Depiction of Greek fire in the Madrid Skylitzes
Depiction of the baptism of Boris I of Bulgaria
Meeting between Emperor John Tzimiskes and Sviatoslav I of Kiev
Serbs massacre the Byzantines in the mountain passes at the Battle of Bar

The Madrid Skylitzes is a twelfth century illuminated manuscript version of the Synopsis of Histories (Greek: Σύνοψις Ἱστοριῶν, Byzantine Greek: [ˈsy̜.nop.sisˈon]), by John Skylitzes, which covers the reigns of the Byzantine emperors from the death of Nicephorus I in 811 to the deposition of Michael VI in 1057.[1] The manuscript was produced at the Norman court of Palermo in Sicily and is now housed in the Biblioteca Nacional de España in Madrid. It remains the only preserved Greek-language illustrated chronicle from the Byzantine period.[2] The chronicle includes 574 miniatures detailing depictions of everyday life in the Byzantine Empire such as boats, literary practices, sieges, and ceremonies,[1] in "both purely Byzantine and Western styles while also reflecting Islamic elements".[3]


  1. 1 2 Sussex Centre for Byzantine Cultural History, University of Sussex. "The Madrid Skylitzes Project". Retrieved 30 March 2023.
  2. Tsamakda, Vasiliki (2000). "The Miniatures of the Madrid Skylitzes". academia. p. 127. Retrieved 31 March 2023.
  3. Evans, Helen C. & Wixom, William D. (1997). The Glory of Byzantium: Art and Culture of the Middle Byzantine Era, A.D. 843–1261, p. 438. Metropolitan Museum of Art. ISBN 9780810965072. Retrieved 8 September 2023.


  • Color facsimile edition by Militos (Μίλητος) Publishers, ISBN 960-8460-16-6.
  • Tsamakda, Vasiliki (2002). The Illustrated Chronicle of Ioannes Skylitzes, Leiden.
  • Bjørnholt, Bente and J. Burke, eds. (2005). "The Cultures and Contexts of the Madrid Skylitzes". International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds

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