Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Pompilidae
Subfamily: Pepsinae

The Pepsinae are a subfamily of the spider wasp family, Pompilidae, including the tarantula hawks, as well as smaller species.[1]


  • Caliadurgus Pate, 1946
  • Chirodamus Haliday, 1837
  • Cryptocheilus Panzer, 1806
  • Cyemagenia Arnold, 1946
  • Cyphononyx Dahlbom, 1845
  • Deuteragenia Šustera, 1912
  • Dichragenia Haupt, 1950
  • Dipogon Fox 1897
  • Entypus Dahlbom, 1843
  • Epipompilus Kohl, 1884[2]
  • Guichardia Arnold, 1951
  • Hemipepsis Dahlbom, 1844
  • Java Pate, 1946
  • Melanagenia Wahis, 2009
  • Minagenia Banks, 1934
  • Nipponodipogon Ishikawa, 1965
  • Paraclavelia Haupt, 1930
  • Pepsis Fabricius, 1804
  • Phanagenia Banks, 1933
  • Poecilagenia Haupt, 1926
  • Priocnemella Banks, 1925
  • Priocnemis Schiødte, 1837
  • Priocnessus Banks, 1925
  • Schistonyx Saussure, 1887
  • Sphictostethus Kohl, 1884
  • Trachyglyptus Arnold, 1934
  • Xenopepsis Arnold, 1932
Orange spider wasp Cryptocheilus bicolor


  1. "Pepsinae - WaspWeb".
  2. Waichert, Cecilia; Rodriguez, Juanita; Wasbauer, Marius; von Dohlen, Carol & Pitts, James (2015). "Molecular phylogeny and systematics of spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae): Redefining subfamily boundaries and the origin of the family". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 175 (2): 271–287. doi:10.1111/zoj.12272.
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