Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Ichneumonidae
Subfamily: Phygadeuontinae
Tribe: Phygadeuontini

Phygadeuontini is a tribe of ichneumon wasps in the family Ichneumonidae. It is the only tribe in the subfamily Phygadeuontinae.[1] There are about 123 genera in 12 subtribes worldwide.[2]


The following classification of Phygadeuontini is based on Wahl (2014):[2]

  • Subtribe Acrolytina
    • Acidnus Townes, 1970a — Neotropical
    • Acrolyta Förster, 1869 — Ethiopian, Holarctic, Oriental
    • Brachedra Townes, 1970a — Neotropical
    • Cormobius Townes, 1970a — Nearctic, Neotropical
    • Diaglyptella Seyrig, 1952 — Ethiopian
    • Diaglyptelloides Aubert, 1993 — Palearctic
    • Diaglyptidea Viereck, 1913 — Holarctic, Neotropical, Oriental c g b
    • Diatora Förster, 1869 — Ethiopian, Oriental, Palearctic
    • Encrateola Strand, 1916 — worldwide except Australian
    • Eudelus Förster, 1869 — Holarctic
    • Isdromas Förster, 1869 c g b — worldwide except Palearctic
    • Lysibia Förster, 1869 c g b — Holarctic, Neotropical, Oriental
    • Micraris Townes, 1970a — Oriental
    • Neopimpla Ashmead, 1900 — Ethiopian, Nearctic
    • Sozites Seyrig, 1952 — Ethiopian (Townes & Townes, 1973)
    • Stenotes Townes, 1970a — Neotropical
    • Trachaner Townes, 1970a — Neotropical
  • Subtribe Bathytrichina
    • Apophysius Cushman, 1922 — Oriental
    • Bathythrix Förster, 1869 i c g b — worldwide except Australian
    • Chrysocryptus Cameron, 1902 — Oriental
    • Retalia Seyrig, 1952 — Ethiopian, Oriental, Palearctic
    • Rhabdosis Townes, 1970a — Neotropical
    • Surculus Townes, 1970a — Neotropical
  • Subtribe Chiroticina
    • Asmenophylax Gauld, 1984 — Australian
    • Astomaspis Förster, 1869 — Australian, Ethiopian, Oriental
    • Bentyra Cameron, 1905 — Oriental
    • Bodedia Seyrig, 1952 — Ethiopian
    • Chirotica Förster, 1869 — worldwide c g b
    • Diracela Townes, 1973 — Ethiopian
    • Dolichomastix Ceballos, 1924 — Ethiopian
    • Epelaspis Townes, 1970a — Ethiopian, Neotropical
    • Fractipons Townes, 1970a — Neotropical
    • Gabia Seyrig, 1952 — Ethiopian
    • Handaoia Seyrig, 1952 — worldwide except Nearctic
    • Lienella Cameron, 1905 (January) — Australian, Ethiopian, Oriental
    • Lissaspis Townes, 1970a — Neotropical
    • Mamelia Seyrig, 1952 — Ethiopian
    • Orientohemiteles Uchida, 1932 — Oriental
    • Palpostilpnus Aubert, 1961 — Oriental
    • Paraglyptus Seyrig, 1952 — Ethiopian
    • Paraphylax Förster, 1869 — Australian, Ethiopian, Oriental, Palearctic
    • Singalissaspis Jussila, 1998 — Oriental
  • Subtribe Cremnodina
    • Cremnodes Förster, 1850 — Holarctic
    • Scrobiculus Townes, 1970a — Neotropical
    • Vestibulum Townes, 1970a — Neotropical
  • Subtribe Endaseina
    • Amphibulus Kriechbaumer, 1893 — Holarctic, Neotropical
    • Cisaris Townes, 1970a — Oriental, Palearctic
    • Coptomystax Townes, 1970a — Oriental
    • Endasys Förster, 1869 i c g b — Holarctic
    • Glyphicnemis Förster, 1869 c g b — Holarctic
    • Grasseiteles Aubert, 1965 — Palearctic
    • Medophron Förster, 1869 c g b — Holarctic
    • Meringops Townes, 1970a — Australian, Neotropical (Gauld, 1984)
    • Tryonocryptus Gauld & Holloway, 1983 — Australian
  • Subtribe Ethelurgina
    • Apoglutus Townes, 1970a — Oriental
    • Ethelurgus Förster, 1869 — Holarctic, Neotropical
    • Zamicrotoridea Viereck, 1917
    • Rhembobius Förster, 1869 — Holarctic
  • Subtribe Gelina
    • Agasthenes Förster, 1869 — Hawaii, Holarctic
    • Blaspidotes Förster, 1869 — Palearctic (Schwarz, 1995)
    • Catalytus Förster, 1851 — Palearctic
    • Dichrogaster Doumerc, 1855 c g b — worldwide
    • Formocrytpus Uchida, 1931 — Oriental
    • Gelis Thunberg, 1827 c g b — worldwide
    • Thaumatogelis Schmiedeknecht, 1933 — Palearctic (Schwarz, 1995)
    • Townostilpnus Aubert, 1961 — Oriental, Palearctic
    • Xenolytus Förster, 1869 — Australian, Holarctic, Oriental
  • Subtribe Hemitelina
    • Aclastus Förster, 1869 — worldwide
    • Amblyclastus Gauld, 1984 — Australian
    • Anurotropus Cushman, 1924 — Nearctic (Horstmann, 1992)
    • Austriteles Gauld, 1984 — Australian
    • Glyphaclastus Gauld, 1984 — Australian
    • Gynpetomorpha Förster, 1869 — Palearctic (Horstmann, 1992)
    • Hemiteles Gravenhorst, 1829 — Holarctic, Oriental
    • Obsiphaga Morley, 1907 — Holarctic
    • Pleurogyrus Townes, 1970a — Holarctic
    • Polyaulon Förster, 1869 c g b — Holarctic
    • Xiphulcus Townes, 1970a — Holarctic
  • Subtribe Mastrina
    • Aclosmation Gauld, 1984 — Australian
    • Amydraulax Cushman, 1922 — Nearctic
    • Apotemnus Cushman, 1940 — Nearctic
    • Bilira Townes, 1970a — Neotropical
    • Brachypimpla Strobl, 1902 — Palearctic
    • Charitopes Förster, 1869 — Ethiopian, Holarctic, Neotropical (Townes, 1983)
    • Clypeoteles Horstmann, 1974 — Palearctic
    • Distathma Townes, 1970a — Neotropical, Oriental, Palearctic (Horstmann, 1978 & 1992)
    • Fianoniella Horstmann, 1992 — Holarctic
    • Helcostizus Förster, 1869 c g b — Holarctic
    • Indovia Seyrig, 1952 — Ethiopian (Horstmann, 1978 & 1992)
    • Isadelphus Förster, 1869 — Holarctic (Horstmann, 1978)
    • Lochetica Kriechbaumer, 1892 — Holarctic
    • Mastrulus Horstmann, 1978 — Palearctic
    • Mastrus Förster, 1869 c g b — Holarctic, Oriental
    • Micromonodon Förster, 1869 — Palearctic (Horstmann, 1978)
    • Odontoneura Förster, 1869 — Palearctic (Horstmann, 1978 & 1992)
    • Pygocryptus Roman, 1925 c g b — Holarctic
    • Teluncus Townes, 1970a — Neotropical
    • Zoophthorus Förster, 1869 — Palearctic (Horstmann, 1978)
  • Subtribe Phygadeuontina
    • Arotrephes Townes, 1970a — Holarctic
    • Boleslawia Sawoniewcz, 1996 — Palearctic
    • Cephalobaris Kryger, 1915 — Palearctic (Horstmann, 1992)
    • Ceratophygadeuon Viereck, 1924 — Ethiopian, Holarctic
    • Gnotus Förster, 1869 — Holarctic, Oriental
    • Hedylus Förster, 1869 — Holarctic (Carlson, 1979)
    • Leptocryptoides Horstmann, 1976 — Palearctic
    • Megacara Townes, 1970a — Holarctic
    • Oecotelma Townes, 1970a — Holarctic
    • Orthizema Förster, 1869 c g b — Holarctic
    • Phygadeuon Gravenhorst, 1829 i c g b — Holarctic, Neotropical
    • Platyrhabdus Townes, 1970a — Palearctic
    • Stibeutes Förster, 1869 — Holarctic
    • Sulcarius Townes, 1970a i c g b — Holarctic
    • Theroscopus Förster, 1850 — Holarctic, Oriental
    • Tricholinum Förster, 1869 — Oriental, Palearctic
    • Tropistes Gravenhorst, 1829 — Palearctic
    • Uchidella Townes, 1957 — Holarctic, Oriental
  • Subtribe Rothneyiina
    • Hyparcha Townes, 1970a — Oriental
    • Nipponaetes Uchida, 1933 — Australian, Ethiopian, Oriental
    • Rothneyia Cameron, 1897 — Oriental
  • Subtribe Stilpnina
    • Atractodes Gravenhorst, 1829 c g b — Ethiopian, Holarctic
    • Mesoleptus Gravenhorst, 1829 — Ethiopian, Oriental, Holarctic
    • Exolytus Holmgren, 1858
    • Stilpnus Gravenhorst, 1829 — Holarctic, Oriental
  • incertae sedis
    • Rhadinomastrus Gauld, 1984 — Australian

Additional data sources: i = ITIS,[3] c = Catalogue of Life,[4] g = GBIF,[5] b =[6]


  1. Santos, B.F. (2017). "Phylogeny and reclassification of Cryptini (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Cryptinae), with implications for ichneumonid higher-level classification". Systematic Entomology. 42 (4): 650–676. doi:10.1111/syen.12238. S2CID 90996975. Retrieved December 29, 2021.
  2. 1 2 Wahl, David (2014). "Synoptic Lists of World Genera and Family-group Names". American Entomological Institute. Retrieved December 29, 2021.
  3. "ITIS, Integrated Taxonomic Information System". Retrieved 2018-04-05.
  4. "Catalogue of Life". Retrieved 2018-04-05.
  5. "GBIF". Retrieved 2018-04-05.
  6. "Phygadeuontini Tribe Information". Retrieved 2018-04-05.

Further reading

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