Millennium site marker in Vennesla

A millennium site (Norwegian: tusenårssted) is a site selected by a Norwegian municipality or county municipality to mark the transition to the 2000s. In Norway it was decided that the counties and municipalities would choose one millennium site for each county and municipality.[1][2]

County millennium sites

The point of departure for the Ministry of Culture, which was behind the concept of the millennium sites, was that there should be a millennium site in each county, and that these should be designated by 2005. The millennium sites were also seen as connected with the centennial of the 1905 dissolution of the union between Norway and Sweden.

The goal of the county millennium sites is to contribute to taking care of edifices, institutions, cultural environments, natural areas, and so on of great historical, cultural, and environmental value and marking them in a special way. The millennium sites were to have a national cultural and environmental significance that goes beyond the individual county. This goal was to say something about what makes a place a millennium site in the county, and why it was desired to give this place that status. The guidelines for selecting the county millennium sites were determined by the Ministry of Culture, and government support was provided for the millennium sites.

It was a condition for the county millennium sites that they should have some significance for the entire nation. For example, the royal seat of Avaldsnes in Rogaland at the Nordvegen History Center marks Harald Fairhair's gathering of the smaller chiefdoms and petty kingdoms into one kingdom. The Eidsvoll 1814 Political Center in Eidsvoll in Akershus marks democratic governance in the country. Sites such as Avaldsnes, Eidsvoll, and the Petter Dass Museum in Alstahaug are county millennium sites because they have significance beyond the local community and the county where they are located. People from all parts of the country recall details from historical times that create associations of something in common transcending the individual county when such places are mentioned.

The state emphasized two main measures in its goal for the millennium sites: conservation and marking. Conservation involves setting up buildings and cultural landscapes, making improvements, and making the site easily accessible to the public. The millennium sites should also be physically marked, such as with a plaque, sculpture, or building. Other marking methods could include activities and events.

List of county millennium sites

CountyMillennium siteHomepage
AkershusEidsvoll 1814, Eidsvoll ManorCenter homepage
Aust-AgderNæs ironworksIronworks museum's homepahe
BuskerudVeien Cultural Heritage ParkVeien Cultural Heritage Park website
FinnmarkThe town of Vardø
HedmarkCathedral Ruins in HamarHedmark Museum homepage
HordalandThe Hardanger district
Møre og RomsdalArt Nouveau CenterCenter homepage
Nord-TrøndelagNorveg Coastal Culture and Industry Center[3]Center homepage
NordlandPetter Dass Museum in Alstahaug[4]
OpplandDale-Gudbrand's farm in Hundorp
OsloMedieval OsloInformation page at the Medieval Oslo Association
ØstfoldFredriksten FortressMillennium site homepage
RogalandThe village of Avaldsnes
Sogn og FjordaneGulatingHomepage
Sør-TrøndelagTrøndelag Folk Museum
TelemarkTelemark CanalHomepage
TromsHålogaland TheaterHomepage
Vest-AgderLindesnes LighthouseHomepage
VestfoldMidgard Historical Center and Borre ParkHomepage

Municipal millennium sites

At the municipal level, the millennium sites were to be a physical manifestation the turn of the millennium and were to be chosen through a local selection process. The place could be a busy square used for trade, a promenade along a river, a well-known bridge or ferry quay, a monumental space, or a quiet place off the beaten track.

In an information circular from the Ministry of Culture from May 1999, Minister Anne Enger wrote that "the millennium sites will be a meeting place for various user groups linked to a new or existing building, facility, square, cultural environment, nature area, and so on. The funds should preferably be used to establish a new 'location', possibly upgrading an existing one beyond its usual maintenance. For those municipalities that for various reasons do not find it appropriate to establish a special millennium site, the subsidy may be used to improve public spaces in the municipality."

Financial support amounting to NOK 119,500 was given to the municipalities by the organizing company Tusenårsskiftet-Norge 2000 AS. The organizing company was a fully state-owned company whose purpose was to prepare and carry out marking the new millennium and the centenary of the dissolution of the union between Norway and Sweden in 1905.[5]

List of municipal millennium sites

MunicipalityCountyMillennium siteWebsite
ÅfjordSør-TrøndelagDragseid prehistoric burial site[6]Website
AgdenesSør-TrøndelagFjølåsen settlement[7]Municipal website
ÅlBuskerudHallingtunet stage in Ål Public Park[8]
ÅlesundMøre og RomsdalMolja Lighthouse and Molovegen (Mole Street)[9]
AlstahaugNordlandOld Sandnes
AltaFinnmarkNo site
AlvdalHedmarkAukrust Center[10]Center homepage
ÅmliAust-AgderElvarheim MuseumMunicipal website
ÅmotHedmarkNesvangen, a plain
AndebuVestfoldDowntown park
AndøyNordlandThe harbor
ÅrdalSogn og FjordaneSquares in Årdalstangen and Øvre Årdal
AremarkØstfoldThe Furulund area
ArendalAust-AgderArendal Square
ÅsAkershusTown hall neighborhood
ÅseralVest-AgderNo site
AskerAkershusSemsvannet and vicinity[11]
AskimØstfoldØstfold Pool at the Cultural CenterPool website
AskøyHordalandCultural center in HetlevikCenter website
AskvollSogn og FjordaneAskvoll parsonage garden
ÅsnesHedmarkUtsikten Park[12]
AudnedalVest-AgderNo site
AukraMøre og RomsdalSquare in downtown Falkhytten near the municipal office
AureMøre og RomsdalAure Church and townMunicipal website
AurlandSogn og FjordaneSite where the old stave church stood
Aurskog-HølandAkershusMillennium Site Park
AustrheimHordalandAmbient street and central area in Årås/Sætre
AverøyMøre og RomsdalKvernes cultural area[13]
BærumAkershusHøvikodden, a headland[14]
BalestrandSogn og FjordaneBalehaugen, a Viking burial site
BallangenNordlandHusvannet, a lake
BalsfjordTromsFjord Museum in Storsteinnes
BambleTelemarkKrogshavn, a park[15]
BarduTromsBardu Church, church park and river park[16]
BåtsfjordFinnmarkBåtsfjord Recreation Center
BeiarnNordlandBeiarn Open-Air Museum
BergTromsGeitskar Tunnel
BergenHordalandFana Church and surrounding landscape
BindalNordlandKjeldeide, an isthmus
BirkenesAust-AgderTobias Jorde, a performance venue
BjarkøyTromsFolkvang, Fredvang, and Trudvang (youth clubs)
BjerkreimRogalandCentral square in Bjerkreim
BjugnSør-TrøndelagMølnargården, an open-air museum[17]Homepage
BerlevågFinnmarkPark by the Second World War monument
NordlandArea near the primary schools
TelemarkKvennøya, an open-air museum
BodøNordlandNyholmen Sconce
BoknRogalandSite with a stream driving a horizontal mill
BømloHordalandMoster Amfi (an amphitheater) and church history centerMoster Amfi homepage
BremangerSogn og FjordaneThe Gloføyke Farm, a Stone Age site
BrønnøyNordlandBrønnøy Church and Brønnøysund's old church site
ByglandAust-AgderByglandsfjord Station
BykleAust-AgderHegni, a former settlement and recreation area
DønnaNordlandOld Nordvik Trading Post
DovreOpplandDombås Cinema and Cultural Center[18]
DrammenBuskerudBragernes Square[19]
DrangedalTelemarkA beach on Lake Toke[20]
DyrøyTromsThe Elvetun Farm[21]
EidSogn og FjordaneMalakoff, a former military drilling ground in NordfjordeidHomepage
EideMøre og RomsdalSolvang youth center in Lyngstad with outdoor facilities
EidfjordHordalandPark near the municipal office
EidsbergØstfoldThe northern part of David Blid Street (David Blidsgate)
EidskogHedmarkPeace monument at Morokulien
EidsvollAkershusEidsvoll Manor
EigersundRogalandCulture SchoolHomepage
ElverumHedmarkRådhusplassen (Town Hall Square)[22]
EnebakkAkershusEnebakk Church
EngerdalHedmarkOutdoor area at Engerdal HallMunicipal website
EtneHordalandFarm and church at Stødle
EvenesNordlandEvenes Church
Evje og HornnesAust-AgderA place at Hornnes Auxiliary Prison and one at Verksmoen
FarsundVest-AgderFarsund Square with a pavilion
FauskeNordlandFauske MuseumMuseum website
FedjeHordalandWaiting room at the ferry station
FetAkershusFlood mark at Fetsund Booms
FinnøyRogalandTeigen Amphitheater
FitjarHordalandHåkon Park in central Fitjar
FjalerSogn og FjordaneMillennium Park, sexton's farm
FjellHordalandLangøy Coastal Cultural CenterCenter homepage
FlakstadNordlandFlakstad Church
FlatangerNord-TrøndelagMeeting place at Stranda
FlekkefjordVest-AgderCultural center in the cinema block[23]
FlesbergBuskerudStevningsmogen Recreation ParkMunicipal website
FloraSogn og FjordaneSquare
FlåBuskerudHome of the actor Kolbjørn Buøen at Grønvold
FolldalHedmarkFolldal MinesMine website
FørdeSogn og FjordaneArea in the town park
ForsandRogalandSquare in front of the Forsand Cultural Center
FosnesNord-TrøndelagThree separate sites
FrænaMøre og RomsdalMultipurpose center in Elnesvågen
FredrikstadØstfoldSite in the park near the town hall
FreiMøre og RomsdalRastarkalv, a medieval battle site
FrognAkershusSwimming park[24]
FrolandAust-AgderFrolands Verk Cultural CenterCenter homepage
FrostaNord-TrøndelagNo site
FrøyaSør-TrøndelagKya, a former fishing village[25]
FusaHordalandCentral Leiro area in Eikelandsosen
FyresdalTelemarkFyresdal Open Air MuseumMuseum website
GamvikFinnmarkNo site
GaularSogn og FjordaneThe Osen Farm[26]
GausdalOpplandGausdal Cultural Center
GildeskålNordlandGildeskål Church
GiskeMøre og RomsdalGiske Church and surrounding area
GjemnesMøre og RomsdalRådhusplassen (Town Hall Square)
GjerdrumAkershusSquare outside the cultural center
GjerstadAust-AgderSurrounding area
GjesdalRogalandVeveritorget (Weaver Square)
GjøvikOpplandThe Gjøvik FarmMuseum website
GloppenSogn og FjordaneHeradsplassen (Village Square)[27]
GolBuskerudGol Community Center, with outdoor area by school and Sentrumsparken (Central Park)
GranOpplandThe village of Granavollen
GraneNordlandGrane Open Air MuseumMuseum website
GranvinHordalandTrudvang Youth Center
GratangenTromsAddition to parish hall at Gratangen Church
GrimstadAust-AgderFjære Church
GrongNord-TrøndelagFiskum Falls, Formo Falls, and Tømmerås Falls[28]
GrueHedmarkDowntown Kirkenær
GulenSogn og FjordaneGulating (shared with the county)[29]Homepage
RogalandSquare at the harbor in Obrestad
HadselNordlandRichard Withs plass (Richard With Square) and Coastal Express Building
HægebostadVest-AgderSnartemo Stone Monument Park
HaldenØstfoldFredriksten fortress
HalsaMøre og RomsdalHalsa Center[30]Municipal website
HamarHedmarkCathedral Ruins in HamarMuseum homepage
HamarøyNordlandThe Skogheim Farm
HammerfestFinnmarkMuseum of Reconstruction for Finnmark and North TromsMuseum homepage
HaramMøre og RomsdalOld site of Haram Church
HareidMøre og RomsdalCentral square
HarstadTromsThe parish of Trondenes
HasvikFinnmarkSandvika recreation areaMunicipal website
HattfjelldalNordlandFjellfolkets hus, a multipurpose community centerHomepage
HaugesundRogalandHarald's Mound
HemneSør-TrøndelagNerøra, square in front of the town hall
HemnesNordlandLapphella neighborhood in Hemnesberget[31]
HemsedalBuskerudKlokkarsteinen, a rock formation
HerøyMøre og RomsdalThe Herøy Farm
HerøyNordlandHerøy Church and Open Air Museum
HitraSør-TrøndelagSør-Trøndelag Coastal Museum[32]Museum website
HjartdalTelemarkHeddal Mill[33]
HjelmelandRogalandOutdoor stage in Hjelmelandsvågen
HobølØstfoldVestre Bråte Open Air Museum[34]Municipal website
HofVestfoldSolvang, a park
HolBuskerudHallingskarvet Mountains[35]
HoleBuskerudVik Square
HolmestrandVestfoldDr. Graaruds plass (Dr. Graarud Square) with extension of Nysgjerrig SquareHomepage
HoltålenSør-TrøndelagOld farm with Haltdalen Stave Church[36]
HornindalSogn og FjordaneLaurapromenaden (Laura Promenade)
HortenVestfoldCultural center at Storgata 37Website
HøyangerSogn og FjordaneTown square in Høyanger[37]Municipal website
HøylandetNord-TrøndelagHumoristen, a stone monument
HurdalAkershusDahle Center
HurumBuskerudHovtun municipal building, Hurum Church, and surrounding area
HvalerØstfoldHvaler Church and surrounding area
HyllestadSogn og FjordaneMillstone ParkHomepage
IbestadTromsIbestad Church
InderøyNord-TrøndelagMuustrø ParkWebsite
IvelandAust-AgderThe area around Birketveittjønna, a lake
JevnakerOpplandHadeland Glass WorksGlass works homepage
JølsterSogn og FjordaneThe village of Ålhus
JondalHordalandHereiane, a natural mountain area
KåfjordTromsPavilion in Kongeparken (King Park) in Olderdalen
KarasjokFinnmarkOalgevárri (a hill) and the Old Karasjok Church
KarlsøyTromsSquare and park at the ferry port in Hansnes
KarmøyRogalandNordvegen History Center at AvaldsnesWebsite
KautokeinoFinnmarkDurkkihanvárri (a hill)
KlæbuSør-TrøndelagOld festival hall at Seminarplassen
KleppRogalandKleppevarden (a hill)[38]
KongsbergBuskerudChurch Square
KongsvingerHedmarkKongsvinger Fortress
KragerøTelemarkBeach promenade along Blindtarmen Marina
KristiansandVest-AgderTresse Park along the Kristiansand Boardwalk
KristiansundMøre og RomsdalReconstructed town[39]Website
KrødsheradBuskerudBjørøya, an islet
KvæfjordTromsHemmestad wharf and Trastad CollectionsMuseum wharf, Museum collection
KvænangenTromsVapsgieddi/Noaidegieddi cultural landscape
KvalsundFinnmarkNo site
KvamHordalandHardanger Maritime MuseumMuseum website
KvinesdalVest-AgderFjotland Open Air MuseumMuseum website
KvinnheradHordalandThe villages of Husnes and Rosendal
KviteseidTelemarkThe village of Kviteseid
KvitsøyRogalandThe Kvitsøy bascule light
LærdalSogn og FjordaneOld Lærdalsøyri, a heritage villageWebsite
LardalVestfoldKjærra BridgeKjærra Park website
LarvikVestfoldinner harbor
LavangenTromsSoløy archaeological site
LebesbyFinnmarkThe village of Kunes
LeikangerSogn og FjordaneNo site
LeirfjordNordlandCultural center in Leland
LekaNord-TrøndelagHerlaughallen cultural center and sports hall
LeksvikNord-TrøndelagSquare next to the Leksvik municipal office
LenvikTromsLake Finnsnes and Arvid Hanssens plass (Arvid Hanssen Square)
LesjaOpplandLesja Open Air MuseumMuseum website
LevangerNord-TrøndelagThe village of Stiklestad
LierBuskerudLier Open Air Museum[40][41]
LierneNord-TrøndelagSørli museum[42]Museum website
LillehammerOpplandStortorget (Big Square)
LillesandAust-AgderHavnetomta park and recreation center
LindåsHordalandHaakon the Good's burial mound (Håkonshaugen) at Seim[43][44]Website
LindesnesVest-AgderKråkevika beach and theater[45]
LødingenNordlandHjertholmen, an islet
LomOpplandOld Lom parsonage (now Lom library) and Lom Stave Church
LoppaFinnmarkMultipurpose center in Øksfjord
LørenskogAkershusSquare in the new Lørenskog downtown
LøtenHedmarkLøten Arena
LundRogalandMoi Station
LunnerOpplandFrøystad School
LurøyNordlandLurøy Church
LusterSogn og FjordanePark in Gaupne
LyngdalVest-AgderLyngdal cultural center
LyngenTromsNo site
MålselvTromsMål River watercourse[46]
MalvikSør-TrøndelagChurch lodge at Malvik Church
MandalVest-AgderVigeland HouseMuseum website
MarkerØstfoldTangen receational area
MarnardalVest-AgderHøgtun cultural center
MasfjordenHordalandThe fjord
MåsøyFinnmarkHavøysund Square
MelandHordalandFrekhaug Torg (Frekhaug Square)
MeldalSør-TrøndelagNo site
MelhusSør-TrøndelagGimse, Rimol, and Sagastien history park[47]
MeløyNordlandThe Meløy Farm, Meløy Church and memorial stones next to the church[48]Municipal website
MeråkerNord-TrøndelagInternet café
MidsundMøre og RomsdalArea around Krabbevikbua, the marina in the downtown area
Midtre GauldalSør-TrøndelagBuosen, a recreation area
ModalenHordalandMo Church
ModumBuskerudStasjonsevja, a park area in Geithus
MoldeMøre og RomsdalRådhustaket: the area west of the cathedral, town hall square, and square with canal front
MossØstfoldMosse Falls and Convention Farm
MosvikNord-TrøndelagPetroglyphs at KvennavikaDirectorate for Cultural Heritage website
NærøyNord-TrøndelagNærøya, an island
NamdalseidNord-TrøndelagSjøåsen recreation area
NamsosNord-TrøndelagSpillum Steam Sawmill & Planing MillMuseum website
NamsskoganNord-TrøndelagNo site
NannestadAkershusNo site
NarvikNordlandGeology Museum
NaustdalSogn og FjordaneOutdoor swimming area at Sanden
Nedre EikerBuskerudFormer soccer field in Krokstadelva
NesAkershusNes Church ruins
NesBuskerudEidal General Store in the Rukke ValleyEidal General Store at DigitaltMuseum
NesnaNordlandZahl Bridge
NesoddenAkershusVanntårnet Gallery and the surrounding areaGallery website
NessebyFinnmarkVaranger Sami MuseumMuseum website
NessetMøre og RomsdalNesset Parsonage[49]
NissedalTelemarkOld engine shed with surrounding area, known as "Sommarsletta"
NittedalAkershusSite on the north side of the town hall
NomeTelemarkNome beach
Nord-AurdalOpplandSkiferplassen (Slate Square) in Fagernes
NorddalMøre og RomsdalSylte, the municipal center in Valldal
Nord-FronOpplandVinstra coaching inn
Nord-OdalHedmarkSandfossen, an old industrial area
NordreisaTromsHalti Kven Cultural and National Park Center
Nordre LandOpplandTheater building at Lands MuseumMuseum homepage
Nore og UvdalBuskerudSquare between the Nore Power Plant and Rødberg Train Station
NøtterøyVestfoldFagertun lensmann's farm[50]Website
NotoddenTelemarkBok- og Blueshuset cultural centerCenter website
OddaHordalandTyssedal Hydroelectric Power Station
ØksnesNordlandHarbor in Myre
ØlenHordaland and Rogaland (now part of Vindafjord)Joa-Kari park in downtown Ølen
OppdalSør-TrøndelagOutdoor area at the cultural center
OppegårdAkershusThe Østre Greverud Farm[51]Municipal website
OrkdalSør-TrøndelagStation area at Fannrem[52]Website
ØrlandSør-TrøndelagThe Austrått Farm
ØrskogMøre og RomsdalLerkelunden, a moor[53]
ØrstaMøre og RomsdalThe Svendsen Farm (Svendsengarden), a property in downtown Ørsta[54][55]
OsHedmarkOs community center
OsHordalandKyrkjeflaten, a park
OsenSør-TrøndelagPavilion in the downtown area
OsloOsloMedieval Oslo
OsterøyHordalandHamre Church and the area around the town hall and sports hall
Østre TotenOpplandHoff Field (Hoffsvangen)[56]
OverhallaNord-TrøndelagRanem Church
Øvre EikerBuskerudOld district judge's residence and park in Hokksund[57]
ØyerOpplandStav, a marketplace
ØygardenHordalandØygarden Coastal Museum areaMuseum website
Øystre SlidreOpplandPublic library
PorsangerFinnmarkBørselv and Kven culture and language center
PorsgrunnTelemarkArea between the town hall and the river with Rådhusplass (Town Hall Square) and parts of the Østre Brygge area
RådeØstfoldKarlshusbakken recreation area[58]
RadøyHordalandRadøy cultural landscape
RælingenAkershusBjønnåsen, a hill[59]
RakkestadØstfoldRakkestad Open Air MuseumMunicipal website
RamnesVestfold (now part of Re)Millpond and surrounding area[60]
RanaNordlandOld square in front of Moholmen
RaumaMøre og RomsdalSquare at the train station
RendalenHedmarkThe Pilgrim Stone (or Åkre Stone) at Fagertun School in Åkre
RennebuSør-TrøndelagOutdoor stage between Berkåk School and Rennebu Hall[61]
RennesøyRogalandSite associated with a gravestone near downtown Vikevåg
ReVestfoldMillpond and surrounding area and Våle Parsonage
RindalMøre og RomsdalRindal Open Air Museum and new ski museum[62]Museum website
RingebuOpplandRingebu Stave Church with surrounding area, Ringebu Parsonage, and Gildesvolden (a former rampart)[63]
RingerikeBuskerudHringariki Heritage Park
RingsakerHedmarkThe Mo Farm[64][65]Municipal website
RissaSør-TrøndelagAmphitheater between the Stadsbygd Parsonage garden and Coastal Heritage Museum in Stadsbygd
RoanSør-TrøndelagRoan Church, a.k.a. Fosen cathedral[66]
RødøyNordlandSelsøyvik Trading Post
RollagBuskerudArea around Rollag Stave Church
RømskogØstfoldThe Kurøen Farm
RørosSør-TrøndelagMalmplassen (Malm Square)
RøstNordlandBrygga Trading Post
RøykenBuskerudOld road
RøyrvikNord-TrøndelagTwo assembly buildings: Gudøyvangen and the municipal building in Røyrvik
RyggeØstfoldRygge Open Air Museum[67]
SalangenTromsLundbrygga MuseumMuseum website
SaltdalNordlandRognan wharves
SamnangerHordalandYtre Tysse activity trail[68]
SandefjordVestfoldJernbanealleen (Railroad Street)
SandeMøre og RomsdalKongsvollen, an open-air recreation area on Sandsøya
SandeVestfoldSande Square[69]
SandnesRogalandMillennium logo at the train station and Millennium Park
SandøyMøre og RomsdalCenter development project, not carried out
SarpsborgØstfoldSarpsborg torg (Sarpsborg Square)[70]
SaudaRogalandRådhusplassen (Town Hall Square)
SauheradTelemarkPatmos Sculpture Park[71]Website
SelbuSør-TrøndelagMusic pavilion and square in downtown Selbu
SeljeSogn og FjordaneSelje AbbeyWebsite
SeljordTelemarkSeljord Church
SelOpplandStation Park
SigdalBuskerudSigdal MuseumMuseum homepage
SiljanTelemarkFormer coal depot (now a performance venue) at Moholt Ironworks[72]
SirdalVest-AgderDorga Falls
SkånlandTromsSkånland Multipurpose Center
SkaunSør-TrøndelagChurch ruins at HusabyDirectorate for Cultural Heritage website
SkedsmoAkershusSag Park
SkiAkershusPark area next to the town hall
SkienTelemarkThe Morild project: lighting and fountains along the Skien River
SkiptvetØstfoldLocal history archive
SkjåkOpplandOld drying house at Skamsar Bridge
SkjerstadNordland (now part of Bodø)Graddholm, an islet
SkjervøyTromsSite connected with the dog musher Leonhard Seppala
SkodjeMøre og RomsdalMillennium Park around Jentekolonien, a girls' campWebsite
SmølaMøre og RomsdalCenter and area on Edøya
SnåsaNord-TrøndelagSnåsa Church and surrounding area
SnillfjordSør-TrøndelagSquare between the town hall and Coop store in Krokstadøra
SogndalSogn og FjordaneSquare in front of the Sogndal Cultural Center
SøgneVest-AgderOld Søgne Parsonage Cultural Center
SokndalRogalandOld Hauge School Cultural Center
SolaRogalandTananger Church and park at the cultural center
SolundSogn og FjordaneCoastal arboretum at Hardbakke
SømnaNordlandKirkehaugen, a hill in Vik[73]
Søndre LandOpplandFall River[74]
SongdalenVest-AgderPaal-Helge Haugen Park
Sør-AurdalOpplandBagnsmoen trading post[75] with Vangen (a mountain farm) and Ulekyrkjetomta (a former stave church site)Website
Sør-FronOpplandDale-Gudbrand's farm in Hundorp[76]
Sør-OdalHedmarkLyshuset Gallery[77]
Sør-VarangerFinnmarkMalmklang Cultural Center
SørfoldNordlandNo site
SørreisaTromsKramvig Wharf,[78] a former commercial building
SortlandNordlandMinnelunden (the old cemetery site)[79][80]
SørumAkershusUrskog–Høland Line
SpydebergØstfoldNesparken (Headland Park)[81]
StangeHedmarkStange Church
StavangerRogalandSquare, Blue Promenade, and city park
SteigenNordlandAllhus (a sports hall)
SteinkjerNord-TrøndelagSteinkjer Torg (Steinkjer Square)
StokkeVestfoldBokemoa, a moor
StordalMøre og RomsdalYtste Skotet, a historical farmMuseum website
StordHordalandLeirvik Torg (Leirvik Square)[82]
Stor-ElvdalHedmarkCenter, marked with sculpture
StorfjordTromsOld marketplace in Skibotn[83]
StrandaMøre og RomsdalFour sites selected by the district councils
StrandRogalandPark in Grahamshagen
StrynSogn og FjordanePer Bolstad plass (Per Bolstad Square)
SulaMøre og RomsdalDowntown park
SuldalRogalandSquare and amphitheater behind the cultural center
SundHordalandGlesvær Trading Post
SunndalMøre og RomsdalØratorget (Øra Square)
SurnadalMøre og RomsdalSurnadal Cultural CenterHomepage
SveioHordalandRyvarden Lighthouse
SvelvikVestfoldNorthern part of Batteriøya, an island[84]
SykkylvenMøre og RomsdalAuremarka, a museum site
TanaFinnmarkNo site
TimeRogalandBryne Mill
TingvollMøre og RomsdalTingvoll Church and surrounding area[85]
TinnTelemarkVemork hydroelectric plant
TjeldsundNordlandTjeldsund Museum
TjømeVestfoldSquare at Verdens Ende[86]
TokkeTelemarkVest-Telemark Museum in Eidsborg
TolgaHedmarkTolgen cabin site
TønsbergVestfoldSlottsfjellet, a hill
TorskenTromsGrunnfarnes Inlet[87]
TranøyTromsTranøya, an island
TrænaNordlandTræna Hall[88]
TrøgstadØstfoldSkjønhaug torv (Skjønhaug Square)[89]
TromsøTromsSkansen, a redoubt[90][91]
TrondheimSør-TrøndelagFive different sites in the town
TrysilHedmarkRoyal Park (Kongeparken) in Nybergsund[92]
TustnaMøre og Romsdal (now part of Aure)Kråksund Fishing Museum
TvedestrandAust-AgderTown hall and pier
TydalSør-TrøndelagBrekka Open Air Museum
TynsetHedmarkRambu leisure club
TysfjordNordlandKorsnes historical site
TysnesHordalandOlav Society settlement at Onarheim
TysværRogalandLars Hertervig Plass (Lars Hertervig Square) next to Aksdal Church
UllensakerAkershusProtected landscape around Nordby Pond
UllensvangHordalandUtne, a village
UlsteinMøre og RomsdalTown hall lawn
UlvikHordalandThe commons
UtsiraRogalandThe commons in Nordevågen
VadsøFinnmarkNo site
VærøyNordlandSchoolyard at Værøy School
VågåOpplandVågå Cultural Center
VåganNordlandVágamot/Storvågan projectMuseum homepage
VågsøySogn og FjordaneMoldøen, an island[93]
VaksdalHordalandSkipshelleren, a rock overhang[94]
VåleVestfold (now part of Re)Våle Parsonage[95]
VålerHedmarkMeeting place at the Sparebanken Hedmark premises
VålerØstfoldThe village of Kirkebygden
ValleAust-AgderSchool area
VangOpplandHøre Stave Church and surrounding area
VanylvenMøre og RomsdalNo site
VardøFinnmarkNo site
VefsnNordlandDolstad Open Air Museum
VegaNordlandVega Open Air Museum
VegårsheiAust-AgderMyra Park
VenneslaVest-AgderSetesdal Line
VerdalNord-TrøndelagStiklestadNational Cultural Center website
VerranNord-TrøndelagNo site
VestbyAkershusVestby ParsonageMunicipal website
VestnesMøre og RomsdalArea between Kataholmen (a former islet) and the Lars Hammeraas statue on Sjøgata in the village of Helland
Vestre SlidreOpplandThe Gardberg site with the Einang stone
Vestre TotenOpplandChurch stables at Ås Church
VestvågøyNordlandLofotr Viking Museum in BorgMuseum website
VevelstadNordlandOpen air museum with surrounding area
ViknaNord-TrøndelagNorveg coastal culture center[96]Museum website
VikSogn og FjordaneFridtjofparken (Frithiof Park) in Vangsnes
VindafjordRogalandPark facility in Sandeid and Joa-Kari Park in Ølen
VinjeTelemarkMjonøy cabins[97]Website
VoldaMøre og RomsdalUppheimsplassen (Uppheim Park) in downtown Volda[98]
VossHordalandVoss Church and Prestegardslandet, the adjacent parsonage farm


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