Sacred groves of Biodiversity Park, Visakhapatnam
Sacred groves zone lay out plan
TypeBiodiversity park / educative botanical garden
LocationRani Chandramani Devi Government Hospital, Pedda Waltair, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
Coordinates17°43′45″N 83°20′11″E / 17.7290304°N 83.3364321°E / 17.7290304; 83.3364321
StatusOpen all year

The sacred groves is a zone of Biodiversity Park, Visakhapatnam located in the premises of Rani Chandramani Devi Government Hospital. It has more than 100 sacred plant species, which are medicinal herbs with religious importance.[1] Many sacred plants are becoming rare and endangered. Hence they are to be reared, protected, and conserved.[2] The zone was inaugurated on February 5, 2017, by Kambhampati Hari Babu, a member of parliament from Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.[3]

Sacred plant species of the park in general

More than 300 tree species mentioned in holy books (Bhagvad Gita, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bible, Quran, Tripitaka, Zend-Avesta, Guru Granth Sahib) related to different religions (Hinduism,[4] Christianity,[5] Islam,[6] Jainism,[7] Buddhism,[8] and Sikhism)[9] are reared in different zones of the Biodiversity Park.[10] Many tree species are commonly seen in more than one religion. For example, fig (Ficus carica) is almost common to all religions. Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera), olive (Olea europaea), pomegranate (Punica granatum), cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) are common to Christians and Muslims.[11][12] Neem (Azadirachta indica), sacred fig or peepal or bodhi (Ficus religiosa), sal (Shorea robusta), sandal wood (Santalum album), bilva (Aegle marmelos) are common to Hindus, Buddhists and Jains.[13] Banyan (Ficus bengalensis) and sacred fig (Ficus religiosa) are common to Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainsism, Judaism and Christianity. The maidenhair tree (Ginkgo biloba) is viewed as a sacred tree in all religions of China, Korea and Japan.[14][15]

Some of the notable sacred plant species of the park are: maidenhair tree (Ginkgo biloba), Christmas tree (Araucaria excelsa), peepal/sacred fig/aswaddha (Ficus religiosa), banyan/marri/vata (Ficus benghalensis), ashoka tree (Saraca asoca), date palm (Phoenix dactylifera), Indian cedar / devadar (Cedrus deodara), cypress (Cupressus sempervirens), olive (Olea europaea), neem (Azadirachta indica), mango (Mangifera indica), kadamba (Anthocephalus cadamba), sandal wood (Santalum album), sami or jammi (Prosopis cineraria), bel, bilva or maredu (Aegle marmelos), moduga/flame of the forest (Butea monosperma), holy cross / calabash tree (Crescentia cujete), Indian lotus or padmam (Nelumbo nucifera), basilicum / tulasi (Ocimum sanctum), and rudraksha (Elaeocarpus ganitrus).[16][17][18]

Sacred plant categories of the Sacred Grove Zone

The Sacred Groves Zone of the Biodiversity Park contains more than 100 plants under five categories namely Ganesha vana, Nakshatra vana, Raasi vana, Saptarishi vana and Navagraha vana. The pictures are shown in the gallery. Some plants or trees are common to more than one vana or garden. For example, raavi / peepal / sacred fig (Ficus religiosa) is common to Ganesha vana, Raasi vana, Saptarishi vana and Nakshtra vana. Similarly sandra / chandra / kachu (Acacia catechu) is common to Nakshatra vana, Navagraha vana and Raasi vana. Samee / jemmi (Prosopis cineraria) / (Prosopis spicigera) is common to Ganesha vana, Nakshatra vana, Navagraha vana and Raasi vana. Bilva / maredu / bael (Aegle marmelos) is common to Ganesha vana, Nakshatra vana and Saptarishi vana.

Ganesha vana – Ganesha garden with 21 plants

This consists of 21 leaves (Aeakavimshathi patraha) of 21 plant species connected with the worship of Lord Ganesha.[19]

This might also be the same as the Siddhivinayak Mandala Vaatika, where the garden is designed as per sacred geometry dedicated to SiddhiVinayak, another name for Lord Ganesha.

A Mandala Vaatika, simply put, is a garden that is structured like a Mandala (i.e. in a circular geometric designs). However, in Vedic times, these gardens were created as per very specific mathematical calculations, patterns and measurements. Each deity and planet has their own unique Mandala geometry. These gardens were treated as sacred groves where one could meditate and experience the vibrations of these deities.

So, in ancient India one could meditate in a Rudra Mandala Vaatika, a Durga Mandala Vaatika, a Murugan Mandala Vaatika, a Varamahalakshmi Mandala Vaatika or even a Saptarishi Mandala Vaatika dedicated to the 7 most revered sages.

S.noSanskrit name of the leafCommon name of the treeBotanical nameFamily
1Machee patrahaMasapatriArtemisia vulgarisAsteraceae
2Brihatee patrahaa. nela munaga / mulla vankayi b. vakudua. Solanum surattense / Solanum xanthocarpum b. Carissa carandasa. Solanaceae b. Apocynaceae
3Bilva patrahaBilva / maredu / baelAegle marmelosRutaceae
4Doorvaru yugmahaGarikaCynodon dactylonPoaceae
5Datura patrahaDatura / ummettaDatura metelSolanaceae
6Badari patrahaa. regu / Indian jujube b. Chinese jujubea. Ziziphus mauritiana b. Ziziphus jujubaRhamnaceae
7Apamarga patrahUttareniAchyranthes asperaAmaranthaceae
8Tulasi patrahaTulasi / sacred basilOcimum sanctum / Ocimum tenuiflorumLamiaceae
9Choota patrahaMamidi / mangoMangifera indicaAnacardiaceae
10Karaveera patrahaa. yerra ganneru / oleander b. pachha ganneru / yellow oleandera. Nerium indicum b. Thevetia peruvianaa. Apocynaceae b. Apocynaceae
11Vishnukranta patrahaVishnukrantaEvolvulus alsinoidesConvolvulaceae
12Dadimee patrahaPomegranate / danimmaPunica granatumPunicaceae
13Devadaru patrahaa. devadaru b. pine c. local devadaru / pagadamu chettu / red cedara. Cedrus deodara b. Pinus roxburghii c. Erythroxylum monogynuma. Pinaceae b. Pinaceae c. Linaceae
14Maruvaka patrahaMaruvamuOriganum vulgareLamiaceae
15Sindhuvara patrahaVaviliVitex negundoVerbenaceae
16Jajee patrahaJaji / sanna jajiJasminum grandiflorumOleaceae
17Gandaki patrahaa. sita phalam b. devakanchanamua. Annona squamosa b. Bauhinia acuminataa. Annonaceae b. Fabaceae
18Samee patrahaSamee / jemmiProsopis cineraria / Prosopis spicigeraFabaceae
19Aswaddha patrahaRaavi / peepal / sacred figFicus religiosaMoraceae
20Arjuna patrahaArjuna / tella maddiTerminalia arjunaCombretaceae
21Arca patrahaTella jilledu / swetarcaCalotropis procera / Calotropis giganteaAsclepiadaceae / Apocynaceae

Nakshatra vana - garden with plants for 27 stars

The nakshatra vana comprises plant species connected with the 27 stars or star constellations of Indian astrology.[20][21][22]

S.noName of the nakshatra / starCommon name of the treeBotanical nameFamily
1Ashwinia. mushidi / vishamusthi b. jeedimamidi / cashewnuta. Strychnos nux-vomica b. Anacardium occidentalea. Loganiaceae b. Anacardiaceae
2BharaniKonda vusiri / amla / Indian gooseberryPhyllanthus emblicaEuphorbiaceae
3KrittikaAthi / medi / udumbaraFicus glomerata / Ficus racemosaMoraceae
4RohiniNeredu / jamunEugenia jambolana / Syzygium cuminiiMyrtaceae
5MrigashiraKachu / sandra / chandra/ khairAcacia catechuMimosaceae
6AarudraTumiki chettu / beedi aakuDiospyros melanoxylonEbenaceae
7PunarvasuGolden bamboo / painted bambooBambusa vulgaris 'Vittata'Poaceae
8PushyamiRaavi / aswaddha / pipal / sacred figFicus religiosaPoaceae
9AashleshaPonna / laurel woodCalophyllum inophyllumClusiaceae
10MaghaMarri / vata / banyan tree / Indian figFicus benghalensisMoraceae
11PubbaModuga / flame of the forestButea monospermaFabaceae
12Uttaraa. karaveera / ganneru b. juvvia. Nerium indicum b. Ficus virensa. Apocynaceae b. Moraceae
13Hastaa. tella tumma b. adavi mamidi / hog plum c. jaji / sanna jajia. Acacia leucophloea b. Spondias pinnata c. Jasminum grandifloruma. Mimosaceae b. Anacardiaceae c. Oleaceae
14Chitra / ChittaMaredu / beal / bilwa /Aegle marmelosRutaceae
15SwathiTella maddi / arjunTerminalia arjunaCombretaceae
16Visakhaa. velaga / stone apple / wood apple b. naga keshar / cobra saffrona. Feronia elephantum / Limonia acidissima b. Mesua ferreaa. Rutaceae b. Caryophyllaceae
17Anuradhaa. bogada b. naagkeshar / cobra saffrona. Mimusops elengi b. Mesua ferreaa. Sapotaceae b. Caryophyllaceae
18Jyeshthaa. devadaru b. pine c. barnika d. local devadaru / pagadamu chettu / red cedara. Cedrus deodara b. Pinus roxburghii c. Streblus asper d. Erythroxylum monogynuma. Pinaceae b. Pinaceae c. Moraceae d. Linaceae
19Moolaa. dhoop / sambrani b. sal / guggilam c. anjan / aepia. Boswellia serrata b. Shorea talura / Shorea roxburghii c. Hardwickia binataa. Burseraceae b. Dipterocarpaceae c. Fabaceae
20Purvashadaa. jammi / samee b. ashokaa. Prosopis cineraria / Prosopis spicigera b. Saraca asocaa. Fabaceae b. Fabaceae
21UttarashadaJack fruit / panasaArtocarpus heterophyllusMoraceae
22SravanamSwetarka / tella jilleduCalotropis procera / Calotropis giganteaAsclepiadaceae / Apocynaceae
23Dhanishtaa. munaga / drumstick b. anasandraa. Moringa oleifera b. Acacia ferrugineaa. Moringaceae b. Fabaceae
24SatabishaKadambamAnthocephalus cadamba / Neolamarckia cadambaRubiaceae
25Purvabhadraa. neem / vepa / margosa b. nalla maddia. Azadirachta indica b. Terminalia elliptica / Terminalia tomentosaa. Meliaceae b. Combretaceae
26Uttarabhadraa. neem / vepa / margosa b. mango / mamidia. Azadirachta indica b. Mangifera indicaa. Meliaceae b. Anacardiaceae
27RevathiIppa / mohua / butter treeMadhuca longifolia / Madhuca indicaSapotaceae

Raasi vana - garden with plants for 12 zodiac signs

This comprises plant species connected with the 12 signs in the zodiac system.[23]

S.noName of the raasi / zodiac signCommon name of the treeBotanical nameFamily
1Mesha / AriesRed sandars / rakta chandanam / erra chandanamPterocarpus santalinusFabaceae
2Vrishabha / TaurusAedakulapala / saptaparniAlstonia scholarisApocynaceae
3Midhuna / Geminia. jack fruit / panasa b. ankudua. Artocarpus heterophyllus b. Wrightia tinctoriaa. Moraceae b. Apocynaceae
4Karkataka / CancerModuga / flame of the forestButea monospermaFabaceae
5Simha / Leoa. padaari / b. Chinese jujube c. regu / Indian jujubea. Stereospermum colais / Stereospermum tetragonum b. Ziziphus jujuba c. Ziziphus mauritianaa. Bignoniaceae b. Rhamnaceae c. Rhamnaceae
6Kanya / VirgoMango / mamidiMangifera indicaAnacardiaceae
7Tula / LibraBakul / bogadaMimusops elengiSapotaceae
8Vrishchika / ScorpionSandra / chandra / kachuAcacia catechuMimosaceae
9Dhanus / SagittariusRaavi / aswaddha / peepalFicus religiosaMoraceae
10Makara / CapricornSissoo / north Indian rose woodDalbergia sissooFabaceae
11Kumbha / AquariusJammi / sameeProsopis cineraria / Prosopis spicigeraMimosaceae
12Meena / PiscesMarri / vata / banyan tree / Indian figFicus benghalensisMoraceae

Saptarishi vana - garden of plants for seven great Indian sages

This comprises plant species connected with seven great Indian sages or rishis.[24]

S.noName of the rishi / sageCommon name of the treeBotanical nameFamily
1Vasisthaa. anasandra b. tulasia. Acacia ferruginea b. Ocimum sanctum / Ocimum tenuifloruma. Mimosaceae b. Lamiaceae
2Athria. avisi b. kaluvaa. Sesbania grandiflora b. Nymphaea nouchalia. Fabaceae b. Nymphaeaceae
3Gouthamaa. ummetta b. sanna jaji / star jasminea. Datura metel b. Jasminum pubescens / Jasminum multifloruma. Solanaceae b. Oleaceae
4KashyapaTulasiOcimum sanctum / Ocimum tenuiflorumLamiaceae
5Bharadwajaa. uttareni b. poka chekka / betel nuta. Achyranthes aspera b. Areca catechua. Amaranthaceae b. Arecaceae
6Jamadagnia. garika b. wild jasmine/adavi mallia. Cynodon dactylon b. Jasminum angustifoliuma. Poaceae b. Oleaceae
7Vishwamithraa. maredu / bilva b. sugandhipala / nannaria. Aegle marmelos b. Hemidesmus indicusa. Rutaceae b. Apocynaceae

This comprises nine plant species connected with nine planets or celestial bodies.[25]

S.noName of the graha / planetCommon name of the treeBotanical nameFamily
1Budha / MercuryUttareniAchyranthes asperaAmaranthaceae
2Sukra / VenusAthi / medi / udumbaraFicus glomerata / Ficus racemosaMoraceae
3Chandra / MoonModuga / flame of the forestButea monospermaFabaceae
4Guru / JupiterRaavi / aswaddha / pipal / sacred figFicus religiosaPoaceae
5Kuja / Mars / MangalaKachu / sandra / chandra/ khairAcacia catechuMimosaceae
6Surya / SunSwetarka / tella jilleduCalotropis procera / Calotropis giganteaAsclepiadaceae / Apocynaceae
7Kethu / South Lunar NodeDharba gaddiImperata cylindricaPoaceae
8Sani / SaturnJammi / sameeProsopis cineraria / Prosopis spicigeraFabaceae
9Rahu / North Lunar NodeGarikaCynodon dactylonPoaceae

Some notable sacred plant species:

See also


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