Meetings with a Young Poet is a Canadian film that premiered at the 2013 International Film Festival of India. It was directed by Rudy Barichello and stars Stephen McHattie, Vincent Hoss-Desmarais and Maria de Medeiros.[1][2][3]

The film explores the life and works of Irish playwright, poet and author Samuel Beckett, through his discussions with a depressed young poet from Montreal, Quebec.[4]


  1. Howell, Peter. "Meetings With a Young Poet fails to rhyme: Review". Toronto Star, 18 April 2013.
  2. Kelly, Brendan. "Review: Meetings With a Young Poet". Montreal Gazette, 3 April 2014.
  3. Duchesne, André. "Meetings With A Young Poet : Beckett, côté givré". La Presse. 3 April 2014
  4. Reardon, Kiva. "Meetings With a Young Poet: Almost Beckettian (if you ignore the wigs)". The Globe and Mail, 18 April 2014.

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