- N.B.: Trade unions may be invariably described as pressure groups; these organisations should be mentioned at the list of trade unions in the United Kingdom article, not here.
There are many pressure groups around the world. This is a list of pressure groups in the United Kingdom. Based on their relationship with United Kingdom policy makers, they can be divided into insider groups, who have high degree of involvement and influence and outsider groups, who have little or no direct involvement or influence.
Cause, promotional or attitude groups aim to change opinions and attitudes.
LGBT+ rights
- Albany Trust
- Educational Action Challenging Homophobia
- Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
- Lesbians Against Pit Closures (defunct)
- Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners (defunct)
- LGBT Foundation
- LGBT Humanists UK
- National Union of Students LGBT+ Campaign
- OneBodyOneFaith
- OutRage! (defunct)
- Stonewall
Political LGBT groups
- LGBT+ Conservatives
- LGBT+ Labour
- LGBT+ Liberal Democrats
- LGBTIQA+ Greens
- Out for Independence (the Scottish National Party's LGBT wing)
- Plaid Pride (Plaid Cymru's LGBT wing)
- Rainbow Greens (the Scottish Greens LGBT wing)
Transgender rights
- Action for Trans Health
- All About Trans
- Labour Campaign for Trans Rights
- Mermaids (charity)
- Press for Change
- The Gender Trust
- Trans Media Watch
- For Women Scotland
- LGB Alliance
- Safe Schools Alliance
- Transgender Trend
- Woman's Place UK
Animal welfare and animal rights
- Beckley Foundation
- CLEAR (Cannabis Law Reform)
- Drug Equality Alliance (DEA)
- NORML UK (Cannabis legislation reform)
- Transform Drug Policy Foundation
- Camp for Climate Action
- Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales
- Campaign to Protect Rural England
- Extinction Rebellion
- Forum for the Future
- Friends of the Earth (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)
- Friends of the Earth Scotland
- Greenpeace
- Insulate Britain
- Just Stop Oil
- Plane Stupid
- Population Matters
- Sandbag
- The Soil Association
- Surfers Against Sewage
- Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
- Waste Watch
- World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF)
Family relationships
- Fathers' rights movement in the UK
- Mothers Apart from Their Children
- National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)
Abortion rights
Human rights
International development
- Amnesty International
- Christian Aid
- Global Justice Now (formerly World Development Movement)
- Oxfam
- People & Planet
- Stop AIDS Campaign
- World Development Movement
- 38 Degrees
- Article 19
- Association of British Commuters
- Campaign Against Arms Trade
- Campaign Against Censorship
- Campaign for Freedom of Information
- Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
- Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom
- Campaign to Bring Back British Rail
- Celtic League
- Charter 88 (merged with the New Politics Network to form Unlock Democracy in 2007)
- Electoral Reform Society
- English Defence League
- Feminists Against Censorship
- The Freedom Association
- Labour Representation Committee
- League for Democracy in Greece (defunct)
- Make Votes Matter
- MigrationWatch UK
- National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts
- People Demand Democracy
- Republic
- Social Liberal Forum
- Society for Individual Freedom
- Stop the War Coalition
- TaxPayers' Alliance
- Voice of the Listener & Viewer
British EU-based pressure groups
- Business for Britain
- Britain in Europe
- Britain Stronger in Europe
- British Influence
- Business for New Europe
- Campaign for an Independent Britain
- Conservatives for Britain
- Democracy Movement
- European Movement
- Grassroots Out (GO)
- Nucleus
- Labour for a Referendum
- Labour In for Britain
- Labour Leave
- Leave Means Leave
- Leave.EU
- Unite to Remain
- Vote Leave
- Conservative Frauds
Public health
Smoking and tobacco use
- Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) – registered charity in the UK, influential in lobbying for and implementing the English smoking ban
- Freedom Organisation for the Right to Enjoy Smoking Tobacco (FOREST)
- JABS (Justice, Awareness and Basic Support) – a vaccine-hesitant group involved in Andrew Wakefield's fraudulent 1998 study alleging a link between the MMR vaccine and autism in children, a claim the group still promotes.
Religious/secular groups
Rural matters
- The Fawcett Society
- The National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (known as "suffragists"; defunct)
- The Women's Social and Political Union (known as "suffragettes"; defunct)
See also
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