Scientific classification

Meyrick, 1914
Type species
Meleonoma stomota
(Meyrick, 1910)

Acryptolechia Lvovsky, 2010[1]

Meleonoma is a genus of moths in the family Autostichidae.

Taxonomic history & placement

Meleonoma was established by Edward Meyrick in 1914,[2] who placed the genus in the family Oecophoridae. Subsequently, Clarke (1965)[3] listed the genus in the family Cosmopterigidae. Park & Park (2016)[4] attributed the genus to Lypusidae sensu Lvovsky (2015), although shortly after, Yin & Wang (2016a[5] & 2016b[6]) placed the genus as incertae sedis within Gelechioidea and then in Oecophoridae, followed by Kitajima & Salamaki (2019)[7] when studying the Japanese species. Furthermore, Lvovsky (2015) synonymized the genus Acryptolechia (at that time placed in Cryptolechiinae of Depressariidae) with Meleonoma. More recently, Wang & Li (2020)[8] studied the molecular phylogeny of Gelechioidea, and found Meleonoma plus Phaulolechia formed a clade constituting the tribe Meleonomini, sister to Periacma + Irepacma + Epiracma, constituting the Periacmini, bringing both tribes together to form the subfamily Periacminae, in Autostichidae.

Most recently, there has been a flurry of publications on the genus: Yin & Cai (2019)[9] described two new species from Guangxi and Fujian provinces, China; Wang et al. (2020)[10] reviewed the genus, retained the placement in Meleonomini (Autostichidae, Periacminae) and provided a global checklist, including transferring 50 species from the moth genus Cryptolechia; Zhu et al. (2020)[11] described 16 new species from Hainan Island, China; Yin et al. (2020)[12] described three new species from Yunnan province, China; lastly, Wang & Zhu (2020a[13] & 2020b[14]) described a further 36 species from China.


(species groupings follow Wang et al., 2020[10] and Wang & Zhu (2020a[13] & 2020b[14])

  • the malacobyrsa group
    • Meleonoma anisodonta Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma dorsoprojecta (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma lanceolata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma longaedeaga Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma lunulata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma malacobyrsa (Meyrick, 1921)
    • Meleonoma microbyrsa (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma papillata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma robusta (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma rugulosa Wang & Zhu, 2020
  • the segregnatha group
    • Meleonoma acutata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma apicispinata Wang, 2016
    • Meleonoma acutata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma basiprocessa Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma bicornea Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma bidigitata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma brevicula Park, 2016
    • Meleonoma circinans Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma compacta Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma cuneata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma flavifasciana Kitajima & Sakamaki, 2019
    • Meleonoma flavilineata Kitajima & Sakamaki, 2019
    • Meleonoma forcipata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma infundibularis (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma ledongensis Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma liui (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma longihamata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma mecobursoides Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma microdonta Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma papillisetosa Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma parallela Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma recticostata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma rostriformis (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma segregnatha Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma taeniophylla Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma tamraensis Park, 2016
    • Meleonoma trimaculata (Wang, 2006)
  • the annulignatha group
    • Meleonoma artivalva Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma annulignatha Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma bifoliolata (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma sinuicosta Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma taiwanensis Wang & Zhu, 2020
  • the fasciptera group
    • Meleonoma argometra (Meyrick, 1935)
    • Meleonoma concaviuscula (Wang, 2004)
    • Meleonoma denticulata (Wang, 2004)
    • Meleonoma falsitorophanes (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma kangxianensis (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma latifascia (Wang, 2004)
    • Meleonoma muscosa (Wang, 2004)
    • Meleonoma neargometra (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma proximideflecta (Wang, 2004)
    • Meleonoma solifasciaria (Wang, 2004)
    • Meleonoma spinifera (Wang, 2004)
    • Meleonoma stictifascia (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma zeloxantha (Meyrick, 1934)
  • the jigongshanica group
    • Meleonoma cornutivalvata (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma jigongshanica (Wang, 2003)
  • the dentivalvata group
    • Meleonoma anthaedeaga (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma deflecta (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma falsivespertina (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma fascirupta (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma furcellata (Wang, 2004)
    • Meleonoma gei (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma luniformis (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma menglana (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma paranthaedeaga (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma proximihamatilis (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma rectimarginalis (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma similifloralis (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma torophanes (Meyrick, 1935)
    • Meleonoma varifascirupta (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma zhengi (Wang, 2003)
  • the facialis group
    • Meleonoma anticentra (Meyrick, 1910)
    • Meleonoma aridula (Meyrick, 1910)
    • Meleonoma bilobata Wang, 2016
    • Meleonoma catenata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma dierli Lvovsky, 2015
    • Meleonoma dilativalva Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma dorsibacilliformis Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma dorsolobulata Wang, 2016
    • Meleonoma echinata Li, 2004
    • Meleonoma elongata Wang, 2016
    • Meleonoma facialis Li & Wang, 2002
    • Meleonoma facunda (Meyrick, 1910)
    • Meleonoma fasciculifera (Wang, 2004)
    • Meleonoma foliata Li, 2004
    • Meleonoma heterota Meyrick, 1914
    • Meleonoma japonica Kitajima et Sakamaki, 2019
    • Meleonoma jubingella Lvovsky, 2015
    • Meleonoma longiprocessa Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma malacognatha Li, 2002
    • Meleonoma margisclerotica Wang, 2016
    • Meleonoma meyricki Lvovsky, 2015
    • Meleonoma montana Lvovsky, 2015
    • Meleonoma nepalella Lvovsky, 2015
    • Meleonoma nephospora Meyrick, 1930
    • Meleonoma parvissima Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma petrota Meyrick, 1914
    • Meleonoma polychaeta Li, 2004
    • Meleonoma stomota (Meyrick, 1910)
    • Meleonoma tianmushana Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma tenuiuncata Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma triacantha Wang & Zhu, 2020
    • Meleonoma triangula Wang, 2016
    • Meleonoma ventrospinosa Wang & Zhu, 2020
  • the acutiuscula group
    • Meleonoma acutiuscula (Wang, 2004)
    • Meleonoma fustiformis (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma mirabilis (Wang, 2003)
    • Meleonoma olivaria (Wang, 2006)
    • Meleonoma peditata (Wang, 2006)

Species awaiting assignment to existing or as yet undefined groups

  • Meleonoma bifida (Wang, 2006)
  • Meleonoma concolora (Wang, 2006)
  • Meleonoma flavimaculata (Christoph, 1882)
  • Meleonoma foliiformis Yin, 2019
  • Meleonoma hamatilis (Wang, 2004)
  • Meleonoma implexa Meyrick, 1918
  • Meleonoma leishana (Wang, 2006)
  • Meleonoma pardalias Meyrick, 1931
  • Meleonoma projecta Yin, 2019
  • Meleonoma sticta (Wang, 2006)
  • Meleonoma vespertina (Meyrick, 1910)
  • Meleonoma wenxianica (Wang, 2006)
  • Meleonoma apicicurvata Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma apicirectangula Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma bicuspidata Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma bidentata Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma conica Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma hainanensis Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma latiunca Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma linearis Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma magnidentata Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma ornithorrhyncha Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma parilis Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma pectinalis Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma puncticulata Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma quadritaeniata Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma robustispina Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma rostellata Wang, 2020
  • Meleonoma plicata Yin, Zhi & Cai, 2020
  • Meleonoma scalprata Yin, Zhi & Cai, 2020
  • Meleonoma taeniata Yin, Zhi & Cai, 2020

Species incertae sedis

sensu Wang et al., 2020,[10] i.e. current placement to genus is uncertain and may be revised

Former species


  1. Lvovsky, A.L (23 October 2015). "Composition of the subfamily Periacminae (Lepidoptera, Lypusidae) with Descriptions of new and little known species of the genus Meleonoma Meyrick, 1914 from South, East, and South-East Asia". Entomological Review. 95 (6): 766–778. doi:10.1134/S0013873815060111. S2CID 255279569 via Springer.
  2. Meyrick, E., 1914. Exotic Microlepidoptera, Marlborough. Vol. 1, part 8. Printed by Taylor and Francis, London, 64 pp. [pp. 225−288]
  3. Clarke, J.F.G. (1965) Catalogue of the Type Specimens of Microlepidoptera in the British Museum (Natural History) described by Edward Meyrick. Vol. 5. Trustees of the British Museum Natural History, London, 581 pp.
  4. Park, K.T. & Park, Y.M. (2016) Two new species of the genus Meleonoma Meyrick (Lepidoptera, Lypusidae) from Korea. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 9: 485−488
  5. Yin, A.H. & Wang, S.X. (2016a) Two new species in the genus Meleonoma Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) from Taiwan. Entomotaxonomia 38 (1): 24−28.
  6. Yin, A.H. & Wang, S.X. (2016b) Taxonomic study of the genus Meleonoma Meyrick from Thailand (Lepidoptera, Gelechioidea). ZooKeys 571: 133–141
  7. Kitajima, Y. & Sakamaki, Y. (2019) Three new species of the genus Meleonoma Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) from Japan. Lepidoptera Science 70 (2), 33–46.
  8. Wang, Q.Y. & Li, H.H. (2020) Phylogeny of the superfamily Gelechioidea (Lepidoptera: Obtectomera), with an exploratory application on geometric morphometrics. Zoologica Scripta 49 (3): 307-328
  9. Yin, A.H. & Cai, Y.P. (2019) Two new species of the genus Meleonoma Meyrick from China (Lepidoptera, Gelechioidea, Xyloryctidae). ZooKeys 871: 79–87.
  10. 1 2 3 Wang, S.X., Zhu, X.J., Zhao, B.X. & Yang, X.F. (2020) Taxonomic review of the genus Meleonoma Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Autostichidae), with a checklist of all the described species. Zootaxa 4763 (3): 371–393
  11. Zhu. X.J., Cai. B. & Wang, S.X. (2020) Genus Meleonoma Meyrick, 1914 (Lepidoptera, Autostichidae) from Hainan Island, China, with descriptions of sixteen new species. ZooKeys 975: 125–157.
  12. Yin, A.H., Zhi, Y. & Cai, Y.P. (2020) Three new species of Meleonoma Meyrick from Yunnan, China (Lepidoptera, Gelechioidea, Xyloryctidae). ZooKeys 904: 23–33.
  13. 1 2 Wang, S.X. & Xhu, X.J. (2020a) Study of the genus Meleonoma Meyrick, 1914 (Lepidoptera: Autostichidae) from China, with descriptions of fifteen new species. Zootaxa 4838 (3): 331-357
  14. 1 2 Wang, S.X. & Xhu, X.J. (2020b) Study of the genus Meleonoma Meyrick, 1914 (Lepidoptera: Autostichidae) from China, with descriptions of twenty-one new species (II). Zootaxa 4881 (2): 257–289


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