A selection of Bible translations in contemporary English.

Modern English Bible translations consists of English Bible translations developed and published throughout the late modern period (c.1800–1945) to the present (c.1945–).

A multitude of recent attempts have been made to translate the Bible into English. Most modern translations published since c.1900 are based on recently published critical editions of the original Hebrew and Greek texts. These translations typically rely on the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia / Biblia Hebraica Quinta, counterparted by the Novum Testamentum Graece (and the Greek New Testament, published by the United Bible Societies, which contains the same text).[1][2]

With regard to the use of Bible translations among biblical scholarship, the New Revised Standard Version is used broadly,[3] but the English Standard Version is emerging as a primary text of choice among biblical scholars and theologians inclined toward theological conservatism.[4][5][lower-alpha 1]

Development of Modern English Bible versions

A bookshelf containing many English translations of the Bible

The Wessex Gospels were the first translation of the four Gospels in English without accompanying Latin text.[12] The Authorized King James Version of 1611 was sporadically altered until 1769, but was not thoroughly updated until the creation of the Revised Version in 1885; it was not until the Revised Standard Version of 1952 (New Testament in 1946) that a rival to the KJV was composed, nearly 350 years after the KJV was first published. The RSV gained widespread adoption among the mainstream Protestant Churches in America and a Catholic Edition was released in 1962. It was updated as the New Revised Standard Version in 1989.

In the late twentieth century, Bibles increasingly appeared that were much less literal in their approach to translation. In 1946, the New English Bible was initiated in the United Kingdom, intended to enable readers to better understand the King James Bible. In 1958, J. B. Phillips (1906–1982) produced an edition of the New Testament letters in paraphrase, the Letters to Young Churches, so that members of his youth group could understand what the New Testament authors had written. In 1966, Good News for Modern Man, a non-literal translation of the New Testament, was released to wide acceptance. Others followed suit. The Living Bible, released in 1971, was published by its author Kenneth N. Taylor, based on the literal American Standard Version of 1901. Taylor had begun because of the trouble his children had in understanding the literal (and sometimes archaic) text of the King James Bible. His work was at first intended for children, but was later positioned for marketing to high school and college students, as well as adults wishing to better understand the Bible. Like Phillips' version, the Living Bible was a dramatic departure from the King James Version.

Despite widespread criticism due to being a paraphrase rather than a translation, the popularity of The Living Bible created a demand for a new approach to translating the Bible into contemporary English called dynamic equivalence, which attempts to preserve the meaning of the original text in a readable way. Realizing the immense benefits of a Bible that was more easily accessible to the average reader, and responding to the criticisms of the Living Bible, the American Bible Society extended the Good News for Modern Man to the Good News Bible (1976) by adding the Old Testament, in this more readable style. This translation has gone on to become one of the best selling in history. In 1996, a new revision of Taylor's Living Bible was published. This New Living Translation is a full translation from the original languages rather than a paraphrase of the Bible.

Another project aimed to create something in between the very literal translation of the King James Bible and the more informal Good News Bible. The goal of this was to create a Bible that would be scholarly yet not overly formal. The result of this project was the New International Version (1978). This version became highly popular in Evangelical Protestant circles.

The debate between the formal equivalence and dynamic (or 'functional') equivalence translation styles has increased with the introduction of inclusive language versions. Various terms are employed to defend or attack this development, such as feminist, gender neutral, or gender accurate. New editions of some previous translations have been updated to take this change in language into account, including the New Jerusalem Bible (1985), the New Revised Standard Version (1989), the Revised English Bible (1989), and Today's New International Version (2005). Some translations have approached the issue more cautiously, such as the English Standard Version (2001).

A further process that has assisted in greatly increasing the number of English Bible versions is the use of the Internet in producing virtual bibles, of which a growing number are beginning to appear in print – especially given the development of "print on demand".

Today, there is a range of translations ranging from the most literal, such as the Young's Literal Translation to the most free such as The Message and The Word on the Street.

18th and 19th century translations

Challoner's revision of the Douay–Rheims Bible1752
John Wesley, Wesley's New Testament1755
Francis Sawyer Parris, Cambridge 'Standard' Edition [KJV]1762
Quaker Bible1764
Benjamin Blayney, Revised Standard Oxford Edition [KJV]1769
Gilbert Wakefield, A Translation of the New Testament[13]1791
Thomson's Translation1808
Alexander Campbell's The Living Oracles (New Testament)1826
Webster's Revision1833
Young's Literal Translation1862
Julia E. Smith Parker Translation1876
English Revised Version1885
Darby Bible1890

20th and 21st century translations

King James Version and derivatives

The King James Version of 1611 (in its 1769 amended Oxford edition) still has an immense following, and as such there have been a number of different attempts to update or improve upon it. The English Revised Version and its derivatives also stem from the King James Version.

WebsterWebster's Revision of the King James Version1833
(Johannes Lauritzen)1920
CKJVChildren's King James Version Jay P. Green1960
KJ IIKing James II Version of the Bible Jay P. Green1971
KJ3/LITVKing James 3 Version of the Holy Bible (by Jay P. Green)1985
KJV20King James Version—Twentieth Century Edition Jay P. Green
NKJVNew King James Version1982
KJ2121st Century King James Version1994
TMBThird Millennium Bible1998
MKJVModern King James Version by Jay P. Green[14]1999
AKJVAmerican King James Version[15]1999
KJV2000King James Version 2000[16]2000
UKJVUpdated King James Version[17][18]2000
KJVERKing James Version Easy Reading[19]2001
HSEHoly Scriptures in English[20]2001
CKJVComfort-able King James Version[21]2003
NCPBNew Cambridge Paragraph Bible[22]2005
AV7AV7 (New Authorized Version)2006
AVUAuthorized Version Update[23]2006
KJV-CEKing James Version—Corrected Edition[24]
DNKJBDivine Name King James Bible[25]2011
MCTMickelson Clarified Translation, translated by Jonathan Mickelson[26][27]2008, 2013, 2015, 2019
MEVModern English Version[28]2014
King James Bible for Catholics[29] 2020
SKJVSimplified King James Version[30]2022

English Revised Version and derivatives

The English Revised Version was the first official attempt to update the King James Version of 1769. This was adapted in the United States as the American Standard Version. The translations and versions that stem from them are shown in date order:

RV/ERVEnglish Revised Version1881, 1885, 1894
ASVAmerican Standard Version1901
RSVRevised Standard Version1952, 1971
NASBNew American Standard Bible1971, 1995, 2020
NRSVNew Revised Standard Version1989
WEBWorld English Bible2000
ESVEnglish Standard Version2001

New International Version and derivatives

The popular New International Version has appeared in a number of editions.

NIVNew International Version1978, 1984, 2011[31]
NIrVNew International Reader's Version1996, 1998, 2014
NIVINew International Version Inclusive Language Edition (discontinued)1996-2002
TNIVToday's New International Version (discontinued)2002-2011

Dynamic translations and paraphrases

A significant aspect in translations from the latter half of the 20th century was much greater use of the principles of dynamic equivalence.

TLBThe Living Bible1971
GNT/GNB/TEVGood News Translation/Good News Bible/Today's English Version1976, 1992
TCWThe Clear Word (paraphrase, non-official Seventh-day Adventist)1994
CEVContemporary English Version1995
GWGod's Word1995
NLTNew Living Translation1996, 2004, 2015
MSGThe Message2002
RNTRestored New Testament2009
INTInterpreted New Testament2020

Internet-based translations

The New English Translation (or NET Bible) is a project to publish a translation of the Bible using the Internet. It is freely available and accompanied by extensive translator's notes. Another is The Work of God's Children Illustrated Bible, which uses a collaborative MediaWiki website that interlinks the words of the Bible to articles and image galleries about the topic. The Open English Bible aims to create the first modern public domain English translation of the Bible, using an open-source process for corrections and modernizing verses.

NETNew English Translation2005
OEBOpen English BibleIn progress.[32]
LEB Lexham English Bible[33] 2011
WEBWorld English Bible2020

Messianic translations

Some Bible translations find popular use in, or were prepared especially for, the Messianic Judaism movement.

AENTRoth, Andrew, Aramaic English New Testament2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
TSThe Scriptures1993, 1998, 2009
HRVHebraic Roots Version2004
CJBStern, David H, Complete Jewish Bible1998, 2017
CNTCassirer, Heinz, God's New Covenant: A New Testament Translation AKA Cassirer New Testament1989
OJBGoble, Phillip E, Orthodox Jewish Bible2002
TLVTree of Life Bible2014
MCTMCT Brit Chadashah Interlinear,[34] in English and Hebrew.2019

New English Bible and derivatives

The initiative to create the New English Bible began in 1946, in an attempt to make an entirely new translation of the Bible in contemporary English.

NEBNew English Bible1970
REBRevised English Bible1989

Public domain translations

OEBOpen English BibleIn progress
WEBWorld English Bible2020

Catholic translations

WVSSWestminster Version of the Sacred Scriptures1913–1935[lower-alpha 2]
SPCSpencer New Testament1941
CCDConfraternity Bible1941[lower-alpha 3]
KnoxKnox Bible1950
KLNTKleist-Lilly New Testament1956[lower-alpha 4]
JBJerusalem Bible1966
RSV-CERevised Standard Version Catholic Edition1965–66[lower-alpha 5]
NABNew American Bible1970
TLB-CEThe Catholic Living Bible1971
GNT–CEGood News Bible Catholic Edition[lower-alpha 6]1979
NJBNew Jerusalem Bible1985
CCBChristian Community Bible1988
NRSV-CENew Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition1989
GNT-CEGood News Bible, Second Catholic Edition1992
RSV-2CERevised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition2006
CTSCTS New Catholic Bible2007
NCBNew Community Bible2008
NABRENew American Bible Revised Edition2011/1986
NLT-CENew Living Translation Catholic Edition2016
ESV-CEEnglish Standard Version Catholic Edition2018
RNJBRevised New Jerusalem Bible2018-2019
NCBNew Catholic Bible - St. Joseph Edition2019[35]

In addition to the above Catholic English Bibles, all of which have an imprimatur granted by a Catholic bishop, the authors of the Catholic Public Domain Version[36] of 2009 and the 2013 translation from the Septuagint by Jesuit priest Nicholas King refer to them as Catholic Bibles. These versions have not been granted an imprimatur, but do include the Catholic biblical canon of 73 books.

Sacred Name translations

These Sacred Name Bibles were all done with the specific aim of carrying into English the actual Name of God as they were in the originals. Most have been done by people from the Sacred Name Movement. They are distinguished by their policy of transliterating Hebrew-based forms for sacred names, such as "Yahweh", "YHWH", etc.

SNBRestoration of Original Sacred Name Bible1976
HNBHoly Name Bible1963
SSBESacred Scriptures Bethel Edition1981
SN-KJSacred Name King James Bible2005
SSFOYSacred Scriptures, Family of Yah Edition2000
TWOYThe Word of Yahweh2003
TSThe Scriptures (ISR)1993, 1998, 2009
HRVHebraic-Roots Version2004
TBETransparent English BibleIn progress
NOGNames of God Bible (Available in 2 editions, GW or KJV)2011, 2014
MCTMickelson Clarified Translation[37]2008, 2013, 2015, 2019
LSVLiteral Standard Version[38]2020
HHBTHebrew Heritage Bible Translation[39]2012
Book of Yahweh

Masoretic Text / Jewish translations

Jewish translations follow the Masoretic Text, and are usually published in bilingual editions with the Hebrew text facing the English translation. The translations often reflect traditional Jewish exegesis of the Bible. As translations of the Masoretic Text, Jewish translations contain neither the apocrypha nor the Christian New Testament.

JPSJewish Publication Society of America Version[40]1917
Judaica Press[41]1963
Koren Jerusalem Bible[42] based on a translation by Harold Fisch1962
Kaplan, Aryeh, The Living Torah[43]
Elman, Yaakov, The Living Nach
NJPSNew Jewish Publication Society of America Version1985
ArtscrollStone Edition (Artscroll)1996
The Holy Scriptures, Hebrew Publishing Company, revised by Alexander Harkavy1936,1951
MCTMickelson Clarified Interlinear of the Old Testament,[44] in the Literary Reading Order; LivingSon Press[45]2015, 2019

Septuagint translations

Charles Thomson's The Holy Bible, Containing The Old And New Covenant, Commonly Called The Old And New Testament: Translated From The Greek1808
Brenton's English Translation of the Septuagint1851
ABPApostolic Bible Polyglot2003
ABThe Apostles' Bible[46]2007
OSBOrthodox Study Bible2007
NETSNew English Translation of the Septuagint2007
DSPSThe Psalms of David: Translated from the Septuagint Greek[47]2010
LESLexham English Septuagint2013
OCTMCT Octuagint[48][49]2019
EOBEastern / Greek Orthodox BibleIn progress

Simplified English Bibles

There have been a number of attempts to produce a Bible that greatly simplifies the English. (Some of these versions are also listed in other categories: for example, the NIrV is also found under the NIV section). These are translations that are not necessarily a very dynamic translation, but go beyond simply everyday English into a restricted vocabulary set, often aimed at non-native speakers of English.

BBEBible in Basic English1949
BWEBible in Worldwide English [New Testament only]1969
NLVNew Life Version (Gleason Ledyard)1986
SEBSimple English Bible (Dr Stanley Morris)1980
ERVEasy-to-Read Version (previously English Version for the Deaf)1989
NCVNew Century Version1991
NIrVNew International Reader's Version1998
MSGThe Message (Eugene H. Peterson)2002
EASYEasyEnglish Bible (MissionAssist)2018

Translations exclusively published by Jehovah's Witnesses

DiaglottThe Emphatic Diaglott (Benjamin Wilson)1864, 1926
NWTNew World Translation of the Holy Scriptures1950, 1951 (NT only), 1961, 1963, 1981, 1984, 2013
ByThe Bible in Living English (Steven T. Byington)1972

Translations exclusively published by the Latter Day Saints movement

JSTJoseph Smith Translation of the Bible1830

Adaptive retellings

Some versions have been labelled "adaptive retelling"[50] as they take many liberties with the form of the text.

Black Bible Chronicles1993, 1994
CPGCotton Patch Gospel[51] by Clarence Jordan1968–1973 (4 vols)
The Aussie Bible; also More Aussie Bible[52] by Kel Richards2003

Other translations

ERBRotherham's Emphasized Bible1902
FentonThe Holy Bible In Modern English (by Ferrar Fenton)1903
MNTA New Translation (by James Moffatt)1926
LamsaLamsa Bible (by George Lamsa)1933
AATAn American Translation (by Smith and Goodspeed)1935
Anchor Bible Series1957
BVBerkeley Version (by Gerrit Verkuyl)1958
AMPAmplified Bible1965
KnochConcordant Literal Version (by Adolph Ernst Knoch)1966
MLBThe Modern Language Bible (New Berkeley Version)1969
TSBThe Story Bible1971
BECKAn American Translation (by William F. Beck)1976
MLVModern Literal Version1987
TMBThird Millennium Bible1998
RcVRecovery Version (Living Stream Ministry)1999
PurifiedThe Holy Bible: A Purified Translation (The New Testament)2000
ABPApostolic Bible Polyglot2003
HCSBHolman Christian Standard Bible2004
DTEThe Writ, Dabhar Translation[53] (by Fritz Henning Baader)2005
The Literary Bible (by David Rosenberg)(Old Testament Only)2009
CEBCommon English Bible2011
CSBChristian Standard Bible2017
EHVThe Evangelical Heritage Version2019

Partial translations

New Testament

DiaglottEmphatic Diaglott by Benjamin Wilson1864
 Jefferson Bible, or The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, by Thomas Jefferson1895
 The Epistles of Paul in Modern English (includes Hebrews), by George Barker Stevens1898
 The Twentieth Century New Testament1902
 Weymouth New Testament (New Testament in Modern Speech)1903
 Centenary New Testament (by Helen Barrett Montgomery)1924
 The Four Gospels, by E. V. Rieu, Penguin1952
 The Authentic New Testament, by Hugh J. Schonfield1955
Phi / PMEPhillips New Testament in Modern English and Four Prophets (by J. B. Phillips)1958
 The Simplified New Testament, by Olaf M. Norlie1961
WETWuest Expanded Translation (by Kenneth Wuest)1961
 The New Testament: a New Translation, by William Barclay1968
 TransLine, by Michael Magill2002
 The Four Gospels, by Norman Marrow, ISBN 0-9505565-0-51977
 The Original New Testament, by Hugh J. Schonfield, ISBN 0-947752-20-X1985
int-EThe Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures by The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society1969,1985
McCord's New Testament Translation of the Everlasting Gospel by Hugo McCord1988
A Fresh Parenthetical Version of the New Testament[54] by B. E. Junkins ISBN 0-7618-2397-22002
God's New Covenant: A New Testament Translation by Heinz Cassirer, ISBN 0-8028-3673-91989
GausThe Unvarnished New Testament[55] by Andy Gaus1991
Christian BibleThe Christian Bible: Its New Contract Writings Portion (Christian Bible Society, Mammoth Spring, AR)1991
 The New Testament, by Richmond Lattimore, ISBN 0-460-87953-71996
TCEThe Common Edition New Testament[56]1999
COMThe Comprehensive New Testament[57]2008
ALTAnalytical-Literal Translation1999?
A New Accurate Translation of the Greek New Testament, by Julian G. Anderson ISBN 0-9602128-4-11984
The Voice ISBN 1-4185-3439-02008
MLVModern Literal Version2012
JNTJewish New Testament by David H. Stern1989
The Source New Testament With Extensive Notes on Greek Word Meaning, by Dr A. Nyland ISBN 0-9804430-0-82004
The Last Days New Testament, Ray W. Johnson1999
NTEThe Kingdom New Testament: A Contemporary Translation (U.K. title: The New Testament for Everyone), N T Wright[58][59]2011
The Wilton Translation of the New Testament, Clyde C. Wilton1999, 2010
The Original Aramaic Bible in Plain English with Psalms & Proverbs, David Bauscher2010
MEV The New Testament, Modern Evangelical Version, by Robert Thomas Helm ISBN 1479774197 2013, 2016
The New Testament: a Translation, by David Bentley Hart ISBN 0300186096 2017

Hebrew Bible

Name Date
The Wisdom Books in Modern Speech (Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, and Song of Songs), John Edgar McFadyen 1917
Four Prophets (Amos, Hosea, Micah, Isaiah), J.B. Phillips 1963
Job Speaks (Job), David Rosenberg 1977
The Book of J (Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy), Harold Bloom and David Rosenberg 1990
A Poet's Bible (Psalms, Song of Solomon, Lamentations, Maccabees, Job, Ecclesiastes, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zechariah, Jonah, Ruth, Esther, Judith, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah), David Rosenberg 1991
The Book of Job, Stephen Mitchell 1992
The Five Books of Moses, Everett Fox 1995
The Lost Book of Paradise: Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis and related apocrypha), David Rosenberg 1995
Genesis, Stephen Mitchell 1996
The Book of David (2 Samuel), David Rosenberg 1998
Give us a King! (1, 2 Samuel), Everett Fox 1999
The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible,[60] Martin Abegg, Peter Flint, Eugene Ulrich 1999
The David Story (1, 2 Samuel), Robert Alter 2000
The Five Books of Moses, Robert Alter 2004
The Bible with Sources Revealed, Richard Elliott Friedman 2005
The Book of Psalms, Robert Alter 2007
The Wisdom Books, Robert Alter 2010
Ancient Israel (Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings), Robert Alter 2013
The Psalms Translated and Explained, Joseph Addison Alexander 1850
The Torah and Former Prophets, William Whitt 2018-2024 (in progress)

Popularity of translations

ECPA Bible Translations Bestsellers, Best of 2022[61]
Rank Name Abbreviation Published[lower-alpha 7]
1 New International Version NIV 1978
2 English Standard Version ESV 2001
3 New Living Translation NLT 1996
4 King James Version[lower-alpha 8] KJV 1611
5 Christian Standard Bible CSB 2017
6 New King James Version NKJV 1982
7 Reina-Valera[lower-alpha 9] RVR 1602
8 New International Reader's Version NIrV 1996
9 New American Standard Bible NASB 1971
10 The Message[lower-alpha 10] MSG 2002

See also


  1. Academic works published by Crossway typically feature the ESV translation as their primary (or sole) Bible text used for quotation.[6][7][8] Various other evangelical publishers (such as Lexham Press, Ligonier Ministries, and Cruciform Press) frequently release Christian books that use the ESV text.[9][10][11]
  2. Released in parts between 1913–1935 with copious study and textual notes. The New Testament with condensed notes was released in 1936 as one volume.
  3. NT released in 1941. The OT contained material from the Challoner Revision until the entire OT was completed in 1969. This Old Testament went on to be the base for the 1970 NAB
  4. New Testament only; Gospels by James Kleist, rest by Joseph Lilly.
  5. Second Catholic Edition released 2006.
  6. Formerly known as the Today's English Version
  7. That is, the first year of a full translation (irrespective of containing the Apocrypha) having been published.
  8. The King James Version was originally published prior to the late modern period.
  9. The Reina-Valera is a Spanish translation.
  10. The Message Bible is a paraphrase.


  1. "Scholarly Editions". academic-bible.com. Archived from the original on February 10, 2023. Retrieved February 10, 2023.
  2. "Current Projects". academic-bible.com. Archived from the original on February 10, 2023. Retrieved February 10, 2023.
  3. "Endorsements". NRSV: The New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. Archived from the original on June 9, 2017. Retrieved February 10, 2023.
  4. "Endorsements". ESV.org. Archived from the original on December 29, 2023. Retrieved December 29, 2023.
  5. Berding, Kenneth (November 18, 2019). "What Do Christians Mean When They Use the Word "Conservative"?". Biola University. Archived from the original on April 16, 2022. Retrieved April 16, 2022. Theological conservative. During the past one hundred or so years since the fundamentalist-modernist controversy, the word 'conservative' has regularly been applied to Christians who believe that the Bible is true in all that it affirms, including such historical realities as the virgin birth of Christ and the literal resurrection of Jesus from the dead. This label contrasts with 'theological liberal,' which describes someone who challenges the truthfulness of the Bible, including many of the historical claims made in it.
  6. Covenant Theology: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Perspectives. Wheaton, IL: Crossway. 2020. ISBN 978-1-4335-6003-3. Archived from the original on March 21, 2023. Retrieved April 16, 2022.
  7. Trueman, Carl R. (2010). Histories and Fallacies: Problems Faced in the Writing of History. Wheaton, IL: Crossway. ISBN 978-1-58134-923-8. Archived from the original on March 21, 2023. Retrieved April 16, 2022.
  8. Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique. Wheaton, IL: Crossway. 2022. ISBN 978-1-4335-8513-5. Archived from the original on March 21, 2023. Retrieved September 21, 2022.
  9. Ward, Mark (2018). Authorized: The Use and Misuse of the King James Bible. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press. ISBN 978-1-68359-055-2. Archived from the original on March 21, 2023. Retrieved April 16, 2022.
  10. Sproul, R. C. (2014). Everyone's a Theologian: An Introduction to Systematic Theology. Sanford, FL: Reformation Trust Publishing. ISBN 978-1-56769-365-2. Archived from the original on March 21, 2023. Retrieved April 16, 2022.
  11. Challies, Tim (2010). Sexual Detox: A Guide for Guys Who are Sick of Porn. Minneapolis, MN: Cruciform Press. ISBN 978-1-453807-28-6. Archived from the original on March 21, 2023. Retrieved April 16, 2022.
  12. G. W. Bromiley, D. M. Beegle, and W. M. Smith, “English Versions,” ed. Geoffrey W. Bromiley, The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Revised (Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1979–1988), 83.
  13. Wakefield, Gilbert (1820). A Translation of the New Testament
  14. p. 5. Naudé, Jacobus A., and Cynthia L. Miller-Naudé. "Alternative revisions of the American Standard Version (1901) and retranslations within the Tyndale–King James Version tradition." HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 78, no. 1 (2022).
  15. American King James Version
  16. "Home". King James Version 2000. Retrieved April 12, 2023.
  17. Updated King James Version
  18. p. 5. Naudé, Jacobus A., and Cynthia L. Miller-Naudé. "Alternative revisions of the American Standard Version (1901) and retranslations within the Tyndale–King James Version tradition." HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 78, no. 1 (2022).
  19. King James Bibles
  20. The Holy Scriptures. Rabon Vincent Jr., translator. Victoria: Trafford, 2001. ISBN 1-55369-199-7
  21. "The Evidence Bible". Archived from the original on 2007-10-11. Retrieved 2007-10-01.
  22. New Cambridge Paragraph Bible
  23. http://www.avupdate.org/ Archived 2011-05-25 at the Wayback Machine (Broken link)
  24. "King James Version - Corrected Edition". Archived from the original on 2013-10-20. Retrieved 2013-11-16.
  25. "Read The Divine Name King James Bible Online". Dnkjb.net. Retrieved 2021-11-25.
  26. https://jkmickelson.com/about
  27. MCT Bible, a precise and unabridged translation (a derivative of Webster's Revision of the KJV), with contextual dictionaries and concordances.
  28. modernenglishversion.com/
  29. Covert, John (19 September 2020). "Walsingham Publishing - King James Bible for Catholics". Walsingham Publishing. Retrieved 12 October 2021.
  30. "Home". Simplified KJV. Retrieved April 12, 2023.
  31. "About the New International Version". Electronic version available; print version available March 2011. 15 July 2016.
  32. OEB
  33. "The Lexham English Bible is a new translation of the Bible into English". lexhamenglishbible.com. Retrieved 2018-08-11.
  34. LivingSon Press, MCT Brit Chadashah Interlinear, in print
  35. "Catholic Book Publishing - Catholic Book Publishing".
  36. Catholic Public Domain Version
  37. MCT Bible, a precise and unabridged translation (precisely and contextually denoting the Sacred Name as "Yahweh" in both the Old and New Testaments), with contextual dictionaries and concordances.
  38. Literal Standard Version
  39. "Hebrew Heritage Translation".
  40. The Hebrew Bible in English, Mechom Mamre
  41. The Judaica Press Complete Tanach with Rashi, Chabad
  42. Jerusalem Bible (Koren), UK: CAM, archived from the original on 2008-04-16, retrieved 2008-04-28
  43. The Living Torah, ORT
  44. Mickelson Clarified Interlinear, precise and unabridged, with contextual dictionary and concordance.
  45. LivingSon Press, USA
  46. Esposito, Paul W., The Apostles Bible, based on Brenton's translation
  47. Sheehan, Donald (2013). Sheehan, Xenia (ed.). The Psalms of David: Translated from the Septuagint Greek. Wipf and Stock.
  48. Mickelson, Jonathan K., MCT Octuagint, a remediated translation of the Septuagint
  49. LivingSon Press, MCT Octuagint Interlinear, in print
  50. Boswell, Freddy. 2006. Classifying "Cotton Patch Version" and similar renderings as adaptive retelling rather than translation (La clasificación de la "cotton patch version" y de otros tipos de versiones más como reescrituras adaptadoras más traducciones)." Hermēneus, Vol. 8: 45–66.
  51. The Cotton Patch Version
  52. "The Aussie Bible :: Welcome". Archived from the original on 2009-09-14. Retrieved 2009-07-05.
  53. The Writ, Dabhar Translation
  54. Review
  55. http://www.phanes.com/unvnew.html Archived 2006-05-28 at the Wayback Machine
  56. http://www.rochdaleonline.org/Faith/Christian/Bible/print.asp Archived 2006-06-27 at the Wayback Machine
  57. "Review of Biblical Literature" (PDF).
  58. "The Kingdom New Testament: A Contemporary Translation by N. T. Wright". Archived from the original on 2011-06-06.
  59. SPCK Shop, The New Testament for Everyone
  60. The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible
  61. "Bible Translations Bestsellers, Best of 2022". Christian Book Expo. February 7, 2023. Archived from the original on February 7, 2023. Retrieved February 7, 2023.

Further reading

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