Piotr (I) of the coat of arms of Półkozice (died around 1239[1]) was bishop of Płock around the years 1232–1239. He was previously a canon of Płock.


He was probably a Płock canon in 1207.[2] Active during the foundation process of the Order of the Dobrzyń brothers. In 1232, he was elected a bishop of Płock by the cathedral chapter, according to Jan Dlugosz half of them[3] supported him. Supported by the prince of Mazovia, Konrad I, with whom he held the office of Vice-Chancellor. Thanks to his support, he received a commission from Pope Gregory IX and probably even in the year of the election he appeared as a bishop.[4] He conducted extensive mediation activities in disputes between Piast princes of the district. He sat on the 6 October 1237 papal commission settling a dispute between the prince of Wrocław, Henry I the Bearded and the prince of Wielkopolska, Władysław Odonic. He witnessed on the divisional document between Mazovia and Kujawy between the older sons of Prince Konrad - Bolesław I and Kazimierz I in 1238.[5] He supported the economic development of his diocese. In 1237 he issued a location privilege for the city of Płock, contributing to its subsequent development. In 1239, on the part of the Masovian dukes, Konrad I and Bolesław I obtained exemption privileges for the Płock Church. He was buried in the cathedral of Płock.


  1. This is how the death of Piotr P. Nitecki, Biskupi Kościoła w Polsce w latach 965–1999. Słownik biograficzny [Bishops of the Church in Poland dates in the years 965-1999. Biographic Dictionary], Warsaw 2000, pp. 345-346, but already in the territorial and chronological index attached to this publication, it is exactly in favor of 1239; T. Żebrowski, Zarys dziejów diecezji płockiej [Outline of the history of the Płock diocese], Płock 1976, pp. 32-33, states that Piotr died exactly in 1239.
  2. T. Żebrowski, Zarys dziejów diecezji płockiej, (Płock, 1976), p.32.
  3. Ioannis Dlugossii Vitae episcoporum Plocensium abbreviatae cum continuatione Laurentii de Wszerecz, wyd. W. Kętrzyński, (w:) Monumenta Poloniae Historica, vol. VI, (Kraków 1893), p.604.
  4. T. Żebrowski, Zarys dziejów diecezji płockiej, (Płock, 1976), p.32.
  5. T. Żebrowski, Zarys dziejów diecezji płockiej, Płock 1976, s. 32 – bez podania roku. Dokument wraz z omówieniem kwestii datacji: Zbiór ogólny przywilejów i spominków mazowieckich, wyd. J.K. Kochanowski, (Warszawa, 1919), p.410-413 (document nr 361).
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