This table is designed to show the role(s) performed by each chemical element, in nature and in technology.

Z = Atomic number     Sym. = Symbol     Per. = Period     Gr. = Group

Z Sym. Element Per. Gr. Role(s) in nature
(non-living and living)
Role(s) in technology
(old and new)
  1HHydrogen 1 1Astronomy: source of power by nuclear fusion (proton–proton chain reaction and CNO cycle)
Biology: One of the most common elements in living organisms
Petrochemical industry: hydrodealkylation, hydrodesulfurization
Various industries: hydrogenation
  2HeHelium 118Astronomy: source of power by nuclear fusion (alpha process and triple-alpha process)
Various industries: cryogenics, pressurization, controlled atmosphere, welding
  3LiLithium 2 1Ceramics and glass: flux, component of ovenware

Electricity and electronics: batteries
Various industries: lubricating greases

  4BeBeryllium 2 2Radiography: radiation windows
Aeronautics and astronautics: lightweight structural components
  5BBoron 213Ceramics and glass: borosilicate glass
Cleaning products: detergents and bleaches
Insecticides: boric acid
Electronics: semiconductors
  6CCarbon 214Biology: One of the most common elements in living organisms
See also: Carbon-based life
Fossil fuels: coal, methane and petroleum
Textile industry: cellulose
Metallurgy: alloys, especially carbon steel
  7NNitrogen 215Bacteria and archaea: nitrogen fixation by diazotrophs
All forms of life on Earth: essential component of amino acids and of nucleic acids
Earth's atmosphere, soil, and life forms: nitrogen cycle
See also: CHON.
Chemical industry: nitrogen fixation by the Haber process
Astronautics: nitric acid and hydrazine
  8OOxygen 216Animals: inhaled in respiration
Plants: exhaled in respiration;
Biology: one of the most common elements in living organisms
Metallurgy: smelting of iron ore into steel
Chemical industry: ethylene + O2 —> ethylene oxide —> ethylene glycol —> many products
Water treatment
  9FFluorine 217Various industries: fluorocarbons and derivatives as refrigerants and as anaesthetics
Aluminium production: cryolite as solvent
 10NeNeon 218Signage: neon signs
Electronics: vacuum tubes
 11NaSodium 3 1See also: Sodium in biology.
 12MgMagnesium 3 2All life forms: essential catalyst for using and making DNA and RNA
Plants: photosynthesis
See also: Magnesium in biology.
Metallurgy: aluminium alloys, production of iron, steel, and titanium
Automotive industry: lightweight components
 13AlAluminium 313
 14SiSilicon 314Earth's crust: silicate minerals
Diatoms, radiolaria, and siliceous sponges: biogenic silica as a structural material
Construction: Portland cement, concrete
Electronics: semiconductors
 15PPhosphorus 315Biology: structure of DNA and RNA
part of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
structure of bones and teeth
Agriculture: fertilizers
 16SSulfur 316Biology: part of the amino acids cysteine and methionine, and of all polypeptides, proteins, and enzymes that contain them
See also: Sulfur assimilation.
Agriculture: fertilizers, fungicides, and pesticides
 17ClChlorine 317
 18ArArgon 318
 19KPotassium 4 1Animals: neuron function, electrolyte balance
See also: Potassium in biology.
Agriculture: fertilizers
 20CaCalcium 4 2Animals: structure of bones and teeth
See also: Calcium in biology.
Construction: cements and mortars
 21ScScandium 4 3
 22TiTitanium 4 4
 23VVanadium 4 5
 24CrChromium 4 6
 25MnManganese 4 7
 26FeIron 4 8
 27CoCobalt 4 9
 28NiNickel 410
 29CuCopper 411See also: Copper in health.
 30ZnZinc 412
 31GaGallium 413
 32GeGermanium 414
 33AsArsenic 415See also: Arsenic biochemistry.
 34SeSelenium 416
 35BrBromine 417
 36KrKrypton 418
 37RbRubidium 5 1
 38SrStrontium 5 2
 39YYttrium 5 3
 40ZrZirconium 5 4
 41NbNiobium 5 5
 42MoMolybdenum 5 6
 43TcTechnetium 5 7
 44RuRuthenium 5 8
 45RhRhodium 5 9
 46PdPalladium 510
 47AgSilver 511
 48CdCadmium 512
 49InIndium 513
 50SnTin 514
 51SbAntimony 515
 52TeTellurium 516
 53IIodine 517See also: Iodine in biology.
 54XeXenon 518
 55CsCaesium 6 1
 56BaBarium 6 2
 57LaLanthanum 6 3
 58CeCerium 6 3
 59PrPraseodymium 6 3
 60NdNeodymium 6 3
 61PmPromethium 6 3
 62SmSamarium 6 3
 63EuEuropium 6 3
 64GdGadolinium 6 3
 65TbTerbium 6 3
 66DyDysprosium 6 3
 67HoHolmium 6 3
 68ErErbium 6 3
 69TmThulium 6 3
 70YbYtterbium 6 3
 71LuLutetium 6 3
 72HfHafnium 6 4
 73TaTantalum 6 5
 74WTungsten 6 6
 75ReRhenium 6 7
 76OsOsmium 6 8
 77IrIridium 6 9
 78PtPlatinum 610
 79AuGold 611
 80HgMercury 612
 81TlThallium 613
 82PbLead 614
 83BiBismuth 615
 84PoPolonium 616
 85AtAstatine 617
 86RnRadon 618
 87FrFrancium 7 1
 88RaRadium 7 2
 89AcActinium 7 3
 90ThThorium 7 3
 91PaProtactinium 7 3
 92UUranium 7 3
 93NpNeptunium 7 3
 94PuPlutonium 7 3
 95AmAmericium 7 3
 96CmCurium 7 3
 97BkBerkelium 7 3
 98CfCalifornium 7 3
 99EsEinsteinium 7 3
100FmFermium 7 3
101MdMendelevium 7 3
102NoNobelium 7 3
103LrLawrencium 7 3
104RfRutherfordium 7 4
105DbDubnium 7 5
106SgSeaborgium 7 6
107BhBohrium 7 7
108HsHassium 7 8
109MtMeitnerium 7 9
110DsDarmstadtium 710
111RgRoentgenium 711
112CnCopernicium 712
113NhNihonium 713
114FlFlerovium 714
115McMoscovium 715
116LvLivermorium 716
117TsTennessine 717
118OgOganesson 718

See also

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