separately. See: List of endangered insects, List of critically endangered insects. Vulnerable, endangered and critically endangered species are collectively referred to as threatened species by the IUCN.

Additionally 1702 insect species (28% of those evaluated) are listed as data deficient, meaning there is insufficient information for a full assessment of conservation status. As these species typically have small distributions and/or populations, they are intrinsically likely to be threatened, according to the IUCN.[2] While the category of data deficient indicates that no assessment of extinction risk has been made for the taxa, the IUCN notes that it may be appropriate to give them "the same degree of attention as threatened taxa, at least until their status can be assessed".[3]

This is a complete list of vulnerable insect species and subspecies as evaluated by the IUCN.


There are 50 beetle species assessed as vulnerable.


Longhorn beetles


  • Ciervo scarab beetle (Aegialia concinna)
  • Crescent dune scarab beetle (Aegialia crescenta)
  • Ateuchetus semipunctatus
  • Ateuchus squalidus
  • Aulacopris matthewsi
  • Canthon corpulentus
  • Canthon quadripunctatus
  • Clypeodrepanus striatus
  • Ontherus hadros
  • Onthophagus albarracinus
  • Pachysoma aesculapius
  • Pachysoma endroedyi
  • Pachysoma glentoni
  • Pedaridium hirsutum
  • Platyonitis bicuariensis
  • Giuliani's dune scarab beetle (Pseudocotalpa giulianii)

Other beetle species



There are 155 species in the order Hymenoptera assessed as vulnerable.



  • Colletes dimidiatus
  • Colletes moricei
  • Colletes pulchellus


  • Melitta hispanica
  • Melitta kastiliensis




Lepidoptera comprises moths and butterflies. There are 128 species and ten subspecies in the order Lepidoptera assessed as vulnerable.


Swallowtail butterflies





  • Danaus affinis jimiensis
  • Danaus melanippus keteus
  • Outcast crow (Euploea algea abjecta)
  • Euploea algea eleutho
  • Euploea algea schmeltzi
  • Euploea crameri albomaculata
  • Euploea mulciber elwesii
  • Euploea radamanthus schreiberi
  • Parantica weiskei thalassina
  • Sarangani tiger (Tirumala choaspes tumanana)



  • Canary brimstone (Gonepteryx cleobule)
  • Atewa dotted border (Mylothris atewa)
  • Moroccan green-veined white (Pieris segonzaci)




Odonata includes dragonflies and damselflies. There are 129 species and five subspecies in the order Odonata assessed as vulnerable.


  • Chlorogomphus brevistigma
  • Chlorogomphus gracilis
  • Chlorogomphus nakamurai
  • Chlorogomphus xanthoptera
  • Chloropetalia selysi
  • Watanabeopetalia uenoi


  • Banded jewel (Africocypha centripunctata)
  • Kaleidoscope jewel (Africocypha lacuselephantum)
  • Albertine jewel (Chlorocypha schmidti)
  • Libellago andamanensis
  • Tanzania jewel (Platycypha auripes)
  • Rhinocypha dorsosanguinea
  • Rhinocypha latimacula
  • Mahale jewel (Stenocypha hasta)






  • Erpetogomphus lampropeltis lampropeltis




  • Somalian bluet (Azuragrion somalicum amitinum)
  • Frey's damselfly (Coenagrion hylas freyi)
  • Blackline damselfly (Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum)
  • Pseudagrion sublacteum mortoni


  • Thylacine darner (Acanthaeschna victoria)
  • Gynacantha bispina
  • Gynacantha constricta
  • Petaliaeschna flavipes
  • Yemen hawker (Pinheyschna yemenensis)
  • Planaeschna celia
  • Sarasaeschna niisatoi


Other Odonata species


There are 137 species in the order Orthoptera assessed as vulnerable.


  • Howarth's cave cricket (Caconemobius howarthi)
  • Schauinsland's bush cricket (Caconemobius schauinslandi)
  • Kaumana cave cricket (Caconemobius varius)
  • Lanzarote malpais cricket (Hymenoptila lanzarotensis)
  • Metioche luteolus
  • Karpathos glandular cricket (Ovaliptila kinzelbachi)
  • Dodecanese glandular cricket (Ovaliptila nana)
  • Phalangacris phaloricephala
  • Volcanoes cave cricket (Thaumatogryllus cavicola)
  • Kauai thin-footed bush cricket (Thaumatogryllus variegatus)


  • Usambara slant-faced grasshopper (Acrida bara)
  • Uvarov's bird grasshopper (Acridoderes uvarovi)
  • Idaho point-headed grasshopper (Acrolophitus pulchellus)
  • Usambara burrowing grasshopper (Acrotylus apicalis)
  • Usambara forest edge grasshopper (Afrophlaeoba usambarica)
  • Michigan bog grasshopper (Appalachia arcana)
  • Wembere grasshopper (Aulacobothrus popovi)
  • Tanzanian miombo grasshopper (Cardeniopsis regalis)
  • Siskiyou Chloealtis grasshopper (Chloealtis aspasma)
  • White-tipped grasshopper (Chorthippus acroleucus)
  • Ufipa blue-winged grasshopper (Chromochokwea fitzgeraldi)
  • Calabrian gold grasshopper (Chrysochraon beybienkoi)
  • Banat grasshopper (Eozubovskya banatica)
  • Udzungwa noble grasshopper (Eupropacris uniformis)
  • Eximacris superbum
  • Three-spotted forest grasshopper (Heteracris trimaculata)
  • Reatine Italian grasshopper (Italohippus modestus)
  • Kilimanjaro drumming grasshopper (Ixalidium sjostedti)
  • Usambara drumming grasshopper (Ixalidium transiens)
  • Long-winged mountain grasshopper (Miramella irena)
  • Romanian mountain grasshopper (Odontopodisma montana)
  • Red-legged mountain grasshopper (Odontopodisma rubripes)
  • Erimanthos mountain grasshopper (Oropodisma erymanthosi)
  • Kyllini mountain grasshopper (Oropodisma kyllinii)
  • Macedonian mountain grasshopper (Oropodisma macedonica)
  • Tayetos mountain grasshopper (Oropodisma taygetosi)
  • Turkish black sea coast grasshopper (Rammeihippus turcicus)
  • Almeria sand grasshopper (Sphingonotus almeriense)
  • Tenerife sand grasshopper (Sphingonotus picteti)
  • Rugose sand grasshopper (Sphingonotus rugosus)
  • Eurasian toothed grasshopper (Stenobothrus eurasius)



  • Richtersveld katydid (Africariola longicauda)
  • Marakele delicate katydid (Amyttacta marakelensis)
  • Short-winged tonged bush-cricket (Anadrymadusa brevipennis)
  • Dilated false shieldback (Aroegas dilatatus)
  • Flat-necked shieldback (Arytropteris basalis)
  • Austrosaga spinifer
  • Sierra Nevadan saddle bush-cricket (Baetica ustulata)
  • Nihoa conehead katydid (Banza nihoa)
  • Big pine key conehead katydid (Belocephalus micanopy)
  • Keys short-winged conehead katydid (Belocephalus sleighti)
  • Tenerife green bush-cricket (Calliphona koenigi)
  • Canarian laurel bush-cricket (Canariola nubigena)
  • Lalande's black-winged clonia (Clonia lalandei)
  • Uvarov's clonia (Clonia uvarovi)
  • Peringuey's meadow katydid (Conocephalus peringueyi)
  • Zlobin's meadow katydid (Conocephalus zlobini)
  • Remote conehead katydid (Euconocephalus remotus)
  • Annamaria's marbled bush-cricket (Eupholidoptera annamariae)
  • Cretan marbled bush-cricket (Eupholidoptera cretica)
  • Idi marbled bush-cricket (Eupholidoptera forcipata)
  • Skaronero marbled bush-cricket (Eupholidoptera gemellata)
  • Giulia's marbled bush-cricket (Eupholidoptera giuliae)
  • Ikaria marbled bush-cricket (Eupholidoptera icariensis)
  • Jacqueline's marbled bush-cricket (Eupholidoptera jacquelinae)
  • Hidden marbled bush-cricket (Eupholidoptera latens)
  • Lefkas marbled bush-cricket (Eupholidoptera leucasi)
  • Marianne's marbled bush-cricket (Eupholidoptera mariannae)
  • Pale-legged marbled bush-cricket (Eupholidoptera pallipes)
  • Hemisaga lucifer
  • Hemisaga vepreculae
  • Metrioptera domogledi
  • Southern barbed-wire bush-cricket (Onconotus servillei)
  • Pachysaga munggai
  • Drakensberg grass false shieldback (Paracilacris lateralis)
  • Golden Gate grass false shieldback (Paracilacris mordax)
  • Vardousia Greek bush-cricket (Parnassiana coracis)
  • Dirphys Greek bush-cricket (Parnassiana dirphys)
  • Tawny Greek bush-cricket (Parnassiana fusca)
  • Parnon Greek bush-cricket (Parnassiana parnon)
  • Slim Greek bush-cricket (Parnassiana tenuis)
  • Phasmodes jeeba
  • Psacadonotus seriatus
  • Gavrogo bush-cricket (Rhacocleis crypta)
  • Cretan bush-cricket (Rhacocleis derrai)
  • Lesbos bush-cricket (Rhacocleis distinguenda)
  • Ferdinand's bush-cricket (Rhacocleis ferdinandi)
  • Stone-jumping bush-cricket (Rhacocleis lithoscirtetes)
  • Common predatory bush-cricket (Saga pedo)
  • Golden Gate seedpod shieldback (Thoracistus aureoportalis)
  • Green-kneed seedpod shieldback (Thoracistus viridicrus)
  • Windbalea viride
  • Zaprochilus ninae



  • Mute winter katydid (Brinckiella aptera)
  • Karoo winter katydid (Brinckiella karooensis)
  • Mauerberger's winter katydid (Brinckiella mauerbergerorum)
  • Cozia plump bush-cricket (Isophya harzi)
  • Long-tailed plump bush-cricket (Isophya longicaudata)
  • Athos bright bush-cricket (Poecilimon athos)
  • Ikaria bright bush-cricket (Poecilimon ikariensis)
  • Istanbul bright bush-cricket (Poecilimon istanbul)
  • Kadiytsa bright bush-cricket (Poecilimon pechevi)
  • Short-tailed bull bush-cricket (Polysarcus scutatus)
  • East coast katydid (Pomatonota dregii)

Other Orthoptera species



See also


  1. "IUCN Red List version 2016.1". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Retrieved 4 July 2016.
  2. "Limitations of the Data". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Retrieved 11 January 2016.
  3. "2001 Categories & Criteria (version 3.1)". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Retrieved 11 January 2016.

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