
Pachyderma, or pachydermia, is the thickening of skin like that of a pachyderm (a tough-skinned animal such as an elephant, rhinoceros, tapir or hippopotamus).[1] It occurs in the condition pachydermoperiostosis, an autosomal genetic disorder.[2] It can also occur in acromegaly, elephantiasis, and podoconiosis.[3] The adjective pachydermatous is used to describe skin showing symptoms of this condition.[4]


  1. "Definition of Pachyderma". Retrieved 2008-04-06.
  2. Zhang, Zeng; Zhang, Changqing; Zhang, Zhenlin (2013). "Primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy: an update". Front Med. 7 (1): 60–4. doi:10.1007/s11684-013-0246-6. PMID 23345113. S2CID 19703307.
  3. "Homo sapiens diseases - Cutaneous apparatus and subcutaneous tissue". Retrieved 2020-03-04.
  4. "Definition of PACHYDERMATOUS". Retrieved 2020-03-04.

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