2023 Israeli incursions in the West Bank
Part of the 2023 Israel–Hamas war

  West Bank under Israeli control (Area C)
  Israeli-annexed Jerusalem/East Jerusalem
See here for a more detailed map.
Date11 October 2023[1] – present
(3 months, 1 week and 1 day)
West Bank with spillover into Israel[2]
Status Ongoing
State of Palestine Palestinian Authority[lower-alpha 1]

State of Palestine Palestinian paramilitaries in the West Bank

Units involved
Casualties and losses
At least 3 soldiers killed[21]
At least 1 police officer killed[22]
10 policemen wounded[23]
355+ killed[24]
3,800+ injured[25]

During the 2023 Israel–Hamas war, Israeli forces have carried out multiple ground incursions, occasionally accompanied by airstrikes, into several Palestinian cities and refugee camps in the West Bank, including Jenin and Tulkarm.[26] The Israeli incursions have led to clashes with Palestinian militants. Over 200 Palestinian have been killed by Israel since the conflict began, including 75 children.[27] Israel has arrested more than 4,785 Palestinians since 7 October 2023.[28] On 15 December, Doctors Without Borders reported 2023 was the deadliest year for Palestinians in the West Bank in recorded history.[29]


Tensions and violence between Israeli military forces and settlers in the West Bank were escalating long before the start of the 2023 war. According to the UN, 2022 was the deadliest year for Palestinians on record,[30] and the year to September 2023 already represented the deadliest year in history for children in the West Bank.[31]

Incursions into Jenin

October attacks

On 12 October 2023, Israel conducted a raid in Jenin, West Bank, resulting in the reported detention of a Hamas fighter and injuries to other individuals.[32][33] On 14 October 2023, another raid was launched in the city, leading to the deaths of multiple people.[34][35][36]

On 22 October 2023, an airstrike carried out by the Israel Defense Forces targeted the Al-Ansar Mosque, causing extensive damage.[37][38] Two people were killed, and three others were injured.[26][39][37] The IDF asserted that Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) had been operating from a compound beneath the mosque.[39][37][26] The Palestinian Foreign Minister, Riyad al-Maliki, characterized the attack as a "dangerous escalation in the use of warplanes" and expressed concern over the adoption of tactics from Gaza.[40]

On 27 October, Ayser Mohammad Al-Amer, a senior commander of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, was reportedly killed during a clash with the IDF.[41] On 30 October, Israeli forces again raided Jenin, engaging in fighting that reportedly killed two Palestinians.[42]

November raids

On November 17, the IDF reportedly engaged in clashes with militants from Al-Quds Brigades and Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in Jenin over several hours.[9] This confrontation resulted in the deaths of five individuals, including three Hamas fighters and two civilians.[43][44] Another clash occurred on November 29, during which the IDF reportedly clashed with PIJ militants, leading to the death of two militants.[45]

Killing of children by Israeli soldiers

On 29 November 14-year old Basel Abu Al-Wafa and 8-year old Adam Al-Ghool were shot dead by Israeli forces during the Jenin incursions. CCTV footage depicting the killings show Basel Abu Al-Wafa being shot at multiple times, sustaining mortal wounds while 8-year old Adam Al-Ghool was killed with a shot to the head.[46][47]

A 17-year-old was reportedly shot and killed by IDF forces inside the Khalil Suleiman hospital compound near the Jenin refugee camp, accourding to accounts by the Doctors Without Borders.[48]

December raids

On December 5, clashes resulted in the injury of five Palestinians.[49] On December 6, a violent confrontation with the IDF resulted in the death of one teenage protester and injuries to two others.[50] On 12 December, five Palestinians were killed, while another man was killed later that day.[51] On December 13, a Palestinian protester was killed, and two others along with a child were wounded by Israeli gunfire.[52] On December 14, twelve Palestinians were killed in reported clashes.[53] A female Israeli soldier shot and killed a Palestinian man on 22 December for attempting to move his car.[54] Raids on 24 December in Jenin and multiple other areas in the West Bank resulted in more than ten arrests.[55] At least ten houses were raided on 25 December.[56]

January raids

A dozen raids were reported on 2 January, with a violent raid in Jenin and violent confrontations in Azzun, resulting in the death of four Palestinians.[57] Raids were reported in Ya'bad on 5 January, with an eleven-year-old wounded.[58] A doctor described a drone strike on 7 January, stating one man "was decapitated. It seemed the missile directly hit him. Others had their limbs severed."[59] All entrances into Jenin were reported blocked on 9 January.[60] The chair of the Jenin high-level committee stated Israel had destroyed streets, electric poles, water lines, and a monument to Shireen Abu Akleh.[61] The British charity Action Around Bethlehem Children with Disability stated it had been damaged by Israeli forces.[62] On 13 January, Israeli soldiers surrounded the Al Amal Hospital, searching ambulances.[63]

Incursions into Tulkarm


On Thursday, 19 October 2023, at 3 a.m., Israeli forces conducted a raid in Tulkarm, focusing on Nur Shams, various neighborhoods, and the Tulkarm camp.[64] In the Nur Shams camp, a drone deployed by Israel resulted in casualties among a group of Palestinians.[65] The Israeli army reported the death of one officer and injuries to nine soldiers due to the detonation of an explosive device in the Nour Shams camp, with the wounded soldiers transported to the Meir Hospital.[66][67]

On the second day of the raid, Friday, 20 October 2023, explosions occurred at dawn and in the morning hours. The Tulkarm Battalion reported that additional armed groups had reached Tulkarm to support their efforts.[68] At 7 a.m. Israeli forces concluded their 30-hour raid, withdrawing from the city and its two camps.[69] The Palestinian Ministry of Health confirmed 13 casualties, including 5 children, with the deceased and injured transported to Martyr Dr. Thabet Thabet Governmental Hospital.[70]


On the 2nd of November, an Israeli soldier in a civilian vehicle was ambushed by Qassam brigades militants in Beit Lid, being fatally shot and eliminated. The car was then trapped with an improvised explosive device (IED) and detonated when Israeli soldiers inspected the ambush, killing another.[71]


Five were killed on 17 December, while ambulances were prevented from reaching the wounded, and paramedics were arrested.[72] On 20 December 2023, Israeli forces raided the town of Attil.[73] On 23 December, bulldozers entered Tulkarem and clashes were reported between Palestinian and Israeli forces.[74] On 24 December, homemade explosives were reportedly used against the IDF.[75] More than 100 Israeli army vehicles raided Nur Shams on 25 December.[76] An overnight drone strike was reported on 27 December, with a paramedic stating he found bodies of "men lying everywhere".[77][78]


Five people were injured during a raid on 3 January 2024, including one person hit by a live bullet, three people beaten by Israeli soldiers, and one person who was rammed by an Israeli jeep.[79] A forty hour raid on Nur Shams concluded on 4 January, with more than a dozen wounded from soldier beatings.[80] 500 people were reportedly interrogated.[81] The head of the Tulkarem camp services committee condemned an Israeli killing of three young men after video showed soldiers running over the body of one young man after shooting him dead.[82] A seven-hour raid on Nur Shams occurred on 12 January, resulting in damage to infrastructure and leading the camp's emergency head to state, "There is no street inside the camp or alley that has not been destroyed."[83] A teen boy was beaten to death by Israeli soldiers on 13 January.[84]

Three paramedics were arrested during a raid on 17 January.[85] Five people were killed.[86] The raid reportedly lasted more than forty hours, with homes and infrastructure destroyed and a large number of men detained.[87]

Mass detentions

The International Committee of the Red Cross expressed "high concern" regarding "the sharp increase in [the] number of arrests" in the occupied West Bank since October 7.[88] Amnesty International has also criticized the "spike in arbitrary arrests" of Palestinians since October 7.[89] Similarly, the The Wall Street Journal reported that the rate of arrests in the occupied West Bank has "more than doubled" since that date.[90]

On October 17, Al Jazeera reported that nearly 700 people had been arrested in the West Bank and occupied East Jerusalem since the outbreak of the war.[91] By October 28, this number had climbed to 1,550, according to estimates by the Palestinian Prisoners Society.[92] The Globe and Mail reported that Israel had advised the Palestinian Authority of the existence of 1,700 prisoners, but not their whereabouts, as of October 31.[93] On November 6, Al Jazeera reported that 1,740 individuals had been arrested in overnight raids since the outbreak of the war; BBC reported the total number of arrestees at 2,150, according to the Palestinian Prisoners Society.[94][95] The Associated Press placed the number at 2,280 on November 8, citing the Palestinian Prisoners Society; on November 10, The Nation reported that the number was "at least 2,200".[96][97]

By November 8, the number of Palestinians held without charge or trial had increased from 1,319 to 2,070 since October 7, according to HaMoked.[89] On November 15, Mondoweiss reported that arrests in the West Bank continued, with 54 Palestinians arrested the previous night in overnight raids.[98] On November 28, the IDF told The Times of Israel that approximately 2,000 West Bank Palestinians had been arrested, while Palestinian monitoring groups reported 3,290 arrests.[99][100] On December 3, the Palestinian Prisoners Society reported 3,480 arrests, while the IDF reported 2,150 as of December 4 and 3,450 as of December 6.[101][102]

Al Jazeera reported that, as of January 10, 2024, nearly 6,000 Palestinians had been arrested in the West Bank since October 7, 2023.[103]

Detainees arrested in Deir Abu Mash'al, described the experience of being arrested by Israeli forces, stating that soldiers went door to door arresting people, blindfolding them, tying their hands, and taking them to an open building for interrogation.[104]

Two directors and an employee from The Freedom Theatre were arrested by the IDF, with one stating, "They treated us like animals. They are trying to hurt us in anyway they can."[105] One director, Mostafa Sheta, remained in custody and was believed to be held in the Megiddo military prison in northern Israel.[106] The Royal Court Theatre responded to the reports by demanding for the release of the men.[107]

Settler violence

Instances of Jewish settler violence against Palestinians grew following the 7 October attack.[108] The United Nations stated on 13 December eight Palestinians had been killed by settlers since 7 October.[109] Settler colonialists, even before the war, had been allowed to act with impunity with most crimes going unpunished. They have been reportedly enabled and even protected by Israeli soldiers during their attacks.[110][111][112] B'tselem called settler violence an "informal tool" of the IDF, since settlers and soldiers conduct joint operations against Palestinians.[113] David Ignatius, an American journalist, described the situation in the West Bank as "a pattern of Israeli domination" and abuse.[114] On 25 December, at least eight Palestinians were wounded in settler attacks.[115] On 27 December, UNOCHA reported 367 Israeli settler attacks against Palestinians since 7 October.[116] On 27 December, Shin Bet reported Israeli settlers were considering invoking din roder against Major General Yehuda Fox for confiscating illegal guns and arresting violent settlers.[117][118]

In many cases, settler colonialists impersonate Israeli soldiers in uniform, further confusing and intimidating Palestinians.[119] Over 2,000 Palestinians have been displaced as a result of threats and violence.[120] On 28 December, the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem reported 30 armed Israeli settlers assaulted clergy in the Armenian Quarter of East Jerusalem.[121] On 5 January, Peace Now, an Israeli organization that tracks settler activities in the West Bank, reported a large surge in settler construction of roadblocks, fences, and outposts.[122] On 15 January 2024, settlers committed arson, threw rocks, and vandalized property in Deir Sharaf, Qalqilia, and Turmus Ayya.[123] On 16 January, analyst Aref Daraghmeh stated settlers were using violence to take over the Jordan Valley.[124]


The UN Office for Humanitarian Affairs reported Israeli forces demolished residential structures in Furush Beit Dajan and Deir Ballut on 25 December.[125] The UN reported 1,094 structures had been demolished and 2,127 Palestinians have been displaced in 2023.[126] On 27 December, UNOCHA stated that since 7 October, 1,208 people had been displaced due settler violence, 393 due to lacking Israeli building permits, 95 on punitive grounds, and 483 due to army demolitions.[116] On 15 January 2024, Israeli forces demolished two homes in Qalqilya, rendering 14 people homeless.[127] By 15 January, the number displaced due to army demolitions had grown to more than 600.[128]

Other areas

Clashes in Ramallah, October 2023

On 12 October, a group of Israeli soldiers and settlers stripped a group of men naked in Ramallah, urinating on them, burning them with cigarettes, and sexually assaulted one man.[129] On 31 October, Israeli forces heightened their operations in other parts of the West Bank, resulting in the deaths of five Palestinians in Qabatiya, Tammun, and Nablus. This brought the total number of casualties in the West Bank since 7 October to 90 people, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.[39]

An investigation was launched on 6 December after Israeli soldiers shot and wounded a mentally disabled man in Hebron.[130] On 15 December, Israel launched an investigation after B'tselem released video of IDF soldiers shooting two unarmed men at point-blank range in Far'a.[131] A 28-year-old pharmaceutical representative was shot dead by the IDF in Beit Einun after turning on a road he didn't know was closed.[132][133] On 21 December, Israeli forces raided multiple areas across the Palestinian territories including Halhul, Surif, and Shuafat.[134] Five people were wounded during a raid in Ramallah.[135]

The Palestinian Red Crescent reported Israeli forces had fired live ammunition on youth protesters in Halhul, injuring two, with additional raids in Tubas, Qalqilya, Deir Abu Da'if, Jalbun, and Jalqamus.[136] On 23 December, raids were reported across the West Bank, including in Dheisheh, Hebron, Yatta, Beita, Qaryut, Jericho, Ein as-Sultan, and Aqabat Jaber.[137] The same day, Israeli soldiers shot a man with special needs carrying a bag of lollipops reportedly for no apparent reason.[138] Explosions and armed fighting were reported in Balata Camp on 24 December.[139] 35 people were arrested in raids across the West Bank on 25 December.[140] Raids were also reported in Bethlehem on Christmas Day.[141]

On 25 December, Israeli forces destroyed an agricultural facility in Salfit and ordered the residents of Yatta to cease construction of a new school.[142] 200 homes in Burqa were raided on the same day.[143] On 27 December, the Palestinian Red Crescent reported three people were wounded during an IDF raid in Hebron.[144] On 28 December, the Palestine Monetary Authority reported Israeli forces raided the headquarters of six exchange companies and seized vast sums of money.[145] Approximately $2.5 million dollars were seized after soldiers blew up the bank vaults.[146]

On 29 December, Israeli forces assaulted and fired shots at Palestinian shepherds in the Masafer Yatta region.[147] The same day, a 17-year-old boy in Qalqilya was shot in the chest and then arrested while ambulances sought to aid him.[148] People in Hebron were injured on 30 December with rubber bullets and tear gas.[149] On 30 December, the governor of the Hebron Governorate stated the city of Hebron had been sealed off by the IDF since 7 October.[150] On 2 January 2024, paramedics in Qalqilya were shot when they tried to rescue an injured man.[151] Raids were reported in Al-Arroub on 5 January.[152] On the same day, a teenage boy was shot and killed in Bani Zeid al-Gharbia.[153] On January 6, Israeli forces reportedly conducted a "crackdown" on resistance and dissent, with troops reportedly beating three men in Bethlehem.[154]

A local doctor was blindfolded and arrested during a Ramallah raid on 7 January.[155] Officials in Sebastia reported Israeli settlers were attacking and destroying archeological sites.[156] A doctor and nurse were arrested in Ramallah on 8 January.[157] At least fourteen people were injured during a raid in Nablus on 9 January.[158] Reports were reported across the West Bank on 9 January.[159] A health clinic near Bethlehem was raided and five were wounded in Nablus on 10 January.[160][161] On 13 January, Israeli forces shot and killed three teenage boys near Adora, Har Hevron.[162] Later, troops raided the boys' family house in Hebron, using tear gas, sound bombs, and rubber bullets, while their family was mourning the killings.[163] Seven were wounded in a raid near Tubas.[164] Five Palestinians were killed throughout the West Bank on 14 January.[165] On 15 January, a young man and young woman were killed near Hebron after an Israeli raid.[166]

The head of the Balata Camp service committee stated Israeli soldiers had killed five men in the camp on 17 January 2024, then stated, "Israeli forces kidnapped the bodies of four of the men as well as some body parts of Yazan al-Najmi".[167] Raids were reported near Bethlehem on 18 January, with four young men reportedly beaten by soldiers.[168]

East Jerusalem

On 22 December, two Palestinians in East Jerusalem were wounded after Israeli forces fired sound bombs and tear gas.[169] On 29 December, Israeli forces fired skunk water, tear gas, and rubber bullets at worshippers in Wadi al-Joz.[170] The same day, one individual was reported injured following an Israeli raid in Kafr Aqab.[171] A raid was reported in Silwan, with families reporting Israeli troops ransacking homes after accusing them of shooting fireworks at settlers 2 km away.[172] A four-year-old girl was killed by Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint on 7 January.[173]


On 28 December, Mustafa Barghouti, the general-secretary of the Palestinian National Initiative, stated Israel's raids across the West Bank were part of a plan to reoccupy the territory completely.[174] Volker Türk, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, stated he was troubled by the use of military tactics, disproportionate force, and restrictions of movement in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.[175] Residents of the West Bank were reportedly frustrated by the lack of international coverage of the incursions in the territory, stating it allowed the IDF "to operate with almost impunity".[176] Mohammad Shtayyeh, the Palestinian prime minister, stated Israel's financial pressure on the West Bank was an attempt to drive it from Gaza, and that "things might explode in the West Bank" if the worsening conditions were not addressed.[177]

A United Nations official stated a lack of accountability and "egging on from Israeli officials" was leading to a rise in settler violence.[178] Micheál Martin, the Irish deputy prime minister, stated what was happening in the West Bank was "shocking" and a violation of international humanitarian law.[179] A report by Yesh Din noted a rise in settler violence in the West Bank since 7 October but that Israeli law enforcement had not filed a single indictment.[180] German foreign minister Annalena Baerbock stated Israel had a responsibility to protect Palestinians in the West Bank.[181] On 9 January, the Palestinian Foreign Ministry warned Israel military actions and settler violence were threatening to "push the West Bank into an uncontrollable cycle of violence".[182] Journalist Mohammed Jamjoom stated violent raids were "part of the fabric of daily life", with an average of 40 raids across the West Bank per day.[183]

On 16 January, Israel released the body of a toddler killed by Israeli soldiers nine days prior, leading the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to state, "What did they do with the body? Why did they keep it? Do they have the right to do so? And will they apologise to the child’s family?"[184] Palestinians in the West Bank stated the Israeli army regularly used bulldozers to destroy roads and infrastructure, describing the process as a form of collective punishment.[185] The Israeli military described the situation in the West Bank as "spiraling out of control".[186] Residents stated they believed Israel was attempting to turn them against the local resistance fighters.[187]

See also


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  1. In July 2023, the PA announced it was ceasing security cooperations with Israel.[3]
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