Robert Morrison Stults (1861–1933) was an American composer of popular music in the late 19th century and early 20th century. He used aliases such as Norwood Dale and S. M. Roberts for some of his works.[1]

Stults wrote the musical The Cross Patch Fairies.[2] His most popular work, "The Sweetest Story Ever Told",[3] was published in 1892 and was still popular into the 20th century.

According to the Morrison family history,[4] Stults was the son of Jacob Stults and Martha-Jane Morrison. The first of five children, he was born on June 1, 1861, in Hightstown, New Jersey. He was married to Julia Vandermeer.[5]

Prior to 1910, Stults mostly wrote popular music, but later wrote more sacred music and bigger works.[6] Stults wrote three ragtime tunes, "Smoky Sam" (1898), "Walkin' on de Rainbow Road" (1899), and "A Moonlight Meander]" (1900), under the name S. M. Roberts (a play on his name Robert M. Stults). "A Moonlight Meander", was copyrighted by his wife, J. V. Stults, who often copyrighted his music.

At his death on March 24, 1933, Stults was the co-publisher of the Long Branch Daily Record in Long Branch, New Jersey.[7]

This is a list of works that are mostly songs and piano tunes, written prior to 1910:

Title Type Copyright
A Dutch LullabySong1909
A Little Choir Boy's SongSong1894
A Little Dresden Shepherdess-CapricePiano1899
A Message in My DreamSong1906
A Moonlight MeanderPiano1900
Academic MarchPiano1885
American National AnthemsSong1918
America's Golden Rod: National Song & Chorus1890
Among the Hills of MarylandTenor1899
Aristocrat MarchPiano
As the Days Go By1904
Avenge the Good Ship MaineSong1898
Battle Monument WaltzPiano1878
Because I Know Your Heart Is Warm and True
Because You Told Me SoSong1897
Birds in the MeadowPiano1917
Born at Sea and a SailorSong1898
Breathe Those Tender Words AgainSong1895
Bull Frogs' DancePiano1906
Bulls and Bears MarchPiano1901
Cheer Up, SweetheartSong1893
Clover Bloom1905
Dolly DoeSong1898
Drum-Beat MarchPiano1893
For Loves’ Sweet SakeSong1910
He Told Her That He Loved HerSong1896
Hollywood WaltzesPiano1885
Hope on, Sweetheart1901
I Am a Yale GirlSoprano1896
I Know You'll Not Forget Me1899
I Love Her All Day LongTenor1895
I Love Thee SoSong1909
I Love You DearSong1920
I Love You NowSong1896
I Want to See the Old Folks AgainSong1918
I Wonder If You Ever Think of MeSong1901
If Dreams Were Only TrueTenor1902
I'll Always Think of YouSong1900
In the Golden Long AgoSong1897
In the Twilight GlowSong1908
Joan of ArcPiano1895
Just One Little Look of LoveSong1900
King of Clubs1907
Kiss and Say GoodnightTenor1898
Let Me Call You "Dearie"Tenor1910
Listen While I Tell You, DearSong1898
Little Jack Horner CapricePiano1893
Little Song for You1904
Long Wave Old GlorySong1917
Love Me Again1910
Loves Sweet StoryTenor1891
M A C MarchPiano1897
Mona LeeSong1909
Monumental CityPiano1895
My ClementineTenor1890
My Heart Is Yours ForeverSong1896
My Heart's Desire I Find in YouSong1913
My Little Red Rose GoodnightTenor1897
My Little Yaller Coon, Good NightSong1896
My Mothers Favorite HymnSong1892
No Sweeter Words Were Ever SaidSong1897
Nonsense Song: A TravestySong1917
Once in the Bygone DaysSong1906
Only DreamingSong1909
Our Orioles MarchPiano1894
Papa's Lullaby1897
Philadelphia March
Philopena MarchPiano
Pictures in the FireSong1895
Pretty Bright Flowers for TheeTenor1888
Revel of the Brownies
Shine on, Mister MoonSong1910
Sing Me a Song of the Olden TimeSong1912
Sing Me an Old Sweet Song of LoveSong1911
Sing Me Some Quaint Old BalladSong1908
Sing Once Again, Sweet BirdSong1891
Smoky SamPiano1898
Song for My Little Maid
St Valentines MarchPiano1899
Stand by the Flag Patriotic MarchPiano1917
Sweet Dreams to YouSong1912
Sweet MarjorieSong1899
Sweet Red RosesSong1900
Take Me Back to Dear Old DixieSong1910
That Song Divine
The Advance Guard MarchPiano1892
The Ballet of the BirdsPiano1904
The Birds and the BrookPiano1893
The Birds BallPiano1911
The Old First Love Is Best of AllSong1896
The Old Home I Loved Long Years AgoSong1899
The Old Sentinel MarchPiano1885
The Patrician ValsePiano1907
The Song I Heard Last NightSong1893
The Star Spangled Banner Patriotic MarchPiano1898
The Sweetest Little Girl I KnowTenor1894
The Sweetest Story Ever ToldSong1892
The Sweetest Words of AllTenor1922
The Words That Made You MineTenor1900
Under the Stars I Met You LoveTenor1899
Walkin' on de Rainbow RoadPiano1899
Watermelon Dance (Shuffle)Piano1893
Way Down South in DixieSong1903
When I Was a Boy Like YouSong1893
When the Twilight Softly FallsSong1908
White Swan SchottischePiano1900
Won't You Love Me As of OldSong1898
Yes, I Love YouSoprano1893
You, Just YouSong1910

This is a list of works that are sacred in nature or longer works. These were generally written after 1910:

Title Type Copyright
A Pickaninny Lullaby1915
A Song of SpringSong1915
A Song of the SeaChoral1918
A Tale of a DuckSong1920
A TravestySong1920
All for FreedomPiano1918
All Hail the Glorious Morn!1918
Alleluia! Alleluia!1916
Alleluia! He Is RisenAnthem1923
And When the Sabbath Was PastAnthem1914
Andante in GOrgan1932
Angels from the Realms of Glory1919
Angels of Jesus1917
As It Began to DawnAnthem1915
At the Lamb's High Feast We SingAnthem1920
Awake, Thou that SleepestAnthem1922
Belshazzar: Sacred CantataCantata1925
Benedictus es Domine1922
Betty Lou, "The Dream Girl"Operetta1928
Birthday of the KingCantata1929
Bit of NonsensePiano1911
Bless the Lord, O My SoulAnthem1922
Blushing RosesPiano1912
Bound for Home MarchPiano1919
Break Forth into JoyAnthem1917
Bright May MorningSong1923
Brooklet's SongSong1924
Calm on the list'ning ear of NightAnthem1920
Children of the Heavenly KingSong1920
Christ Our Passover1923
Christ TriumphantCantata1923
Christians, Awake, Salute the Happy Morn1915
Come Hither, Ye Faithful1916
Come Holy Spirit, ComeAnthem1922
Come Unto Me, Ye WearyHymn1914
Come Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain1916
Come Ye Thankful People, ComeAnthem1922
Come, Gracious SpiritAnthem1921
Crossing the BarAnthem1922
Crown Him Lord of All1943?
Crown Him with Many CrownsHymn1920
Dance of the FirefliesPiano1913
Dawn of HopeService1911
De Old Plantation1917
Down the Raging BayBurlesque1919
Dream of the PastSong1924
Ebbing and FlowingSong1923
Father of MerciesHymn1922
Fight the Good FightHymn1914
Flow, Lightly FlowSong1923
Folderol: Musical FarceMusical1926
From Death unto Life: EasterCantata1921
Give Peace, O God, Give Peace AgainHymn1918
Glad TidingsCantata1922
Glory Crowns the Victor's BrowAnthem1921
Glory to GodSong1911
Glory to God in the HighestAnthem1915
God of Mercy, God of GraceAnthem1929
God, My King, Thy Might ConfessingAnthem1923
God, That Madest Earth and HeavenAnthem1920
God's WillSong1927
Gone Where the Woodbine TwinethSong1924
Great Is the LordAnthem1921
Hail Glorious DayAnthem1923
Hail to the Lord's AnointedAnthem1914
Hark! Hark! The Notes of Joy1916
Hark! What Mean Those Holy Voices?1915
He Is Risen1916
He Shall Be GreatAnthem1921
Hear My Cry, O GodAnthem1923
Hearts and BlossomsOperetta1925
Heaven's Melodious StrainsAnthem1922
Holy Ghost, with Light DivineAnthem1924
How Sweet the Name of Jesus SoundsDuet1921
I Am the Resurrection and the LifeAnthem1917
I Love Thy Kingdom, LordHymn1914
I Think of TheeSong1908
I Will Praise Thee, O LordAnthem1913
Idyllic Tone PicturesPiano1916
Immortality: Easter cantataCantata1917
In Fields and WoodsPiano1919
In the Cross of Christ I GlorySong1911
In the End of the SabbathAnthem1923
In the Hour of TrialDuet1917
In the Rose GardenSong1911
In the StarlightSong1924
Invocation to SummerDuet1915
Is It for Me?Song1924
Jerusalem the Golden: Quarter for MenSong1917
Jesus, Lover of My SoulHymn1924
Jesus, Merciful and MildSong1912
Jesus, Savior, Hold My HandSong1911
Jesus, Still Lead OnSong1909
Jolly Old Winter1924
Jolly Tars1923
Joy and GladnessDuet1933
Joy of ChristmasCantata1911
Jubilate Deo in E flatAnthem1914
Just As I AmHymn1918
King All Glorious1923
King ImmanuelCantata1925
King of Kings and Lord of AllCantata1923
Lead Thou Me onSong1924
Lead Us, Heavenly FatherSong1918
Lead Us, O FatherSong1916
Lead, Kindly LightHymn1913
Let's Go!Burlesque1924
Light and Life: EasterCantata1942?
Light at Evening TimeAnthem1913
Light of Light that ShinethAnthem1916
Little Girl in a Calico GownSong1922
Little Miss MuffettTravesty1922
Lord God, We Worship Thee!1915
Lord, Forever at Thy SideSong1919
Magnificat (Nunc dimittis) in FChoral1913
Medley of Irish Songs: 3-part womenSong1922
Miss Polly's Patchwork QuiltOperetta
My Evening SongSacred1923
My Soul, Be on Thy GuardHymn1922
Nature SongSong1924
Night Song: ReveriePiano1913
Nonsense SongTravesty1917
Now Upon the First Day of the Week1916
O Holy Babe of BethlehemSong1922
O Holy Child of BethlehemSong1918
O King of SaintsAnthem1922
O Lamb of GodChoral1913
O Lamb of God, Still Keep MeSong1911
O Little Babe of BethlehemAnthem1905
O Little Town of BethlehemAnthem1920
O Lord of Hosts, Almighty KingAnthem1918
O Lord, My Trust Is in Thy MercyAnthem1922
O Praise the Lord, etc.Anthem1914
O Saviour, Previous SaviourHymn1923
O Sing Unto the LordAnthem1922
Of the Father's Love BegottenAnthem1915
Offertoire in AbOrgan1918
Oh, Could I Speak the Matchless WorthHymn1921
Old King ColeSong1923
Open My Eyes, O LordSacred1923
Orchids: CapricePiano1919
Our Day of Praise Is DoneHymn1920
Over the Waves We Softly GlideSong1915
Praise to God, Immortal Praise1923
Praise Ye the Lord1918
Prelude in AbOrgan1919
Processional MarchOrgan1918
Progress and PleasurePiano1919
Redemption's Triumph SongAnthem1929
Rejoice, Ye Pure in HeartHymn1922
Reve D'Amour: for soft stopsOrgan1924
Rock of AgesHymn1914
Saviour Whom I Fain Would Love1917
Saviour, Breathe and Evening BlessingAnthem1921
Send Out the Glad TidingsAnthem1922
Shepherd, with Thy Tenderest LoveAnthem1926
Short Communion Service in F1924
Sing Again That Song to Me1920
Sing with All the Sons of GloryAnthem1923
Sing, My Soul, His wondrous LoveHymn1923
Sing, O Heavens1918
Sleep, Dearie SleepSong1908
Sleep, Little BabeSong1919
Softly Fades the Twilight RayAnthem1922
Softly Now the Light of Day1920
Song of the Mocking BirdSong1922
Song of the SnowflakesSong1922
Spirit Divine, Attend Our Prayers, etc.Anthem1914
Springtime FantasySong1924
Still, Still with TheeSacred1914
Suffer Little ChildrenAnthem1912
Summer SongSong1922
Summer TravestyTravesty1924
Sun of My SoulHymn1921
Sunlight LandSong1908
Te Deum in E flat, etc.Sacred1914
That Glorious Song of OldSong1922
That Sweet Story of OldHymn1920
The Angelic Message1918
The Choir AngelicSacred1907
The Coming of the KingAnthem1914
The Console: VoluntariesOrgan1923
The CrossPatch Fairies, Xmas for kidsMusical1924
The Day is Past and OverHymn1916
The Flapper Is a Good Pal After All1929
The FountainSong1924
The Gift DivineCantata1920
The Herald AngelsCantata1922
The King ComethCantata1916
The Light of the MorningDuet1915
The Living Christ: EasterCantata1923
The Lord Is KingHymn1922
The Lord Is My Strength1916
The Lord Is Risen IndeedAnthem1925
The Lord Reigneth1918
The Morning Light Is BreakingAnthem1922
The Office of the Holy Communion in G1922
The Promised ChildCantata1924
The ResurrectionAnthem1919
The Resurrection SongSong1913
The Risen LordCantata1921
The Song the Angels SangSong1908
The Springtime of My Heart1926
The Story of ChristmasCantata1915
The Story of EasterCantata1916
The Voice TriumphantSong1905
The Watchful ShepherdsAnthem1919
The Woman of EndorCantata1925
The Wondrous Light: ChristmasCantata1917
The Wondrous StorySong1916
The World of To-morrowSong1912
The World's True LightCantata1932
There Were ShepherdsAnthem1913
There's a Longin' in My Heart: Down in Carolina1920
They Shall Not Hunger Nor ThirstAnthem1920
Thinking of TheePiano1919
Thou Art the WaySong1920
Thy Way, Not Mine, O LordHymn1918
Triumphant Sion, Lift Thy HeadAnthem1921
We'll Bring Our Heroes HomeSong1919
What Are These Which Are Arrayed in White Robes!1915
When at Thy Footstool, Lord I BendHymn1922
When Christ Was BornSong1920
Where the Buttercups GrewSong1916
Yellow PansySong1924
You Are the Light of My LifeSong1910

See also


  1. "Declarations of pseudonyms".
  2. "US Catalog of Copyright Entries".
  3. "Music of Yesterday".
  4. Morrison, Leonard Allison (1880). Morrison Family History.
  5. "Gabriel Morrison family history".
  6. "World Catalog".
  7. "Red Bank Register" (PDF).
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