Mekhitar of Ayrivank (Armenian: Մխիթար Այրիվանեցի Mxitʿar Ayrivanecʿi) (1230/35 – 1297/1300) was an Armenian monk, or vardapet, at the "Cave-Monastery",[1] modern Geghard. He is best known for his list of history of the world. He preserves in his writings a list of canonical and non-canonical books by John the Deacon (1044–1129).[2][3] His canon also includes works such as the Third Epistle to the Corinthians.[4]

Some of his sacred music can be found on collections of Armenian sacred music, such as Joyous light Isabel Bayrakdarian, CBC.


  1. Ayrivank (վանք, vank means monastery)
  2. Michael E. Stone Selected studies in pseudepigrapha and apocrypha with special ... 1991 p58 "A list of Biblical books attributed to John the Deacon (1044/5-1129) has been preserved among the writings of the thirteenth- century Armenian writer, Mechitar of Ayrivank' (1222-1307).
  3. M. E. STONE, Armenian Canon Lists III — The Lists of Mechitar of Ayrivank; in HTR 69 (1976), 289-300.
  4. Vahan Hovhanessian Third Corinthians: reclaiming Paul for Christian orthodoxy 2000 p202 "... in the Armenian Church include 3 Cor in their canons.87 Mechitar of Ayrivank', a 13th century father of the Armenian Church, includes 3 Cor in his canon of the Bible.88 There are two manuscripts attributed to Mechitar of Ayrivank' "
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